Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Laptop Sim Card Linux


Sono passati ormai tre giorni dal mondiale di sabato scorso e devo ammettere che l'amarezza è ancora tanta.
to remember what day it is still a very strong pain in my legs that I feel every time I do the stairs ..... and luckily I stopped at the 75 km mark!
cramps are like that, now I know them, they leave you trailing for several days.
not spend more than 10 'that I think of that race, as I was, to my feelings, its evolution, how it went and as it could go.
I do not even want to see the few pictures that my father was able to shoot with his camera.
I find it hard even to read the comments in sites for runners who tell the evolution of the race.
I'm bad! And I'm ashamed because all in all it comes to sports, entertainment, I should be stronger and think that the race is not everything in life, there's more: health, relationships, family ......
But I have done so! When I do something I try to do it well, I throw myself there and I always want to be able to get the best out of what I do and if I can not, I live like a stinging personal defeat.
also say that I am ashamed, two tears fell while I was on the phone to tell my father in my race, what had happened and that he had not seen, to my feelings, that sense of helplessness created by cramps and run away seeing a great result that I was now reaching.
that I always think that we have too many a few tears to shed in our life, I've wasted a race.
But one thing was too big a world, the jersey of their team on his shoulders, running into the house, the feeling of being worth a medal, and my expectations of many people that I respect, there was so much, very much as a simple foot race.
I left with two gold medals with the team in blue and I'm delighted but I can not hear me, I'm not even reached the bottom, I have not contributed in any way to such success.
But I have left something else in addition to those medals, a great joy for the 24 comments I've read the last post I wrote. Comments
of esteem, gratitude and invite you to never give up.
Most people who write do not know them personally, and I must admit that these people have given me an incredible charge to try again.
I did not want to respond directly to all of you because you wrote a thank you would be trivial, I decided to make a new post to express my gratitude to people who have no idea how well I have done with two lines in this blog.
..... Thank you so much everyone! The
December 1 will take up to train seriously, in the meantime, rest, read alternative sports and corsets.
now remains to plan the preparation for the next world (if I understand why ....) and convene the formation of these I suffer from cramps in forever. I will try to help some
hematologist since I have several blood values \u200b\u200bthat are not quite in accordance, in particular ferritin and CPK, a muscle enzyme that also reaches values \u200b\u200b15 times higher than normal when I train.
also consult with a neurologist, I have come to solve this problem, you can not sweat a year, and when you are there to reap the fruits of your work, seeing him run away from the hands to the same problem.
's time to get to the bottom of the matter and I will!
How I assure you that on 19 June, in Belgium, I will present aggueritissimo; will no longer be the World Cup but Italians are increasingly global, and the title and the medals are always those with the advantage that race and the journey already know him because I have his international debut in 2006.
I have an open wound to be closed, it still hurts and I want to burn a long time, to remind me that in Belgium will be a different story.


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