Monday, March 14, 2011

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Sad similarities

that despite the cultural distance, a colonel and a knight can, in fact, be similar.
and frightening "close" .. Alessandro Robecchi on the manifest.

The poster, thanks to a daring intelligence operation, is able to reveal the details of the last hours of Muammar Gaddafi.

Friday, 14 hours - Meeting in the barracks in Tripoli. Present the lawyer El-Ghedin e il ministro della giustizia Al-Fanh, si studiano soluzioni all’emergenza per salvare il Colonnello. Il ciambellano Gian-Al-Lettah serve il thé e consiglia moderazione.

Venerdì, ore 16.30 – Videomessaggio del Colonnello ai promotori della Jamahiriya, un duro attacco ai giudici di Bengasi e la promessa di cambiare la Costituzione. Il principale telegiornale libico, diretto da El-Minzolinh, manda il messaggio in edizione inegrale.

Venerdì, ore 20 – Nomina del consigliere di corte Julian-El-Ferrar a commentatore unico in un programma dopo il telegiornale di El-Minzolinh. Dovrà sostenere le ragioni dell’aviazione Libyan tribes against the Puritans and discredit the courts of Benghazi.

Friday, 22 hours - Evening informal and belly dancing with Nicol-Minh-Etti. Ceremony of the envelopes, the grandson of Bokassa receives two oil fields, the other only six camels.

Saturday, 11 am - New meeting with Al-and El-Fanh Gedina. You try the way of short limitation to the airport. The chamberlain Gian-Al-Lettah cleans the floor and advised moderation.

Saturday, 13 hours - Meeting with the mercenaries hired by the resistance. Scilla-present Ipot AST El-Guzzanti. The comedian talks about his Bar-Baresch theatrical experience and his success as an intellectual. The Colonel is very fun and throwing chicken bones.

Saturday, 19.30 - Al-El-Colonel Sallust leads to old pictures of thirty years ago in which the insurgents in Benghazi kissing her boyfriend. Al-Brachinh shows a rebel with the blue socks. Chamberlain Gian-Al-Lettah drying clothes and recommends moderation.

Saturday, 23 hours - The Colonel brings the children and congratulated for the excellent financial results achieved by its companies.

(Source: The poster - The last hours of Saddam - Alessandro Robecchi - February 27, 2011 )

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Japan, nuclear nightmare and endless victims

The aftershocks are continuing, the reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power plant are getting closer to collapse. Despite all the rescue continues, but the budget becomes black by the hour.

Report of the first explosion and growing alarm:

Fukushima, one of the safest plants in the world:

The Japanese Fukushima-1 nuclear power station, which at this time the world is holding its breath following the disastrous earthquake of 11 March, is one of the 25 more nuclear plants the way, designed by General Electric, and is (or was) considered one of the structures of its kind among the safest in existence. It 's a term now in its operational life, being now in operation for forty years: built in the late sixties, went into operation in 1971, and was to be decommissioned this year. Power stations of this kind, particularly those built in Giappone, territorio com'è noto fra quelli a maggiore rischio sismico, sono progettati per resistere a tutta una serie di catastrofi naturali o originate dall'uomo: dai terremoti alle bombe atomiche. Di fatto, nella centrale di Fukushima, la protezione principale dell'impianto, ovvero la grande gabbia di cemento armato che circonda il nucleo attivo, dove avviene la reazione nucleare che genera calore grazie alla radioattività delle barre di uranio, sembra abbia resistito. Ciò che è venuto meno sono le strutture accessorie, in particolare i circuiti di raffreddamento, formati da tubi in cui vengono fatte circolare sostanze (come il sodio) che assorbono il calore in eccesso. Questi impianti sono azionati da complessi sistemi di pompaggio that ensure the circulation and cooling fluid temperature controller. The earthquake, apparently blew the electrical power of the pumps, and coolant started to heat up over the allowed limit.
This type of incident widely expected, and there are safety procedures to prevent damage to the cooling system. In the case of Fukushima, apparently, the damage was so serious as to put out the systems of support. The Japanese authorities have made to flow on-site generators and batteries to ensure the autonomous power of the pumps, but this was not enough and it is determined an explosion in the cooling circuits, presumably caused by high pressure in the pipes caused by excess heat.
Nipponese authorities have also taken the measure, certainly extreme, to dispel the atmosphere of the superheated steam to cause a decrease in pressure. The condition has caused an increase in radioactivity in the environment within a radius of several kilometers around the reactor. The population was evicted from an area of \u200b\u200btwenty miles and instructions were issued to prevent damage from contamination (close to home, turn off air conditioners, breathe through a mask, etc.).. This, waiting for the winds dispersed the radioactive gas. The figures for alla contaminazione ambientale sono contraddittorie, e le autorità hanno invitato alla calma ma, comunque sia, si tratta di una situazione non certo tranquillizzante.
I timori principali sono quelli legati alla cosiddetta "fusione del nocciolo". Il nucleo di un reattore nucleare è costituito da un contenitore all'interno del quale vengono calate da impianti automatici delle barre di uranio che, grazie alla radioattività, generano calore utilizzato per azionare le turbine dell'impianto di generazione elettrica. Nel nocciolo la reazione è "controllata" perché le sbarre possono essere estratte se necessario, e fra di loro possono essere inseriti schermi di sostanze che bloccano la diffusione radioattiva. Tuttavia, if the temperature rises too high, the heart eventually merge into a single block of metal with highly radioactive, the point of being inaccessible and not negotiable. The only measure, then, is to bury the entire property under a "sarcophagus" of concrete and close access to the area around it. This, while those due to natural radiation are exhausted: this may take a period of time (depending on the used nuclear fuel) ranges from decades to centuries to millennia.

