Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mount & Blade Can You Run It

Un ambiente di plasma elettroconduttivo (articolo di Kafka)

publish an article that, despite the its brevity, focus on a crucial point: the transformation of the atmosphere in an electrically conductive medium. The increasing spread of wireless networks, presented as an amazing system for data transmission and telecommunications, is linked to these climatic changes .

In the skies of North America and other countries, the planes are spreading chemical substances chimiche che respiriamo. La natura dei programmi di aerosol è segreta e costruita su fraudolente spiegazioni e su bugie propalate da personaggi appartenenti ai vertici politici e militari.

Il risultato delle irrorazioni è il seguente: l'atmosfera è stata trasformata dalle sue condizioni normali in un medium simile al plasma ed elettroconduttivo. La modificazione della struttura chimica ed elettrica dell'atmosfera sta causando danni irreparabili al suolo, alla vita di piante ed animali, alla salute delle persone. Il governo, però, continua ad erigere un muro di omertà ed a mentire ai cittadini.

Fox news ha riferito di luci e lampi verdi durante i temporali. Il nitrato di bario assume colorazione verde e conduce l'elettricità dalla terra al cielo.

Siamo i primi a riferire di un altro problema, legato allo spargimento di elementi chimici per opera di aerei civili modificati , di velivoli militari e di droni appartenenti alla C.I.A. Esiste un'evidenza secondo la quale una sostanza oleosa contenuta nelle chemtrails sta provocando danni ai circuiti dei computers, alle schede madri, ai sistemi di alimentazione. I tecnici che riparano gli elaboratori non hanno il minimo sospetto che tali avarie possano essere connesse all'aerosol.

Questa polvere untuosa elettroconduttiva si sta diffondendo dappertutto, also in our lungs.

The people of the United States is in a desperate situation. Millions of people are asleep and unlikely to survive. The bubble about to burst.


- The Air Force Wants LOV (Second Part)

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Monday, December 14, 2009

Sony Slv-d350p Region Free

Chemtrail connection (articolo di Carolyn Williams Palit)

Pubblichiamo uno studio della ricercatrice indipendente Carolyn Williams Palit nell’accurata traduzione del gentilissimo Corrado Penna . Si tratta di un articolo piuttosto complesso, but the contents of which, no doubt disruptive, will be better understood after reading the draft RFMP , The microwave weapon against the biosphere and The Air Force wants to LOV

Congressman [U.S., ndt] Dennis Kucinich mentioned the chemtrails as a weapon in its exotic bill, The Space Preservation Act of 2001 [Law for the preservation of the area, ndt], HR 2977 presented at the 107th U.S. Congress. Read it, because it offers an excellent overview of each type of arma esotica presente nel nostro [statunitense, n.d.t.] arsenale. A quanto sembra, ci sono molte tecnologie correlate che servono per lo spionaggio, le comunicazioni, la guerra oltre alla tecnologia spaziale, che usano il rilascio nell’atmosfera e nello spazio di carbone, prodotti chimici, cationi metallici, alluminio e bario.

Scie chimiche e riscaldatori ionosferici sono tecnologie collegate fra loro e direttamente connesse alla costruzione di armi spaziali ed atmosferiche, insieme con la costruzione di antenne disseminate [sul territorio] per la sorveglianza illegale ed i programmi psicotronici. Il brevetto qui di seguito esposto è per un’antenna al plasma priva di struttura, ma che viene denominata lente in the name of [the patent]. Why is called a lens, whether it is an antenna? It's just an antenna? Click on the link, read the patent carefully and you will realize that the ionization of the atmosphere can create something like a plasma channel. These plasma channels can be used as a power line leading to a target. Moreover, electromagnetic radiation such as microwaves, radio waves or radio waves ELF [Extremely Low Frequency, waves at very low frequencies, ndt] can be sent along these canals plasma

Air Force Patent No. 5,900,986
Scholfield May 4, 1999

"lens focal column


invention The present invention was developed in the field of optical lenses and, in particular, the lenses that produce a flame-shaped column with the column axis perpendicular to the main focus of the lens.

