Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mb Sher Cricket Pads Used By

The path between fields

're small, sweet Katy. If I say "you're beautiful," answer "you more." It is not true.

Sometimes I fear to scare you. I fear that the attractive mystery che ti avvicina a me possa alla fine rivelarsi, in tutta pienezza, come un orrendo coacervo di mostruosità. Temo che tu, un giorno, ti volta scuotendo la testa, per considerare di aver conosciuto in me solo una folle vaneggiante e febbricitante.

Perché io do’ origine a ben altre oscurità che non l’idiota innocuità del mio manuale fraseologico hard core.

Ti ho conosciuta ad un bivio, amica mia, dolce sorella. Lo sai, i bivi conducono a destinazioni lontane. Nello scegliere una delle vie non si rinuncia solo ad una meta in favore dell’alta. Si perde anche l’esperienza del tragitto that leads us.

You know where it ends the other way, one that will lead me far beyond Kajaland. And you know also that I am doing the steps along that route. You know that I am negotiating the conditions to reach it as "public subject", although with independent status. It is not enough to the Lords of the place, they ask me to be more daring.

I thought and I am convinced that I can be more daring. Send in a few days my new conditions for a total offering in slavery. The outcome of negotiations could force myself surrender and the giving of all my past relationships, unconditional acceptance and exclusive membership to him or her to kneel in front.

understand how you lose sweet friend? What is far more serious betrayal?

But consider this my love. At each intersection, if you wish, you may leave the road and right missing, opening a path between fields.

I am of the Fawn Kajaland, I have the scent of wild beasts, and the sure-footed. I'm not going near the cliffs where you might fall. Lend Katy so beware.

Madam, you have the indulgence to welcome me at your service. This will not affect the intimacy that you wanted to now give your deer.

Know that your refusal I will take that road that there has been disclosed. Heartbroken see you no more. Please, let non sia così.

Abbiate ancora fiducia in me. Siatemi ancora amica. Siate ancora il mio amore. Siate più bella di me, sì che da tale bellezza, per l’abbaglio, la vostra cerva debba gettarsi prudente ai piedi vostri.

Confinatemi, Signora, entro l’orizzonte di Kajaland. Io non esisterò che per voi. Esisterò per voi solo quando avvertirete il piacere di conversare con la vostra cerva.

Saprò essere dolce con voi. We'll wash, caress you, you will smooth the limbs of oil, you will smell the hair with the essence of my love, Madam.

And if you have the goodness to recognize the benefits of the services that you have made your doe, donatele the thrill of being rewarded as she waits.

Know, gracious lady, that the dreadful accumulation of monstrosities that will scare you to be raised through a poetic song.

Lost Eden (117.13.1), 28 maggio 2010


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