Friday, February 26, 2010

Free Pearls For Happy Aquarium

Jet fuel, Stadis 450, sali di bario: tossicità organica

StadiS 450: an additive toxic and carcinogenic

In this article we extensively discussed the StadiS 450 , a special anti-static additive for Jet-A1, fuel used for civil aircraft and jet fuel JP-8 use milta. The StadiS 450 is, in fact, the only fuel additive also used in the Air Force. Although the secret ingredients are very well protected by the manufacturer, a recent EPA study reveals that these chemicals are the salts of barium and / or calcium.

While politicians, scientists and media regime recite the mantra of so-called "climate change" caused by traffic , from domestic heating, and emissions from industries, no one dares to point the finger at the aviation (civil and military) and even less to those that now, under the eyes of all, are deliberate actions poisoning of biomes by aircraft clandestine, not identified by the radar [ here and here], most which spreads poison in the medium and low altitude, with or without a trail to follow. It is no accident if they are worrying increase in respiratory diseases, cancer and leukemia linked to the metal nanoparticles from combustion (air dispersion and deliberate), but the silence is total.

Whereas a "normal air" pollute as much as 300 non-catalysed vehicles, you do not understand why many still insist that the air traffic (even the seemingly regular) is not responsible for the exponential increase of serious diseases among population. There, hiding behind sterile mathematical calculations for determining the percentage of additives to Jet Fuel that are emitted into the atmosphere and are therefore considered acceptable and non-toxic. Yet people are dying! Obviously

substances relapse have a devastating effect on the life of plants, animals and humans. The compounds released poison the rivers, groundwater, the fruits of the earth etc. But it seems that this detail is irrelevant for the misinformation.

Fulvio Turvani, sad disinformation now full-time in this yet another "open letter" (sic) smear for the occasion sent to our friend Caesar from the Pont Radio Imago , in a vain attempt to cast doubt on our work, among other nonsense, he writes: "[...]

then leave out the ridiculous statements on the use of an antistatic additive in the fuel, the StadiS 450, barium in the sky to disperse and deflect the perturbations, to appear or disappear clouds fog and so on. This additive is present at most 3 parts per million per kilogram of kerosene, contains at most 30% of a salt which could be composed of up to 13% barium metal .

pity that the analysis of water "drinking", performed all over the world, hygroscopic and electrically conductive elements such as barium to be a constant, especially in areas around airports and in areas where The air activity, regular and no, it's intense. This leads to the conclusion that these percentages are rigorous calculations by at least one review, distinguished Turvani. In fact, they are smoke and mirrors, as it must consider the accumulation of these substances over time and the contribution of a single plane, with only two minutes to the takeoff of a Boeing 747 correspond to 2.4 million in clearing saws service simultaneously.

Further, the additive StadiS 450, for this gentleman, is a cure, let's see what plays the safety data sheet about this particular compound antistatic:

" Product name: StadiS (R) 450

Use of the substance/preparation: Fuel additive. Anti-static agents

Product code : 10101

Composition/information on ingredients :

solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy aromatic.
naphthalenesulfonic acid, dinonyl-

Hazards identification :

The preparation is classified as dangerous according to Directive 1999/45/EC and its amendments.

These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2), nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2 etc.), sulphur oxides ( SO2 , SO3 etc.)".

Interessante... i composti di scarico producono, tra gli altri, biossido di zolfo e triossido di zolfo. Il giorno 2 febbraio 2010, mattinata di pesante attività aerea su Sanremo, i valori di biossido di zolfo erano balzati da 20,5 microg/m3 delle 11:00 a 556,6 microg/m3 delle 13:00. Sarà un caso...

Il biossido di zolfo, o anidride solforosa (SO2), è un gas dall’odore pungente, la cui presenza in atmosfera deriva dalla combustione di prodotti organici di origine fossile contenenti zolfo. L’esposizione a SO2 - che peraltro è un inquinante caratterizzato da una soglia di percezione molto bassa - provoca nell’uomo irritazione e lesione al tratto superiore dell’apparato respiratorio and increases susceptibility to acute and chronic episodes of infection (tracheitis, bronchitis, etc...) The damage to vegetation (leaf mottle and stunting) and materials (corrosion) are primarily due to the participation of this pollutant in the formation of so-called "acid rain".

continue with the reading of the safety data sheet ...

