Monday, March 14, 2011

Free Mobile Broadband Hack On 3

Sad similarities

that despite the cultural distance, a colonel and a knight can, in fact, be similar.
and frightening "close" .. Alessandro Robecchi on the manifest.

The poster, thanks to a daring intelligence operation, is able to reveal the details of the last hours of Muammar Gaddafi.

Friday, 14 hours - Meeting in the barracks in Tripoli. Present the lawyer El-Ghedin e il ministro della giustizia Al-Fanh, si studiano soluzioni all’emergenza per salvare il Colonnello. Il ciambellano Gian-Al-Lettah serve il thé e consiglia moderazione.

Venerdì, ore 16.30 – Videomessaggio del Colonnello ai promotori della Jamahiriya, un duro attacco ai giudici di Bengasi e la promessa di cambiare la Costituzione. Il principale telegiornale libico, diretto da El-Minzolinh, manda il messaggio in edizione inegrale.

Venerdì, ore 20 – Nomina del consigliere di corte Julian-El-Ferrar a commentatore unico in un programma dopo il telegiornale di El-Minzolinh. Dovrà sostenere le ragioni dell’aviazione Libyan tribes against the Puritans and discredit the courts of Benghazi.

Friday, 22 hours - Evening informal and belly dancing with Nicol-Minh-Etti. Ceremony of the envelopes, the grandson of Bokassa receives two oil fields, the other only six camels.

Saturday, 11 am - New meeting with Al-and El-Fanh Gedina. You try the way of short limitation to the airport. The chamberlain Gian-Al-Lettah cleans the floor and advised moderation.

Saturday, 13 hours - Meeting with the mercenaries hired by the resistance. Scilla-present Ipot AST El-Guzzanti. The comedian talks about his Bar-Baresch theatrical experience and his success as an intellectual. The Colonel is very fun and throwing chicken bones.

Saturday, 19.30 - Al-El-Colonel Sallust leads to old pictures of thirty years ago in which the insurgents in Benghazi kissing her boyfriend. Al-Brachinh shows a rebel with the blue socks. Chamberlain Gian-Al-Lettah drying clothes and recommends moderation.

Saturday, 23 hours - The Colonel brings the children and congratulated for the excellent financial results achieved by its companies.

(Source: The poster - The last hours of Saddam - Alessandro Robecchi - February 27, 2011 )


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