Friday, January 28, 2011

Sample Of Scholl Shoes 2010

evict us?

Italy, like other countries , aims to incinerators to dispose of all waste. But is there a better way of "exploit" the garbage without polluting.
Why is developing only Germany? What prevents others from doing this step?

The incinerators are an evolution of the old incinerators and they, better than the cousins \u200b\u200binto disuse, which are less polluting and have the ability to produce energy and heat from combustion, waste incineration plant by the name, obtaining value waste heat.

I principali rifiuti che accolgono questi impianti sono i RSU (i Rifiuti Solidi Urbani) e i Rifiuti Speciali; altri sono i rifiuti medici e dell'industria chimica.
Il trattamento pre-incenerimento consiste nell'eliminazione dei materiali non combustibili e della frazione umida, destinata al compostaggio.
Alla fine di questo processo sono prodotte CDR, dette più comunemente “ecoballe”.
In attesa di essere smaltiti i rifiuti vengono stoccati in apposite strutture.

Successivamente is passed to the primary combustion chamber, burning the waste at temperatures well above 1,000 ° C and then to a secondary chamber which, by the introduction of oxygen and methane, ash even those parts not previously burned.
The heat produced by these "furnaces" is to heat a boiler which branch off from two different plants:
  • a part of hot water is pumped into the tubes and intended for heating
  • a second part, the steam produced by the boiler is channeled and used to drive turbines that convert heat into electricity, generating corrente alternata.
I residui di tutto questo processo sono ceneri, polveri e fumi.
Ceneri e polveri, classificate come rifiuti speciali pericolosi, sono smaltiti in discariche speciali, mentre i fumi, prima di essere rilasciati, passano attraverso una rete di filtri atti ad abbattere le sostanze tossiche contenute. In ultimo i vapori, sottoposti ad un controllo emissioni, sono emessi nell'atmosfera.
Di 1.000 kg di rifiuti indifferenziati, che per bruciare impiegano aria (ossigeno) e circa 2.100 mc di acqua per i processi di raffreddamento e spegnimento scorie, originated 6,000 cubic meters of gas (1,400 kg of CO2 and other dust / gas pollution), waste water, 200-300 kg of waste (ash) and 20-30 kg of toxic dust, collected by filtering the smoke.

The problem is that transform materials from incinerators still potentially useful in potentially hazardous waste even more of a departure. 30% of slag and ash is in fact more dangerous waste before being burned.
addition to carbon dioxide in the air entering the chimney approximately 250 different pollutants, including heavy metals, micro-particulate and dioxin (harmful to humans in any level of assimilation) in the end, only one fifteenth part of the 250 is theoretically controllable, the remaining did not know that could have real impacts on climate and on people.

These materials accumulate in the environment going, first, to pollute the air, followed by the soil and underground waters, and back then man mainly through the food chain.
The funds allocated by the Italian government are, in fact, mostly devoted to disposal and recycling as well as the construction of new plants. Problems arise because nothing is for research and monitoring of citizens living near the incinerators (also known as incineration for energy recovery), with which to evaluate possible influences of toxic fumes on the health of civilians.

sensors to monitor the flue gas of incinerators have not registered noxious fumes from the chimneys.
Some argue, however, that the sensors are not sensitive enough to such as dioxin that contaminated, diluted with large amounts of gas, it is difficult to find. Results would be alarming, they say, installed in the vicinity of incinerators where debris accumulates.
The impact on the population due to pollutants emitted by incinerators can not be evaluated only on emissions, we must take into account other factors that are interposed between gaseous pollutants and adverse effects on climate and health. If you consider these primary gaseous pollutants, the emissions analysis should take account of those secondary, eg. ozone, but not produced by the combustion generated by ' interaction between primary pollutants and solar radiation. And 'This is what the measurements "the hood" do not take into account ..

Each incinerator away, also, the prospect of recycling, because the parties cellulose and plastics
representing more than 70% of energy produced. It 'obvious that the incinerators to work best, they need these materials for recycling and I goes in a more environmentally friendly, or you end up replacing incinerators to recycling.