2. Description of the technology previously developed

The concept of using plasma generated by laser guided electric discharges in the atmosphere as an antenna conductive element was introduced by Wallis (patent U.S. No. 3,404,403) in 1968. In 1970, Vaill was able to produce an electric shock driven by laser (JR Vaill, DA Tidman, TD Wilkerson, DW Koopman, "Propagation of High-voltage Streamers Along Laser-induced Ionization Trails," Applied Physics. Letters, Vol 17, No . 1, pp. 20-22, May. 1, 1970) [propagation of high voltage power along with laser-induced ionization trails, ndt]. The main objective was to develop an antenna without physical structure, but with a large effective area. While the basic work, both theoretical and experimental laser for the antennas was successfully achieved, was not achieved or the goal of producing an ionized column use of atmosphere as an antenna or to guide electrical discharges. The main difficulty in the production of plasma antenna is that the initially created plasma tends to block the radiation necessary to keep in shape requested column. Various strategies have been employed to overcome this difficulty. For example, Dwyer used a laser to ionize a column of atmosphere slightly, and then downloaded a Marx generator [generator that produces a voltage of about 100,000 volts, ndt] through the column weakly ionized to allow a sufficiently high concentration of free electrons (TJ Dwyer et al, "On the Feasibility of Using an Atmospheric Discharge Plasma as an RF Antenna, "IEEE Trans. On Antennas and Propagation, Vol APPLICATION-32, No. 2, pp. 141-146, February 1984).

The present invention is a lens that produces a fire-shaped column with the column axis perpendicular to the main focus of the lens. The lens refracts an incident wavefront with a focal length that depends on the radial distance from the axis of the lens. These fires produce a focal column . The radius of curvature of the primary surface of the lens depends on the focal length range for the column. so focused radiation can be used to generate surfaces of free electrons in the atmosphere serving as an antenna, for operation by electromagnetic transmission line, to cause electric shock or measures of electronic counting. [...]

The design of the lens of this invention allows the incident radiation to travel through any type of existing plasma and thus to limit the blocks that occurred in the technologies previously developed.

If information about this antenna / lens atmospheric are publicly available, what other similar technologies are used by the Air Force that are classified?

VRTPE program developed by the University of Texas at Austin uses trails barium dispersed into the atmosphere. This is called baric run and allows the military to see the earth in a 3D representation as a form of surveillance for the three-dimensional view of the whole territory. The barium allows them to see inside our homes as well as the ingestion of a drink a barium x-rays to photograph allows our digestive system? Perhaps this weapon is used on our communities under the pretext of "war on drugs" and the "war on terror"? The Ministry of "defense" has been involved in the drug war for many years. I wonder to what extent has increased its involvement in the internal affairs under the new War on Terrorism?

Screens ionospheric particles (so-called Space Wars anti-missile shields) are created dall'irrorazione particulate air (chemtrails) which is then "pumped up" electromagnetic field stations (see the Eastlund patents). This creates what are called screens ionospheric particles (large plasma structures shaped bell-shaped). These structures shielding the natural terrestrial electromagnetic fields. Some patents related to this technology refer to cyclotrons or gyrotron as broadcasters.

Working in an unfocused way, the gyrotron create oscillating magnetic fields that are hurting mentally and physically, and disturbing people, animals and the environment. These fields created by gyrotron can be extended up to 200-500 miles in diameter, and the gyrotron system (Radar Flash Archives, is a huge network covering the whole nation [the United States, NdT].

It can be used for manipulation of the mind and mood of persons living in a certain geographical area. This network of gyrotron also exists in Europe. If the works in a gyrotron can shoot a focused beam into the atmosphere.

reflexivity basic feature of these gyrotron is often referred to as "pulse radar" or "pulse radar" by researchers. Le località rilevate corrispondono ai vecchi siti della Ground Warfare Emergency Network (Rete di Emergenza per la Guerra Terrestre) che erano un sistema alternativo per le comunicazioni militari. Molti attivisti contro le scie chimiche hanno suggerito che questi vecchi radar sono stati probabilmente convertiti in girotroni per emettere microonde o in qualche altro tipo di emettitore di impulsi di campi magnetici.

Alcuni dei composti maggiormente presenti nelle scie chimiche sono carbone, alluminio, cationi di metallo, fibre di nano-cavi, e bario ( Guardate come il bario e l’allumino sono stati usati per costruire una mappatura dei campi elettrici e magnetici naturali dell’atmosfera e dello spazio e per studiare la propagazione dei fasci di particelle.

Rilascio di composti chimici nella ionosfera
T N Davis

Istituto di Geofisica, Università dell’Alaska di Fairbanks, U.S.A.

