Friday, October 22, 2010

Can You Install Floating Floors On A Boat?

Scuola vs Gelmini

Quasi 8 milioni di euro di finanziamenti pubblici a scuola e ricerca "tagliati" entro il 2012, proteste studentesche che passano inosservate e un sistema scolastico allo sbando.
Così il declino della Scuola italiana, senza ossigeno per le riforme. 

“Bisogna avere il coraggio di cambiare” afferma in a statement the minister of education, "we must aim for a quality school and to do it" is necessary to the efforts of all those who care about school. "
These are the words of Mariastella Gelmini after a student demonstration held in front of Deputies and then continued to Trastevere, the establishment of the Ministry of Education.
Students take to the streets to protest against the reform Gelmini, to say no to cuts in public funding and teachers.
It began with demonstrations of non-teaching staff were followed by students who, increasingly, seek and find the support of teachers. "We are going towards the abyss," say thousands of young, distressed by what could be the future of their ilk.
Even the statistics are from "bad dream": in Italy there is a 1-19 teacher-student ratio while the scholarships are already over 10 percentage points below the European average.
Nevertheless these data do not seem to touch the creepy mind of carefree Gelmini who proceeds to his "goal": in less than 18 000 teachers over the next two years and several billion euro taken from their funding of schools and universities, in essence, the future of country.
Minister says the government has set up the reform to improve school, but also says that "the greatest burden in applying it touches first teachers working to make the school a better body, for excellence."
How can a teacher help, without the necessary resources to improve the school? Could you work without pay, or even support their own pockets, in any case beyond do not look dignified solutions and "decent" should appear as a defeat, and a source of shame for our country, but it seems that the situation is just this.
The political struggle more against this bill, as in many other cases, Antonio Di Pietro, leader of Italia dei Valori, who said, referring to the response of the Gelmini demonstration in Rome, "It 's a shame that a protest by thousands of students to be paid by the proponent of this massacre with a simple joke."
Napolitano, with the usual tone arranger and full of good intentions, claims to share "the deep concern for the plight of students of the school system", claiming to rely "on the feeling of students beyond this moment of frustration "as if only they flip and overcome this situation.
The Journal defines the protests "folklore" while the Courier, more moderate, he writes that "for many is the fight" but that, according to some, should be softer, less radical.
minding that we have received in recent weeks by France, may be to smile.
The protests of the Italian students are too determined, too strong?
should perhaps be more "soft", as it suggests the Corriere della Sera?
In this case, what of that?
The deduction is: How can we define the educational situation of protest in France?
I do not think the protests are not of Italian decision, but I think that if you really want to get "something good" should mobilize more, should be more united and confident of what you want, pursuing the cause of the media aware of what you have.
In any case the numbers are not insignificant: In Italy more than 300 000 were students who participated in more than 80 Italian cities to protest against the "cuts" in the demonstrations against education reform.
In this very confusing situation, Tremonti's statements seem to be a joke: "We will do everything possible." How can you say that all around a lui contraddice?
Perché l’opinione pubblica è illusa che tutto vada per il meglio?
Dal punto di vista dei media tutto sembra andare a gonfie vele; il paese, superata ormai ampiamente la crisi, si dedica a riforme e a migliorie del sistema. Andando a vedere dietro le quinte però, si nota che non è tutto come il “bel teatrino politico” ci dipinge.
Per migliorare la qualità della scuola si tagliano fondi, per risolvere il problema del lavoro si punta sugli ammortizzatori sociali e non sugli incentivi alle piccole e medie imprese. E’ come puntare al licenziamento lento, ad un tipo di precariato sbilanciato sulla disoccupazione e non ad un sostegno, per mezzo di leggi adeguate, alle aziende, che favorirebbero la ripresa del mercato e la salvaguardia dei posti di lavoro.
Insomma, per trarre le conclusioni: dove si punta ad arrivare con queste riforme, con questa linea di governo?
Non di sicuro al benessere del paese e al suo sviluppo. E qui sorge un dubbio: non è che, per caso, tutto ciò rientra solo negli interessi di qualcuno, di qualcuno soltanto?

