Friday, October 15, 2010

Mario Salieri Skin Heads

La soglia della frenesia

Life is always faster, quicker, more frenetic.
We are all inclined to do more and more into the background leaving ourselves without thinking about what we really want and without taking breaks, of detachment from everyday life.

Every day we leave, we feel that this is not realizing, without being attention. However, comparing the past to the present day, immediately struck the eye. The population is much more stressful, life requires an ever higher level of frenzy, working, attachment to do.
You can not blame anyone in particular, nor is it easy to find a response in ourselves. Simply advancing the time, the evolution of culture, society and the organization globally, has led to levels of existential rage''''higher and higher.
In moments of reflection, of crisis, we question: how did I get to this point? What brought me here? It is not clear answers, often once past the difficult moment you forget everything and start again as before. Should instead try to learn from the mistakes, our own or those that the environment around us leads us to commit and live.
immersing themselves in a society like today it's hard not to be influenced not be inclined to do as others do, to do as much as the people around us, equally influenced and dependent on what the''Today''ambiente requires, what the world today takes to be.
All internally can get to claim to be too stressed, too tired from life as a means in this era, it is difficult to achieve what you want to be, that which you would like to join. As
that you tend not to learn from the falls, has always brought to his feet without calculating damage, regardless of and prevent the next fall.
We could say that we have a short memory or just listen to ourselves, but in any case the credit, the guilt or the final responsibility should be sought in the belief that today's society leads us to be: people, machines that produce more the better , people who are so work-frenzy view fail to realize that I could not comprehend or admit it to himself. Who does not maintain a certain level is''out''is not part of the community and not be taken into account, marginalized.
This is part of evolution, everyone can evaluate it positively or negatively, in any case is so, and only a radical change could reverse the trend.
would be instructive to wake up one morning and find yourself in 1800. Of course, every era has its hardships, for sure now many things have improved, but by analyzing our concept of "day" would be the same?
I believe that modern man could give the head a busy mind like ours inserted in a completely different I do not support the strike. We find ourselves in an unknown dimension, which we do not know the values, rules, and above all attitudes.
It would be positive wake up one morning in our world, in everyday life and be relaxed, calm, relaxed. Face the day with a view to reaching a positive and peaceful end of the day, maybe even tired, but in any case calm and positive as it was in the morning, getting up from bed.

Tobia Alberti

Note copyright

This article, rather than processing itself, and be a starting point reflection as they read it, finding ways of improving their "relationship with life."


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