Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tiffany Towers Swimsuit

Le scie persistenti sono un'invenzione della N.A.S.A.! (articolo di B. Bruhwiler)

Che cosa sono le scie di condensazione? Quando un aereo vola ad alta quota (almeno 8000 metri), dell'umidità è prodotta dai motori: se il velivolo incrocia a notevole altitudine, allora l'umidità generata dai motori molto caldi a contact with the surrounding cold air condenses into water vapor or ice crystals form, partly because of the remarkable speed of the jet through the cold air (at least 40 degrees below zero Celsius) and humidity (at least 70 percent relative humidity ). Thus forming a trail that follows the plane. The phenomenon depends on the same factors that occur when the warm breath as an ephemeral cloud of steam in the wet and very cold winter days.

The contrails lasting a few seconds or minutes for a reason: water conducts heat so that it absorbs the heat around, like that from the sun. That's why, when you see a contrail behind an aircraft, it disappears quickly and, as the aircraft proceeds, the reform in the vicinity of the aircraft but at a certain distance from the engines, and, gradually, the tail of the wake disappears.

It 's impossible to see a trail of clouds formed in the lower-middle as heaps (800/2300 meters max) where the values \u200b\u200bof thermal hygrometers and, obviously, are not eligible.

If the wake generated behind an aircraft is thick and / or persistent or evanescent, but in the 8,000 meters, what we see is not a contrail. It is water vapor, but a mixture of chemical and biological agents, a toxic trail .

After the Second World War, as also admitted by the UK government, aviation in the United Kingdom widespread population unaware dozens of chemical elements and compounds in in vivo experiments. In the 50s of the twentieth century, the United States, the Army used the ventilation systems of the New York metropolitan area, also for testing the effects of chemicals and pathogens on people .

the paranormal phenomenon of persistence for weeks (sic) of a contrail is begging the question is absolutely not supported by physics. In practice, it is a lie crafted to cover clandestine operations (night and day) of aerosols.

Contrails may or may not last over time, depending on the stability of the air and the amount of vapor present. "[Jerome Sansosti & Alfio Giuffrida - Manual of Meteorology, A guide to understanding the weather and climate in collaboration with the UAI (Union of Amateur Astronomers Italian) - Publisher Gremese - 2006 - p. 86]

But how long lasting these trails? The answer is implicit in the following passage:

"The length and intensity of a contrail depends on the weather, the type and speed of the aircraft. The typical contrails ranges from 9 to 28 km (from 5 to 15 nautical miles) in length and thirty feet in diameter. The contrails are formed generally between 7500 and 18000 meters altitude, at very low temperatures (-40 ° C). "[The Camouflage Handbook, AAFWAL-TR-86-1028 (Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio: Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories, 1986), chap. 1-12]

Let's now a simple calculation physical - math: If the speed is given by v = s / t (distance traveled divided by time taken to travel) is obtained by inverting the formula t = s / v (time distance is equal to the distance traveled divided by the speed) and then a plane that travels at a speed of 600 km / h (typical cruise) for percorrere 9 km impiega un tempo pari a 9/600 ore = 0,015 ore = 0,9 minuti =54 secondi, mentre per percorrere 28 km impiega un tempo pari a 28/600 ore = 2,8 minuti = 2 minuti e 48 secondi. Se per caso un aereo viaggiasse ad una velocità molto più bassa (ad esempio 300 km/h) in base ai dati riportati nel suddetto libro otterremmo dei risultati doppi dei precedenti, ma sono ben pochi gli aerei che volano a simile velocità. Abbiamo quindi la conferma che le tipiche scie durano di norma un minuto, al massimo 5. Di conseguenza un cielo oscurato da 40 “scie di condensa” persistenti per ore (o anche solo per un’ora) è assolutamente a-tipico, a-normale, un fenomeno spiegabile solo in termini di irrorazione artificiale.

Corrado Penna (Fisico)

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