" Health Hazards - Acute and Chronic


Symptoms of Overexposure


Irritating to eyes. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Harmful if swallowed. Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect. Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Not classified. Irritating to eyes and skin. Irritating to skin. Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation. Possible risk of harmto the unborn child. [1]

Target organs :

Contains material which causes damage to the following organs: kidneys, liver, upper respiratory tract, skin, central nervous system (CNS), eye, lens or cornea".

Sarà fortuita la preoccupante casistica che vede passeggeri , personale di bordo e gli stessi piloti che manifestano sintomi di avvelenamento dovuti a sostanze neurotossiche?

Analisi di particolato atmosferico presso il sito Wytham Woods vicino ad Oxford, mostrano letture elevate per la maggior parte dei veleni associati alle chemtrails , ovviamente compresi e non limitati ai sali di bario. E' lo stesso bario in areas that are not populated and industrialized areas of Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Argentina ... Wherever there is recorded air traffic, regular or not. It should be here, in fact, still insisted that the StadiS 450 is normally used for fuel for civilian use (Jet-A1) and for fuel for military use (JP-8).

Finally, it is interesting to note how well the staff adddetto storage and distribution of StadiS 450, due to health problems caused by contamination due to this additive, is beginning to look for detailed information on the handling but often workers face a wall of rubber institutional teso a non fornire ragguagli sulla tossicità di tale componente, un muro rappresentato anche dall'improvvisa irreperibilità di alcuni documenti sul Web.

Vuoi vedere che questi aerei non diffondono essenza di gelsomino?

What kinds of health effects may be occurring to the population in your neighborhood can be seen from a report, dated June 20, 1997 to the Georgetown Crime Prevention and Community Council by the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health. Georgetown is an area of Seattle, and surrounds the King County International Airport (Boeing Field), King County, in turn, surrounds greater Seattle. (The Georgetown Council is a sister organization to AReCO and member of US-CAW (United States Citizens Aviation Watch). When comparing hospitalization rates for Georgetown (Zip Code 98108) to those of King and North King Counties, the following, alarming statistics resulted:

a 57% higher asthma rate
a 28% higher pneumonia / influenza rate
a 26% higher respiratory disease rate
an 83% higher pregnancy complication rate
a 50% higher infant mortality rate genetic diseases are statistically higher mortality rates are 48% higher for all causes of death: 57% higher for heart disease, a 36% higher cancer death rate with pneumonia and influenza among the top five leading causes average life expectancy 70.4 years (the same as in many developing nations) compared to Seattle's of 76.0 years .

Did you ever wonder what blows out of a jet airplane? Here is what you'll find in the air around an airport :

Freon 11, Freon 12, Methyl Bromide, Dichloromethane, cis-l,2-Dichloroethylene, 1,1,1-Trichloro-ethane, Carbon Tetrachloride, Benzene, Trichloroethylene, Toluene, Tetrachloroethene, Ethylbenzene, m,p-Xylene, o-Xylene, Styrene, 1,3,5-Trimethyl-benzene, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, o-Dichlorobenzene, Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Acetone, Propinaldehyde, Crotonaldehyde, Isobutylaldehyde, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Benzaldehyde, Veraldehyde, Hexanaldehyde, Ethyl Alcohol, Acetone, Isopropyl Alcohol, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Butane, Isopentane, Pentane, Hexane, Butyl Alcohol, Methyl Isobutyl Ketone, n,n-Dimethyl Acetamide, Dimethyl Disulfide, m-Cresol, 4-Ethyl Toulene, n-Heptaldehyde, Octanal, 1,4-Dioxane, Methyl Phenyl Ketone, Vinyl Acetate, Heptane, Phenol, Octane, Anthracene, Dimethylnapthalene (isomers), Flouranthene, 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, Naph-thalene, Phenanthrene, Pyrene , Benzo(a)pyrene, 1-nitropyrene, 1,8-dinitropyrene, 1,3-Butadiene, sulfites, nitrites, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen trioxide, nitric acid, sulfur oxides, sulfur dioxide, sulfuric acid, urea, ammonia, carbon monoxide, ozone, particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5).