Pubblicazione stampata: edizione 9 (settembre 1979)

Sommario. Reso possibile dalla disponibilità di razzi per finalità di ricerca nei tardi anni ‘50, il rilascio ionosferico di composti chimici e di particelle cariche ad alta velocità per formare traccianti o perturbazioni, ha contribuito ad ottenere molte informazioni su ionosfera, termosfera e magnetosfera. Il rilascio di scie di sodio, litio, alluminio ed ossido nitrico [NO, detto anche monossido d’azoto, NdT] allowed detailed observation of the movement of masses of neutral masses at altitudes above 50 km. The development of techniques of thermite barium release [compound used for military purposes since World War II for the construction of incendiary bombs, NdT] has allowed observations of the motion of neutral particles and ions of both: the observation of the latter leads almost directly to the determination of ionospheric electric fields, the release of barium vapor at speeds greater than the escape velocity of earth [the minimum speed required to escape Earth's gravity field by moving perpendicular to the surface, NdT] makes it possible to trace the magnetic field lines , the effects of Birkeland currents simultaneous observation of the electric field at different altitudes on a geomagnetic field line. The ejection of electrons of energy between 1 and 40 keV [kilo electron volts, ndt.] Rockets by making use of shaped charges detonated at altitudes above 400 km has been useful for studying the propagation of particle beams to trace the magnetic field lines and to examine the effects of the impact of electrons in the upper atmosphere.

doi: 10.1088/0034-4885/42/9/003


should carry out a mapping of magnetic fields and electric atmosphere, the ionosphere, space and earth, before they can manipulate or control these areas. The barium vapor in the atmosphere allows you to "draw" an electric field or "studying" a bundle.

Clouds of barium ions

An atom can become ionized due to absorption of light radiation. The atom of barium is particularly easy to ionize, because its outermost electron is very weakly bound [same atom]. If a mass of barium is vaporized in space, producing a cloud of barium, most of the barium becomes ionized by the light del sole in meno di un minuto. La nuvola [di bario] si muove quindi in risposta alle forze elettriche presenti nello spazio e può essere impiegata per studiare i campi elettrici nello spazio. ( )

Questo significa che essi possono adesso vedere le configurazioni delle onde elettriche che si muovono attraverso le nuvole. Ciò è ovvio nelle immagini che ritraggono le nuvole di bario.

Irrorare o fare esplodere bario nell’atmosfera viene detto “rilascio chimico” [letteralmente in inglese “ chemical release ”] ed è una pratica collegata alla creazione del plasma. In questo articolo, “Esperimenti laboratory on Alfvén waves caused by rapidly expanding plasma and their relationship with spatial phenomena "by W. Gekelman, M. Van Zeeland, S. Vincen, and P. Pribyl, you can read a discussion on how to use the release of barium to study the movement of plasma and plasma to create bubbles.

An experimental program begun in 1990 was designed, in part, to study the interaction of the plasma into a dense and localized "chemical release." [...] The movement of the plasma could be tracked from the ground using a telescope. [...] Diamagnetic cavities were produced as in laboratory experiments and were measured by instruments aboard the satellite. In due casi nei quali è stato rilasciato bario alle maggiori altitudini il campo magnetico fu completamente schermato dalla bolla [Bernhardt et al., 1987]. La nuvola di plasma rilasciato fu osservata muoversi lateralmente attraverso il campo magnetico. Questo movimento fu denominato “slittamento” (skidding). Una recente simulazione tridimensionale al computer [Delamere et al., 2001] mostra onde di Alfvén che si propagano lungo il campo magnetico di sottofondo […] [ 6 ] Un denso plasma di alluminio, inizialmente del diametro di alcuni millimetri e di densità paragonabile a quella di un solido, si espande quindi a partire dalla superficie del bersaglio.

Nello studio sopra menzionato, il sole presumibilmente ha reso fluorescente il bario nell’atmosfera ed ha reso il plasma molto più visibile ad un certo tipo di telescopio. Provate a puntare una luce ultravioletta su voi stessi, e vedrete le cremose chiazze gialle di bario sulla vostra pelle. In ogni caso è facile vedere le tracce di onde e di fasci attraverso vapori di bario (nuvole generate dalle scie chimiche).

Cosa c’è ancora nelle scie chimiche? Particolato ultra fine di alluminio ed altri metalli. Se fate una ricerca con google scrivendo “ laser produced plasmas ” [“plasma prodotto col laser”], vi renderete conto che il plasma può essere prodotto usando vari metalli.

Il plasma può trasportare onde, frequenze. In turn, the microwave can be used to generate plasma. Jean-Louis Nadin, which develops plasma applications aimed at reducing air friction on the planes, shows how the carbon (released in large quantities in the atmosphere) is related to microwave and plasma. The electromagnetic energy of microwaves generated by a magnetron is absorbed by the cloud of coal particles and produces a "plasmoid"). The plasmoids can be used as a weapon - a weapon to be included in the spokes. The button proeittile energy (pulsed energy projectile - PEP) is a terrestrial version of this type of weapon. The radius of the PEP can be reached to cover a distance of one mile.

