Monday, November 22, 2010

What Does Birkenstock Mean

Dell'Utri, Mafia and the PDL

Marcello Dell'Utri, a dark figure on a background even more grim: the Italian politics of the last twenty years. The processes being nailed, he remains in place, "confident" the next decision: the Supreme Court.

"I am a political self-defense. To me the policy does not give a damn. I defend myself with politics, I have. I ran in 1996 to protect me .. "
Cade doubt, the policy for Marcello Dell'Utri is only a facade, a means by which to protect themselves from justice.
Back in 1994, investigations were started against him in '96 and was finished under indictment.
The Court of Appeal of Palermo, June 29, 2010, gave the reasons for the decision that led to the conviction for Dell'Utri to seven years' imprisonment for "collusion with the Mafia."
"He entertained close relations with the boss Riina and Provenzano to the killings of Falcone and Borsellino in '92. "
The findings identify the proceedings in Dell'Utri a specific channel of connection "between Berlusconi and the Mafia bosses: a mediator in the agreements between the state and mafia, between law and crime. E 'accused of "Mafia association allowed, with full consciousness and will, to perpetuate an intense activity of extortion against wealthy businessman Milan (Silvio), mandatory for the payment of large sums of money in exchange for family protection and staff. " Despite
Dell'Utri not see "how I can order anything on," and claims that the sentence is copiata di sana pianta da quella di primo grado, la condanna definitiva è via via più “prossima” e si avvicina sempre più l’ultima istanza: la Cassazione.
Nato a Palermo l’ 11 settembre 1941 Marcello, partito come segretario di Berlusconi nel ’63, sale pian piano la scala del successo e approda, nel 1982, in Publitalia ’80, l’agenzia pubblicitaria di Silvio, dove si candida subito a dirigente.
Un anno dopo esser stato trovato, durante un bliz della polizia, nella residenza milanese del boss Gaetano Corallo, nel’85 diventa amministratore delegato di Fininvest.
Tutta la sua carriera è quindi profondamente legata a questo “grande imprenditore del nord”, che lo fa crescere e lo porta nel ’93 alla fondazione di Forza Italia, all’interno della quale Marcello continua la sua ascesa.
Un anno dopo esser stato eletto deputato nazionale nella lista di Forza Italia, nel 1997 inizia il processo di primo grado a seguito delle indagini che lo dipingevano mediatore tra i boss di Cosa Nostra e Silvio Berlusconi.
La sentenza è datata 11 dicembre 2004 e condanna l’imputato a 9 anni di reclusione con l’accusa di “concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa”.
Intanto Dell’Utri è diventato parlamentare europeo e, nel 2001, senatore della Repubblica.
Nonostante tutte queste indagini e queste prime sentenze, quindi, Marcello Dell’Utri continua spensierato la sua carriera, salendo sempre più e rafforzando il suo ruolo di “braccio destro di Berlusconi” e, perché no, braccio destro della mafia.
Si può essere “bracci destri” sia dello Stato, sia di Cosa Nostra?
Evidentemente si, perché né lui stesso, né i dirigenti di partito lo hanno mai ammonito od ostacolato.
Salta fuori anche la questione Vittorio Mangano, ufficialmente stalliere di Mr. Silvio nella Villa di Arcore, ma in realtà un personaggio di spicco delle cosche mafiose palermitane.
Dalle indagini emerge che fu proprio Dell’Utri to bring Mangano Arcore, to protect the family from retaliation premier underworld.
clear from the documents, in fact, that the Mafia often asked large sums of money from "wealthy Milanese businessman" who, in order not to create scandal or write to the institutions, preferring to pay out of pocket.
testimony they have a telephone conversation on February 17, 1968, during which the knight confides in his friend Renato Della Valle: "I've got so many messes around, right, left. There n'ho a pretty big, so I have to send away my children, who are leaving now for abroad, because I have made the extortion [...] if, by a certain date, I do not do a thing, I hand over the head of my son with me and expose the body in the Piazza del Duomo [...] if I were sure to get this stuff from the ball, I would pay peaceful, so at least most do not break the embankments ".
So would kill to take them off your feet, come to terms with the mob, just to feel comfortable.
Dell'Utri not easily satisfied, and after being discharged for "not having committed the act" an accusation of slander against multiple aggravated some repentant Mafia falls into another process.
On 14 April 2009, however, even this ends in a stalemate: "Time-barred acquitted of the crime."
seems that justice is not able to frame him, to render concrete the accusations that they are addressed.
In 2010, something starts to move, May 28 reopen the process lapsed, reasoning: the conclusion of the preceding sentence are contradictory in relation to the evidence against the accused, and, on April 16 the Attorney General of Palermo, on the ruling of the Court of Appeals for the crime of collusion with the Mafia, claims 11 years in prison.
The ruling will come later in June with the loss of two years in prison over the previous instance, 9 is go to 7.
Marcello, however, goes his own way, nothing could stop him, he is confident in ruling that the Supreme Court in store for him and lets go to the memory of old times, "Mangano is my hero, I do not know if I, being at the his place in prison, I could not resist naming names. "
Mangano who?!? The groom's Berlusconi, who has no horse, or man mafia?
Dell'Utri seems that apart from being peaceful towards the judiciary, may prove them, try to stir up, to see how far it is capable of reaching.
The real problem, however, are not the whims Marcello Dell'Utri or "toys" with the president, but the relationship between morality and career Dell'Utri. The inconsistency lies in the great conflict that is created, that in Italy seems to be overshadowed. Why
behind the scandals every day, they do gossip, there are issues far more serious, much more morally acceptable, which would require greater transparency and accountability.
In any "normal" country in a senator convicted of second degree conspiracy with the Mafia is already pretty far away from his chair, his beautiful place in the sun or, as the case of his "beautiful place safe." Instead
Dell'Utri not, the policy Dell'Utri is now his only reason for being, she can cling only to escape the law, only she can rely to last a little longer ', and not end up in the vortex dark from which it came.
Because if consciousness remains mute, sooner or later something external must be taken to redress the balance, to end the hypocrisy of the powerful, condemning those who are in the void of lies and lawlessness, and promoting a new political system, a new way of relating to the "Right" and, therefore, to life.