[1] Damage to health: acute and chronic

Moderate or severe irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract, headache, nausea, vomiting

Symptoms of overexposure

similar to those caused by toluene : irritation of the skin and eyes. If inhaled, causes headache, nausea, vomiting, if ingested, gastro-intestinal tract irritation, nausea, vomiting.

Irritating to eyes. Vapors may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Toxic to aquatic organisms. May cause lung damage, dryness and cracking. Harmful if swallowed. Limitata evidenza di effetti oncogeni. Possibili gli aborti.

Contengono elementi che possono cagionare danni ai seguenti organi: reni, fegato, apparato respiratorio, pelle, sistema nervoso centrale, occhi (cristallino e cornea).

Biological And Health Effects Of Exposure To Kerosene-Based Jet Fuels And Performance Additives

Authors: Glenn Ritchie; Kenneth Still; John Rossi III; Marni Bekkedal; Andrew Bobb; Darryl Arfsten
Affiliations: a Geo-Centers, Inc., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, USA. Naval Health Research Center Detachment-Toxicology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, USA.


Over 2 million military and civilian personnel per year (over 1 million in the United States) are occupationally exposed, respectively, to jet propulsion fuel-8 (JP-8), JP-8 +100 or JP-5, or to the civil aviation equivalents Jet A or Jet A-1. Approximately 60 billion gallons of these kerosene-based jet fuels are annually consumed worldwide (26 billion gallons in the United States), including over 5 billion gallons of JP-8 by the militaries of the United States and other NATO countries.

JP-8, for example, represents the largest single chemical exposure in the U.S. military (2.53 billion gallons in 2000), while Jet A and A-1 are among the most common sources of nonmilitary occupational chemical exposure. Although more recent figures were not available, approximately 4.06 billion gallons of kerosene per se were consumed in the United States in 1990 (IARC, 1992). These exposures may occur repeatedly to raw fuel, vapor phase, aerosol phase, or fuel combustion exhaust by dermal absorption, pulmonary inhalation, or oral ingestion routes. Additionally, the public may be repeatedly exposed to lower levels of jet fuel vapor/aerosol or to fuel combustion products through atmospheric contamination, or to raw fuel constituents by contact with contaminated groundwater or soil. Kerosene-based hydrocarbon fuels are complex mixtures of up to 260+ aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (C 6 -C 17+ ; possibly 2000+ isomeric forms), including varying concentrations of potential toxicants such as benzene, n-hexane, toluene, xylenes, trimethylpentane, methoxyethanol, naphthalenes (including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs], and certain other C 9 -C 12 fractions (i.e., n-propylbenzene, trimethylbenzene isomers).

While hydrocarbon fuel exposures occur typically at concentrations below current permissible exposure limits (PELs) for the parent fuel or its constituent chemicals, it is unknown whether additive or synergistic interactions among hydrocarbon constituents, up to six performance additives, and other environmental exposure factors may result in unpredicted toxicity. While there is little epidemiological evidence for fuel-induced death, cancer, or other serious organic disease in fuel-exposed workers, large numbers of self-reported health complaints in this cohort appear to justify study of more subtle health consequences. A number of recently published studies reported acute or persisting biological or health effects from acute, subchronic, or chronic exposure of humans or animals to kerosene-based hydrocarbon fuels, toconstituent chemicals of these fuels, or to fuel combustion products. This review provides an in-depth summary of human, animal, and in vitro studies of biological or health effects from exposure to JP-8, JP-8 +100, JP-5, Jet A, Jet A-1, or kerosene.