In Europe there are 354 plants incinerators (2002 data), scattered 14 nazioni. La maggior concentrazione si riscontra in Svezia dove il 45% dei rifiuti è incenerito, in Danimarca il 50%, Germania 20% mentre in Svizzera il dato è sorprendente: 100% .
Al di fuori del Vecchio continente sono altresì molto impiegati negli Stati Uniti, in Canada e Giappone.
In Italia quello di Brescia è uno dei più grandi d'Europa, brucia circa 750.000 tonnellate di rifiuti all' anno, soddisfando, da solo, un terzo del fabbisogno di calore dell'intera città. Un altro impianto degno di nota è nei pressi di Milano, mentre i restanti sono piccoli e tecnologicamente arretrati.

L'Art. 216 del testo unico delle Leggi Sanitarie definisce gli inceneritori fabbriche insalubri di prima classe: “Debbono essere isolate nelle campagne e tenute lontane dalle abitazioni”.
Tuttavia la maggior parte degli impianti si trova a ridosso o in prossimità delle città e deve essere comunque accostata ad un fiume per lo smaltimento delle acque residue.

La normativa europea prevede che solo il riciclaggio della materia organica possa essere considerata: da fonte rinnovabile, il restante (i rifiuti inorganici) può solo essere considerato smaltimento . Questo va contro l'idea stessa di termovalorizzazione italiana che brucia materia inorganica e che, per definizione, valorizza e recupera i rifiuti. Proprio per questa valorizzazione è considerato dal Governo italiano un'energia rinnovabile. Tanto da stanziare incentivi per la produzione di energia tramite inceneritore.
La Commissione EU ha quindi fatto notare come: “la non-biodegradable fraction of waste
can be considered a source of renewable energy "and opened in relation to the Bel Paese, an infringement procedure.

Even within the peninsula, there have been quite a few ambiguous situation within the incinerator.
In 2008, the incinerator was considered non-standard Terni for releases of toxic substances in exhaust gas and water.
These substances were:
- mercury
- cadmium
- dioxins
- hydrochloric acid
was even been suggested, not confirmed, that the incinerator had upheld radioactive materials from medical waste. Other installations closed or seized are to Brindisi, Colleferro (Lazio) Pietrasanta (Tuscany).

United States and Germany have blocked the construction of incinerators.
United States have banned them by replacing them with a collection capillary them while Germany is integrating more and more mechanical-biological treatment plants .
"Incinerators are offered to developing countries and also to Italy," says Professor Federico Valerio (Director of the Department of Environmental Chemistry of the National Institute for Research on Cancer
of Genoa) .
addition to the danger of polluting fumes worry ash and sewage sludge process
"thermo enhancement "that contain toxic metals and have a high cost of disposal (141 € / t).

In Mechanical biological treatment the waste is stored for a week irradiated in a container of hot air (50-60 ° C), in this will activate the aerobic bacteria going to degrade the organic fraction present in various materials. The remaining part is easily placed in landfills or incinerated.
Germany in 10 years has built 64 facilities that recycle waste 6.122.000t/annue; 17.500.000t/annue of the 73 plants against incinerators.
costs for the construction totaled 1 / 5 compared to an incinerator, and that building are 2 years, compared with 5 of incinerators.
In Italy is the only Mestre providing dry material to feed a central electricity
Fusina, while using the bio-degraded part as a fertilizer.

In conclusion one may wonder why all these problems. The question is: why do not you invest in processing facilities Bio - Engineering as Germany is doing?
addition to being a more convenient "disposed of" a larger amount of waste, keeping the construction time to three years behind those of the incinerators for energy recovery, and going, of course, agree more with the ' environment.
Maybe in Italy focus was more to incinerate because it was "tradition", and it was easier to re-open disused plants that create new ones. Or perhaps because, as we have painfully used, organized crime in the North also has its own power, its influence and interests, which tend to coincide with those of the institutions, the kind that should be on the opposite side.
But I would say that the time for change has come for our country. Or maybe the train is already gone ..
And we lost.

Tobia Alberti


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