Saturday, February 20, 2010

How Much Does Samurai Cologne Cost

Il motore turbofan ed i possibili dispositivi di aerosol

When discussing chemtrails and special sprayers suitable for the purpose of dispersing the chemical elements required by the "project coverage," the deniers' response was: "Impossible! elements mixed with the fuel will ruin the delicate mechanisms of the turbofan and also would be altered during the process combustion. In part, this objection is well founded and, in fact, it is easier to equip the aircraft (as is) of dispersion nozzles on some airfoils. In many films and photographs that is evident. E ', however, true that, in many cases, especially for some years now, more and more frequent overflights of devices that release dense chemtrails at low altitude, but which only seem to come from the engines.

We have seen that the fuel for military aircraft both for civilian aircraft, take special additives, prepared ad hoc according to particular specifications (see the StadiS 450), but for any other elements to spread , the poisoning of the planet need of technical aerosols, on the one hand, degrade the items missing and the other did not reveal abnormalities in the viewer and / or photograph the aircraft used for clandestine operations of aerosols.

examining the functioning of a modern Turbofan , we can see that 80% of the conveyed air into the engine is bypassed and ejected from it, that it does not come into direct contact with the combustion chamber. In fact, in order to ensure quiet and efficient, only 20% of the air flowing from the main fan of turbofan enters the combustion chamber, burning the fuel.

To understand what are the resources available to anyone who wants to modify an airplane in a simple, cheap and without such changes arouse suspicion, we must understand the principle of operation of a turbofan : the engine's most popular airplane in the world . For this reason we have got a model CMF-56 next-generation, whose scheme does not differ much from turbofan other manufacturers.

Let's see how a turbofan engine

For an airplane can move and fly, it is necessary that a pushing force is generated by accelerating the flow 'air between the front and back of the engine. This is achieved through a large ducted fan placed in front of the engine.

These are engine components :

the first fan (fan) of large diameter; compressors bassa ed alta pressione, con vari stadi che gradualmente aumentano la pressione dell'aria che scorre attraverso gli stadi; la camera di combustione, in cui il carburante del jet è mescolato all'aria combusta; le turbine ad alta e bassa pressione dove l'alta pressione dei gas è ridotta, non appena le turbine dirigono i gas nella ventola.

Dei cinque stadi della turbina, uno sviluppa alta pressione; gli altri quattro bassa pressione.

In conclusione questo è l'intero apparato

Il CMF56 è un "high by-pass ratio engine" ossia un motore ad alto rapporto di diluizione tra aria fredda ed aria calda.

Il primo flusso passa attraverso la camera di combustione, il secondo passa solo attraverso la ventola. L'80 per cento dell'aria accelerata dalla ventola è diretto al condotto di by-pass e garantisce l'80 per cento dell'aria fredda del motore. Il primo flusso passa attraverso tre sezioni: attraverso i compressori, la camera di combustione e le turbine. Prima che venga espulsa, l'aria passa attraverso questi meccanismi assemblati. L'aria viene compressa nei compressori di alta e bassa pressione e la temperatura arriva a 450 gradi Celsius.


Il carburante viene espulso ed iniettato. La miscela di door air and fuel temperature to 1700 degrees Celsius. Finally, the stored energy is extracted in the five-stage turbine, just out of the combustion chamber.

Ultimately, the outside air is sucked by the fan in the compressor and then forced into the combustion chamber and mixed with fuel creates a mix that switches determines the expansion of hot gases that drive the turbine and generate momentum for the plane.

The remaining air passes out. The

turbofan engine is a dual-flow: the air is compressed, is heated by fuel burned, after it has passed through the turbines, which are composed of the compressors and fans.

In March, a reader (PC) whom we thank, we report a strange "tube" sticking out of the tunnel entrance turbofan a RyanAir 737. This "accessory" is being added, after modified the original draft of the aircraft and is associated with visible rivets and grinding metal. In the "shell" engine not equipped with such "incidental", usually the surface is smooth and free from particular interventions. There are similar examples and is officially explained that this is just harmless sensors for detecting outside temperature, but is at least strange that an air sensor is placed in an area so sensitive the engine, instead, if anything, to a point immediately next door, but, perhaps, outside the nacelle. Moreover, their appearance is not very close to the real thermal sensors that, moreover, should be flush with the inner surface of the shell engine sensors not being submerged in liquid.

aviation experts with whom we have consulted in recent weeks have confirmed that, indeed, this type of change is unusual and has no reasonable justifications. In addition, although many schemes examined turbofan engines of the type , we have not found in any case, the presence of sensors in that part of the engine, at the project level.

Sensori di temperatura Se, invece, si volesse immaginare un dispositivo per irrorare veleni nella biosfera, quella sarebbe la posizione ideale, poiché la depressione creata dal fan principale porterebbe il prodotto da disperdere direttamente nel condotto ove viene by-passato l'80 per cento dell'aria che affluisce al turbofan . Ciò implicherebbe due "vantaggi":

a) Gli elementi da disperdere in atmosfera non entrerebbero nella camera di combustione. Ciò confuterebbe l'obiezione dei disinformatori, secondo i quali non si possono addizionare composti chimici in un motore, poiché essi brucerebbero con il carburante.

b) Il cono di uscita sarebbe vicinissimo a the exhaust gas and this would make it difficult, for a careful eye, the emergence of spraying. We observe, however, that in many movies and photos, exit cones produced by the wakes are often three, compared with two engines, or five, or six compared with four engines. In this regard it is useful to view this movie.

Considering that 20% of the hot air coming from the combustion chamber, leaving the turbofan, but only partially mixes with 80% of cold air by-passed by the engine, it can be assumed that the common elements from the special nozzle, placed before the main fan, are not substantially altered nella loro composizione chimica.

Un tecnico militare addetto alla manutenzione e revisione delle componenti dei motori per aerei civili e militari ci ha riferito circa l'anomala ed anticipata usura della prima ventola di grande diametro che, guarda caso, sarebbe l'unico elemento rotante a diretto contatto con eventuali composti chimici abrasivi o corrosivi.

Enciclopedia delle scienze , Milano, 2005, s.v. turbofan

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