Monday, July 12, 2010

I Have A Small Wart On My Eyelid

Far from a single drop your knees

Quando a volte strattoni la catena per richiamarmi più vicina, io non avverto in te alcuna severità, ma quel genere di passione che sa imprimere impeto irresistibile ai propri baci. E’ una catena che pare forgiata da maglie elastiche, opera di un fabbro eccelso della fucina di Vulcano.
La forza del tuo polso, attraverso di essa, si distribuisce lungo le nervatura del collo, fa torcere sinuose le costole, sobbalzare il mio petto. Aggraziato si divarica il bacino e le caviglie si flettono in un inchino. Vacillo, diretta a te, cadente in un passo di danza. I end up on the floor, elbows or knees. The chain, loaded like a spring, inexorably draws me to you. On the floor, polished like a mirror, there is no speck of dust. Will slide without scratching, sliding on his elbows, knees, inguaiata in the skin of a salamander
else is not awkward because you want to join are two mirror-image, because it is above your knees slightly stops my mouth, it will go. But I dare not kiss.
Sometimes this chain there is a tendency when an ocean separates me from you. As the night of our meeting, dressed in red, when a cyclone has run opposite to that reached you.
I was filled with elation as he tried to suck me into your vortex. My view, at once has made her dark, furrowed by a short linear flash; hearing followed the hole aspiration of cosmic membranes that separate the places where we awake to ourselves.
That night, your wrist was not strong enough to fight adversity and my mouth has been away from your knees.


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