Friday, October 22, 2010

Can You Install Floating Floors On A Boat?

Scuola vs Gelmini

Quasi 8 milioni di euro di finanziamenti pubblici a scuola e ricerca "tagliati" entro il 2012, proteste studentesche che passano inosservate e un sistema scolastico allo sbando.
Così il declino della Scuola italiana, senza ossigeno per le riforme. 

“Bisogna avere il coraggio di cambiare” afferma in a statement the minister of education, "we must aim for a quality school and to do it" is necessary to the efforts of all those who care about school. "
These are the words of Mariastella Gelmini after a student demonstration held in front of Deputies and then continued to Trastevere, the establishment of the Ministry of Education.
Students take to the streets to protest against the reform Gelmini, to say no to cuts in public funding and teachers.
It began with demonstrations of non-teaching staff were followed by students who, increasingly, seek and find the support of teachers. "We are going towards the abyss," say thousands of young, distressed by what could be the future of their ilk.
Even the statistics are from "bad dream": in Italy there is a 1-19 teacher-student ratio while the scholarships are already over 10 percentage points below the European average.
Nevertheless these data do not seem to touch the creepy mind of carefree Gelmini who proceeds to his "goal": in less than 18 000 teachers over the next two years and several billion euro taken from their funding of schools and universities, in essence, the future of country.
Minister says the government has set up the reform to improve school, but also says that "the greatest burden in applying it touches first teachers working to make the school a better body, for excellence."
How can a teacher help, without the necessary resources to improve the school? Could you work without pay, or even support their own pockets, in any case beyond do not look dignified solutions and "decent" should appear as a defeat, and a source of shame for our country, but it seems that the situation is just this.
The political struggle more against this bill, as in many other cases, Antonio Di Pietro, leader of Italia dei Valori, who said, referring to the response of the Gelmini demonstration in Rome, "It 's a shame that a protest by thousands of students to be paid by the proponent of this massacre with a simple joke."
Napolitano, with the usual tone arranger and full of good intentions, claims to share "the deep concern for the plight of students of the school system", claiming to rely "on the feeling of students beyond this moment of frustration "as if only they flip and overcome this situation.
The Journal defines the protests "folklore" while the Courier, more moderate, he writes that "for many is the fight" but that, according to some, should be softer, less radical.
minding that we have received in recent weeks by France, may be to smile.
The protests of the Italian students are too determined, too strong?
should perhaps be more "soft", as it suggests the Corriere della Sera?
In this case, what of that?
The deduction is: How can we define the educational situation of protest in France?
I do not think the protests are not of Italian decision, but I think that if you really want to get "something good" should mobilize more, should be more united and confident of what you want, pursuing the cause of the media aware of what you have.
In any case the numbers are not insignificant: In Italy more than 300 000 were students who participated in more than 80 Italian cities to protest against the "cuts" in the demonstrations against education reform.
In this very confusing situation, Tremonti's statements seem to be a joke: "We will do everything possible." How can you say that all around a lui contraddice?
Perché l’opinione pubblica è illusa che tutto vada per il meglio?
Dal punto di vista dei media tutto sembra andare a gonfie vele; il paese, superata ormai ampiamente la crisi, si dedica a riforme e a migliorie del sistema. Andando a vedere dietro le quinte però, si nota che non è tutto come il “bel teatrino politico” ci dipinge.
Per migliorare la qualità della scuola si tagliano fondi, per risolvere il problema del lavoro si punta sugli ammortizzatori sociali e non sugli incentivi alle piccole e medie imprese. E’ come puntare al licenziamento lento, ad un tipo di precariato sbilanciato sulla disoccupazione e non ad un sostegno, per mezzo di leggi adeguate, alle aziende, che favorirebbero la ripresa del mercato e la salvaguardia dei posti di lavoro.
Insomma, per trarre le conclusioni: dove si punta ad arrivare con queste riforme, con questa linea di governo?
Non di sicuro al benessere del paese e al suo sviluppo. E qui sorge un dubbio: non è che, per caso, tutto ciò rientra solo negli interessi di qualcuno, di qualcuno soltanto?

Tobia Alberti

Punti fondamentali della "Riforma Gelmini"
  • Introduzione del maestro unico e del grembiule obbligatorio alle elementari.
  • Tagli di finanziamenti pubblici a scuola e ricerca pari a 7.832.000 euro entro il 2012.
  • Licenziamento delle supplenti e di tutti gli insegnanti “superflui”.
  • Annullamento delle compresenze alle scuole elementari e medie, con l'effetto che gli alunni che necessitano un recupero non avranno più la possibilità di usufruirne, in quanto l'insegnante da solo, dovrà badare ad  un numero crescente di alunni (40 in media).
  • Tagli Staff: about 100 000 people, which will achieve the overcrowding of classes (minimum of 30-35 pupils).
  • reduction of full-time in schools, children who are both working parents should go to kindergarten or in any way a private school in the afternoon because the school will no longer offer any services (canteen, tasks performed with the teachers ...)
  • a result of the dismissal of many teachers specialized laboratories will decrease dramatically and specialist activities (eg, the hours will be reduced all'alberghiero cooking etc ...)
  • Proposta di mettere il numero chiuso a tutte le facoltà universitarie.
  • Ripristino del 5 in condotta per gli alunni delle scuole superiori di 2° grado che, mentre prima aveva solo un valore simbolico, porterà ad una automatica bocciatura anche se l'alunno avrà buoni voti nelle varie materie.
  • Ripristino dei voti in pagella alle scuole medie ed elementari, a sostituire gli attuali “giudizi” (buono, discreto, sufficiente ecc..)
  • Le ore della scuola elementare saranno portate da 40 a 24.


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