Tobia Alberti

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jenna Jameson Tied On Tasble

Bertolaso con la "Bi"

Bertolaso si è dimesso l'11 novembre. Un personaggio particolare, con tanti valori, molti dei quali infranti. Cancellati nell'arco della sua carriera, iniziata nel settembre 2001 e conclusa quest'anno. Lascia la Protezione Civile come "L'uomo dei miracoli". 
Analizzando i risultati la conclusione risulta però diversa, e parecchio..


“Viaggerò molto, prima Calcutta stage in the footsteps of Mother Teresa [...] I need to find myself. " These are the words of the now former Head of Civil Protection Guido Bertolaso, after receiving a retirement, or rather, having finally got the green light to resign.
Another chapter closes Civil Defense, but over the years it seems that the leaders have succeeded without changing much, unless the results are good.
At its meeting in Turin, more than 2,000 volunteers gathered applauded the words of the Director of National Department Agostino Miozzo who said he had a chat with Guido at which it was found that the biggest concern the Special Commissioner was to "destroy to see a beautiful story in the media meat grinder." The story so beautiful
shouted by the majority, however, in reality, a macabre story, full of dark affairs, a story rather than the media meat grinder is likely to be destroyed by law, courts seeking to shed light where it is still dark .
As is the custom of these investigations also Berlusconi has managed to give his own explanation: According to the premier's involvement Bertolaso \u200b\u200bis further evidence of bad faith of the judges, of a sick system, that of Justice, which is designed purely and simply to sabotage his work, to overthrow il governo; un sistema si, malato, ma non come conseguenza della “malafede delle toghe rosse” bensì come causa di un sistema politico che abbassa sempre più il suo livello di decenza, la propria credibilità, sprofondando giorno dopo giorno nel baratro della corruzione e dell’egocentrismo.
“Bertolaso non si tocca” affermava Mariastella Gelmini, ministro all’Istruzione, quando Guido ancora “guidava” la Protezione Civile, e Matteoli aveva aggiunto: “deve restare alla guida perché ha dimostrato di essere professionalmente capace ed efficiente”.
Tutti lodano quello che ha fatto, tutti affermano che i suoi sono stati “miracoli”, un “esempio per il mondo”. Ma la realtà non è nemmeno lontanamente vicina a queste illusioni, a queste bugie.
A dirlo, oltre ai fatti, sono le numerose inchieste che hanno seguito la Protezione Civile in ogni sua “grande opera”, come nel caso del G8 della Maddalena, poi spostato all’Aquila.
“Non ho mai assegnato nessun appalto” dice perentorio Bertolaso, “Anemone ha vinto una gara”. Di fatto però Diego Anemone, imprenditore romano, è stato arrestato nell’ambito di un’inchiesta sugli appalti che, afferma il procuratore di Firenze Giuseppe Quattrocchi, sono stati viziati da “favori tra dirigenti di Stato […] e privati entrepreneurs. "
Even the same Bertolaso \u200b\u200bwas achieved by a notice of investigation for the crime of corruption. Now that he had asked for the resignation was rejected by then Prime Minister stated his belief that "Bertolaso \u200b\u200bwill clarify everything." Resigned
Guido was then returned to speak the same words of the B. saying "I think there is the national sport of going to depress the well-doers of the country." To find contradictions
strong enough to return to the morning of the earthquake of the Eagle and the interception of this call:
P. : I was laughing this morning at 3:30 in the bed.
G. : I ... well ... it Buò hello.
speak for the other two contractors, Francesco De Vito Gagliardi Piscicelli and her brother.
On February 10, nearly two years after Gianni Letta will ensure that neither company has received contracts Aquila, another off five days later, he denies.
At this point we are at the end of 2009 and begin to understand that the situation can get out of hand, the judicial investigations for the G8 Maddalena overlap with those of the contracts for the reconstruction of Aquila, as a background, more and more alarming , there is the timeless situation bell: the emergence waste.
officially started in February '94 with the emergency in the Campania region can be attributed to a set of technical administrative and political interests errors industrial environments too often in collusion with criminals.
In such cases the business office comes in crisis management using illegal disposals to reduce costs by making a double play, the link between the State and the Mafia, between the law and who will then ensure that it is respected.
This situation has always been underestimated, but at this time, between 2008 and 2009, becomes a top issue, a critical case that must be resolved.
The data are from red alert, epidemiological data recorded from '92 to 2002 show an increase of tumors and malformations in the cities most affected by the problem of waste in or near incinerators or incinerators (which seems much more environmentally friendly) is equal to '84%.
The termination of the emergency is dated December 17, 2009.
Despite being officially solved the problem, only a few months later, back in the limelight followed by increasingly strong protests from the local population.
The government then launches the construction of four incinerators by declaring the surrounding areas of "national strategic interest" in poche parole zone dove la legge non arriva, dove si può bruciare anche rifiuti tossici normalmente vietati e depositare materiali proibiti, come è successo nel Parco del Vesuvio.
Bertolaso rimane, anche qui, la figura chiave di tutta la vicenda, una formichina operosa con la coscienza a posto che non pretende di aver sempre ragione ma che segue fedelmente la linea del governo, gli interessi suoi ma anche del suo “maestro”, colui che aveva creduto in lui dopo le dimissioni.
Questa immagine di uomo “miracoloso”, di super Capo, super-capace si sgretola se si ritorna un attimo nel 2007, quando il 31 luglio la procura di Napoli rinviava a giudizio 28 imputati con le accuse di truffa aggravata e continuata ai danni dello Stato, frode in pubbliche forniture, falso e abuso d’ufficio, tra gli imputati comparivano nomi come Bassolino, l’allora commissario straordinario per la regione Campania in carica e i fratelli Romiti, vincitori dell’appalto per lo smaltimento di rifiuti.
Il 27 maggio dell’anno successivo le “grinfie” della Giustizia erano arrivate ancora più vicine al paladino delle “Emergenze” e Marta di Gennaro, vice di Bertolaso, era finita sotto inchiesta.
Una commissione parlamentare d’inchiesta sul ciclo dei rifiuti di quel periodo affermava che “la criminalità organizzata di stampo camorristico continua ad intervenire in maniera diretta sui traffici illeciti di rifiuti, lucrando notevoli somme di denaro”. Da questa conclusione non risultano però evidenti i legami tra le infiltrazioni mafiose e le responsabilità delle Istituzioni che si sono lasciate corrompere o hanno addirittura proposto e favorito una collaborazione con la criminalità organizzata.