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Long Term Green Card Holder

Scie chimiche: un meteorologo involontariamente confuta la teoria delle scie persistenti

Alessandro Delitala - Responsabile del Settore Climatologia - Servizio Agrometeorologico Regionale per la Sardegna, scrive per NIMBUS (di cui è direttore il famigerato Luca Mercalli ) un irritante articolo intitolato " Scie chimiche: un’improbabile cospirazione ". Nello scartafaccio egli tenta, con modi sussiegosi, di smontare la realtà rappresentata dalle scie chimiche. Purtroppo per lui, di là dai toni usati, il Delitala non solo non riesce ad essere per nulla convincente ma, anzi, come si suole dire, "si tira la zappa sui piedi".

Leggiamo un frammento del temino pubblicato dalla rivista Nimbus:

Una diffusa leggenda metropolitana da qualche tempo è solita attribuire le scie di condensazione persistenti ad esperimenti scientifici segreti o ad operazioni coperte di vario genere... [...]

Il Dr. Amorstrano organizza una grande quantità di Flights around the world, as dictated by the theory of chemtrails, issue shares of between 3000 m to 9000 meters to a compound (compound X call it) whose characteristic is to create persistent contrails, other than those usually produced by the aircraft. In the blog usually speaks of barium or aluminum, but prefer to use a name indefinitely, because the considerations which we would apply to any compound. Let's try to see what would Dr. Amorstrano and the difficulties he encounters in his work.

[...] The most popular theory is that chemtrails serve to reduce rainfall by substances capable of capturing the water vapor and prevent the processes leading to precipitation. Imagine then, that the compound X has particular characteristics hygroscopic and it is released into the atmosphere to reduce the rains. Since the release of the compound X is a variable tranches between 3000 mei 9000 m, the first problem encountered is that Dr. Amorstrano that almost all the water vapor in the lower layers of the atmosphere is . If you look at our latitude, in fact, the concentration of water in the air (known as specific humidity, measured in grams of water per kg air) is between 10 and 20 g / kg near the ground, is about 1g/kg to about 4000 m high and is reduced to 0.1 to 0.2g/kg about 9000 m .

If the compound X could capture all the water available at odds of issue, therefore, it would capture a very small fraction of the water atmospheric (3 ÷ 4000 m) or even irrelevant (7 ÷ 8000 m) without effects on the large body of water that normally falls to the ground. What's more, in the rare cases where a large mass of water is brought to higher levels, ie in the presence of storm cells, persistent contrails are very rare. The most persistent contrails can be observed, if anything, in good weather, ie when the conditions for the formation of rain generally non ci sono e, dunque, non pioverebbe comunque, rendendo superflua l'operazione. [...]

Rileggiamo questo passaggio:

" Se si considerano le nostre latitudini , infatti, la concentrazione di acqua nell'aria (la cosiddetta umidità specifica, misurata in grammi d'acqua per kg d'aria) è compresa tra i 10 e 20 g/kg vicino al suolo , è circa 1g/kg a circa 4000 metri d'altezza e si riduce fino a 0.1÷0.2g/kg a circa 9000 m . Se anche il composto X potesse catturare tutta l'acqua disponibile alle quote in cui viene rilasciato, dunque, esso andrebbe a catturare una frazione dell'acqua atmosferica molto modesta (a 3÷4000 m ) o addirittura irrilevante (a 7÷8000 m ), senza produrre effetti sulla gran massa d'acqua che normalmente precipita al suolo ".

In definitiva il Dottor Delitala contraddice sé stesso e, nel contempo, smentisce in toto la teoria secondo cui le scie di condensa (comprese quelle di tipo persitente) sono una costante. Se egli, infatti, per provare a negare la realtà delle irrorazioni clandestine, afferma che l'umidità a quote elevate è irrilevante (l'umidità specifica si abbassa man mano che si sale di quota, così come l'umidità relativa), com'è possibile conciliare queste sue affermazioni con la patetica tesi della persistenza di contrails, composte da solo vapore acqueo? La stessa N.A.S.A., fonte ritenuta attendibile dagli assertori della teoria delle scie di condensa, dichiara che affinché si raggiungano le condizioni per la persistenza di una contrail, è necessario che si verifichino condizioni di sovrassaturazione rispetto al ghiaccio di molto superiori al 100% se non prossime al 150%! Ciò significa che l'umidità specifica dovrebbe avere valori vicini o superiori a 10g/kg! Com'è possibile allora, Dottor Delitala, conciliare questi dati concreti non solo con la formazione di qualsivoglia tipo di scia di condensa, ma addirittura con la sua persitenza per ore e con la sua espasione? E come è possibile che si verifichino le condizioni per la formazione nonché la persistenza ed espansione di scie di condensa nelle giornate di bel tempo, laddove la pressione è ovviamente elevata e l'umidità è già irrilevante a bassa quota?

