Sunday, November 9, 2008

Motor Vehicle Sale Agrement


Well! Many already know this, my world adventure ended bitterly to the 75th km.
What happened? I do not know! Or rather, I know, cramps, but I do not know what it is because I have already submitted by the 50th km.
Now I have a big head in confusion and bitterness, a year of preparation, hard work, training and sacrifices have failed to achieve my dream of an individual world medal.
In my heart I knew I was worth it, it is true that there were many opponents (and teammates) very strong, but I also knew that my condition was good and I could play my cards.
At the start I was convinced, and I started to fire immediately in the top group! We were many, a fortnight, all the best were there apart from Marco D'Innocenti who preferred a more cautious start. There were also athletes
unknown I did not expect to see there and they have created, together with the Japanese to continue the tear.
I tried to run smooth, occasionally, with the Russians, the English and Polish, which came second, and then we come off when requeueing before slowing.
The route from Tuscania, Tarquinia was hard, constant ups and downs but never dull, and then he passed away well. At the 25th km
a Japanese attacked and went behind a Slovak, a Ukrainian and an Australian (all 4 unknown), then moved even Giorgio Calcaterra which was answered by the other Japanese and English who has made three °.
And so we got to get into the circuit to be repeated 4 times (at km 37) in two small groups with 30 seconds apart.
there and start the real race, I knew that before (except for Calcaterra) could not keep that pace and long, running at just under 4 'to miles, I managed to recover slowly, a bit' of athletes who had initially gone too far.
I was fine with me were the strongest two Russians (including Kharitonov, 3rd in the world last year and European Champion) and a Spaniard, I knew all three and stay with them because they gave me security Athletes of value (all three medals already in previous editions of the various leagues) was not very strong and did not understand why if you take it so comfortable, I realized shortly after the transition to the marathon (2h45'40 ") .. ... they did not have to go any faster!
I was only 45 km mark, I passed the 50 km mark in 3h17'37 "(6:35 a.m. final projection ') and I was in 10th place.
I was still full of energy but already felt the first cramp calves.
the 54th km, where there was a restaurant, tell me I'm the 9th (I had passed a Canadian "dead") but Mauro notice of this annoying problem.
ran more in 4 'to km despite a strong headwind and an asphalt very "impractical" for a World Cup.
At 55 km mark I took a Swedish first and then the three Japanese who were much fruit.
At that point I knew that I was fifth and the fourth was very close.
at the 60 km mark, where there was a third station refreshment at the end of a downhill, I got stuck in the middle of the road for a violent attack of cramp in the hamstrings, I could not move! They helped me and Cristian Nicola Tiso (the cousin of Monica Carlin), I drank, Nicola massaged me and I left.
I had terrible leg cramps and constant hints of, but not the energy there I could use to push as hard as I wanted. At 62 °
I relocking, I began to fear not being able to go.
I have taken over and helped me in the way downhill and the wind.
ran over 4'10 "at km and are passed to the rest of the 69 km mark, where there was still Finnish.
At that point I was fourth with English forward about 1'30" -2 '.
km from 69 ° to 74 ° km I stopped in the road at least 6-7 times, and there was more to run, as I moved, I blocked for cramps in the hamstrings and the polpacci.
Il problema era che, come mi rilassavano un po' e potevo ripartire, percepivo i muscoli delle gambe completamente induriti e intossicati da queste violente contrazioni.
Nel frattempo (quando ero fermo) mi avevano superato un americano ed un russo.
Al ristoro del 74° km decido di fermarmi, poi però ho visto passare il trenino azzurro composto da D'Innocenti, Rigo e Caroni e quindi, incitato anche da loro, ho provato a ripartire stando con loro.
Purtroppo, dopo circa 500 metri, mi sono ribloccato per un'altra forte fitta di crampi alle coscie.
Lì è finito il mio mondiale.
Trascinarsi, camminando per 25 km non era il caso! Il campionato a squadre era in buone mani con i miei compagni che were having a great race.
A cool head what can I say?
First of all to congratulate my teammates who have run very well; Calcaterra was impressive for the calm with which he ran, always in my head from first to last meter.
The other three (Mark, Andrew and Francis) as well as they showed in the race walk team play is critical and can lead to big results. Bravissimo
anhée factor that Mario had gone to do 40 km and eventually finished the race. Beautiful
the girls in the head with Monica Carlin, who has run very well, and dosing in comeback effort: a European silver and bronze individual world is a tremendous accomplishment. Sorry
for all my teammates who, like me, have failed for various problems, to finish the race.
Now I'm trying to understand why these cramps, I suffer from it but, usually, the thick block me, I feel only the 80 km mark, while yesterday but have already submitted by the 50th km.
Maybe it was hot (20 °), perhaps the wind, perhaps the demanding course, perhaps the nervous tension that you think you do not feel but which manifests itself in various ways, perhaps a program that has suffered the last injury that forced me to get me some 'neck until shortly before the race.
Of course I did not come because I have overdone it with the rhythms or why not integrate well in supplies (Salts immediately and in any restaurant).
There 's been like that and you can not do anything!
Now we must find the will to leave everything behind and return to work next year.
Honestly I have absolutely no desire to think about it I do not want to think about race and race, I want to disconnect from everything and recharge mentally from this particular beating.
One thing I must point out: all calls, messages, emails and comments on this blog, I came to "encourage" even though things have gone wrong.
are important expressions of affection that make me understand how, after all, what I do and what they are, it is appreciated by many people; l'autenticità degli apprezzamenti la vedi veramente solo quando le cose vanno male e, di gente, che in queste ore mi è stata vicina, ce ne stata veramente tanta.
Un grazie ai dirigenti/accompagnatori della squadra nazionale, ai miei grandi compagni e compagne di squadra, a tutto il Brema Running Team (grazie Mauro, Mirco, Carlo e Roberta) e a quelle che persone che ho visto realmente dispiaciute per il mio ritiro.
Se riprenderò ad allenarmi e a faticare non lo farò solo per me.


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