Friday, December 26, 2008

Doing Up A Double Loop Belt


Dato che ultimamente non sto facendo nulla di “sportivamente interessante”, mi divertirò a rivisitare la mia stagione agonistica che si è “tristemente conclusa” lo scorso 08 novembre a Tarquinia.
Molti know they are not a "huge" frequenter of races.
I run into only a few of the two big events that I choose to start the season.
This year, the two big events were the Passatore in spring and 100 km on the World Cup in Tarquinia in the fall. Half
, marathons, the other ultra running, are just steps in passing that "should" take me in shape for the two that run in the year 100. Gare
not prepare so specifically, but did attempt to "respect" and to make the most of what I get at that time.
But first things first! This year I started a lot later, on March 2 with a new race of 31.1 km, Belluno-Feltre.
Percorso che, a dispetto della planimetria che la indica con un pendenza in costante discesa, ha anche parecchi strappetti, più o meno lunghi, e che la rendono quindi muscolarmente impegnativa.
Il giorno prima di quella gara, ho pensato bene di “agganciare” 30 km collinari sul Montello; ho eseguito quindi un blocco speciale con due 30km in due giorni; l’idea era di fare 30 km il sabato con salite e discese continue e la gara la domenica al ritmo che presumevo di valere in maratona.
Questo in funzione dell’imminente maratona di Treviso in cui volevo scendere sotto le 02h30’.
La gara è andata bene, mi sono divertito, sono arrivato stanco ma contento per aver corso i 31,1 km in 01h49’42” the average of 3'31 .5 "at km, and 11 th place overall, behind champions like Bourifa, Boudalia, Modica, and De Gaspari.
Good race, good feelings, so many people on the path (also very nice) and especially beautiful day spent with friends of Bremen Running Team with whom I made the trip to return.
The following Sunday, March 9, was in anticipation of a race that I like so far: the Trasimeno ultramarathon, a race of 58 km is abundant that the circumnavigation of Lake Trasimeno in Umbria.
I like this race for many reasons: first, because I love the Umbria is a time to visit my relatives in Orvieto where stay for three days, the second is because the location is great, the third is because the race is beautifully organized despite being open to traffic (I even got a mirror in one arm from a jeep that did not even stop), the quarter because there is always going strong.
And this year I did one of my best races, I came 2nd in the 3:38 a.m. '(but with hindsight that race is as if I had won) behind Barbi (that's why I say that race is as if I had won), I ran at a steady pace of 3'45 "at km without suffering too much and still coming out in force at the finish rose to place in Castiglione del Lago
I was really happy and confident for the upcoming marathon of Treviso on March 30.
In the marathon, I was aware that I could get for the first time under 2:30 a.m. '' I wanted to break it down by force because I felt really good.
In addition, for the first time, I was regarded as a top runner and I could enjoy all the privileges of those little things, the "top" can use, first of all, not having to pay more than half an hour standing in the cages waiting for the go.
E 'was a perfect race for me, just how I had imagined: smooth start-up group in order to be able to help, and progression in the final! Before 01h14'47 in half and second half in 01h13'38 "for a final time of 02h28'25", 14th place overall, 7th Italian and staff lowered 2'20 "... .. not bad!
I did a little checking on the internet and saw that the 30 km mark the arrival in that part of 12 km abundant, only Curzon (who won the race), 4 Achmüller Kenyans and ran faster than me!
E 'was wonderful, passing the bridge, shortly after the reunification of three routes: fantastic, creepy! Never seen so many people on the route of a marathon in Italy, people who applauded, cheered and gave you a lot of charge.
Treviso I race twice and I will return in 2009, has everything one could ask of a marathon runner: fast paced, well organized, impressive steps and many people on the course. After
Treviso, the preparation was focused even more for the purpose Passatore.
Two weeks later, on April 13, there was a half marathon in two steps from my house, half "of the Doges.
Prepare a 100 km is a half-way by putting a little 'strange' to train, but on this occasion, I wanted that game with a season long of 60 km on the Sunday before (the next at Treviso), one week workouts very challenging, hilly 22 km the day before, 6 km before the race and another 10 km to the rhythm of "average" after.
The race, however, wanted to push hard for the conditions in which I was, the idea was to make a bell'allenamento pulled then run again in the absence of glycogen and get used to using fat as the main fuel.
Result? I made the staff on a half! 01h12'14 ".
E 'is not a real long time but, for me and my characteristics it is, especially how it was obtained. The placement was small, 17 ° th but did not matter!