(Source: Virgilio news - # # Japan / Fukushima was one of the central "safest" to Board - March 14, 2011 )

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bushnell 730132p Any Good

freedom and freedom of choice

Open Letter to Mr. Silvio Riva in Varese News.
The difference between freedom and freedom of choice itself, two factors that the propaganda of Premier Berlusconi aims to unite, turning in their favor.

Dear Sir,

freedom and freedom of choice are two different things. Berlusconi Instead, merges and identifies: "Freedom is not being forced to send i figli in una scuola di Stato”.

Trascegliere tra decine di scuole; dividere i bambini fin da piccoli in base all’ideologia dei genitori; far alzare presto i figli alla mattina e portarli in macchina anche per decine di chilometri alla scuola prescelta; pretendere per i propri rampolli una scuola super: questa è la libertà di scelta.
Avere a disposizione vicino a casa una delle vecchie scuole statali, di un livello normale, non necessariamente super, e mandarvi i propri figli assieme a quelli dei vicini: questa è la libertà.
Da scolaro e da studente io sono stato molto libero. Da insegnante ho cercato di fare del mio meglio per rendere liberi i miei allievi.

Trascegliere Dozens of mineral water in plastic bottles, transported on trucks to tens of kilometers; load in the car and take them home, to tickle the taste buds the way you want: this is freedom of choice.
be able to turn on the tap and drink water good: this is freedom.
(Varese We Bevera let's keep the dear, if we want to be free!)

Place "freely" within its territory; choose to turn the last fields and woods in building area, Including cement, tarpaulins, ensure that each municipality "freedom" "enhancing" their land (those are free to Portofino Portofino loot, those of Varese Varese are free to plunder, etc..): this is freedom of choice.
repress our greed and retain the remaining greenery in a way which could also enjoy our children this is freedom.
(Varese We Bevera let's keep the dear, if we want to be free!)

Who can find other examples?
I've heard a better definition of freedom: freedom is the faculty that has to be to adapt its internal law. Will not therefore, but rather adaptation to deepest self, without external constraints (made by force or by propaganda) or internal (our whims).

La libertà di scelta è un falso valore? Libertà e libertà di scelta sono compatibili? I liberali, liberisti, libertari e libertini sono liberi?
Se non torniamo a idee e stili di vita più sobri, togliere di mezzo questo Berlusconi non serve a niente: ne inventeremo subito un altro.

Distinti saluti.

