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Chemtrail connection (articolo di Carolyn Williams Palit)

Pubblichiamo uno studio della ricercatrice indipendente Carolyn Williams Palit nell’accurata traduzione del gentilissimo Corrado Penna . Si tratta di un articolo piuttosto complesso, but the contents of which, no doubt disruptive, will be better understood after reading the draft RFMP , The microwave weapon against the biosphere and The Air Force wants to LOV

Congressman [U.S., ndt] Dennis Kucinich mentioned the chemtrails as a weapon in its exotic bill, The Space Preservation Act of 2001 [Law for the preservation of the area, ndt], HR 2977 presented at the 107th U.S. Congress. Read it, because it offers an excellent overview of each type of arma esotica presente nel nostro [statunitense, n.d.t.] arsenale. A quanto sembra, ci sono molte tecnologie correlate che servono per lo spionaggio, le comunicazioni, la guerra oltre alla tecnologia spaziale, che usano il rilascio nell’atmosfera e nello spazio di carbone, prodotti chimici, cationi metallici, alluminio e bario.

Scie chimiche e riscaldatori ionosferici sono tecnologie collegate fra loro e direttamente connesse alla costruzione di armi spaziali ed atmosferiche, insieme con la costruzione di antenne disseminate [sul territorio] per la sorveglianza illegale ed i programmi psicotronici. Il brevetto qui di seguito esposto è per un’antenna al plasma priva di struttura, ma che viene denominata lente in the name of [the patent]. Why is called a lens, whether it is an antenna? It's just an antenna? Click on the link, read the patent carefully and you will realize that the ionization of the atmosphere can create something like a plasma channel. These plasma channels can be used as a power line leading to a target. Moreover, electromagnetic radiation such as microwaves, radio waves or radio waves ELF [Extremely Low Frequency, waves at very low frequencies, ndt] can be sent along these canals plasma

Air Force Patent No. 5,900,986
Scholfield May 4, 1999

"lens focal column


invention The present invention was developed in the field of optical lenses and, in particular, the lenses that produce a flame-shaped column with the column axis perpendicular to the main focus of the lens.

2. Description of the technology previously developed

The concept of using plasma generated by laser guided electric discharges in the atmosphere as an antenna conductive element was introduced by Wallis (patent U.S. No. 3,404,403) in 1968. In 1970, Vaill was able to produce an electric shock driven by laser (JR Vaill, DA Tidman, TD Wilkerson, DW Koopman, "Propagation of High-voltage Streamers Along Laser-induced Ionization Trails," Applied Physics. Letters, Vol 17, No . 1, pp. 20-22, May. 1, 1970) [propagation of high voltage power along with laser-induced ionization trails, ndt]. The main objective was to develop an antenna without physical structure, but with a large effective area. While the basic work, both theoretical and experimental laser for the antennas was successfully achieved, was not achieved or the goal of producing an ionized column use of atmosphere as an antenna or to guide electrical discharges. The main difficulty in the production of plasma antenna is that the initially created plasma tends to block the radiation necessary to keep in shape requested column. Various strategies have been employed to overcome this difficulty. For example, Dwyer used a laser to ionize a column of atmosphere slightly, and then downloaded a Marx generator [generator that produces a voltage of about 100,000 volts, ndt] through the column weakly ionized to allow a sufficiently high concentration of free electrons (TJ Dwyer et al, "On the Feasibility of Using an Atmospheric Discharge Plasma as an RF Antenna, "IEEE Trans. On Antennas and Propagation, Vol APPLICATION-32, No. 2, pp. 141-146, February 1984).

The present invention is a lens that produces a fire-shaped column with the column axis perpendicular to the main focus of the lens. The lens refracts an incident wavefront with a focal length that depends on the radial distance from the axis of the lens. These fires produce a focal column . The radius of curvature of the primary surface of the lens depends on the focal length range for the column. so focused radiation can be used to generate surfaces of free electrons in the atmosphere serving as an antenna, for operation by electromagnetic transmission line, to cause electric shock or measures of electronic counting. [...]

The design of the lens of this invention allows the incident radiation to travel through any type of existing plasma and thus to limit the blocks that occurred in the technologies previously developed.

If information about this antenna / lens atmospheric are publicly available, what other similar technologies are used by the Air Force that are classified?

