Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cipro Glucosamine Sulfate


Oggi ho ceduto pure io!
Dopo 5 giorni di secchiate d'acqua mi sono stufato di uscire all'aperto e correre sotto veri diluvi: pioggia forte, vento, pozzanghere che hanno dimensioni di laghetti di montagna, macchine che "senza volerlo" (diciamo così.....) mi facevano veri e propri gavettoni e allenamenti terminati con le rane nelle scarpe.
Oggi, di tutto questo ne avevo abbastanza anche perchè, alla fine, allenarsi under these conditions was rather counterproductive to make repeated changes or against the walls of the wind, the puddles dribbling and being careful not to be affected was not quite the case.
then I twisted my preparation now anticipating the weekly weight training session scheduled for tomorrow morning and entered a drainage work on the treadmill 40 '.
premise: I had never run 40 'continues on the carpet. Before
weight, normally, we run over about 10'-15 'to the beat bland but I had never ventured beyond.
And so, after the strengthening exercises, I wanted to challenge themselves there.
The only goal was to run around 150 beats per minute, the speed would have been a consequence.
I knew it would be tough, not just physically but also mentally, and so, to get over myself I fitted the I-pod, which I never ever ever.
After 5 minutes I was already ato rocks .... and I thought: "Run, run, and are always on the same square meter."
I tried to distract the people from the gym, programs on television, outside the windows (and a lot of water coming down) but nothing! ..... I am not passed!
And so I started to just focus on music and daydreaming; fantasized about a 100 km that I should still run (I chose the London Olympics of 2012 ... maybe the 100 km truly become an Olympic sport), to those who were my opponents in that race, the trail by the public in the stadium waiting for the arrival, they were going to kilometers in Bragagna who did the commentary, to my friends who watched that race on TV I was dreaming ...... All "crap" like that.
But among so many stupid things that crossed my head and the help of Bon Jovi, Linkin Park, U2, Negramaro, I got the 35 '. Me
it lacked only the 5 'and thus, increasing the speed of the treadmill, I imagined the last kilometers of the race I was imagining, in Bragagna commented that, the excitement of those who attended the key steps at the entrance to the stadium and, when there were a few seconds at the finish line I was going to pass and then I passed. Guess
how I placed in that race?
Well! If you do not win at least let me do it for real in the imagination, so I do go 40 'on the treadmill.
But tomorrow, rain or no rain, back to run out.

PS The lake I did too, but with sweat .... Mom how much I sweat!


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