Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Single Seater Propeller Aircraft

Scie chimiche e piloti

Molti si chiedono quale sia il ruolo dei piloti nell'ambito dell'operazione "scie chimiche". Cerchiamo di presentare il tema nelle sue linee salienti. Occorre, in primo luogo, distinguere tra piloti militari e civili : ambedue le categorie non sono a conoscenza dei veri scopi delle attività. E' molto probabile che sia stato riferito loro che disperdere metalli nell'atmosfera è necessario per mitigare il riscaldamento globale, quando in realtà si sortisce l'effetto contrario. In ogni caso, di fronte alla prospettiva di essere licenziati o congedati, essi si limitano a collaborare.

Come assodato per mezzo di varie testimonianze, i piloti dell'aviazione militare ricevono precise direttive about the precautions they should take to not get in a short time, intoxicated. They are also constantly kept under close medical supervision and recommend them to take food supplements and products chelating agents useful in stimulating the removal of metals from the body.

It 'true that the IQ is very low and that they are indoctrinated so as not to reflect on the issues, but they know that the sprays are not innocuous, especially in light of the recommendations they receive to avoid being rincitrulliti or die of a heart attack or stroke within a few years. They are also mindful of some incidents in which drivers were involved chemical half poisoned compounds which had breathed, because of malfunctions in the air filtration system.

should be noted, however, that within the army, both among officers and among the officers, working people who do not share the plans of the elites , indeed, with prudence and self-denial, acting to counter the system and His projects include: sometimes risking their own safety, disseminate valuable information foil and dangerous designs. Example was the case with the U.S. General Kevin Byrnes who was forced to resign for having made public an exercise simulating the explosion of a ten kiloton bomb in South Carolina. It was an exercise by which, on the orders of Dick Cheney, was intended to drop a nuclear bomb on a U.S. city and then blame Al Qaeda. Recall that the autoattentati of 11/09/2001 in New York and 07/07/2005 in London coincided with exercises that painted a scenario identical to the facts that occurred then.

Given the serious health implications and because of the damage suffered by several crews in the past, now, most of the flights operated by the military is made up of unmanned air, controlled entirely by satellite.

Regarding civilian pilots and crews of passenger aircraft, it must be remembered that the increased respiratory problems, vomiting, nausea , problems cardiovascular and neurological. Many are also episodes of amnesia more or less serious cases among the crew. Of course, these situations are almost never shown on television and in newspapers of the regime, but they are happening: in fact, several airport employees have begun to express misgivings that in some cases, have also led to the termination of the employment contract.

The criminal operation is almost completely protected and hidden by an impenetrable muro di omertà e di paura: gli stessi assistenti di volo tacciono. Essi cooperano nella copertura, quando ingiungono ai passeggeri di chiudere le tendine dei finestrini ed intimano di spegnere le videocamere affinché i viaggiatori non possano riprendere, in talune circostanze, "anomalie" nei cieli. Questo vale per i civili.

Per quanto concerne i militari, il discorso è diverso. Ad esempio, durante i pluridecennali esperimenti batteriologici nei cieli del Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna ed Irlanda del Nord (esperimenti pubblicamente ammessi) nessun pilota si è mai preoccupato delle conseguenze per le popolazioni e per l'ambiente. Il motivo è semplice: un militare non pone domande e, soprattutto, non pensa. Egli esegue gli ordini senza discutere . Punto.

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