Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wood Swing Set Blue Prints

Letter to Mercalli, Onorato and Delitala

publish the letter which the meteorologist Dr. Domenico Azzopardi (1 M.llo Domenico Azzopardi - Expert Weather Air Force) has sent a Dear Luca Mercalli, Luca and Alessandro Onorato Delitala the Italian Meteorological Society, about the difference between contrails and chemtrails. The author of this detailed letter, with rare skill, lingers on many aspects of the topic, with particular reference to the morphology of the "chemtrails" and demonstrated with an analysis close and compelling, that contrails from military aircraft are not issued due to condensation.

In writing, which constitutes a short but persuasive Treaty (very pregnant, among other things, the parties devoted to nefologia), have refuted all the pseudo-arguments with which the eminent editors have believed Nimbus to settle the question of "chemtrails": indeed beg the question, generalizations, unfounded assertions and surface, one by one, gutted. Are thus laid bare, with pitiless lucidity, the errors and horrors of a "science" profoundly ideological and calibrated. We fear that the distinguished meteorologists, which is facing this writing, no reply since there could only repeat their hysterical screams of denial, their barking dog in a trap.

The text, in PDF format can be read at this address.

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