Thursday, December 4, 2008

Female Panties Diagram


Dopo la cocente delusione dei mondiali di Tarquinia ho cercato di andare a fondo riguardo al problema che mi è occorso: i crampi.
Anche in passato ne avevo sofferto come ad esempio in Korea, in 2006 when, during the World Cup, to the 80th km traveled in 8th place with a final projection of about 6:50 a.m.-06h45' ', I was literally "stuck" at that time I managed to finish the race in 18th position, 7:12 a.m. 'and doing the last 10 km in 58'43 ".
Or the smuggler of this year when, because of cramps, I could not fall below the 07 hours for a breath .. .. I moved to Brisbane with a time without much push in the final, would allow me to end at 6:55 a.m. '.
Given the history I have therefore moved consulting with doctors and nutritionists to understand how I could solve the problem.
I made some tests blood after 10 days of rest and many values \u200b\u200bwere still somewhat "disrupted", CPK and ferritin among all.
More or less what they told me all was this: you're too worn out, do you train too much, you have to rest more!
But how do you prepare a 100 km on the world and hope to run it as protagonists, without much training?
How do I get rested, with all values \u200b\u200bin place, after a period of preparation for a race so long and demanding?
Maybe this year my preparation was influenced by two muscle injuries that made me change the programs running, and I was not allowed to download the week sufficiently close to the world (the last very long I have only 13 days before the course: the Venice marathon plus another 18 km).
But the fact remains that every time I do a blood test I have this blessed CPK also 6-7 times higher than normal.
Who I consulted told me that the cramps, probably formed not for a lack electroplating, but because I showed up at the start "too trained" or "tired" (even if it did not seem right to me ... at least I I felt good!).
What is CPK? In other words it is a muscle enzyme that "helps" when rebuilding muscle fibers are damaged, in practice, when higher than normal, indicating that there is an ongoing muscle damage.
The month before the World Cup (5-6 days calf prior to the accident) I had this value to 570 against a maximum of 170 (one time, in February, I had also in 2800 .... the day before I had a long of 40 km).
That is normal when one runs an average of 25-30 km per day, but so what?
How do I get the normal CPK and then have a good working muscles, practicing every day? Most
prepared in training methodology will say to me: "You must enter the exhaust of the sessions."
Which of course I have done the tests were done after 4 days of slow running or strengthening that followed the marathon del Garda.
Today I went to a neurologist who, indeed, to understand more, he asked to do the exams del sangue anche a tutta la mia famiglia e successivamente un'elettromiografia e, se non basta, anche una biopsia muscolare.
Pensa addirittura che ci possa essere una qualche malattia muscolare. Bah! Mi sento di escluderlo (tocco ferro!)
Starò ancora più attento allo scarico, mi allenerò un po' meno e farò ancora più attenzione all'alimentazione.
Speriamo basti per portare giù questo CPK e non soffrire più in futuro di crampi.


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