Saturday, February 7, 2009

Where To Buy Remington Mcs


I had promised myself to spend weeks in a couple of hours at my blog, but these two hours I can hardly find them.
probably would not have written anything today if I had not even found in my last post, a comment totally unexpected ..... to Orlando Pizzolato.
Well! What can I say? I just did a great pleasure!
I already wrote that in the technical workshop organized by the Jute, last weekend, I got to talk to me and seemed very positive towards our environment and the activity of ultramaratoneti us.
Even his mere presence had an important meaning, but it was above all the commitment he has promised to continue for the foreseeable future, which gave me great confidence.
I know that will not be easy to find spaces for our discipline.
Moreover, very few know that there are races that go beyond the marathon.
When acquaintances ask me what races I run and start to talk about 100 km, I stare and ask me: "But then you run a bike?", "No walking!", "But you're all crazy! " I respond.
It 's why I have made a bit' Running outlet.
If they do not help to raise awareness of our sport, then there is hope.
And the world of Tarquinia was a good opportunity to talk about us and dell'ultramaratona.
I am sure that with the commitment that Orlando Pizzolato has promised to continue to give us some 'more space and visibility, you can still grow, both as practitioners and as quality of results.
then publicly thank Orlando Pizzolato for his words and his speech last Sunday, but especially for what they will do for the ultramarathon.
Of course I thank all those who commented on my post.
Slowly (very slowly ....) I'm taking a run at a decent pace to be competitive again in the marathon on .....
It will take some more 'weeks of challenging workouts, but for June, when the next world there will be about 100 km in Belgium, I'm sure you can make a good impression ..... maybe with a reporter of "Running" following our trip.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Device Instance Id Dev_3106


are almost 20 days that I do not write anything!
I'd have a lot of things to talk about: the progress of my training in seminar organized by the last Sunday in Schio Jute, Orlando Pizzolato of the response to the criticisms in person by me in writing this blog about how "Race" has treated the latest edition of the world championships on the 100 km Tarquinia, to having personally known and Gelindo Bordin Francesco Panetta at a conference organized by my group podisitco ...... well, there would be a lot irons in the fire.
Apart from the chronic lack of time, hours in the gym came the "Gennarini" (those who want to lose 20 kg in three months of weight for the summer and do a physical for the Rosolino ...), I once wanted to metabolize well in my head everything that happened in these almost three weeks before putting it "on paper".
metabolized well .... And I think! I though it would take several hours to write it all between 10 and unfortunately 'I have to go back to work.
this week I intend to devote a couple of hours at my personal blog to update this "historical memory" of my sporting life and not.
advance only that, despite an injury that I suffered for my "enough and negligence" and blocked me for a few days (now I have not taken ..... I'm still fine but I started again), I am very calm and peaceful which in the past in the same situation would not have happened, putting in a state of nervousness even more harmful.
One last thing: Someone said Pizzolato, interviewed on the story of the world would give me the answers "positive."
That somebody was right! Pizzolato Schio was present at the technical workshop and was very friendly, polite and attentive to our requests, has also pledged to do everything possible to recognize the Ultra-right space.
Let's hope so and move forward with confidence.