Ad oggi Bertolaso è considerato un fuoriclasse, la sua vita è dal molti paragonata ad una missione.
E’ molto più facile pensare che abbia fatto il suo lavoro con merito e senza sporcarsi le mani che informarsi e scoprire tutto quello che nessuno sa o accetta, tutte le cose poco chiare fuori dalla legalità che hanno e attraversano tutt’oggi Guido Bertolaso's leadership and that of his predecessors.
Therefore, the proposal failed to transform the Civil Defense in the spa, making it effectively a private company serving the private and all the promises failed to resolve a number of disasters, poor Guido can not help but leave the chair. It's up to us to hope that there will, sooner or later, to clarify, that someone could finally explain why all these contradictions.
Bertolaso \u200b\u200bFear of what the Italians "can feel betrayed," and not, more interior, to have them in some way cheated, and adds: "I am willing to give their lives to show them that I did not deceived. "
After announcing his travel plans for the future he said that in recent years had "heard in a blender," might have been better if he had heard out of the blender into realizing that people did not agree with him, that the target population of his miracles was unhappy and had every right to feel "whipped".

Tobia Alberti

Friday, November 5, 2010

Spanish Wedding First Dance

Quella Haven senza Heaven

The tragedy of the super tanker "Haven", which sank in '91 off Arenzano (GE). 144.000 tonnellate di greggio in mare e ancora, dopo 19 anni, i pescatori devono dividere il petrolio dal pescato, nonostante le bonifiche certificassero un mare pulito.
Assolti gli armatori: il fatto non sussiste.

E’ l’11 aprile 1991, dal Porto petroli di Multedo si può scorgere, a poche miglia dalla costa, la petroliera Haven, ferma ormai da qualche giorno per lo scarico di parte del greggio trasportato.
La Milford Haven è una “superpetroliera” cipriota di proprietà della multinazionale Amoco.
E’ enorme, lunga 344 metri, larga 51 con pescaggio di 20 metri e un’altezza di 26.
Varata nel 1973 è ceduta nel 1988 all’armatore cipriota Loucas Iannou.
Lo stesso anno, colpita da un missile da una nave iraniana nel Golfo Persico, rimane in riparazione a Singapore fino al 1990.
A questo punto è pronta per il suo ultimo viaggio, meta: Genova.
Le ore passano e si arriva a mezzogiorno, sulla nave è in corso un travaso del carico dalla prua verso il centro della stiva. Una mezzora and here is the disaster, are 12.30, very strong explosion, possibly caused by the malfunction of a pump, ripping the ship, leaping 100 meters in the forward deck.
In flames produced by the explosion killed five crew members including Commander: Petros Grigovakakis, while the remaining 31 people can save themselves.
Oil leaked from the tanks of the vessel is poured into the sea and, remaining on the surface, continues to burn, creating an inferno of fire, smoke, flames that destroyed the ship, disfigured.
The day after the fire continua, si tenta di trainare il relitto spostandolo tra Cogoleto e Arenzano dove la prua cede, staccandosi dal resto della nave.
La parte staccata, lunga 95 metri, si adagia a 480 m di profondità, mentre la restante continua a galleggiare divorata dall’incendio.
Dal mare sale una colonna di fumo nera, gigantesca, alta fino a 300 m; la nave è quasi celata dietro questa cappa densa, mortale.
Passa un altro giorno, nulla si placa, anzi, altre esplosioni scuotono la nave in agonia, aumentando il fumo e la paura della popolazione costiera.
Le esplosioni proseguono tutta la notte, gli abitanti sulla costa dicono che “i vetri tremavano ad ogni botto, tintinnando impazziti”, un inferno.
L’apice lo si tocca alle 9.30 con un’altra esplosione, finale, risolutiva.
Sono le 10.30 del 14 aprile, la Haven affonda ad un miglio dal porto di Arenzano, il fuoco si placa, rimane un’unica grande chiazza di petrolio in superficie, che inizia pian piano a guadagnare le rive.
Nei giorni seguenti, nonostante l’intervento della Marina militare e di mezzi del porto di Genova in missione anti-inquinamento si verificano molti spiaggiamenti di greggio, soprattutto tra Arenzano Albissola and Marina.

The ship had a capacity of load of 283,626 cubic meters and, when it sank, carrying 144,000 tonnes of crude oil.
It is estimated that burned about 90,000 tonnes, while fifty were scattered over an area of \u200b\u200b200 square km.
The Haven as it was "related" with three other ships, his sister:

  • The Amoco Cadiz, sunk 16 March 1978 in front of the coast of Brittany, spilling 230,000 tons of crude oil in sea.
  • The Maria Alejandra, exploded on 11 March 1980 off the coast of Mauritania.
  • Mycene And finally, April 3, 1980 exploded off the coast of Sierra Leone.