Allora, Dottor Delitala, come spiega questa contraddictio in adiecto ?

Se, infatti, per la formazione della scia può valere la nucleazione eterogenea, non così per l'espansione: il particolato è troppo esiguo per sostenere una nuvola enorme e si ricade dunque nella nucleazione omogenea. La persistenza è semplicemente a freeze in the wake of a balance between sublimation and Frost. Not so the expansion which involves the continuous formation of ice crystals. The same

Maggiore Guido Guidi says ( host of the transmission Geo & Geo ), but also follow the laws to misinform the public does not care, " The wakes are seen when there is a lot of moisture in layers of the atmosphere, or if this moisture is coming together with enough hot air and then this moisture concentrated in the upper layers of the atmosphere condenses on the change of the airplane, which is a disturbing element for exhaust gas rilascia, ma anche per il fatto stesso di perturbare la situazione di tranquillità, di equilibrio dell'atmosfera e quindi dare la possibilità a questa umidità di condensare e quindi di essere visibile. Se questa umidità è in aumento, se è molto consistente il contributo di umidità , le scie tendono a divenire sempre più larghe e noi usiamo dire che tendono a divenire persistenti nel cielo e quindi anche a dar luogo a nuvolosità ".

Insomma! Questa umidità in alta quota... c'è o non c'è?

Forse, se il responsabile del Settore Climatologia - Servizio Agrometeorologico Regionale per la Sardegna, anziché scrivere corbellerie nel puro stile dei disinformatori , si fosse preoccupato di avvertire la popolazione delle città sarde che di lì a poco sarebbero state sconvolte da un' alluvione perfettamente prevedibile, vista l'enorme espansione della cella temporalesca, avrebbe sicuramente meritato il suo lauto stipendio. Così, invece, non è stato e di ciò, prima o poi, Alessandro Delitala (come altri che hanno taciuto quando avrebbero dovuto parlare ed hanno blaterato quando avrebbero dovuto tacere), dovrà renderne conto, se non alla "giustizia" terrena, per lo meno alla giustizia divina.

Un consiglio Dottor Delitala: non segua le orme del Colonnello Giuliacci . Likely to make a figure far worse, if you insist on this line. Not everyone is as fools and believe the lies, you see, have short legs.

The friend Corrado Penna (physicist, professor at the Istituto Superiore di Iseo School), in his extensive dossier on Chemtrails (p. 7, paragraph 24), writes:

"I note that the weatherman Guido Guidi, speaking at the RAI to" reassure the public "about the occurrence of contrails in the sky, trying to justify the presence of persistent contrails' If this moisture is in aumento, se è molto consistente il contributo di umidità, le scie tendono a divenire sempre più larghe e noi usiamo dire che tendono a divenire persistenti e quindi anche a dare luogo a nuvolosità'.

Se ciò fosse vero ci sarebbero giornate (e nottate) in cui, vedendosi sempre scie persistenti (si notano bene con la luna piena), ci dovrebbe essere un’umidità in continuo aumento; peccato che l’umidità non può essere in continuo aumento dal momento che quando si arriva al punto di saturazione l’umidità non aumenta più. Quando l’umidità relativa arriva al 100% (saturazione) un eventuale carico di acqua che si aggiunga all’ambiente sotto forma iniziale di vapore condensa immediatamente portandosi allo stato liquido; come lo zucchero non si può sciogliere a volontà nell’acqua (ma ad un certo punto si deposita sul fondo non potendosi sciogliere) così il vapore acqueo non può mescolarsi in quantità arbitrarie all’aria e quindi l’umidità non può continuare ad aumentare.

