Monday, November 22, 2010

What Does Birkenstock Mean

Dell'Utri, Mafia and the PDL

Marcello Dell'Utri, a dark figure on a background even more grim: the Italian politics of the last twenty years. The processes being nailed, he remains in place, "confident" the next decision: the Supreme Court.

"I am a political self-defense. To me the policy does not give a damn. I defend myself with politics, I have. I ran in 1996 to protect me .. "
Cade doubt, the policy for Marcello Dell'Utri is only a facade, a means by which to protect themselves from justice.
Back in 1994, investigations were started against him in '96 and was finished under indictment.
The Court of Appeal of Palermo, June 29, 2010, gave the reasons for the decision that led to the conviction for Dell'Utri to seven years' imprisonment for "collusion with the Mafia."
"He entertained close relations with the boss Riina and Provenzano to the killings of Falcone and Borsellino in '92. "
The findings identify the proceedings in Dell'Utri a specific channel of connection "between Berlusconi and the Mafia bosses: a mediator in the agreements between the state and mafia, between law and crime. E 'accused of "Mafia association allowed, with full consciousness and will, to perpetuate an intense activity of extortion against wealthy businessman Milan (Silvio), mandatory for the payment of large sums of money in exchange for family protection and staff. " Despite
Dell'Utri not see "how I can order anything on," and claims that the sentence is copiata di sana pianta da quella di primo grado, la condanna definitiva è via via più “prossima” e si avvicina sempre più l’ultima istanza: la Cassazione.
Nato a Palermo l’ 11 settembre 1941 Marcello, partito come segretario di Berlusconi nel ’63, sale pian piano la scala del successo e approda, nel 1982, in Publitalia ’80, l’agenzia pubblicitaria di Silvio, dove si candida subito a dirigente.
Un anno dopo esser stato trovato, durante un bliz della polizia, nella residenza milanese del boss Gaetano Corallo, nel’85 diventa amministratore delegato di Fininvest.
Tutta la sua carriera è quindi profondamente legata a questo “grande imprenditore del nord”, che lo fa crescere e lo porta nel ’93 alla fondazione di Forza Italia, all’interno della quale Marcello continua la sua ascesa.
Un anno dopo esser stato eletto deputato nazionale nella lista di Forza Italia, nel 1997 inizia il processo di primo grado a seguito delle indagini che lo dipingevano mediatore tra i boss di Cosa Nostra e Silvio Berlusconi.
La sentenza è datata 11 dicembre 2004 e condanna l’imputato a 9 anni di reclusione con l’accusa di “concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa”.
Intanto Dell’Utri è diventato parlamentare europeo e, nel 2001, senatore della Repubblica.
Nonostante tutte queste indagini e queste prime sentenze, quindi, Marcello Dell’Utri continua spensierato la sua carriera, salendo sempre più e rafforzando il suo ruolo di “braccio destro di Berlusconi” e, perché no, braccio destro della mafia.
Si può essere “bracci destri” sia dello Stato, sia di Cosa Nostra?
Evidentemente si, perché né lui stesso, né i dirigenti di partito lo hanno mai ammonito od ostacolato.
Salta fuori anche la questione Vittorio Mangano, ufficialmente stalliere di Mr. Silvio nella Villa di Arcore, ma in realtà un personaggio di spicco delle cosche mafiose palermitane.
Dalle indagini emerge che fu proprio Dell’Utri to bring Mangano Arcore, to protect the family from retaliation premier underworld.
clear from the documents, in fact, that the Mafia often asked large sums of money from "wealthy Milanese businessman" who, in order not to create scandal or write to the institutions, preferring to pay out of pocket.
testimony they have a telephone conversation on February 17, 1968, during which the knight confides in his friend Renato Della Valle: "I've got so many messes around, right, left. There n'ho a pretty big, so I have to send away my children, who are leaving now for abroad, because I have made the extortion [...] if, by a certain date, I do not do a thing, I hand over the head of my son with me and expose the body in the Piazza del Duomo [...] if I were sure to get this stuff from the ball, I would pay peaceful, so at least most do not break the embankments ".
So would kill to take them off your feet, come to terms with the mob, just to feel comfortable.
Dell'Utri not easily satisfied, and after being discharged for "not having committed the act" an accusation of slander against multiple aggravated some repentant Mafia falls into another process.
On 14 April 2009, however, even this ends in a stalemate: "Time-barred acquitted of the crime."
seems that justice is not able to frame him, to render concrete the accusations that they are addressed.
In 2010, something starts to move, May 28 reopen the process lapsed, reasoning: the conclusion of the preceding sentence are contradictory in relation to the evidence against the accused, and, on April 16 the Attorney General of Palermo, on the ruling of the Court of Appeals for the crime of collusion with the Mafia, claims 11 years in prison.
The ruling will come later in June with the loss of two years in prison over the previous instance, 9 is go to 7.
Marcello, however, goes his own way, nothing could stop him, he is confident in ruling that the Supreme Court in store for him and lets go to the memory of old times, "Mangano is my hero, I do not know if I, being at the his place in prison, I could not resist naming names. "
Mangano who?!? The groom's Berlusconi, who has no horse, or man mafia?
Dell'Utri seems that apart from being peaceful towards the judiciary, may prove them, try to stir up, to see how far it is capable of reaching.
The real problem, however, are not the whims Marcello Dell'Utri or "toys" with the president, but the relationship between morality and career Dell'Utri. The inconsistency lies in the great conflict that is created, that in Italy seems to be overshadowed. Why
behind the scandals every day, they do gossip, there are issues far more serious, much more morally acceptable, which would require greater transparency and accountability.
In any "normal" country in a senator convicted of second degree conspiracy with the Mafia is already pretty far away from his chair, his beautiful place in the sun or, as the case of his "beautiful place safe." Instead
Dell'Utri not, the policy Dell'Utri is now his only reason for being, she can cling only to escape the law, only she can rely to last a little longer ', and not end up in the vortex dark from which it came.
Because if consciousness remains mute, sooner or later something external must be taken to redress the balance, to end the hypocrisy of the powerful, condemning those who are in the void of lies and lawlessness, and promoting a new political system, a new way of relating to the "Right" and, therefore, to life.

Tobia Alberti


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