Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Leg Strength Women 6% More


It 's been a lifetime since I wrote the last post in my blog. I
"eclipsed" for a variety of reasons that I felt, and I think still more than valid.
First of all, the growing idea that a communication made in a virtual manner and to people who do not know and who do not know, is very problematic and carries unnecessary tensions and misunderstandings.
In recent months the craze has broken out of facebook, social networking, chat ..... in practice you know, make friends, some even are "engaged" without knowing who you are on the other side of the keyboard.
Honestly I find this thing very "strange" and far from my thinking a bit 'old-fashioned.
When I opened my blog, I did it to have a historical memory of my thoughts and my race, a sort of personal diary, I knew it would be readable by others and this I did not mind.
exchanged greetings and comments was something that amused me at first, but later caused me some trouble, especially because some people are allowed to express opinions without any direct knowledge of things and especially without knowing who was telling me directly. This
not only happened in my blog but also much more popular sites (podisti.org, podistidoc.it ,....) where you write things, or rather, evil, without any precise documentation, without having been present at the event in question, without knowing the people he speaks.
is written only for "deduction", because it wants to look "good and competent" when you have not, to discredit people who are not too nice or doing their own interests. You read
Chronicles of races without relying on the steps reported on the Internet, without being on the spot, without calling on the phone who was on the spot, without calling those who ran in practice without an accurate record of how things went in fact, before, during and after the race.
And what these people write is gospel for the reader .... and down to comment! Comment
what? An artificial reality invented from scratch to make things appear different than they are for strictly personal reasons.
E 'was that the spring that prompted me to write anything and do not disappear!
better to think just to run and to train, to live inside of my emotions and my things without making them public if not to those people who want me really well.
Obviously there is only negative in communicating on-line ", otherwise I would have closed the blog, from here on I will try to" extrapolate " only the good things of this means of communication such as the ability to tell through my experiences as I do running and ultramarathon in particular, hoping to grow more and more of our sport.
Maybe in the next few days, tell the world something that I raced in Belgium on Friday night, I'm still ordering the ideas and living inside the strong emotions that I experienced during the preparation for the event, during the days before the race with my mates of national, during the race, the next few days and I'm enjoying it now.


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