Tobia Alberti

Punti fondamentali della "Riforma Gelmini"
  • Introduzione del maestro unico e del grembiule obbligatorio alle elementari.
  • Tagli di finanziamenti pubblici a scuola e ricerca pari a 7.832.000 euro entro il 2012.
  • Licenziamento delle supplenti e di tutti gli insegnanti “superflui”.
  • Annullamento delle compresenze alle scuole elementari e medie, con l'effetto che gli alunni che necessitano un recupero non avranno più la possibilità di usufruirne, in quanto l'insegnante da solo, dovrà badare ad  un numero crescente di alunni (40 in media).
  • Tagli Staff: about 100 000 people, which will achieve the overcrowding of classes (minimum of 30-35 pupils).
  • reduction of full-time in schools, children who are both working parents should go to kindergarten or in any way a private school in the afternoon because the school will no longer offer any services (canteen, tasks performed with the teachers ...)
  • a result of the dismissal of many teachers specialized laboratories will decrease dramatically and specialist activities (eg, the hours will be reduced all'alberghiero cooking etc ...)
  • Proposta di mettere il numero chiuso a tutte le facoltà universitarie.
  • Ripristino del 5 in condotta per gli alunni delle scuole superiori di 2° grado che, mentre prima aveva solo un valore simbolico, porterà ad una automatica bocciatura anche se l'alunno avrà buoni voti nelle varie materie.
  • Ripristino dei voti in pagella alle scuole medie ed elementari, a sostituire gli attuali “giudizi” (buono, discreto, sufficiente ecc..)
  • Le ore della scuola elementare saranno portate da 40 a 24.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mario Salieri Skin Heads

La soglia della frenesia

Life is always faster, quicker, more frenetic.
We are all inclined to do more and more into the background leaving ourselves without thinking about what we really want and without taking breaks, of detachment from everyday life.

Every day we leave, we feel that this is not realizing, without being attention. However, comparing the past to the present day, immediately struck the eye. The population is much more stressful, life requires an ever higher level of frenzy, working, attachment to do.
You can not blame anyone in particular, nor is it easy to find a response in ourselves. Simply advancing the time, the evolution of culture, society and the organization globally, has led to levels of existential rage''''higher and higher.
In moments of reflection, of crisis, we question: how did I get to this point? What brought me here? It is not clear answers, often once past the difficult moment you forget everything and start again as before. Should instead try to learn from the mistakes, our own or those that the environment around us leads us to commit and live.
immersing themselves in a society like today it's hard not to be influenced not be inclined to do as others do, to do as much as the people around us, equally influenced and dependent on what the''Today''ambiente requires, what the world today takes to be.
All internally can get to claim to be too stressed, too tired from life as a means in this era, it is difficult to achieve what you want to be, that which you would like to join. As
that you tend not to learn from the falls, has always brought to his feet without calculating damage, regardless of and prevent the next fall.
We could say that we have a short memory or just listen to ourselves, but in any case the credit, the guilt or the final responsibility should be sought in the belief that today's society leads us to be: people, machines that produce more the better , people who are so work-frenzy view fail to realize that I could not comprehend or admit it to himself. Who does not maintain a certain level is''out''is not part of the community and not be taken into account, marginalized.
This is part of evolution, everyone can evaluate it positively or negatively, in any case is so, and only a radical change could reverse the trend.
would be instructive to wake up one morning and find yourself in 1800. Of course, every era has its hardships, for sure now many things have improved, but by analyzing our concept of "day" would be the same?
I believe that modern man could give the head a busy mind like ours inserted in a completely different I do not support the strike. We find ourselves in an unknown dimension, which we do not know the values, rules, and above all attitudes.
It would be positive wake up one morning in our world, in everyday life and be relaxed, calm, relaxed. Face the day with a view to reaching a positive and peaceful end of the day, maybe even tired, but in any case calm and positive as it was in the morning, getting up from bed.

