Thursday, July 8, 2010

Song Countdown 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Techno

On this page, from now on, being called Lady, my sweet Scarlett, because I give meaning to the words and symbols.
last night, clearly, I heard the click of a lock that embraced me strong neck. Ran before my eyes a sequence of formulas are clear and unambiguous. Now I am yours, you are subject, although my accomplice belong to you. I feel that intimacy with one another that we have sealed that your wish is my sovereign.
unison My wish is your desire, and renounce anteporti different feelings from my friendly and loyal friendship. But I also accepted, without being misinterpreted, the range of possibility that surrounds this report. Of possibilities is not mortgages or claims for my personal pleasure. Just want to recognize the merit that will give life to what will happen.
I will draw near to you ignoring my expectations, that should never judge whether the moments spent with you and m'abbiano fed and quenched.
also waives, Scarlett, I believe that the cup should be filled by the warmth of your continual proximity. Even a single drop of your presence is more powerful than the tide. Last night it drives our feet and the foamy waves of drunken passion that the sea for the land. I too have a passion and I will not hold. It will charm, patience and discretion at times but will try every possible chink between breaks of your silence, to be able tap at least one hour.
The time which bears the name, my lady, will prove us right. She will measure the size della nostra decisione; saprà rendere generoso il rinnovo del nostro patto; saprà custodire la ricchezza crescente di questo legame. La fortuna non è infatti cieca con chi sa osare, e noi oseremo, Rossella, mia Signora.


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