La cosa veramente curiosa nelle parole del meteorologo è che egli precisa che le scie larghe e persistenti si formano 'se è molto consistente il contributo di umidità' e ciò vuol dire che siamo già in presenza di condizioni di alta umidità relativa. Di conseguenza nei giorni (e nelle notti) in cui vediamo scie formarsi in continuazione, se fossero davvero scie di condensa, we think we're starting from already high relative humidity conditions, say around 60-70%, and then as time goes on we arrive at relative humidity levels of 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105 , 110% ... what a pity that the relative humidity can not climb over 100% (maximum level of moisture in the air). I'm sorry, but it's like sugar, you can not dissolve 10 teaspoons in a cup of tea!

[...] have to note the words 'harmless veils' that seem to be the typical 'excusat petita not': why you should never use the adjective for a harmless mist or a slight cloudiness? Harmless? But when have we ever heard of 'veiling dangerous'? Harmless, perhaps because they do not bring rain? But in times of drought such as the rain should be greeted with relief! Harmless veils? This is a typical method of brainwashing to get people to subconsciously associate the 'veiling' brought from chemtrails to something harmless, something that unfortunately is very true. Also worth noting that, lately, the rain is seen as a curse by meteorologists, as if they can take a walk without an umbrella was more important than the yield of crops: other forms of verbal conditioning to gain acceptance siccità indotta dalle scie chimiche?

Molto spesso mi è capitato di guardare le previsioni del tempo e vedere annunziate nuvole, nuvolosità diffuse, ' velature nuvolose ' e di osservare invece cieli che sarebbero stati sereni senza l’intervento delle scie degli aerei, cieli che sono stati oscurati da un gran traffico di aerei che hanno portato con loro scie permanenti in espansione. I servizi meteorologici hanno quindi previsto con esattezza la velatura del cielo, ma era una velatura a tutti gli effetti meteorologicamente imprevedibile essendo artificiale, prodotto dall’uomo. Tutto ciò è spiegabile solo pensando che il servizio meteorologico dell’aeronautica militare (che fornisce data) start already know what time you want to provoke. How could they ever know that air traffic would generate artificial clouds? How do they hit the forecasts of "haze / cloudiness" all times when the clouds are carried by the strange traffic? Look at the sky constantly, follow the weather forecast and find themselves in the midst of what kind of conspiracy we are facing.

There are cases where the contrary, the weather (even short-term ones) are wrong to do so be deep concerns. Perhaps those who made the forecast did not take into account the factors of artificial weather modification? Or maybe the plans of the manipulators climate have changed since the forecasts were already made so that there was no way to make a prediction right? Of course, since the start of the operation of illegal release of chemtrails, the rains fell and the drought is coming, and if you train to look at the sky, you feel like certain cloud formations that once brought the rain are now dissolved compounds sprayed from aircraft. "


Saturday, February 20, 2010

How Much Does Samurai Cologne Cost

Il motore turbofan ed i possibili dispositivi di aerosol

When discussing chemtrails and special sprayers suitable for the purpose of dispersing the chemical elements required by the "project coverage," the deniers' response was: "Impossible! elements mixed with the fuel will ruin the delicate mechanisms of the turbofan and also would be altered during the process combustion. In part, this objection is well founded and, in fact, it is easier to equip the aircraft (as is) of dispersion nozzles on some airfoils. In many films and photographs that is evident. E ', however, true that, in many cases, especially for some years now, more and more frequent overflights of devices that release dense chemtrails at low altitude, but which only seem to come from the engines.

We have seen that the fuel for military aircraft both for civilian aircraft, take special additives, prepared ad hoc according to particular specifications (see the StadiS 450), but for any other elements to spread , the poisoning of the planet need of technical aerosols, on the one hand, degrade the items missing and the other did not reveal abnormalities in the viewer and / or photograph the aircraft used for clandestine operations of aerosols.

examining the functioning of a modern Turbofan , we can see that 80% of the conveyed air into the engine is bypassed and ejected from it, that it does not come into direct contact with the combustion chamber. In fact, in order to ensure quiet and efficient, only 20% of the air flowing from the main fan of turbofan enters the combustion chamber, burning the fuel.

