Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jenna Haze Got Dick? T-shirt


Just a note to do some 'of the situation.
are in the middle of the 7th week of preparation that will culminate with the world on the next 100 km in Belgium in June and the condition slowly, is returning to discrete levels.
I managed to do all that I had imposed, making only a couple of changes to the original plan due to adverse weather conditions.
The thing that encourages me is that, until now, I have suffered injuries and have never suffered that much to finish his training although he has also performed particularly challenging.
I was also very consistent in training in the gym with weights and stretching, initially, to conduct sessions of muscle tends to be more unwieldy "resulting in increased fatigue and slowing the pace.
All in all, this feeling of "heaviness" I felt the pace but were still "sufficient" in proporzione al momento della preparazione in cui mi trovo.
Spero che, una volta terminato il lavoro con i pesi (verso metà marzo) e trasformata la forza incamerata, i ritmi possano essere anche superiori a quelli dell'anno scorso.....almeno io me lo auguro!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Mount Blade Radiant Cross Unit


Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno scritto un commento al mio ultimo post.
Sul blog di Andrea Rigo , la questione si è sviluppata ulteriormente.
Andrea ha scritto direttamente al sig. Menarini (direttore di Correre), il quale ha risposto in modo, come dire, "ridicolo".
Sono curioso di vedere se dopo i nostri interventi (mio e di Andrea) e di tutti coloro che leggono i nostri blog, good and good Menarini Pizzolato, will have the wisdom to respond in a precise, careful, but most of all "serious and responsible" to our own, just think, no complaints.
Some will say: "Not them read your blog, not even know you."
worry .... will read them! I have no doubt!
certainly do not know us or know us a little, but someone a bit 'more enterprising of our readers or that is in some way involved in our business and is in contact with them, this will make him of what you are writing .
The two directors could have two reactions:
- They ignore it and let it deflates.
- They give a lot of space in the magazine because it directly loro, quando c'è polemica, ci sguazzano e pensano che tiri molto di più di un resoconto di un campionato del mondo.
Vediamo un po' che succede!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Vray The Complete Guide


Parto da un presupposto: io, la rivista "Correre", non la compro più da un pezzo!
Ovvero da quando, nel 2006, dopo i mondiali sui 100 km in Korea, appena cambiata la direzione di quel giornale (da Marchei a Pizzolato/Menarini), non si diede il benchè minimo spazio alla medaglia d'argento conquistata da Monica Carlin nella gara femminile e alla medaglia d'oro per team ottenuta dalla squadra femmile.
Due risultati storici per l'ultramaratona italiana che, i nuovi direttori avevano consapevolmente not highlighted. Menarini
I found an expo of a marathon and, to my requests for an explanation of this "oversight" he replied that he, together with his collaborators (Pizzolato and company), had opted for a new editorial line, which would give greater emphasis to people rather than events or results.
I was not very convinced of his response and made the decision to not buy more than one magazine.
What I did until this summer when a journalist Running (Leonardo Soresi) wrote to me asking for an opinion on the waiver (later retracted) by Giorgio Calcaterra the World Cup in Tarquinia. I had met
Soresi in Luco dei Marsi (during the gathering of the country) and made me good impression, so I readily accepted and I was told that my idea about it! Thoughts that were then reported in the October issue of "Race" is fully functional.
"Even an entire page for this being done!" I thought! "Maybe it's the right time to give us more space."
bought the October issue and even that of November where it was reported that Calcaterra ran the world: "Well! Keep talking to us ...".
The month of December it jumped at the foot of, a friend gave me browse and saw that there was almost nothing interesting.
I had even forgotten that, in the January issue, there was an article on the world Tarquinia.
as he had gone to that world, personally, I did not have much interest in reading it.
Then another friend sent me a text message saying: "Did you see what a beautiful gift made you run?"
Intrigued, I went and I bought on sale.
There was a nice picture of the latest edition of Strasimeno where I was present along with D'Innocenti, Caroni and another runner who does not know who was competing in a shorter distance.
"Nice picture!, Inserted in an article that talks about the glycogen stores but always a pretty picture."
Since I was, I kept flipping through the magazine and finally I found the article on the world of 100 km Tarquinia.
Well! Found the page I threw the magazine against a wall: "Let them go to hell!" (Actually I said another word ....)
an article that defined simply disgraceful!
Half page, four lines on the cross and the ranking for nations altogether wrong.
Not a hint to the chronicle of the race, not an interview with Calcaterra (who won "only" 4 gold medals).
reported that Calcaterra has not won the European title, Monica Carlin, as well as world bronze medal she won the European silver, the men's team, thanks to my teammates, won two gold medals , World and European, that the women's team took the silver in Europe.
But what the hell to do the Italian ultramarathon for more space in what pretends to be the magazine's most important sector in Italy?
the fact that he was abandoning his national Calcaterra have many more rows and more space than his victory in the World: ABSURD!
On the other hand have 4 pages to a gentleman (admirable charity!) Running as there are thousands in Italy, which has the "honor" of being the president of a football team I do not know which category (the historical society Spal ..... but not sure it was Moratti, Berlusconi or Della Valle).
I'm not saying that this gentleman should not have space, but as he finds him, he must find the stesso modo, anche un campionato del mondo sui 100km, corso in Italia e stradominato dagli italiani.
Volevo persino scrivere a Correre poi ho cambiato idea; ho il mio blog e se mi va di dire qualcosa lo dico qui!
Tanto poi, non avrebbero mai ammesso che il loro è un grave errore! Avrebbero detto che, secondo loro, è giusto così per i più disparati motivi che io non capirò mai!
Vabbè! Intanto i miei 5 euro li han persi per sempre!