As you can see, it can produce plasma from a laser or by a magnetron (microwave) hitting barium, aluminum, copper or coal. So laser space or air or microwave weapons that affect metals with low ionization energy and that we find in the chemtrails, they can create clouds of plasma and vaporized barium. The U.S. has a laser plane, mounted on the nose of a jet.

control the weather, three-dimensional view of the whole territory, beyond the horizon communications, wireless transmission of energy, tele-monitoring climate tomography of the terrain, concealment of jets and satellites, holographic projections, directed energy weapons, atmospheric release of sedatives and germs, genetic manipulation through nanomachines and a host of other applications are connected with the spraying operations.

For now, keep in mind this fundamental concept: the plasma can be used to transmit images (in our living room on a plasma screen or a plasma screen in the atmosphere), sound (fine speakers from the plasma), frequencies Adjustable (kinetic weapons), ghost touch (there's a patent for that matter), physical sensations, tremendous pain (PEP weapon for example), move objects, kill people and act as a destructive weapon. Just like a ball of light, it can penetrate steel, glass, stone and other substances.

course you can enter your body and your brain, pushing and pulling here and there something inside of you because of the magnetic polarity, "cook" inside and "press all the buttons of your nervous system" and your brain. Remember: a plasma beam can be used as a sort of electric cable for transmitting radio waves, microwaves, VLF [Very, Low Frequency, waves at very low frequency], LF [low frequency, low frequency waves] and ELF [ Extremely low frequency, low frequency waves].

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Chemtrails DATE

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pityriasis Rosea Does It Last Forever

"Mystery" - Episode 5 of HAARP and Chemtrails: The Video

On December 11, 2009 Italy Channel One aired the fifth episode of "Mystery", the program hosted by Enrique Iglesias. During the program, it was proposed a service that has dashed the controversial and thorny issue of HAARP in conjunction with their chemtrails. Although not considered the various addentellati of the question, the most important issues were highlighted in a clear and correct, interviewing scientists and researchers like Jerry Smith. It 'was the prime topic of weather manipulation, pointing, however, even with strategic implications, economic and mind control.

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Chemtrails DATE

Range finder: how the facts are

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sayings About Swot Analysis

ENMOD Convention and the HAARP program (Article by Dr. Gianni Ginatta)

ENMOD The Convention and the HAARP program with a review of the book "Les armes de l'ombre. Des pas naturelles tempetes "Marc Filterman

On June 12, 2008 was held at the European Parliament in Brussels, organized by members Angelika Beer and Alain Lipietz (Greens) a conference on" Collective Sécurité et Environnement ". The program included two round tables, the second was entitled "limit the impact des nouvelles armes et des formes de nouvel Military conflit sur l'environnement" A lecturer, Luc Mampaey engineer, researcher at GRIP (Groupe de recherche international pour la paix et la sécurité), presented a report entitled "The Convention et ENMOD the HAARP program, at Enjeux et portée?" What is at stake? We will see later: Before I deal with an inconvenient book, ignored by the media. In 1972, for the types of Editions Carnot was published the essay "Les armes de l'ombre. Des pas naturelles tempetes "Marc Filterman.

the third edition was enriched with a chapter titled "The du climat manipulation" of 40 pages [the book is sold out, but can be purchased at the "Boutique Nexus France" at the rate di €18,00; è pure consultabile on line a questo link .

L’autore ha iniziato la carriera nell’esercito che ha lasciato nel 1985 per dedicarsi alle ricerche sui sistemi di difesa elettronica ed è divenuto uno dei migliori specialisti della guerra non convenzionale. Filterman, già nel 2002, ammetteva che la manipolazione del clima era possibile: l’obiettivo era la guerra economica di un paese e prendeva in esame il rapporto del Pentagono, presentato il 17 giugno 1996 “ Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 ” (Il clima come moltiplicatore di forza: esserne padroni entro il 2025).

Intervistato da Christophe Dechavanne e Stéphane Thébaut per il programma “Ciel Mon Mardi” andato in onda su TF1 (il 1° canale francese) il 20 gennaio 2001, per spiegare ad un pubblico di non addetti ai lavori come si possano manipolare le masse d’aria, si rifà al principio del forno a microonde che fa entrare in risonanza le molecole d’acqua durante il riscaldamento dell’alimento. In realtà, per perturbare l’atmosfera si usano frequenze molto più basse nella gamma delle ELF (Extremely Low Frequency).

La possibilità di modificare il clima con le ELF era stata già prefigurata nel 1981 da Ralph Markson del M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technologies).

Le potenti linee ad alta tensione favoriscono la ionizzazione dell’aria e, per conseguenza, gli uragani. Come se non bastasse, a partire dal 1980, è stato avviato il progetto di reti di comunicazione G.W.E.N. ( The Ground-Wave Emergency Network System ).

