Monday, July 19, 2010

Proprovigil And Decreased Saliva

The boulder lichen

If I knew a little road that s'addentra secluded in the woods, a shady path paved with stone, with the ivy that grows sparse in the joints. ...
If you travel along this route at times of lone wolves looking for prey daily, or minstrels who are dialing the last stanza of a song, or even gross villains from the hands, ready to throw food over too refined for the ... their palate.
If you travel along this path hermits indifferent to the noises of the world, inquiring eye on the uplifting truth, or messengers of the building, limited in their thinking to the formulas that were learned già morte, od anche principi di lignaggio che nella mia bellezza non vedono altro pregio che di far da serva alle proprie sorelle….
Se conoscessi una tal via nel bosco, ti chiederei di condurmici, lì dove il sentiero sale lieve e s’apre accanto ad una radura. C’è forse un masso roccioso ricoperto di licheni. E’ là che chiederei d’essere incatenata. Che sia solida, che sia corta, che sia levigata questa catena, per non ferirmi i polsi e le caviglie…che sia tale da essere lasciata lì per il tempo di una intera luna.
Ti chiederò questo all’alba, quando sei solita andare via da me, dopo esserci parlate per ore, sedute sull’erba, inspired by the stars. When finally raises his head, always keeping china, absorbed by your care for me when I untie the laces, and I'm happy to have been able to cheer your kind hours. If
take me to the rock with lichens, if I bind us, we ask you to return only to quarters, the full moon, half, to make you pull your ear to my fresh face.
you hear the echo of the footsteps of those who have come here, those who hath been focused to investigate, only to those who have approached me to abuse. You'll hear their voices questioning, those travelers will feel like you are corrupt or sublimated to know. I also feel that my virtù, la mia illibatezza si sono dimostrate incorruttibili. Sentirai dunque quanto sono stata libera, perché legata a te. Assaporerai dalla mia coppa, Rossella, un elisir di perfezione.
E’ questa la prova che ti chiedo di affrontare, sebbene molte ore di solitudine mi attenderanno; sebbene debba esporre il mio nome al ludibrio di coloro che non comprenderanno le ragioni del mio spirito. Questa prova mi è necessaria, Rossella, ma non so dove è il masso roccioso ricoperto di licheni ….forse tu sai trovarlo.
Mentre leggi queste parole, ascoltati tu stessa. Quel che ti chiedo può diventare un tuo volere. Non lasciarmi libera, Rossella. Questa libertà mi annoia, nelle ore in cui t’aspetto. Se fossi meno libera, più ricche sarebbero le mie ore con te.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What Are Phsical Signs Of Hiv

Cani sciolti (Chemtrails: la falla nel sistema)

We are the usual. Also this summer, the use of a non-persistent chemtrail spraying night and SO2 have often taken the place of the classical persistent contrails day. The problem is that very little step and that they overheard the question chemtrails are convinced that the activities of aerosols have stopped. They observed a clear sky, but do not notice the complete absence of cloud formations so-called "good weather by" and delude themselves that they have been pardoned for some hidden reason.

Our country is, to our knowledge, the only one to adopt such methods of concealment, especially in the presence of high pressure. This dimostra che il programma di irrorazione viene gestito autonomamente dalle singole strutture militari e dai governi, basandosi su esigenze precise. Nel nostro caso, data la notevole consapevolezza dei cittadini italiani, via via sempre più sensibilizzati attraverso la Rete e grazie ad alcuni programmi televisivi, gli attuatori del piano di aerosol clandestino hanno studiato metodi atti a camuffarsi il più possibile.

Nello specifico, le operazioni illegali si concentrano per la gran parte nelle ore notturne, con sorvoli a quote bassissime, tanto da poter distinguere gli aerei nei dettagli anche nella parziale oscurità e tanto da udire continuamente il rombo dei turbofan. Osservando the street lamps or other light sources, you may notice a layer of "smoke" carried by the wind. Through the comparison with the satellite maps available on sat24, we confirm that the phenomenon has national significance: the fog induced intensified during the night and gradually dissolve in the early hours of the morning. During daylight hours will be sufficient a constant, discrete activity but a straight mid-high, in order to maintain sufficient electrically conductive medium the air. The result? Sky devoid of cloud formations of all types and the classic color that changes from a milky white to blue corpse.

that clarification, it should be another observation. In the field

della disinformazione si legge: " L’unico 'fatto' onestamente plausibile e comprovabile è quello relativo al progressivo cambio di propulsori occorso negli ultimi anni (mi riferisco ai nuovi motori turbo fan a doppio flusso), unitamente all’aumento delle quote di volo e ad un indiscriminato aumento dei voli e il fiorire di miriadi di compagnie lowcost. In tal senso questo studio è stato il primo punto oggettivo che non mostrava cedimenti logici ".

