Monday, May 31, 2010

Nadine Jensen Uniform

Your first

anxiously awaiting your presence has taken possession of me m'avete laid off since last night, after having surrounded the neck of a precious jewel. Henceforth you are linked by graceful chains. Be docile and pleasant for me to accompany you along the path of the Fields. We will focus attention where you aggraderà testify.
Madam, your arrangements have been undertaken without delay. You realize of my work, actually very incomplete and unworthy of your appreciation.
The Book of our memories has already been bound and made you give in gold letters the title and the title page. I have taken measures to let you deliver.
All drafts of our previous correspondence has been destroyed, as per your instructions. The delicate mechanism of the Automaton
you wish to order are jammed. I still can not therefore assume restrictions on the rights of love that we agreed I will be imposed.
The epigraph that I did not spend his hendecasyllable perfection.
The deeds of mutual agreement between the Fawn and his wife met with strong opposition from my mother, who did not wish to subscribe. I had to resort to the father figure to have the required number witness. Ariolauro my father hath been offended, however, in noting that appeared in the Proceedings under the title of warden.
What I regret to tell you is that disputes have arisen with the Lord of Kajaland. He found me on his land and accused of having usurped the name. I compared it to a guest welcomed in his house, who has made moving the furniture, creating confusion with the other defendants. We are not authorized to enter Kajaland with our signs, but to subordinate to his government. Immature respectful of my condition, I replied with pride that we found in other luogo ospitalità ben più degna.
Perdonatemi del contegno, Signora, o punitemi se lo ritenete.
Infine, devo riferire che la mia famiglia disapprova il percorso avviatosi lungo il Sentiero del Campo. Mia madre in particolare mi ha trattata con gli epiteti più odiosi, ritenendo completamente insensata questa esperienza. La sua ira, soprattutto, si è manifestata allorché ha da me appreso che intendevo esercitare altrove le arti grammatiche. Infuriata ha chiuso l'archivio storico della mia famiglia ed ha gettato la chiave in fondo ad un pozzo.
Spero abbiate la compiacenza di riconoscere che tutto ciò è avvenuto nell'arco di sei sole ore, già molto stanca, come avrete potuto senz'altro notare voi stessa.
Be also aware, Madam, that an overwhelming lust for me has invaded all our meeting. They have been tortured to the point of having to masturbate three times when, left alone, I was going to close your eyes to sleep.
I guiltily enjoyed free to share with you.
Forgive my selfishness, Madam, or if you feel punitemi. Your


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