I had the staff, had led a good workout: I was so happy! Another step avanti verso la Firenze-Faenza!
Ma il sabato dopo c’era un’altra gara , forse il vero test prima del Passatore: la 6 ore di Ciserano.
Ero molto combattutto se partecipare a quella manifestazione, non ero convinto che fosse una buona idea soprattutto per le caratteristiche del percorso.
A spaventarmi non era tanto il fatto che fosse un anello di 1 km esatto da ripetere tante volte per 6 ore, ma era la strettezza di alcuni passaggi che avevo notato nelle foto delle edizioni precedenti.
Ho chiamato il presidente dei Runners Bergamo (la società organizzatrice) il signor Gregorio Zucchinali (ora nuovo presidente della Iuta), che, molto gentilmente, mi ha confermato quello che avevo visto nelle foto, ma che avrebbe anche fatto il possibile per agevolare la corsa di tutti.
Quando sono arrivato a Ciserano, sabato 19 aprile verso mezzogiorno, e ho visto nella realtà la situazione, non volevo nemmeno partire! I passaggi erano anche più stretti di quello che avevo immaginato (1 metro e poco più in certi punti), 4 curve ad angolo retto per giro, uno scalino, ma soprattutto duecento persone che giravano attorno (c’era anche la 24 ore che era già partita 4 ore prima).
“Impossibile correre!” ho pensato; “Torno a casa!”.
Ma dato che ero là, sono partito comunque! E’ stata una gara che non mi sono gustato fino in fondo.
Ad ogni giro doppiavo decine e decine di runners “camminatori” that certainly does not give the soul to let me pass.
At certain points I had to just stop because there was no room to go anywhere.
In this context I was able to give an account of how people are different: there were those who, for my every step, warned by an "permessoooo" stopped, moved, let me pass without me slowing down and even urged me , and there were those who also sent me to "fuck" just because I pointed out that there was no need to use the mobile phone by sitting quietly in the middle of the already tight racetrack.
Each turn this "rude" (although the term that comes in mind is another start for himself and ends up in the middle or a z) is not shunned and insulted me an inch.
E 'race was a living a little' way ... .. we say "nervous."
lap 8 I also got a little twisted ankle, due to a well under the carpet.
Result? 89km633 meters, almost Italian record (it is exactly 90 km) and the winner!
This measure remains the world season best performance on the distance of 6 hours.
I was more angry than happy! Missing an Italian record of 367 meters after 6 hours is a bit 'a joke! Also because I did all the considerations about how the race was held at the "traffic" on the path, the path itself, in short, happy for the excellent performance but with a little 'bitter taste in the mouth.
The organizers were great but the problems that are created were simply unavoidable.
After a little 'rest and resumed training, May 1st I participated in the first hour of jogging Martellago organized by my group, the Bremen Running Team.
The race took place on a circuit of a km078 meters.
was an opportunity to regain a bit 'of brilliance after long workouts and races.
not because the organizers are all my friends, but they did things to really too great and I really enjoyed running away from me too congenial. I m coming
path 17km630 2 nd behind my friend Alessandro Manente but ahead, and for me the first time, a Moroccan athlete.
not think I can run a 3'24 "medium for an hour after only 10 days after a six hours.
now the days until the smuggler were very few, there was still a long hilly 60-mile marathon and the address of Custoza. Without the long
Sunday, May 4 with good feelings, the next Sunday I lined up at the start of the marathon Custoza, Sommacampagna.
The only goal I had was to run around 2:35 a.m. 'and improve the time it had in the year before 02h39'28 ".
How did it go? Well! In the most unexpected. ... I won! I raced in 02h33'43 "wrong way also (I reached about 300 meters) and also won in the most beautiful, catching and passing the final who preceded me (Bogdanić ...) only 40 km mark.
E 'emotion was never proven, winning a marathon, but not so in a more "qualified" (there were of course African and Italian athletes less than 2:20 a.m.'), it is still a great satisfaction, and Then it was my first win over this distance.
In addition there was to be put into consideration that the condition was really good and that the smuggler could do a really great race. Here
Sommacampagna, I tried the most beautiful emotions of the season, entering the final straight now certain to win was an indescribable moment.
was lucid, I was fine and I enjoyed the 200 meters final in an intense way.
brings us to May 30, the smuggler, about how this race went I wrote one of my first post of this blog.
At this moment I remember the good feeling throughout the race, having always being in control and recovery to those who had gone faster.
I also remember that I was sure to get al podio (stavo troppo bene….), e che speravo in una crisi di Calcaterra per poter raggiungere il massimo risultato.
