Thursday, November 26, 2009

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Letter to Mercalli, Onorato and Delitala

publish the letter which the meteorologist Dr. Domenico Azzopardi (1 M.llo Domenico Azzopardi - Expert Weather Air Force) has sent a Dear Luca Mercalli, Luca and Alessandro Onorato Delitala the Italian Meteorological Society, about the difference between contrails and chemtrails. The author of this detailed letter, with rare skill, lingers on many aspects of the topic, with particular reference to the morphology of the "chemtrails" and demonstrated with an analysis close and compelling, that contrails from military aircraft are not issued due to condensation.

In writing, which constitutes a short but persuasive Treaty (very pregnant, among other things, the parties devoted to nefologia), have refuted all the pseudo-arguments with which the eminent editors have believed Nimbus to settle the question of "chemtrails": indeed beg the question, generalizations, unfounded assertions and surface, one by one, gutted. Are thus laid bare, with pitiless lucidity, the errors and horrors of a "science" profoundly ideological and calibrated. We fear that the distinguished meteorologists, which is facing this writing, no reply since there could only repeat their hysterical screams of denial, their barking dog in a trap.

The text, in PDF format can be read at this address.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

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fires, night flights and geo-engineering: poisoners unleash hell on earth

L'Italia brucia, ma non è l'unico stato ove si sono sviluppati terrificanti fire. Even in France (including Corsica), Spain, Turkey, Greece and Portugal have suffered devastating fires and difficult to extinguish.

media regime, as always, do not reveal the real causes of the fires, so incredibly synchronized, erupted again this year in various parts of Europe. As always, takes upon himself the responsibility to the usual phantom arsonists. Almost makes you smile the statement that was found intact a box of matches, which would have to fuse, in an area where everything is visible ash and devastation. Meanwhile in France some soldiers were seen setting fire some flares . L'identità dei responsabili è a tutt'oggi ignota. Anche in Italia, nel 2007, furono avvistati elicotteri lanciare razzi sui terreni sottostanti .

L'agronoma californiana Rosalind Peterson notava che gli incendi di questi ultimi anni sono impossibili da spegnere, poiché le piante sono cosparse di biossido di zolfo che viene diffuso con gli aerei. Sì, quelle scie in cielo non sono condensa, ma una mistura micidiale di elementi chimici e metalli come il trimetilalluminio, il bario, il biossido di zolfo, il titanio e, casualmente, sono elementi e composti dannatamente infiammabili. Che cosa avviene allora se le temperature aumentano sensibilmente (Thanks to electromagnetic radiation) and if, perhaps, someone with methods of command, sets fire to undergrowth and woods? It is worth mentioning previous episodes.

On that occasion, strangely, the satellite images were no longer available in the days following the publication of our article devoted to the question. This year managers " MODIS Rapid Response System " (high-resolution satellite maps provided by two satellites operated by NASA) have seen fit not to take the risks of 2007, so they made the server inaccessible for several hours , right time required to remove and replace the satellite uncomfortable.

The causes of these fires lies in two main factors:

a) aerial spraying (low and high altitude) of flammable
b) emissions of microwave

Once you have created the right conditions, involved teams trained to unleash hell.

Meanwhile the legitimacy of the spraying program continues, thanks to the providential boost provided by the media puppet, President of the United States, Barak Obama: he has recently stated that the geo-engineering is the only way to fight (sic) the "global warming ". On the web, on television, sulle riviste e sui quotidiani troviamo quindi articoli come questo .

Pumping sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere to block the sun, brightening clouds with reflective sea salt, or fertilizing the oceans with iron are just some of the way-out schemes some scientists have proposed to fight global warming if all else fails.

This week, the American Meteorological Society issued a final version of its policy statement on geoengineering Earth’s climate system. The organization warns against the potential risks but also endorses research into the feasibility of such efforts, along with their ethical, social and political implications.

“Geoengineering will not substitute for either aggressive mitigation or proactive adaptation, but it could contribute to a comprehensive risk management strategy to slow climate change and alleviate some of its negative impacts,” the statement says.

President Barack Obama’s science advisor, physicist John Holdren, has previously said, “ We have to keep geoengineering on the table...because we might get desperate enough to use it

Sì, avete letto bene. Si ammette tranquillamente che è necessario diffondere, con gli aerei, " sulfur dioxide ", ovvero biossido di zolfo . Stupisce il fatto che si voglia ignorare l'elevato potere da "effetto atmosfera" del biossido di zolfo, decine di volte superiore al CO2. In pratica si disperdono (sì, "si disperdono" già da anni e non "si vorrebbero disperdere") biossido di zolfo [1] ed esafluoruro di zolfo [2] con la motivazione ufficiale di limitare l' effetto atmosfera , quando tale composto sortisce l'effetto contrario.