Silvio Riva - Cantello

(Fonte: Varese News - Libertà di scelta e libertà, punto - 27 feb 2011 )

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Does Acute Hiv Rash Look Like

Japan sinks

Una reazione a catena terremoto-tsunami mette in ginocchio il Giappone. Le onde distruggono tutto quello che trovano, portando in giro case, automobili, fabbriche, sommergendo persone. Si contano 1800 morti e decine di migliaia di dispersi: è la più grande catastrofe nella storia del Giappone. Intanto le scosse continuano.. Guarda il Video

Sono le 14.46 ora locale, le 6.46 ora italiana.
Il Giappone trema, 400 secondi di terrore, 9 gradi sulla scala Richter.
E' tragedia: gli abitanti scappano, gridano, vengono inghiottiti dalla terra; le fabbriche si incendiano, un clima irreale, da fine del mondo.
I terremoti, dopo una prima scossa, si ripetono: e allora anche il mare si rivolta.
Uno tsunami con onde di 10 m di altezza e un fronte di parecchie centinaia di chilometri travolge la regione del Sendai, nel nord del Paese.
Le case, strappate dalle fondamenta, vengono trascinate per centinaia di metri, fiumi di fango travolgono auto, uomini, coltivazioni..
"Quelle onde che arrivano da lontano e ti lasciano solo il tempo di trattenere il fiato e vedere l'inverosimile" scrive Antonella su .
"La terra fa a pezzi temples and towers, the fires burn things and looks. "
A stain slow, dark, expands and overwhelms everything, campaigns, neighborhood ..
Ships fleet as crazy stir against each other, people crying, some relief is in motion.
It is now evening, only the fire light up the sky, the beaches are full of algae, waste and dead bodies, hundreds of corpses.
Until now, the estimates are tens of thousands even higher numbers of casualties and missing, the numbers are bound to rise.
Alarm rebounds for the Pacific, arriving to the shores of Hawaii and California, the Earth's axis is moved 10 cm.
E ' the largest natural disaster in the history of Japan, everything is paralyzed, the airport in Tokyo is submerged, the survivors waving the waving from their huts to be seen, to get help.
A ship with 100 passengers was swallowed, have lost track of four trains, vanished, devoured by a force which is impossible to oppose, a disaster that goes beyond any rational conception of an emergency. The
Fukushima Nuclear Power Station is on alert. After an explosion that caused injuries to some employees feared for the integrity of the nucleus: there is a risk that should be cast.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan is è espresso affermando che è un "disastro nazionale senza precedenti."
Così le catastrofi naturali, nonostante le tecnologie per prevenirle e combatterle continuino ad evolvere ci rendono ancora impotenti.
L'uomo anni ed anni dopo altre devastanti catastrofi ha lo stesso timore, la stessa misera impotenza.
Oggi appena accade le immagini fanno il giro del mondo, per il resto è esattamente come una volta, bisogna ammetterlo.

Tobia Alberti

Video of a disaster:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Does It Mean If My Urine Is Clear

A Magic Flute "by" Peter Brook

A unique, characterized by a simplicity and comprehensiveness that leave amazed and pleasantly surprised. An opera review the key play by Peter Brook, which exalts man as the man who is reduced to the essential character of a scene, but full of poetry and communication.