In short, the events speak for themselves, and reasonable doubts arise, "why" for example, "Haven has lasted so long?".
His counterparts are all sunk before the end of 1980, while she lasted ten years longer.
Apart the irony, this is not common fate may have been dictated by the case, there must be a culprit or at least someone who's had everything, even in part, responsible, someone who had to respond.
The world loses every year a huge amount of hydrocarbons, the estimates are an average of approximately 4 billion tonnes per year and only for the Mediterranean, where they calculate 600,000.

An oil disaster, and would be prejudicial to managing the oil, it is catastrophic for the environment.
Oil has harmful effects on animals and disrupts the habitat, leading them to extremes there looking for a way to adapt to new conditions.
In birds, for example, the oil penetrates the plumage reducing the capacity of thermal insulation, making them vulnerable to temperature changes, making it unfit for swimming and the feathers on the fly. The birds are thus stopped, dazed, trying to remove the crusts with spout swallowing tar, toxic to kidneys, liver and digestive system, and in conclusion the animals "afflicted" by oil almost always die before any kind rescue.

Passano le settimane e il relitto, a 80 metri di profondità, rimane solo, immobile, nessuno organizza sopralluoghi per operare future bonifiche.
Cinque mesi dopo l’affondamento Enzo Majorca, ex campione d’apnea, organizza, insieme a suoi conoscenti, una visita di esplorazione al relitto della Haven.
“Arrivammo sul luogo del “delitto”” racconta Enzo, “seguendo dalla costa una scia oleosa che il petrolio alimentava”.
Pian piano che ci avvicinavamo, continua, ci balzava agli occhi lo sterminio che il naufragio aveva prodotto, “la fauna marina era distrutta”.
Insomma “si capiva che ben poco era stato fatto” per migliorare la situazione.
“Intervenendo con tempismo” continua il Sig. Majorca “gran parte del greggio poteva venir trasferito in una nave cisterna in superficie”.
Osservando meglio il gruppo Majorca notò addirittura che dalla stiva fuoriusciva ancora greggio. Nulla era stato fatto per evitare di inquinare il mare, nulla.
“Tornando dalla nave verso la costa, quel giorno” conclude Enzo, “si potevano vedere i segni delle onde cariche di petrolio sugli scogli. Ondate di morte che lasciavano in the ghost of the disaster area. "

After the sinking of the Ministry of the Environment calculated at 2,000 billion lire, more than one billion euro, the environmental damage suffered.
The amount received by the company that owns the ship, however, was defined by mutual agreement, to 117 billion lire (60.4 million euro) were as follows: € 30 million were donated to the coastal communes as compensation , 16.5 million were allocated to the reclamation of the sea, while the remaining 13.9 was over, most likely in the "depths" of Protection Civil.
Because Italy was content to this small part of the real damage occurred?
The Gazette, after agreement, stated: "This transaction will ensure the state a total compensation for all damages of not less than 117.6 billion pounds, with a waiver of any other request."
Because the politicians or those who still had to manage the affair, did not get or had the intention to obtain a figure closer to the real harm?
Only 8 million will ultimately be used for effective remediation, the rest will be assigned by the government in 2005, the Civil Defence, having determined that the waters were clean.
also common to use most of the funds for work not per-remediation. It was rebuilt the boardwalk, Arenzano, place the sewers and areas on the former railway.
"It was decided to pretend nothing has happened, as if the problem did not exist," said Ezio Amato sorry, then scientific director of the Government for the reclamation of the Haven.

