Thursday, July 1, 2010

How To Cheat In Idrag Paper

from you, you call me a scarf

I feel that your scent, steeped in the caress of silk that have loved me to donate. A nice sign I am going to read adorns the neck and shoulders bare. One of your scarf. It evokes a protective
sound throughout Provence, dry as the wind, as fresh lavender flowers.
not words to be written, but to whisper, returned with amorous lips.
And a sound that now runs to you, winding along the sunny shores of the Mediterranean. Suction vapor from the sea salt on the tongue that westerly winds propel sometimes up to your home. Encouraged by that breath, smile to the face all messed up by strands of hair woven with the colors of your charming scarf.
It 's a sound that originates from the Latin remote hills that surround your daily horizon. Nell'etimo the symbol that you won, I am a happy omen, because the deep netter cloth, as well as hard-working women combed their cloths to wash in your old city. From these our mothers derives its name. I myself always want to appear crisp and clear, so that nothing can overshadow the beauty of your gesture.
loves what I love, you wanted to teach me gently, Scarlett, my Lady. How
not want the diligent effort that you asked me. Wear that sometimes your carezza.
Lo so, Rossella mia Signora, che il profumo intriso che vi sento è un unguento che hai voluto preparare per me. Le bestie silvestri, mai assoggettate alla cavezza, sono prima abituate a trecce d’edera e vischio.
Comprendo la scelta che ti è più gradita, quella a me già necessaria. Non disferò il nodo del mio foulard finché non mi chiamerai a te per dirmi che è giunto il giorno. Attenderemo insieme la notte fonda, quando un anello di metallo verrà sostituito al tuo bacio di seta.


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