Tobia Alberti

Note copyright

This article, rather than processing itself, and be a starting point reflection as they read it, finding ways of improving their "relationship with life."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Psychtrist In Buffalo, Ny And Surrounding Areas

A colpi di dossier

When someone is nasty to someone else usually look for a constructive solution for both. In Italy this when someone is "uncomfortable" to someone else, especially if that someone is Berlusconi, peep the "dossier" ..
And everything magically calms down.

now in Italy there has become a habit. The so-called
dossieraggio implemented by the Chairman of the Board and its communication with bodies of people "uncomfortable" is a fact so abnormal phenomenon in itself, as normal for the Italian people. Normal
because the population is even more surprising than that. Abnormal in such a way as to control a country is not acceptable to anyone, even more so by the Prime Minister.
After a week of "division" between the PDL and the current and future freedom, that is, when it was convenient to Berlusconi's party, came out of nowhere is the "Monte Carlo file" as a blessing from above.
But I do not believe in miracles, I do not think that the hand of fortune has helped the PDL, the dossier has been tailor-made, were composed specifically to discredit someone, to bring it down to the level of public consensus.
An individual documents placed before putting in a bad light a person is torn between two choices: to not believe the source from which they come or to take what he says any media (and by any means above all the empire Mediaset and the like) at face value, carrying out what the author of a dossier can be aiming for.
The point is that the so-called "Monte Carlo" is not an isolated incident, not the exception, is the rule.
This "method" is now used for years, is "method" that, in the same so, manages to achieve the goals set. Regardless of whether or not people accept the idea proposed by it, the individual who is explicitly takes this "worm" in mind as a thought, a possibility, even remote, it changes the relationship between ' individual and the person discredited; a doubt, an uncertainty that is in any case to affect our behavior.
These actions "tarnished" the image of someone and then have only effect on who takes everything at face value on people skeptical or otherwise, even radically changing their level of reputation to someone.
must therefore be vigilant, alert and prepared to distinguish between what is news, perhaps even shocking, but based on real events, from a "news" that distorts them and turning them unique model for someone, that one or more persons would have us believe, they want us thinking. From each
Marrazzo, the Monte Carlo case, the file Marcegaglia, counting all cases of discrediting people in favor of those in power, the question arises whether a party like the PDL has a section dedicated to this type of "investigation ".
Not that the dossier be kept as clean and provability, but are tailor made for newspapers and information networks in search of scoops, looking for services that attract a lot of their customers. Customers who do not make some distinction between news and genuine news "caricature" or even unfounded, without a real base.
The public digest, accept any news, without even perceive the difference between information and "information" without realizing that, even if only inadvertently, everyone is involved in what the law is the first to accept the first to believe everything that comes to us in his ear.
not to say that we are all mindless dupes who use the information that has the goal of dazed, but the mass, the average senior citizen or not abituato ad essere preso in giro dalla mattina alla sera, quando accende la tivù o la radio può confondere le due cose.
Basterebbe essere un “zic” più attenti, basterebbe tenersi informati responsabilmente, confrontando le varie fonti di notizia con il nostro parere, quello che è il nostro punto di vista, la nostra posizione rispetto ad un avvenimento, che non può essere sempre la stessa di chi la notizia ha diffuso.
Purtroppo la politica e l'informazione stanno vivendo un momento buio, che non vuol dire che non accada nulla, anzi, accade troppo, sembra un circo, un vortice senza controllo che potrebbe distruggere tutto quello che incontra, tutto quello che oppone resistance.
My call is therefore to think about what happens, listen more to what we say our feelings, coming to reasoned conclusions, with a sense, consistent with our thinking and therefore to be in this society.

Tobia Alberti

Overview "case Montecarlo"

(give this first part of the function of providing the reader an example of the topic below.)