To understand what are the resources available to anyone who wants to modify an airplane in a simple, cheap and without such changes arouse suspicion, we must understand the principle of operation of a turbofan : the engine's most popular airplane in the world . For this reason we have got a model CMF-56 next-generation, whose scheme does not differ much from turbofan other manufacturers.

Let's see how a turbofan engine

For an airplane can move and fly, it is necessary that a pushing force is generated by accelerating the flow 'air between the front and back of the engine. This is achieved through a large ducted fan placed in front of the engine.

These are engine components :

the first fan (fan) of large diameter; compressors bassa ed alta pressione, con vari stadi che gradualmente aumentano la pressione dell'aria che scorre attraverso gli stadi; la camera di combustione, in cui il carburante del jet è mescolato all'aria combusta; le turbine ad alta e bassa pressione dove l'alta pressione dei gas è ridotta, non appena le turbine dirigono i gas nella ventola.

Dei cinque stadi della turbina, uno sviluppa alta pressione; gli altri quattro bassa pressione.

In conclusione questo è l'intero apparato

Il CMF56 è un "high by-pass ratio engine" ossia un motore ad alto rapporto di diluizione tra aria fredda ed aria calda.

Il primo flusso passa attraverso la camera di combustione, il secondo passa solo attraverso la ventola. L'80 per cento dell'aria accelerata dalla ventola è diretto al condotto di by-pass e garantisce l'80 per cento dell'aria fredda del motore. Il primo flusso passa attraverso tre sezioni: attraverso i compressori, la camera di combustione e le turbine. Prima che venga espulsa, l'aria passa attraverso questi meccanismi assemblati. L'aria viene compressa nei compressori di alta e bassa pressione e la temperatura arriva a 450 gradi Celsius.


Il carburante viene espulso ed iniettato. La miscela di door air and fuel temperature to 1700 degrees Celsius. Finally, the stored energy is extracted in the five-stage turbine, just out of the combustion chamber.

Ultimately, the outside air is sucked by the fan in the compressor and then forced into the combustion chamber and mixed with fuel creates a mix that switches determines the expansion of hot gases that drive the turbine and generate momentum for the plane.

The remaining air passes out. The

turbofan engine is a dual-flow: the air is compressed, is heated by fuel burned, after it has passed through the turbines, which are composed of the compressors and fans.

In March, a reader (PC) whom we thank, we report a strange "tube" sticking out of the tunnel entrance turbofan a RyanAir 737. This "accessory" is being added, after modified the original draft of the aircraft and is associated with visible rivets and grinding metal. In the "shell" engine not equipped with such "incidental", usually the surface is smooth and free from particular interventions. There are similar examples and is officially explained that this is just harmless sensors for detecting outside temperature, but is at least strange that an air sensor is placed in an area so sensitive the engine, instead, if anything, to a point immediately next door, but, perhaps, outside the nacelle. Moreover, their appearance is not very close to the real thermal sensors that, moreover, should be flush with the inner surface of the shell engine sensors not being submerged in liquid.

aviation experts with whom we have consulted in recent weeks have confirmed that, indeed, this type of change is unusual and has no reasonable justifications. In addition, although many schemes examined turbofan engines of the type , we have not found in any case, the presence of sensors in that part of the engine, at the project level.

Sensori di temperatura Se, invece, si volesse immaginare un dispositivo per irrorare veleni nella biosfera, quella sarebbe la posizione ideale, poiché la depressione creata dal fan principale porterebbe il prodotto da disperdere direttamente nel condotto ove viene by-passato l'80 per cento dell'aria che affluisce al turbofan . Ciò implicherebbe due "vantaggi":

a) Gli elementi da disperdere in atmosfera non entrerebbero nella camera di combustione. Ciò confuterebbe l'obiezione dei disinformatori, secondo i quali non si possono addizionare composti chimici in un motore, poiché essi brucerebbero con il carburante.

b) Il cono di uscita sarebbe vicinissimo a the exhaust gas and this would make it difficult, for a careful eye, the emergence of spraying. We observe, however, that in many movies and photos, exit cones produced by the wakes are often three, compared with two engines, or five, or six compared with four engines. In this regard it is useful to view this movie.