VRTPE program developed by the University of Texas at Austin uses trails barium dispersed into the atmosphere. This is called baric run and allows the military to see the earth in a 3D representation as a form of surveillance for the three-dimensional view of the whole territory. The barium allows them to see inside our homes as well as the ingestion of a drink a barium x-rays to photograph allows our digestive system? Perhaps this weapon is used on our communities under the pretext of "war on drugs" and the "war on terror"? The Ministry of "defense" has been involved in the drug war for many years. I wonder to what extent has increased its involvement in the internal affairs under the new War on Terrorism?

Screens ionospheric particles (so-called Space Wars anti-missile shields) are created dall'irrorazione particulate air (chemtrails) which is then "pumped up" electromagnetic field stations (see the Eastlund patents). This creates what are called screens ionospheric particles (large plasma structures shaped bell-shaped). These structures shielding the natural terrestrial electromagnetic fields. Some patents related to this technology refer to cyclotrons or gyrotron as broadcasters.

Working in an unfocused way, the gyrotron create oscillating magnetic fields that are hurting mentally and physically, and disturbing people, animals and the environment. These fields created by gyrotron can be extended up to 200-500 miles in diameter, and the gyrotron system (Radar Flash Archives, is a huge network covering the whole nation [the United States, NdT].

It can be used for manipulation of the mind and mood of persons living in a certain geographical area. This network of gyrotron also exists in Europe. If the works in a gyrotron can shoot a focused beam into the atmosphere.

reflexivity basic feature of these gyrotron is often referred to as "pulse radar" or "pulse radar" by researchers. Le località rilevate corrispondono ai vecchi siti della Ground Warfare Emergency Network (Rete di Emergenza per la Guerra Terrestre) che erano un sistema alternativo per le comunicazioni militari. Molti attivisti contro le scie chimiche hanno suggerito che questi vecchi radar sono stati probabilmente convertiti in girotroni per emettere microonde o in qualche altro tipo di emettitore di impulsi di campi magnetici.

Alcuni dei composti maggiormente presenti nelle scie chimiche sono carbone, alluminio, cationi di metallo, fibre di nano-cavi, e bario ( Guardate come il bario e l’allumino sono stati usati per costruire una mappatura dei campi elettrici e magnetici naturali dell’atmosfera e dello spazio e per studiare la propagazione dei fasci di particelle.

Rilascio di composti chimici nella ionosfera
T N Davis

Istituto di Geofisica, Università dell’Alaska di Fairbanks, U.S.A.

Pubblicazione stampata: edizione 9 (settembre 1979)

Sommario. Reso possibile dalla disponibilità di razzi per finalità di ricerca nei tardi anni ‘50, il rilascio ionosferico di composti chimici e di particelle cariche ad alta velocità per formare traccianti o perturbazioni, ha contribuito ad ottenere molte informazioni su ionosfera, termosfera e magnetosfera. Il rilascio di scie di sodio, litio, alluminio ed ossido nitrico [NO, detto anche monossido d’azoto, NdT] allowed detailed observation of the movement of masses of neutral masses at altitudes above 50 km. The development of techniques of thermite barium release [compound used for military purposes since World War II for the construction of incendiary bombs, NdT] has allowed observations of the motion of neutral particles and ions of both: the observation of the latter leads almost directly to the determination of ionospheric electric fields, the release of barium vapor at speeds greater than the escape velocity of earth [the minimum speed required to escape Earth's gravity field by moving perpendicular to the surface, NdT] makes it possible to trace the magnetic field lines , the effects of Birkeland currents simultaneous observation of the electric field at different altitudes on a geomagnetic field line. The ejection of electrons of energy between 1 and 40 keV [kilo electron volts, ndt.] Rockets by making use of shaped charges detonated at altitudes above 400 km has been useful for studying the propagation of particle beams to trace the magnetic field lines and to examine the effects of the impact of electrons in the upper atmosphere.

doi: 10.1088/0034-4885/42/9/003


should carry out a mapping of magnetic fields and electric atmosphere, the ionosphere, space and earth, before they can manipulate or control these areas. The barium vapor in the atmosphere allows you to "draw" an electric field or "studying" a bundle.

Clouds of barium ions

An atom can become ionized due to absorption of light radiation. The atom of barium is particularly easy to ionize, because its outermost electron is very weakly bound [same atom]. If a mass of barium is vaporized in space, producing a cloud of barium, most of the barium becomes ionized by the light del sole in meno di un minuto. La nuvola [di bario] si muove quindi in risposta alle forze elettriche presenti nello spazio e può essere impiegata per studiare i campi elettrici nello spazio. ( )

Questo significa che essi possono adesso vedere le configurazioni delle onde elettriche che si muovono attraverso le nuvole. Ciò è ovvio nelle immagini che ritraggono le nuvole di bario.