July 27, 2010 It turns out that the "brother" of Gianfranco Fini, Giancarlo Tulliani, lives in an apartment in Monte Carlo that once belonged to An. The property in 1999 was bequeathed to the party by Countess Anna Maria Colleoni. An it had sold in 2008 to 300 thousand euro to offshore companies based in Saint Lucia in the Caribbean, the Printemps Ltd.
September 22 In a letter to the Minister of Justice, Rudolph Francis, assures behind Timar is Tulliani. The financial react accusing the government of dossieraggio.
September 26 Gianfranco Fini in un videomessaggio diffuso su internet nega di avere responsabilità dirette, spiegando chiaramente come stanno le cose, esprimendo qualche dubbio sul cognato Giancarlo: "Se dovesse emergere con certezza che Tulliani è il proprietario e che la mia buona fede è stata tradita, non esiterei a lasciare la presidenza della Camera".
7 ottobre Il Giornale riesce miracolosamente a strappare una conferma all'architetto romano Massimo Pelliccioni. Un mese prima il professionista aveva negato il coinvolgimento nella vicenda, ma dopo la testimonianza dell'imprenditore monegasco Luciano Garzelli, cui dava indicazioni via e-mail, si è arreso: "È vero, me ne sono occupato, ma non voglio parlare di questa storia".
8 ottobre "Quell'appartamento valeva 1,6 milioni di euro, non 300mila". Ad ipotizzarlo è La Destra, nella perizia allegata all'esposto bis presentato alla Procura di Roma il 5 ottobre. La stima è allegata all'esposto, e sottolinea il fatto che la vendita a 300mila euro alla società off shore Printemps Ltd è stata quasi un regalo, visto che l'appartamento valeva cinque volte quella cifra.

Si sono bruscamente interrotti i colloqui tra gli ambasciatori di Berlusconi e Fini sui temi della giustizia. Negli ultimi giorni, infatti, il ministro Angelino Alfano Italo Bocchino and on the political front, Niccolo Ghedini and Giulia Bongiorno on the technical side, they had begun talks to establish an understanding and insights to help protect against Berlusconi from legal proceedings which he is interested. According to Finian, against the availability at harmonizing the relationships inside the center there is an escalation of the media campaign against the Speaker of the House by the press close to the prime minister. The orientation of Finian, therefore, leads to a stop to the dialogue on justice, in particular on legal shield. All this, just a few days after the House of the premier, who will comment on the Sept. 29 five-point program of government. With an unresolved question regarding the opportunity to place their trust.
In circles close to Fini - Fli sources said - would come into possession of "items that show a real dossieraggio activities, with the use of huge resources of money in Italy and abroad in order to produce and distribute false documents. " The whole purpose, it is claimed, to force the resignation Fini before 29 September, when there is speech to the House by the Prime Minister.
"That is a crap document, a false ', so did well to think that we are behind the services. Gianfranco Fini - even before the meeting began morning and the Future of Freedom to decide yes Finian of the use of wiretaps to Cosentino - had already been able to express clearly and unambiguously in several of its closing of each form of dialogue with Berlusconi after the publication by newspapers of the Knight of the family and this gives the brother of Fini, Giancarlo Tulliani, the ownership of offshore companies owner of the house of Monte Carlo.
"Dossieraggio? It seems to me to pray for Finian. If anyone thinks, go by the judiciary - said the Minister Ignazio La Russa - The only dossieraggio lasted months and that of Berlusconi's alleged girlfriends. For months, was brought forward on the Republic and no one has brought up the intelligence. You may not like it, but campaign reports. These accusations remind me of how she used to in the '60s and '70s left when he said that everything was the fault of the CIA. We do not know how to put the gags and the newspapers as The Journal is not only to take care of Berlusconi's brother would not know what to do. It 's a story that can not be destroyed by anyone. "

Gazzettino - Fini break with PDL: Pork, and false dossieraggio by 007 against me