Simple, linear. A plot thin, but otherwise, to hold a work reduced to a minimum but still full of ideas, situations, full of emotions, feelings and communication with the public.
"What is this Magic Flute?" Asks Sergio Escobar, director of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano.
"Opera? Certainly not. Musical theater? Maybe. Theater? Certainly. "
simply intended as a" force of light to get straight to the heart of emotions to restore meaning to the words and notes. "A" see the world through the eyes of a child and the responsibilities of an adult. "
" How much work in removing " continua Sergio Escobar, “per raggiungere quell’essenzialità che coincide con la bellezza assoluta. Quanto è necessario restituire “senso” al teatro, un senso che si traduca nella capacità di restituire la centralità dell’uomo, di riscattarlo dalla solitudine cui lo condanna una rappresentazione morta, gelida di uno schermo che duplica, nasconde la realtà, sottraendole la vita.”
Anche la scenografia rispecchia questi concetti: il palco vuoto è unicamente arricchito dagli attori e da una serie di canne di bambù, installate su piedistalli in ferro.
Queste aste venivano “modellate”, direttamente in scena, dagli attori a seconda delle situazioni that were created.
The light is also reduced to a minimum, in tones that reflect the feelings much of the work, what the characters felt at that moment.
many magazines and cut from the original, this Magic Flute "by" Peter Brook, still retains a lyrical part, the foundation of the original, reducing it to piano and voice and projecting it longer in the key stage, with a setting that leaves completely the epic feature of classical works.
The colorful and warm French language, mother tongue of the company, then creates a kind of dissonance with the trills in German.
After an initial introduction and key to the plot of the story, is introduced gradually and in a masterly way, a certain irony, especially in bloom Papageno, which lifts the light "lethargy" of the earlier scenes.
From here on is a kind of escalation of wealth, a spectacle that takes more lives, is complicated, is more serious but at the same time, more light and pleasant, with bits of comedy and ironic humor.
The setting, the dialogues and the ease with which the whole performance was carried out, certainly makes it easier for the viewer an understanding of the whole, a vision and sliding smoothly slowing down in the final. The falling of the bamboo poles: it is the pinnacle.
Moments of stillness, as if to fix the image in your mind and then rolling back the label of the show from the beginning.
actors loose, with coordinated movements, constant, almost meandering pop up auctions, arranging them in rows side.
Close the fifth, darkness falls.
few seconds and turn on the lights in the room, it's still clear the memory of the scene, color, warmth and simplicity by which marriage can lead to a smile, a beautiful conclusion to a play.

"There is only one significant difference between cinema and theater, "says Peter Brook in his book," The cinema shows screen images of the past. Because this is what makes our mind with itself throughout the course of life, the cinema seems intimately true. [...]
Theatre for its part, is emerging in the present. This is what can make it more real than the normal Stream of consciousness. [...] The theater is the arena in which a comparison may be made alive. "
" What is going to work adjusting the Schikaneder libretto and music? "David Sanson asked in an interview before the onset representation.
“Liberamente!” rispondeva sicuro Peter Brook. “[…] l’immagine che ci viene dal passato e l’aspettativa che pesa sull’opera (lirica tradizionale) condizionano fortemente il tutto. L’idea di questo Flauto è far si che gli attori procedano in modo naturale, vivo e sentito, senza l’imposizione di proiezioni. […] Cominciamo a lavorare senza alcun elemento scenico, partendo dalla musica e domandandoci come riuscire a trasmetterla senza subire il peso, il risvolto solenne di una grande opera, […] con questa grande intuizione,ossia che nella musica di Mozart non si tratta di nascondere o di attualizzare, ma di far apparire…”
These are the reflections of the great director, who then continued in an interview by Art, at the debut of a magic flute, in November 2010: "Today we try to explain everything, to clarify everything, and yet the strength of what we call poetry, the energy of what we call music, is that they go beyond that limit, because they start at that moment beyond which rational explanation can not proceed. "
" What is culture, what is the theater? "says Sergio Escobar. "The theater does not" need "is civilization, is shared humanity.
The theater of Peter Brook this. "

Tobia Alberti

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Brown Coming Out Period

Cobalt Slam, video tutorial

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good Low-budget Microphones

Mother of pearl and light fire

until yesterday I indulged in feel free, all natural and, ultimately, its a beast . Every time I walked into one of the rooms of his home, holding him very clear, waiting for his words: naked before me, now - uncertain if the tone of his eighth there was gracefully or intransigence.

With reverence then dropped the garments of the maid of honor. I was then ready. Squinting his eyes feel better investigated. Say the rhythm of my breath, so that by the graces of the body effluisse the full gift of myself, suspended, attracted, malleable and excited, both by his caresses from her lashes.

And as I stripped my clothes so his order, to revere him and wish him farewell in a peaceful and good night. In fact, I never shared his bed, his sleeping and never rested the edge of his dream. Flower back to my fence and there, I went to bed on the bare earth, gathering as a sunflower in the starlight.

The nakedness of a woman next to a man (rich) clothing is a fresco painting from yesterday that gives color to his new home.

not force him to call me more, more discreet and yet still, however, resented having to make mention of what is expected of me. From now on only dress and decorum of my figure will the reflection of red, orange, yellow or white, that of fire and light on my skin.

no more veils, barefoot, covered only my jewels, scented with naked youth, my Lord, I will cheer with this unique adornment.