Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dawn From Pokemon In A Bathing Suit

For a thousand days from now will

You have asked me, Madam, to tell you the services rendered. Have you applied for, Madam, that my words rod with the privilege of having long kiss your feet. Indeed I appreciate your sensitivity and the thought that I could be useful. Suffer in having to be a day of note for you all from a bird cage; v'allieti that he sings while are devoted to other pleasures, other occupations.

In those happy occasion, appealed m'avete puppy. A thought so kind that I humbly take leave from a glittering chain. L 'wear thanks to you all lightness.

all fours as befits a doe, with the heart of great love, her eyes shining with admiration, I looked to the perfection of your ankles. I no longer dared in su di quelle volgere lo sguardo alla vostra persona.

Freschi come quelli d’una dea, i piedi vostri erano calzati da sandali d’oro. Diafano era il colore della pelle, trasparenti le unghie vostre bellissime Intorno a quei piedi s'irradiava una luce possente. S’estasiava il mio cuore di cerva, per esser stata ammessa a godere d'una tale visione. Avvertivo, Signora, la vertigine di una somma delizia.

In quel vortice senza tempo, cui pareva ruotare l’intero universo, ho proteso le labbra fino al delicato contatto. Avvertivo sulla schiena, lieve, flessuoso, il tocco di una verga. Non ne fui sorpresa. Attraverso di essa mi parlavate. Con i denti vi ho tolto i calzari, deponendoli a lato del seggio.

Al più netto comando del vostro giunco garbato, inarcando tutti i lombi miei, offrivo impudica le terga a ridenti Cupidi. Mi sono infine tutta distesa.

V’era, posta per me a terra, una ciotola di latte versato da your hand, so that you bathe your tongue.

Like a sea sponge, dripping streams of milk, I poured on your feet a drawing with white veins. My mouth is all there is profuse, my lips have stretched that damp veil, my tongue combined with the saliva of wild beast.

as wet as I have a puppy that s'abbevera breast. I sucked that sweet food, around the neck malleolus and to the graceful fingers. Among them I played with the language. There I found the smell of lily of the valley, mimosa, lavender, even a different smell with every breath.

The sole of your foot, Lady, was then lying on my face. You've caressed. Like a hand, soft and reassuring, you have raised my chin so that I could feel my underling better posture.

At the touch of your wand, I poured on your back and you, like Madonna who crushes the serpent, you were for me an icon of absolute firmness. I wanted the heel on your face and I continued to lick, kiss, murmuring prayers of love. I then have hit the tip of the breasts and thighs, as they do with the animals more docile.

has run so I offer, disclosed, the sight of the most beautiful flower. Five wild rose petals adorned with a pearl meaty. The eye of mine, who was abducted from ecstasy, had stopped to watch a hand. Stroking the corolla, now touching her, now turning, allargandola ora per cercarvi dentro essenze gustose.

Quando il piede, più fortemente, m’avete premuto sul capo volgendolo di lato, mia Signora, con le orecchie dolenti, ho sentito un gemito vostro, ma non era lamento. E poiché quel singhiozzo non pareva aver fine la mano mia, simile alla vostra, m’è scivolata sul sesso. Vi ricevo una sferza. Mi sorprende un dolore. Il torto v’ho fatto d’ascoltar le mie voglie. Pronta in ginocchio vi imploro perdono ma la verga s’abbatte e mi piange subito il cuore.

I repent, I repent, I repent I will cry in lament. I will be chaste, for a thousand days from now. You seal my pledge. The belly s'infuoca, close the iron, forged latch, imprisoned my shame.


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