Se dovessimo basarci su tali mendaci affermazioni, il "fenomeno scie persistenti", a parità di condizioni atmosferiche, dovrebbe essere invariato over the years and should be almost the same in France, Italy, Greece, Croatia ... In the same hours we should look like contrails abiding in Western Liguria is sullla Riviera. There should be hundreds of kilometers long trails in Puglia and even in Greece. But no. Only the Italian terrotorio can detect low clouds and dense enough to limit visibility to 3 km. Not only! The phenomenon of artificial mists used in place of persistent contrails is an event that we see in Italy, only a few years!

In the other states can still be seen, however, the classic persistent chemtrails. Why? Maybe the planes flying over our country have motori diversi? Ovviamente non è questa la risposta. La risposta è una sola: è in atto un programma di avvelenamento dei biomi, perpetrato da aerei militari e civili ed a quote di volo differenti.

Qui di seguito vi mostriamo una prova schiacciante . Un KC-10 viene ripreso da due piloti dall'interno della cabina di un velivolo che segue a distanza ravvicinata. I due piloti, nello scambiare qualche battuta, constatano che il KC-10 (aviocisterna militare) sta disperdendo "chemtrails" e, in tutta evidenza, chiunque può confermarlo, visto che le scie che vediamo uscire da quel KC-10, provengono da ogni dispositivo, fuorché dai motori!

The video was placed on You-Tube July 14, 2010, while channel was created in 2008 , but used just now. It could be a military pilot, given the name of the channel (USAFFEKC1O). A maverick. A flaw in the system. This video should be spread everywhere, not only for the clarity of the sequences, but also because the author of the movie is not a citizen. When accused of being paranoid visionary, show this conclusive document. Does not that prove? What judge could deny the obvious?

exhortation to sinister disinformation: the era of contrails condensation is over. Get off the bandwagon losers, as long as you are on time.

The movie can be downloaded from here .

thank my friend and colleague Arturo important document for the video signal.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I Have A Small Wart On My Eyelid

Far from a single drop your knees

Quando a volte strattoni la catena per richiamarmi più vicina, io non avverto in te alcuna severità, ma quel genere di passione che sa imprimere impeto irresistibile ai propri baci. E’ una catena che pare forgiata da maglie elastiche, opera di un fabbro eccelso della fucina di Vulcano.
La forza del tuo polso, attraverso di essa, si distribuisce lungo le nervatura del collo, fa torcere sinuose le costole, sobbalzare il mio petto. Aggraziato si divarica il bacino e le caviglie si flettono in un inchino. Vacillo, diretta a te, cadente in un passo di danza. I end up on the floor, elbows or knees. The chain, loaded like a spring, inexorably draws me to you. On the floor, polished like a mirror, there is no speck of dust. Will slide without scratching, sliding on his elbows, knees, inguaiata in the skin of a salamander
else is not awkward because you want to join are two mirror-image, because it is above your knees slightly stops my mouth, it will go. But I dare not kiss.
Sometimes this chain there is a tendency when an ocean separates me from you. As the night of our meeting, dressed in red, when a cyclone has run opposite to that reached you.
I was filled with elation as he tried to suck me into your vortex. My view, at once has made her dark, furrowed by a short linear flash; hearing followed the hole aspiration of cosmic membranes that separate the places where we awake to ourselves.
That night, your wrist was not strong enough to fight adversity and my mouth has been away from your knees.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Song Countdown 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Techno

