Saturday, October 31, 2009

Recipe For Japanese Mayonnaise

Barium studies Clifford Carnicom

The work of disinformation, people envious, inept, useless, ignorant, continues unabated, but they have not heard that it is counterproductive to their ignoble cause: in fact, the more he groped in the rush, citing pseudo-scientific arguments and petitions of principle to deny the reality chemtrails, the more people multiply that open their eyes, especially unexpected dall'accanimento of those who say that chemtrails are an urban legend.

If they had a bit of salt, the uninformed tacerebbero to avoid raising all this fuss about the issue. Blockheads! They did not understand that they can not even try to bury the truth, because what fools never recognize. Meanwhile, as was mentioned, among others, noticed the creator of the blog Calaminta , including the relevance of the question, translated and produced two texts in which are some alarming conclusions of the engineer U.S. Clifford Carnicom, the barium content in chemtrails.


According to studies conducted by the U.S. scientist Clifford E. Carnicom the presence of barium the Earth's atmosphere more than 8 times the safety threshold set by the EPA, the U.S. government agency environment.

The toxicity of Barium is comparable to that of arsenic. According to the EPA, is not healthy for humans to breathe air containing more than 5 parts per million of Barium (the same as the limit for arsenic). The latest research shows that we are were exposed to atmospheric levels of Barium much higher (about 8 times) to the limit of safety.

'E' have performed a preliminary analytical estimate of the concentration of barium compounds in atmospheric samples tested. This estimate exceeds the limit for human exposure to contaminants released into the air tests on [...]. atmospheric samples continue to confirm the presence of barium compounds. The tests involve a variety of survey methods, including the use of ionizing filters, electrostatic filters, HEPA filters, filters at high temperatures.

The analysis methods include solubility, pH, precipitation, chromatography, electrode, electrolysis, ms and spectrographic comparison tests. The public environmental agencies have been urged to undertake a process of verification of analytical methods to confirm or refute the results that have been established. The soluble forms of barium are highly toxic, with comparable levels of arsenic toxicity. "(Source: )

U.S. legal code
U.S. House of Representatives, Title 50 / Chapter 32, Sec 1520th

Restrictions on the use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents A. Prohibited activities - The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract) (1) no tests or experiments that include the use of chemical or biological agents on the civilian population, or (2) no test chemical or biological agents on human subjects.

Biological experiments against civilians are prohibited and considered a serious violation of the Geneva Convention (Convention IV, Article 147).

Barium, Chemtrails and immunosuppression U.S.: ANALYSIS CONFIRMATION BARIUM

(Bob Lee, the source )

Growing evidence suggests that the phenomenon of "chemtrails" is much more serious than a simple "air releases water vapor in the sky." The research work Clifford Carnicom supports the possibility of increasing the barium precipitate in rainwater harvesting in areas where it has recently occurred in the spray chemtrails.

What are the effects of barium, a heavy metal, in humans? Peçanha and Dos Reis (1989) reported in an article entitled "Functional heterogeneity in the process of T cell activation; barium blocks several modes of activation of T cells, but spare a single function of T cells undergo activation PHA. Published in May 1989 in "Clinical Immunology experimental": "All modes of T cell activation, except the PHA-induced mitogenesis, are blocked by Ba2 + (barium) in maniera reversibile e relativa alla dose".

In altre parole, il bario rende inattive le cellule T del corpo. Le cellule T sono una fondamentale componente del sistema immunitario. Insieme ai linfociti OKT4+ inducono le cellule T ad indirizzare l'attacco delle cellule OKT8 verso gli antigeni estranei (batteri invasivi o virus).

In estrema sintesi, il bario può disattivare il sistema immunitario.


E' stato svolto uno studio per esaminare il ruolo delle operazioni di aerosol in relazione al riscaldamento globale.

Da molto tempo è stato proposto che tali operazioni have the effect of aggravating the state of global warming, and they show no prospect of cooling the earth as many have claimed. This is in direct contradiction to many of the popular notions that commonly circulate about them and that is that these operations are somehow designed for our own good but it is better that their real nature remains secret and hidden from the public domain. [...] Read

here the following article published in April 2007.

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