Osservate il cielo: è di un azzurro pallido, molto vicino al bianco? La luce è accecante? Il sole appare circondato da un alone opaco? Non c'è una sola nuvola? Dove sono i cumuli? The heat is unbearable and the air is unbearable? In the evening you have sometimes felt the unmistakable smell of the head of a match? E 'sulfur and mind you that this is widespread in the atmosphere for years! The reason? Provide credibility and strength to the theory of the greenhouse effect than CO2, so as to promote the introduction of new imposts about who "pollute", producing CO2 and induce recalcitrant politicians and scientists (few, actually) to take geoengineering techniques to counteract the effects induced by its geo-engineering. It 's crazy? No. Behind this screen runs a river of money and hides a multitude of interests, both military and civilians. In this way, you can while legitimizing the spray and you can dispose of virtually everything in the atmosphere, without giving any explanation.

Yes, because people begin to see and ask for explanations, and this is a stumbling block in plans, therefore, in countries where there more information on chemtrails , poisoners are forced to conceal, and this will affect the full efficiency the project. On France, Italy, Greece, Spain, in fact, are focusing operations at night. The satellite shows thick mist made up of particles autolevitanti, [3] created ad hoc with the non-persistent chemical trails (contrails not visible da satellite), nebbie che si diradano durante la giornata, per poi caricarsi elettricamente con i raggi solari. Da qui la quasi totale assenza di voli diurni, non necessari con l'alta pressione, anche se questa "evoluzione" nelle tecniche di avvelenamento della biosfera risulta sempre un compromesso che ridimensiona il conseguimento di alcuni obiettivi.

Sulla Francia del Nord Ovest, la mattina del 26 luglio, la situazione appare differente, a causa di una perturbazione atlantica in arrivo durante la notte. Ecco quindi che sono state, di prima mattina, stese scie chimiche di tipo persistente a mo' di barriera per bloccare il fronte nuvoloso. Pare che ci siano riusciti.

Il nostro problema, ora, consiste nel fatto che qualcuno vuole un pretesto per attuare indisturbati ed alla luce del sole progetti di bioingegneria e bio-nanotecnologia, sulle nuove armi (al plasma e non solo), sulla disgregazione e ricomposizione molecolare (vedi bang sonici), sulle comunicazioni militari basate sulla luce laser etc.

Le operazioni di aerosol nel mondo sono rimaste sino ad ora un segreto proprio perché a condividerne interessi e scopi sono in molti. Sul carro dei militari sono salite le aziende O.G.M., le aziende farmaceutiche, i centri universitari, i governi etc. Gli interessi e gli scopi raggiungibili sono dunque innnumerevoli. Escludiamo categoricamente l'opzione "per il vostro bene" e prediligiamo l'opzione "sfoltimento della popolazione ed indebolimento psicofisico the remainder. "The steep rise in diseases linked to heavy metals (Alzheimer's, ALS, Parkinson's disease, lymphoma) is the desired effect and in this way you get two results:

a) increase in sales to pharmaceutical companies
b ) thinning of the population, the slow but inexorable.

Geoengineering will become the perfect Trojan horse, not far from the day will be imposed where a new high taxes to finance these same operations, for now, remain illegal and that defined in the world "chemtrails." Ultimately we will pay to be poisoned and one day, perhaps, we envy those who did not survive.

"There will un giorno in cui l'uomo bianco non avrà altro cibo che le sue banconote ".

Capo tribù HOPI

[1] Biossido di zolfo (SO2)

Il biossido di zolfo, o anidride solforosa (SO2), è un gas dall’odore pungente, la cui presenza in atmosfera deriva dalla combustione di prodotti organici di origine fossile contenenti zolfo, quali carbone, petrolio e derivati.
In natura l’anidride solforosa viene immessa in atmosfera al seguito delle eruzioni vulcaniche, mentre le principali sorgenti antropiche sono costituite dagli impianti per il riscaldamento e la produzione di energia alimentati a gasolio, carbone e oli combustibili. Il traffico contribuisce alle emissioni total sulfur dioxide only slightly.
Exposure to SO2 - a pollutant that is also characterized by a very low perception threshold - causes irritation and injury to the human upper respiratory tract and increases susceptibility to acute and chronic episodes of infection (tracheitis, bronchitis, etc...) The damage to vegetation (leaf mottle and stunting) and materials (corrosion) are primarily due to the participation of this pollutant in the formation of so-called "acid rain".