Considering that 20% of the hot air coming from the combustion chamber, leaving the turbofan, but only partially mixes with 80% of cold air by-passed by the engine, it can be assumed that the common elements from the special nozzle, placed before the main fan, are not substantially altered nella loro composizione chimica.

Un tecnico militare addetto alla manutenzione e revisione delle componenti dei motori per aerei civili e militari ci ha riferito circa l'anomala ed anticipata usura della prima ventola di grande diametro che, guarda caso, sarebbe l'unico elemento rotante a diretto contatto con eventuali composti chimici abrasivi o corrosivi.

Enciclopedia delle scienze , Milano, 2005, s.v. turbofan

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Single Seater Propeller Aircraft

Scie chimiche e piloti

Molti si chiedono quale sia il ruolo dei piloti nell'ambito dell'operazione "scie chimiche". Cerchiamo di presentare il tema nelle sue linee salienti. Occorre, in primo luogo, distinguere tra piloti militari e civili : ambedue le categorie non sono a conoscenza dei veri scopi delle attività. E' molto probabile che sia stato riferito loro che disperdere metalli nell'atmosfera è necessario per mitigare il riscaldamento globale, quando in realtà si sortisce l'effetto contrario. In ogni caso, di fronte alla prospettiva di essere licenziati o congedati, essi si limitano a collaborare.

Come assodato per mezzo di varie testimonianze, i piloti dell'aviazione militare ricevono precise direttive about the precautions they should take to not get in a short time, intoxicated. They are also constantly kept under close medical supervision and recommend them to take food supplements and products chelating agents useful in stimulating the removal of metals from the body.

It 'true that the IQ is very low and that they are indoctrinated so as not to reflect on the issues, but they know that the sprays are not innocuous, especially in light of the recommendations they receive to avoid being rincitrulliti or die of a heart attack or stroke within a few years. They are also mindful of some incidents in which drivers were involved chemical half poisoned compounds which had breathed, because of malfunctions in the air filtration system.

should be noted, however, that within the army, both among officers and among the officers, working people who do not share the plans of the elites , indeed, with prudence and self-denial, acting to counter the system and His projects include: sometimes risking their own safety, disseminate valuable information foil and dangerous designs. Example was the case with the U.S. General Kevin Byrnes who was forced to resign for having made public an exercise simulating the explosion of a ten kiloton bomb in South Carolina. It was an exercise by which, on the orders of Dick Cheney, was intended to drop a nuclear bomb on a U.S. city and then blame Al Qaeda. Recall that the autoattentati of 11/09/2001 in New York and 07/07/2005 in London coincided with exercises that painted a scenario identical to the facts that occurred then.

Given the serious health implications and because of the damage suffered by several crews in the past, now, most of the flights operated by the military is made up of unmanned air, controlled entirely by satellite.

Regarding civilian pilots and crews of passenger aircraft, it must be remembered that the increased respiratory problems, vomiting, nausea , problems cardiovascular and neurological. Many are also episodes of amnesia more or less serious cases among the crew. Of course, these situations are almost never shown on television and in newspapers of the regime, but they are happening: in fact, several airport employees have begun to express misgivings that in some cases, have also led to the termination of the employment contract.

The criminal operation is almost completely protected and hidden by an impenetrable muro di omertà e di paura: gli stessi assistenti di volo tacciono. Essi cooperano nella copertura, quando ingiungono ai passeggeri di chiudere le tendine dei finestrini ed intimano di spegnere le videocamere affinché i viaggiatori non possano riprendere, in talune circostanze, "anomalie" nei cieli. Questo vale per i civili.

Per quanto concerne i militari, il discorso è diverso. Ad esempio, durante i pluridecennali esperimenti batteriologici nei cieli del Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna ed Irlanda del Nord (esperimenti pubblicamente ammessi) nessun pilota si è mai preoccupato delle conseguenze per le popolazioni e per l'ambiente. Il motivo è semplice: un militare non pone domande e, soprattutto, non pensa. Egli esegue gli ordini senza discutere . Punto.

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