Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jenna Haze Got Dick? T-shirt


Just a note to do some 'of the situation.
are in the middle of the 7th week of preparation that will culminate with the world on the next 100 km in Belgium in June and the condition slowly, is returning to discrete levels.
I managed to do all that I had imposed, making only a couple of changes to the original plan due to adverse weather conditions.
The thing that encourages me is that, until now, I have suffered injuries and have never suffered that much to finish his training although he has also performed particularly challenging.
I was also very consistent in training in the gym with weights and stretching, initially, to conduct sessions of muscle tends to be more unwieldy "resulting in increased fatigue and slowing the pace.
All in all, this feeling of "heaviness" I felt the pace but were still "sufficient" in proporzione al momento della preparazione in cui mi trovo.
Spero che, una volta terminato il lavoro con i pesi (verso metà marzo) e trasformata la forza incamerata, i ritmi possano essere anche superiori a quelli dell'anno scorso.....almeno io me lo auguro!


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