Irrorare o fare esplodere bario nell’atmosfera viene detto “rilascio chimico” [letteralmente in inglese “ chemical release ”] ed è una pratica collegata alla creazione del plasma. In questo articolo, “Esperimenti laboratory on Alfvén waves caused by rapidly expanding plasma and their relationship with spatial phenomena "by W. Gekelman, M. Van Zeeland, S. Vincen, and P. Pribyl, you can read a discussion on how to use the release of barium to study the movement of plasma and plasma to create bubbles.

An experimental program begun in 1990 was designed, in part, to study the interaction of the plasma into a dense and localized "chemical release." [...] The movement of the plasma could be tracked from the ground using a telescope. [...] Diamagnetic cavities were produced as in laboratory experiments and were measured by instruments aboard the satellite. In due casi nei quali è stato rilasciato bario alle maggiori altitudini il campo magnetico fu completamente schermato dalla bolla [Bernhardt et al., 1987]. La nuvola di plasma rilasciato fu osservata muoversi lateralmente attraverso il campo magnetico. Questo movimento fu denominato “slittamento” (skidding). Una recente simulazione tridimensionale al computer [Delamere et al., 2001] mostra onde di Alfvén che si propagano lungo il campo magnetico di sottofondo […] [ 6 ] Un denso plasma di alluminio, inizialmente del diametro di alcuni millimetri e di densità paragonabile a quella di un solido, si espande quindi a partire dalla superficie del bersaglio.

Nello studio sopra menzionato, il sole presumibilmente ha reso fluorescente il bario nell’atmosfera ed ha reso il plasma molto più visibile ad un certo tipo di telescopio. Provate a puntare una luce ultravioletta su voi stessi, e vedrete le cremose chiazze gialle di bario sulla vostra pelle. In ogni caso è facile vedere le tracce di onde e di fasci attraverso vapori di bario (nuvole generate dalle scie chimiche).

Cosa c’è ancora nelle scie chimiche? Particolato ultra fine di alluminio ed altri metalli. Se fate una ricerca con google scrivendo “ laser produced plasmas ” [“plasma prodotto col laser”], vi renderete conto che il plasma può essere prodotto usando vari metalli.

Il plasma può trasportare onde, frequenze. In turn, the microwave can be used to generate plasma. Jean-Louis Nadin, which develops plasma applications aimed at reducing air friction on the planes, shows how the carbon (released in large quantities in the atmosphere) is related to microwave and plasma. The electromagnetic energy of microwaves generated by a magnetron is absorbed by the cloud of coal particles and produces a "plasmoid"). The plasmoids can be used as a weapon - a weapon to be included in the spokes. The button proeittile energy (pulsed energy projectile - PEP) is a terrestrial version of this type of weapon. The radius of the PEP can be reached to cover a distance of one mile.

As you can see, it can produce plasma from a laser or by a magnetron (microwave) hitting barium, aluminum, copper or coal. So laser space or air or microwave weapons that affect metals with low ionization energy and that we find in the chemtrails, they can create clouds of plasma and vaporized barium. The U.S. has a laser plane, mounted on the nose of a jet.

control the weather, three-dimensional view of the whole territory, beyond the horizon communications, wireless transmission of energy, tele-monitoring climate tomography of the terrain, concealment of jets and satellites, holographic projections, directed energy weapons, atmospheric release of sedatives and germs, genetic manipulation through nanomachines and a host of other applications are connected with the spraying operations.

For now, keep in mind this fundamental concept: the plasma can be used to transmit images (in our living room on a plasma screen or a plasma screen in the atmosphere), sound (fine speakers from the plasma), frequencies Adjustable (kinetic weapons), ghost touch (there's a patent for that matter), physical sensations, tremendous pain (PEP weapon for example), move objects, kill people and act as a destructive weapon. Just like a ball of light, it can penetrate steel, glass, stone and other substances.

course you can enter your body and your brain, pushing and pulling here and there something inside of you because of the magnetic polarity, "cook" inside and "press all the buttons of your nervous system" and your brain. Remember: a plasma beam can be used as a sort of electric cable for transmitting radio waves, microwaves, VLF [Very, Low Frequency, waves at very low frequency], LF [low frequency, low frequency waves] and ELF [ Extremely low frequency, low frequency waves].

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