Thursday, March 25, 2010

C0000005 Error In Tally

Broken Clouds (di Scott Stevens - Traduzione di Corrado Penna)

Scott Stevens is one of the few forecasters who has not bowed to blackmail or pressure from the power system, and continued to denounce the climate change. In this and other articles, based on his experience as an observer of the sky complaint (with ironic do) as there is nothing more of the natural process of cloud formation and in the shapes they take in the sky.

Here is an article by Scott Stevens weatherwars taken from his site ("weather warfare"), click
here 's article originally published in English.

broken Clouds - November 8, 2007

Today, a quick look at the bottom a nearby cloud cover shows us many cases of the appearance of cumulus clouds that are simply broken. The amount of similar evidence found in these formations is simply amazing, once a person knows what to look for. This is why I am creating these pages, so that anyone can know that this grid climate [literally weather grid, or grid for roasting "grid" for the weather "weather", more specifically, perhaps we could put into this case grid for the clouds] is always active.

June 10, 2004, 12:28 pm, Mountain

Una semplice nuvola a forma di cumulo schiacciato ... divisa in due. Nessuna ragione conosciuta per un fenomeno simile!

20 Agosto 2004 , 11:16am , Montagna 1716Z

La suddivisione qui è un po' più complicata, dal momento che la maggior parte sono a forma di “T” o di “L” invertita all’orlo occidentale [at the western edge]. Sotto un po’ più lontano si vede un’altra nuvola cui sta per essere separata la coda. Da notare il “morso” quadrato sul lato destro ed un altro chiaro lembo quadrato mancante nell’angolo a sinistra in alto. Non avrei mai pensato di trovare tanti dettagli in una nuvola, e voi?

5 Ottobre 2004 , 11:56 am , 1756Z

Guardate i buchi che si trovano infilati dentro questa nuvola. La nuvola è sagomata in maniera troppo netta per un giorno con venti molto leggeri a 7.000 piedi. Ancora una volta una bella squadratura (quadrato) alla fine con numerosi altri segni scalari; vedere queste cose nel mondo reale diventa facile una volta acquisita l’esperienza che deriva dalla costante osservazione, che permette a questi dettagli di rivelarsi ai vostri occhi.

21 Agosto 2004 , 1:56pm , 1956Z

Le tre piccole nuvole! Queste matureranno crescendo per assumere degli angoli arrotondati … ma fino ad allora resteranno squadrati. [che ironia SCOTT!]

Spezzata con angoli precisi [squadrati], o è stata costruita con angoli precisi.

10 Giugno 2004 , 12:28pm , Montagna

Questo giorno è iniziato con un cielo pulito come capita nella maggior parte dei casi in montagna d’estate. Poi la griglia ha iniziato a costruire nuvole … all’inizio sottili trame quadrate di umidità mentre le aree caricate positivamente attraggono più molecole d’acqua; quando il processo continua le nuvole crescono diventano più grandi ma conservano le loro radici squadrate. Vedete le complicate strutture a griglia composte dalle tre nuvole separate da angoli dritti?

Delicate trame all’inizio, che poi crescono diventando qualcosa di più corposo. Nemmeno a queste piccole formazioni è permesso più di svilupparsi naturalmente. L’intero sistema è manipolato, dalla soppressione delle nuvole durante la siccità e le heat waves to hurricanes and tornadoes to the development of . There is nothing more natural. The sad thing is that there are multiple control areas for comparison on the development of clouds and the behavior of storms. If you can not compare what is to what should be, no longer has a reason.

The clouds are not formed even at the same high level of condensation [LCL, lifted condensation level]. The bottom three of these clouds on a line should be almost identical, a flat line. Do not you see that jagged in this photo. Once again we have an indication that these clouds are not the event of a natural process.

November 1, 2004, 11:40, Mountain, 1740Z

Another cloud broken into two parts whose bases are flat, but on two separate levels enormously.

Large or small, all cut the same angle and with bases not able to support their size.

October 3, 2004, 6:00 pm, the 4th 0Z

Incredible is not it? Incredible that happens, it can happen and that so few people will notice!

October 27, 2004 - 11:27 am Break 1727Z

[cloud] happens all the time ... I find it interesting that the above training is not broken at all, then both the clouds are truncated at the right end. The vertical thickness of each layer must be programmed as needed. Surely it is fantastic!

Translated by Corrado Penna

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Free Costume Masterbation

L'evoluzione delle attività clandestine di aerosol

Sanremo , once a small town on the Riviera di Ponente, destination for health tourism, recommended by doctors for clean air and the soothing sun, has become, since 2005, a foul, ghastly, depressing area of \u200b\u200bexperimentation for the consumption of the military.

An engineer Civil Aviation Authority, which wants to remain nell'anominato informed us that this area is not subject to controls, neither the French nor the Italian air traffic controllers and for this reason it was chosen as a useful polygon trials chemical and biological, in a number of projects in which civilians are involved (including government) and military.

The chemtrails made their first appearance on the skies Sanremo in 2005. The method of dispersion was the classic one (persistent contrails by day and night) and remained so until about a year ago, but, following the spread of information about what was happening in a completely illegal and detrimental to the integrity of biomes and health of citizens, the poisoners have changed strategy, concentrating most of the operations during the night. The use of Chemtrails is of a continuous nature, it seems essential, as is the trimetilalluminio between the elements of which requires more widespread. For this reason, having to cover up the day with aerosol sprays ephemeral and therefore lower rates of trimetilalluminio, the engineers in charge all'oragnizzazione chemical-biological activity in the atmosphere, have decided to use non-persistent contrails during the day, easily camouflaged in white chemical haze, the result of heavy spraying at night.

If before, then, the clandestine activities of aerosols, as evident, were almost completely invisible to the sleeping inhabitants of San Remo, now the municipal authorities can even arrange conference on "wonderful microclimate of the City of Flowers", the apparent absence of strong chemtrails in our skies. E 'Presumably this change in strategy, almost unique in the panorama of "Chemtrails" is the result of secret agreements between government, military and executive order to curb the dramatic groped hemorrhage of tourists in the town of Liguria, through this foolish compromise. With this agreement, the new mayor, Maurizio Zoccarato, instead of asking with the disruptive effect of geoengineering on Sanremo, is satisfied, patronage of the feudal lord of western Liguria, the Minister of underdevelopment, Claudio Scajola, to operate in a covert military , enough to be able to continue to deceive the citizens cowardly, lost behind the bike paths, populated by sewer rats by half a meter, and parking hard to find.