Crisi che ovviamente non c’è stata (è andato come un treno….) e mi sono dovuto “accontentare” del secondo posto.
Certo che parlare di “accontentarsi” di un secondo posto al Passatore può apparire quasi “blasfemo”; è stato comunque un risultato eccezionale anche perché al via c’erano tutti i più forti italiani (oltre a Calcaterra erano presenti D’Innocenti, Caroni, Rigo, Fattore, Sartori, Trincheri, Malfatti, Di Toma,….) e alcuni russi molto competitivi.
Mi ricordo anche del grande tifo lungo la strada e soprattutto negli ultimi due chilometri; tagliato il traguardo ho avuto una sensazione quasi di “delusione”.
Delusione perché non sono riuscito a gustarmi gli ultimi metri come avrei voluto, troppo attento a gestire i crampi che anche in quella occasione si sono presentati in forma molto acuta, e che non mi hanno consentito di scendere per soli 43” sotto le 7 ore.
Ora, a distanza di 7 mesi, quella delusione ha lasciato spazio alla soddisfazione di aver comunque compiuto una grande gara.
L’estate è passata via senza gare in preparazione di quello che doveva essere l’appuntamento clou del 2008: il mondiale di Tarquinia sui 100 km.
Il 5-6-7 settembre era fissato un raduno della nazionale di ultramaratona in Luco dei Marsi (AQ) at the Italian league on 6 hours.
was a very exciting event: dealing with all other team-mates in a tough race as a 6 hours.
The route was 1337 meters, with two rounds of the buoy, a little rise, a discesetta, and two falsipiani (one uphill and one downhill).
Even before leaving I knew it would be tough to finish: there were 36 degrees with 70% humidity.
In fact, after just over four hours and made almost 61 km (average of 3'59 "at km), when I was in command ahead of the second 2.5 km (Andrea Rigo ....) I decided to stop.
I was very sorry to retire but to run for another two hours with that climate, it meant risking to be really evil and prevent the rest of the preparation for the championship. Forgot your
no positive experience of 6 hours of Luco, I wanted to make my marathon del Garda.
I was in the midst of preparation for the World Cup, I felt that the condition was growing well and so I tried to set a race at a pace a bit 'faster than planned. Even
of this marathon, I wrote a post (in the month of September ...) that describes the most important moments.
I finished in third place in 02h30'35 ", my second best performance in the marathon, the first Italian.
certainly did not expect a fastest time so positivo e ancor di più un piazzamento così importante in una maratona con 1500 iscritti.
La gara è semplicemente stupenda; un percorso eccezionale, duro ma con un paesaggio incredibile, con parecchia gente ad applaudire.
Una bellissima esperienza che nella prossima stagione mi piacerebbe ripetere.
E siamo alla maratona di casa: la Venice Marathon.
Beh! Di questa maratona (che ho corso 6 volte) conosco ogni strada dato che ci vivo a Venezia (terraferma….).
Quest’anno l’ho affrontata con un piglio diverso; doveva essere l’ultima gara prima dei mondiali e non potevo tirarmi troppo il collo.
Sono però sopraggiunti degli “imprevisti”, alcuni piacevoli (l’inserimento between the top runner) and others not (the calf injury).
The injury has made me "jump" the last of 60 km long on the Sunday before.
Psychologically, this bothered me and so I decided to do another 18 km at the end of the marathon long run that cut the previous week.
The inclusion among the top runner the other hand, leads me to push more than what I had or wanted.
And so at last came out a time of 02h34'08 ", 30 th overall which was followed two hours later, another 18 kilometers to the training of 4'00" at km.
During the 42 km from Stra to Venice I really enjoyed it; This year was really a lot of people along the way, the day was beautiful and, not too much to hook it allowed me to enjoy the shift in the ways of my province.
The arrival in Venice is really beautiful then, get off the last bridge with the last ten meters of momentum to do, is truly unique.
And here ends my season!
And the world? Well! In that race I have already said and written too much, we all know how it went, needless to return to it. The
I just want to forget, or better, I just want to learn from the mistakes made by not having to regret something that I could achieve and that I missed.
Above, I quote a slide show with pictures of my races in 2008 ...... a whole, for good or ill of emotions difficult to forget.
The song that accompanies the picture of U2 and says, "but I Still Have not Found What I Looking For" which translated means "But I have not found what I'm looking for."
We hope to see him in 2009, perhaps in Belgium in June ...... happy holidays to all!


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