The machinery of justice begins to move.
Iannou Loucas, 65, and his son Stelios, 30 years old founder and owner of easyJet, are accused of multiple murder manslaughter, negligent fire and sinking of the Haven.
The owner and his son are so put on trial.
Environmentalists are almost hopeful, people live in the utopia that Italy sooner or later someone pay for a disaster like so many they have occurred in our country.
Instead it is all in vain, in 1997 comes the first sentence. The owners greek Cypriots, as announced by the Corriere della Sera on November 22, are acquitted of all charges against them.
The motivation is as follows: the fact does not exist.
It also begins to move something in the field of rehabilitation and, in 1998, finally come to the conclusion that something must be done, this time to impose it is the law.
Meanwhile, there is an appeal, which upheld the previous ruling led to the cancellation of the court of first instance: it goes to the Court of Appeals.
Court of Appeals that does not disappoint "expectations." In fact, the March 11, 2000 the second instance the case shall discharge the accused from all sins, the prosecutor had asked for seven years in prison for both.
Due anni dopo la sentenza diventa definitiva, la Cassazione respinge il ricorso della procura generale di Genova presentata dal sostituto procuratore generale Luigi Cavadini Lenuzza.
Si conclude in questo modo, nella più assoluta impunità, uno dei più gravi disastri ecologici causati da una petroliera nel Mar Mediterraneo.
Le associazioni ambientaliste insorgono invano. Legambiente con parole pesanti traccia un bilancio: “La vicenda della Haven dimostra che non esistono strumenti per la sicurezza del trasporto del greggio, non esistono regole ferree per il risanamento ambientale dei luoghi degradati da incidenti. La sentenza crea un rischioso precedente, ora sappiamo che anche se questi incidenti si verificano, nessuno pagherà.”
Questo “scandalo” giudiziario è seguito dai sempre più deludenti lavori di bonifica che, ricominciati nel 2003, si arenano rimanendo insignificanti parole al vento.
Il 23 aprile 2008, quasi a sorpresa, ci pensa Bertolaso, nei panni di Direttore della Protezione Civile, a ripartire con nuovi lavori di bonifica.
Si afferma che “nel relitto sono presenti ancora 102 tonnellate di greggio” e che “dati i rischi legati a possibili ulteriori fuoriuscite, si è reso necessario un definitivo lavoro di bonifica”.
The contract awarded by tender to the Dutch company Smit Salvage said it was proposing 45 days (100 maximum granted by the government) to clean the entire area from oil residues.
The cost is 5.2 million euro and the operation will be carried out between April and June of 2008.
Bertolaso \u200b\u200bis satisfied, adding that "the designation was troubled but in the end we chose the best company in the world."
So, in June, everything is clean and the cleaning becomes final.

Today the ship can be visited in diving, has become part of the backdrop and nobody, or almost, complained more to oil pollution.
Sebastiano Destri, a specialized diver, described his visit to the wreck enthusiastically, as a unique experience, a privilege.
"In the rooms you see lobsters trying to hide among the pieces of iron, our air bubbles remain trapped in the ceiling where they dance crazy looking for an escape and then, imposing defeats relitto, si riuniscono in piccole pozze, che addobbano i soffitti quasi fossero tremolanti specchi d’argento”sono queste le parole di Sebastiano dopo l’immersione.
Lui, insieme ad una guida, è sceso fino al tronco posato a 80 m di profondità, ha visitato qualche stanza per poi dirigersi verso la parte di poppa, dove si trova il fumaiolo.
“Dal castello ci dirigiamo verso il fumaiolo […] seguiamo la sagola e alla fine ci appare erto e imponente. Uno sguardo al suo interno, con la luce della torcia che si perde nel nero e con le scalette che sfumano nell’oblio. I due grandi fori sembrano quasi invitarti a scendere, per dare un’occhiata..”
you must be a positive experience to visit a wreck, but I think we should remember that if the disaster had not taken place, would have been better, would have largely paid off every emotion that "the old lady," as he calls Sebastian , has the power to inspire in its visitors.
This is because the problem today is not only the wreck itself, but also, and still pollution.
Although the authorities deny saying that the sea is clean, the bottom is still devastated by the oil that has become unfortunately raggrumatosi integral part of the marine environment of the area.
The vessel may be impressive, but we can not neglect the daily experiences of the fishermen who, after twenty years, fishing for fish instead of tar.
On the surface the sea is so-called "clean", the beaches have now lost the signs of the shipwreck, storm surges of black, the problem is below, where the eye does not see where the oil cleaned up said after the reclamation is still present, covers the seabed.
The fishing nets are every day full of tar, which is divided by the fish carefully in order to sell something.
"2 / 3 of our fish oil," said the cameras Report, "we must separate the fish, and waste oil" and is a long, tiring that the state does not recognize, does not "see" as the cause of the problem is theoretically solved.
No politician has stated that the reclamation has been worse than a fiasco, in their opinion, you can usually catch fish clean, healthy.
Instead, unfortunately, the reality is another.
The seabed around the Haven were never recovered, the reclamation have not done anything and the guilty are not there.
It is' a disaster without undue "the Republic writes. No one has paid, no one has taken some responsibility and finally those who have recovered was only the sea, only a witness and victim of a massacre deleted from the law, justice.
This is another case of "mystery dumped" in our country now that is trendy and does not reflect.

Tobia Alberti

Haven, immagini di un disastro: