Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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chemtrails and vaccines: Is there a link?

We wonder if there is a correlation between chemtrails and vaccines to immunize the population officially produced by influenza A H1N1, the virus which has been created laboratories in the U.S. military. Now, one might think that the vaccine, which contains many poisons , one of its ingredients also a genetic marker, a sequence of DNA used for comparative analysis in studies of population genetics.

Genetic markers consist of a sequence STS (Sequence tagged site ), a short series nucleotide distributed in the genome. The knowledge of their sequence can exploit them for diagnostic purposes and research, but also allows to prepare specific probes. The probes are fragments of nucleic acids made visible thanks to a radioactive labeling, fluorescent or enzymatic. The fragment is used in the techniques of molecular hybridization, ie the formation of a molecule of nucleic acid double-stranded molecules from two complementary single-stranded DNA or RNA, by means of hydrogen bonds between nucleotide pairs.

In simpler words, the genetic markers used to identify specific groups within the human population. No doubt the mass vaccination is a device invented by the secret government world wiped out entire generations, whose immune system was already weakened by decades of chemtrails, power industry, nuclear radiation, drugs, fluoride in toothpaste etc.

However it is possible that vaccination is intended purposes due to genetic . Poisoners may wish to identify specific groups, and then induce or catalyze unfavorable genetic mutations, as is known, are due to physical or chemical agents. One could also hypothesize a link between that 15 per cent of humanity that would not, according to some researchers, easily manipulated, and subjects with RH negative, which is just a percentage of 15 percent. They are the target of markers? [1]

E 'also conjecture that an ad hoc frequency electromagnetic is able to trigger the mutation or some similar phenomenon, as demonstrated by the former French military Marc Filterman, in his book, Les armes de l'ombre . Filterman notes: "Let us imagine that a geneticist discovers a marker that turns into a toxin, as soon as it is exposed to a particular electromagnetic emission. The country is the source of this invention decides to integrate in gran segreto questo marcatore all'interno di alcune materie prime, come la farina ed il latte. Poi queste materie vengono esportate all'estero. Il paese esportatore dovrà solo in seguito attivare il marcatore per trasformare il cibo in veleno. Occorre quindi esporlo ad un campo elettromagnetico. Ciò non è difficile, se i chimici sono riusciti a realizzare un marcatore idoneo. I modi di attivazione per trasformarlo in tossina sono molteplici. Si possono usare antenne radio della potenza di un megawatt che possono, al momento necessario, emettere una modulazione specifica di bassa frequenza innescante il processo di trasformazione del marcatore. Si può impiegare un aereo radar o un A.W.A.C.S. in grado di generare un'onda di attivazione in un'area dal raggio 200 to 500 km. In this way you can only contaminate the area overflown.

They do not therefore "only" thin out the world's population through the vaccine, but also to isolate certain areas to transform the components in "individuals that are genetically modified," weak and prone to the will of the powerful.

course assumptions are supported only by some small and fragmentary evidence. There are only trials and future events will confirm or refute these hypotheses. Of course, biological and genetic aspects of the question " chemtrails" do not seem to be less important than chemical factors and electromagnetic fields.

[1] Journalist Amy Worthington recalls that contrails include biological components: some studies show that biomarkers are widespread.


Encyclopedia of Sciences, Milan, 2005, sv marker probe, STS
M. Filterman, Les armes de l'ombre, 2006

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