On this page, from now on, being called Lady, my sweet Scarlett, because I give meaning to the words and symbols.
last night, clearly, I heard the click of a lock that embraced me strong neck. Ran before my eyes a sequence of formulas are clear and unambiguous. Now I am yours, you are subject, although my accomplice belong to you. I feel that intimacy with one another that we have sealed that your wish is my sovereign.
unison My wish is your desire, and renounce anteporti different feelings from my friendly and loyal friendship. But I also accepted, without being misinterpreted, the range of possibility that surrounds this report. Of possibilities is not mortgages or claims for my personal pleasure. Just want to recognize the merit that will give life to what will happen.
I will draw near to you ignoring my expectations, that should never judge whether the moments spent with you and m'abbiano fed and quenched.
also waives, Scarlett, I believe that the cup should be filled by the warmth of your continual proximity. Even a single drop of your presence is more powerful than the tide. Last night it drives our feet and the foamy waves of drunken passion that the sea for the land. I too have a passion and I will not hold. It will charm, patience and discretion at times but will try every possible chink between breaks of your silence, to be able tap at least one hour.
The time which bears the name, my lady, will prove us right. She will measure the size della nostra decisione; saprà rendere generoso il rinnovo del nostro patto; saprà custodire la ricchezza crescente di questo legame. La fortuna non è infatti cieca con chi sa osare, e noi oseremo, Rossella, mia Signora.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Brazilian Waxing You Jizz


Signora dei Lillà, Signora della Cerva, avete rinunciato al vostro titolo, e perciò stesso perduto le mie obbligazioni nei riguardi vostri. Avete ritenuto che la mia persona non fosse più di vostro interesse, e che nulla più gradivate attendervi.
Imporrò a me stessa di non serbare memoria di voi, salvo quando vergato già in questo diario segreto.
Non è durezza di cuore, né risentimento to have been removed. Oblivion m'è you need, so I will not corrupt with nostalgia as birds imprinted on my cards.
One last thought, however, seal it.
the Lilac Lady, I wanted to come to you to test the hardness of the whip, with no other guilt of wanting to know the guilt, with no reason to want to kidnap the emotions. I have many other lacerations caused. Not the vivid reddish marks along the hips, buttocks, thighs, but glimpses on my sight. Thank you to my childish fantasies are gone, inconsistent. You taught me to not delight in the fire. Of this thank you, Madam.
Lady of Deer, my absolute lordship you were. For other lady you left vacant full powers.
I was sure to have you mapped out my route, but was your certainties to slip through our hands. My duty was to uphold. Instead, I lingered to watch your fall.
have loved you, Madam, but I saw a shadow on your smile. I could bite his lips to revive the passion, but I tried to color the flesh of other smiles. At the end
m'avete released. I might have to oppose with all my strength. At your first shake, rather than reaching out, I've driven by facilitating the end. My cruel act, you're held liable. Thank you, generous lady.
Oblivion so you will, the Lilac Lady, Lady of the Deer. The fire is extinguished you fed to me you are now ashes.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How To Cheat In Idrag Paper

from you, you call me a scarf

I feel that your scent, steeped in the caress of silk that have loved me to donate. A nice sign I am going to read adorns the neck and shoulders bare. One of your scarf. It evokes a protective
sound throughout Provence, dry as the wind, as fresh lavender flowers.
not words to be written, but to whisper, returned with amorous lips.
And a sound that now runs to you, winding along the sunny shores of the Mediterranean. Suction vapor from the sea salt on the tongue that westerly winds propel sometimes up to your home. Encouraged by that breath, smile to the face all messed up by strands of hair woven with the colors of your charming scarf.
It 's a sound that originates from the Latin remote hills that surround your daily horizon. Nell'etimo the symbol that you won, I am a happy omen, because the deep netter cloth, as well as hard-working women combed their cloths to wash in your old city. From these our mothers derives its name. I myself always want to appear crisp and clear, so that nothing can overshadow the beauty of your gesture.
loves what I love, you wanted to teach me gently, Scarlett, my Lady. How
not want the diligent effort that you asked me. Wear that sometimes your carezza.
Lo so, Rossella mia Signora, che il profumo intriso che vi sento è un unguento che hai voluto preparare per me. Le bestie silvestri, mai assoggettate alla cavezza, sono prima abituate a trecce d’edera e vischio.
Comprendo la scelta che ti è più gradita, quella a me già necessaria. Non disferò il nodo del mio foulard finché non mi chiamerai a te per dirmi che è giunto il giorno. Attenderemo insieme la notte fonda, quando un anello di metallo verrà sostituito al tuo bacio di seta.