Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Kelly Family Barbie Died

Il trimetialluminio nelle scie chimiche

Un razzo NASA propulso con trimetilalluminio come additivo Interesting photos of NASA on the left: the image was taken during a experiment during which a rocket dispersed trimetilalluminio [C 6 H 18 A l2], which is used as combustion air. The connection to the chemtrails is immediate, so we checked how does this compound.

The remarkable feature is that the trimetilalluminio is in liquid form (so it can be stored in the tanks) and reacts spontaneously with moisture in the air, increasing in volume, as is the case, for example, the foam with epoxy.

This is our assumptions regarding:

1) It 's impossible to long-term storage of aluminum powder suspended in a liquid, powder, sooner or later, sedimentation, and aluminum powder also damage the delicate apparatus of the turbofan . The trimetilalluminio, however, is liquid and turns into aluminum oxide, fine powder, when in contact with air, after being sprayed. Also is a highly flammable, so we think that it is used as an additive for fuel. It should be noted

che tra le principali forniture militari sia dell'unione europea sia statunitensi figura proprio il trimetilalluminio .

Courtesy by Wikipedia

2) Frequentemente si vedono scie espandersi a dismisura e velocemente, sebbene i valori di umidità relativa, come indicato dai radiosondaggi, siano molto bassi. In altri casi si osservano coperture artificiali, sempre con parametri di umidità non idonei alla formazione delle contrails e quindi tanto meno adatti alla sovrasaturazione, fenomeno del tutto inventato dalla N.A.S.A. per coprire le operazioni con scie chimiche di tipo persistente - Progetto cloverleaf [1]. Non siamo dunque di fronte a scie di condensa persistenti for supersaturation, but actual formations that simulate contrails, but those are not.

The increase in volume of trails is due to reaction with atmospheric moisture trimetilalluminio residue that is captured in the expansion phase of spray drift. Hence the decline Humidity values \u200b\u200bin the atmosphere, in conjunction with activities of tankers and in synergy with the diffusion of barium and other elements hygroscopic.

For each mole of aluminum, less than 26 grams, 3 moles of water are formed of 54 grams (more than twice). So we can assume that the tankers that disperse trimetilalluminio density of about 700Kg per cubic meter. The trimetilalluminio burn without flame through a chemical reaction with oxygen as oxidizing.

When we observe the progressive expansion of the trails, this is due to trimethyl that slowly reacts with oxygen, releasing water that is then we see the result: trails that widen disproportionately even if you do not attain the sufficient moisture to the so-called (NASA hoax) supersaturation.

NB: the water of combustion of kerosene is much less in quantity : generates the normal condensation trails (where these are the conditions of altitude, pressure, relative humidity, temperature) which do not expand anything, but dissolve in pochi secondi.

[1] Il progetto cloverleaf fu un’operazione iniziata nel 1998. In precedenza varie zone degli Stati Uniti erano state selezionate per l’operazione “chemtrails”, con l’intento di sperimentare tutte le tecniche di spargimento e per stabilire quali fossero i limiti di ogni aereo e quali le condizioni meteo ottimali. Una volta stabilito questo, iniziò un programma nazionale, che continua tuttora sotto nomi in codice diversi. I due nomi che ricorrono più spesso sono “Operazione Cloverleaf” (foglia di trifoglio) e “Operazione Rain Dance” (danza della pioggia). Nel giro di pochi mesi dall’inizio dell’operazione sugli Stati Uniti, le scie chemicals were exported over vast parts of dozens of countries, with the notable exception of China.

The hypothesis formulated in this article was also supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder (California): In fact, according to this center, "the only way to create artificial clouds in the dry air is to introduce enough particulates in 'atmosphere to attract all the moisture available and thicken, transforming it into a visible vapor [trimetilalluminio ed.] If this procedure is repeated often, the result is a mist that does not bring rain, but drought ".


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