[2] sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)

Sulphur hexafluoride is a gas that has dielectric properties significant, so it is widely used in military radar systems (eg AWACS) as medium for the propagation of waves.

military standards currently use pure sulfur hexafluoride, and no alternative is proposed. Sulphur hexafluoride effectively captures the infrared radiation, and to its relative chemical inertness, is not removed quickly by the atmosphere. These properties make it a powerful greenhouse gas.

Several experiments make extensive use of SF6 as a tracer gas to study the chemical and physical characteristics of clouds. One of these is "Study of tracer in the vertical exchange of cumulonimbus clouds."

[3] From a documento del C.F.R. :

"So far, launching reflective materials into the upper stratosphere seems to be the easiest and most cost-effective option. This could be accomplished by using high-flying AIRCRAFT , naval guns, or giant balloons. The appropriate materials could include SULFATE AEROSOLS (which would be created by releasing sulfur dioxide gas), ALUMINUM OXIDE DUST , or even SELF-LEVITATING and SELF-ORIENTING designer particles engineered to migrate to the Polar Regions and remain in place for LONG PERIODS ".

Un particolare ringraziamento va al nostro amico Arturo, per la ricerca bibliografica.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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chemtrails and vaccines: Is there a link?

We wonder if there is a correlation between chemtrails and vaccines to immunize the population officially produced by influenza A H1N1, the virus which has been created laboratories in the U.S. military. Now, one might think that the vaccine, which contains many poisons , one of its ingredients also a genetic marker, a sequence of DNA used for comparative analysis in studies of population genetics.

Genetic markers consist of a sequence STS (Sequence tagged site ), a short series nucleotide distributed in the genome. The knowledge of their sequence can exploit them for diagnostic purposes and research, but also allows to prepare specific probes. The probes are fragments of nucleic acids made visible thanks to a radioactive labeling, fluorescent or enzymatic. The fragment is used in the techniques of molecular hybridization, ie the formation of a molecule of nucleic acid double-stranded molecules from two complementary single-stranded DNA or RNA, by means of hydrogen bonds between nucleotide pairs.

In simpler words, the genetic markers used to identify specific groups within the human population. No doubt the mass vaccination is a device invented by the secret government world wiped out entire generations, whose immune system was already weakened by decades of chemtrails, power industry, nuclear radiation, drugs, fluoride in toothpaste etc.

However it is possible that vaccination is intended purposes due to genetic . Poisoners may wish to identify specific groups, and then induce or catalyze unfavorable genetic mutations, as is known, are due to physical or chemical agents. One could also hypothesize a link between that 15 per cent of humanity that would not, according to some researchers, easily manipulated, and subjects with RH negative, which is just a percentage of 15 percent. They are the target of markers? [1]

E 'also conjecture that an ad hoc frequency electromagnetic is able to trigger the mutation or some similar phenomenon, as demonstrated by the former French military Marc Filterman, in his book, Les armes de l'ombre . Filterman notes: "Let us imagine that a geneticist discovers a marker that turns into a toxin, as soon as it is exposed to a particular electromagnetic emission. The country is the source of this invention decides to integrate in gran segreto questo marcatore all'interno di alcune materie prime, come la farina ed il latte. Poi queste materie vengono esportate all'estero. Il paese esportatore dovrà solo in seguito attivare il marcatore per trasformare il cibo in veleno. Occorre quindi esporlo ad un campo elettromagnetico. Ciò non è difficile, se i chimici sono riusciti a realizzare un marcatore idoneo. I modi di attivazione per trasformarlo in tossina sono molteplici. Si possono usare antenne radio della potenza di un megawatt che possono, al momento necessario, emettere una modulazione specifica di bassa frequenza innescante il processo di trasformazione del marcatore. Si può impiegare un aereo radar o un A.W.A.C.S. in grado di generare un'onda di attivazione in un'area dal raggio 200 to 500 km. In this way you can only contaminate the area overflown.

They do not therefore "only" thin out the world's population through the vaccine, but also to isolate certain areas to transform the components in "individuals that are genetically modified," weak and prone to the will of the powerful.

course assumptions are supported only by some small and fragmentary evidence. There are only trials and future events will confirm or refute these hypotheses. Of course, biological and genetic aspects of the question " chemtrails" do not seem to be less important than chemical factors and electromagnetic fields.

[1] Journalist Amy Worthington recalls that contrails include biological components: some studies show that biomarkers are widespread.


Encyclopedia of Sciences, Milan, 2005, sv marker probe, STS
M. Filterman, Les armes de l'ombre, 2006

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