Sunday, November 30, 2008

Get Invitation From Velicity Von


Era da un po' che non scrivevo qualcosa!
Aspettavo l'occasione giusta per farlo.
Ho atteso fino ad oggi perchè stamattina si è "consumato" l'evento "clou" Brema Running Team of the season, my group podisitico.
For the third consecutive year we ran the relay Martellago-Padova.
E 'an event that we strongly felt as it leads the participants from the headquarters of our company, shop technician Beppe our president, to Children's Hospital of Padua.
are proposed four portions of approximately 8-10 km.
Everyone is free to participate in all the villages he wants, the only rule is: RUN GROUP.
The last part (the 5th) is a kind of "bridge" where all participants come together at the entrance of the hospital Padua.
We were about fifty this morning at 7:40 ready to go.
Our Vice President Mauro (who knows us all by the thread and sign) has divided the groups according to the rhythm of each stroke so as to facilitate their "rush to the group."
came down in a dry state, but shortly before departure, as the rain has slowed down in intensity to almost vanish altogether.
few minutes before departure came even our mayor John Brunello to say hello and to give away in this race for the solidarity.
The former are parties to 08.00, while with others that I would run the last two fractions, we got on the bus would have anticipated that the first runners to give them the best exchange rate forward on the path.
The first fraction was about 12 km from Martock and brought up to Zianigo; the first group stopped in a few and almost all have continued to Pianiga (after 8km).
meantime had begun to rain, making this a very strong relay far more involved than in years past. A
Pianiga I left myself in quite a flood, and despite the water we had a great time, there was a festive atmosphere of friendship that made us literally fly the third and fourth fraction (for a total of approximately 15 km) to the gates of Padua.
They talked, we laughed, we joked, we laughed at good-naturedly. There are also those who
deliberately jumped in the puddles, making splash cold water on him and dirty, in the end we were wet as chicks.
Tarquinia was the world who does not run 15 km in that situation but I felt like I could run forever as there was enjoying himself.
will be the fact that, for once, it ran only for myself, to do a workout or a race, but ran to stay together and to bring a message to those children who went to see a message that he wanted then this: "We remember you and your parents are not alone in your battle."
This seemed to be the spirit that motivated each of us.
Latest 4 km sono stati proprio di festa; tutto il gruppo del Brema si è ricongiunto e uniti siamo arrivati all'ospedale pediatrico di Padova dove ad attenderci c'erano alcuni genitori dei bambini ricoverati e i volontari del Volo, l'associazione onlus che si occupa di raccogliere fondi per aiutarli.
E ci hanno accolto decisamente alla grande, con un rinfresco degno da matrimonio che ha fatto saziare anche le bocche più voraci (compresa la mia....).
Dopo esserci rifocillati, siamo entrati in aula magna per la conferenza stampa dove, il presidente del Volo ha spiegato come l'associazione svolge la propria attività in aiuto soprattutto allo staff medico che opera all'interno dell'ospedale.
Il dottor Zulian, scientific director of Flight, said then, to what extent are the research projects carried out by them and what will be their next order interventi.Alla word even took our presidents (and vice Beppe owner Mauro) stressed that the spirit that gives life to our group: solidarity, friendship and love for travel.
This year we got into the department, perhaps it was better to not "upset" the balance to which those children, their parents and doctors are accustomed to.
For us it was still important to let them know that today we went there for them.
The return bus from Padua to Martellago was like going from a school trip, where we were contenti di aver passato una bella giornata tra amici e aver portato un segnale di solidarietà a quei bambini.
Sopra ho messo una slide show con alcune foto della giornata; ho corso con la macchinetta in mano, spero siano venute bene.

P.S. Cosa meno importante, domani riprendo ad allenarmi seriamente, obiettivo: Belgio 2009 (mondiali 100 km)!


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