Questo sistema deve permettere le comunicazioni in caso di esplosioni nucleari, ma ha anche la possibilità di sconvolgere il campo magnetico terrestre in un raggio di 350-480 km e dunque di influenzare il tasso delle precipitazioni. Poi l’autore si sofferma ad analizzare il programma H.A.A.R.P. (Programma attivo aurorale di ricerca ad alta frequenza) che l’Aviazione e la Marina U.S. undertook in 1993 in collaboration with the University of Alaska, building a research station on a site of the Department of Defense in Gakona, Alaska.

Officially, the project is to perform research on the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, but the main objective is to "exploit the ionosphere for the purposes of the Department of Defense." Europe too has its own search site, the EISCAT (European Incohrent Scatter Radar Site) located in the region of Tromso in Norway. The U.S. base at Pine Gap in Australia (in the middle of the Australian desert, 50 km west of Alice Springs), host of the transmitting speciali come la più profonda antenna sotterranea mai costruita e che potrebbe anche essere impiegata per generare un’enorme onda stazionaria intorno alla terra.

Nella notte del 25 e 27 dicembre 1999, la Francia fu colpita da due tempeste di eccezionale violenza. Secondo un ingegnere di Météo France, intervistato in un documentario diffuso da France 3 nel dicembre del 2004, la prima tempesta aveva la configurazione ciclonica, un fenomeno mai visto prima. Filterman, studiando le carte, rileva anomalie a partire dalla fine del giorno 18 dicembre con un brutale aumento della temperatura dell’aria che passa da -23°C a +10°C in quattro giorni e anche la pressione atmosferica cambia in modo netto dal 20/12, con un picco December 25. What these oscillations are due? E 'HAARP involved?

Council's vision for the video " La guerre climatique: the vérité."

Now to Luc Mampaey report, downloadable from this link . Ample space is given to the illustration of the HAARP program with which he was also busy in his essay Filterman (pp. 131-144). It seems appropriate to translate the part where Mampaey examine certain public documents from the Pentagon, revealing the objectives pursued by the military. As regards the relationship SPACECAST 2020, Operational Analysis available at this link, he writes: "[...]

The report is a section devoted to a system named "Weather C3 System" and is defined as follows: "A system of climate control counterforce applications military. The system consists of a weather observatory on-demand, an ability to shape the climate, a climate modifier of energy through direct mail and a space command center with the necessary transmission capacity to observe, discover and have effects on the needs of climate change. What is meant by "weather modification through direct mail in the energy space" or "to act on the amendment climate? We'll never know, since the description of the system is in the "counterforce Weather Control" volume II, one of five parts "classified" report "SPACECAST 20".

More specifically, there is also a study presented in 1998, the European Space Agency (ESA) by the American physicist Bernard Eastlund, who died Dec. 12, 2007. Eastlund was a controversial figure in the U.S. has worked several years for the Department of Defense and, being the holder of several patents, was one of the architects of the HAARP program before becoming a potential opponent for military applications in the environmental field. However l’E.S.A. sembra avergli riconosciuto una sufficiente credibilità, non solo per averlo invitato come relatore ad un Workshop a Cagliari nel 1998. ma anche per avergli finanziato i lavori presentati sotto il titolo “System Considerations of Weather Modifications Experiments Using High Power Electromagnetic Radiation” (contratto n. 13131/98/NL/MV ).

Eastlund descrive in questo articolo un procedimento basato su una tecnologia simile a quella del programma H.A.A.R.P., riportato esplicitamente nell’articolo, che permetterebbe di deviare forti perturbazioni (uragani, cicloni) attraverso il riscaldamento locale della troposfera, per mezzo di un potente irraggiamento elettromagnetico HF or emitted from land or from a satellite. The energies required to implement these projects are so huge - it comes terawatts - which no doubt will still be a science-fiction scenario . But it is certain that these studies exist, progress, involving several forces, not just military. "

Mampaey then goes on to examine a largely unrecognized and the 1976 Convention entitled" Convention ENMOD "explicitly prohibiting the use of the environment for military . The last Review Conference of the Convention took place in 1992: since then, nothing has been done, although the art. 8 foresaw that conferences were held at intervals of not less than 5 anni. Il G.R.I.P. considera la revisione un obiettivo prioritario ed auspica che sia d’ora in avanti condiviso dal Parlamento europeo.

Sia Mampaey nel suo ponderoso rapporto “ Le programme H.A.A.R.P. Science ou Désastre? " sia Filterman nel libro citato non associano mai H.A.A.R.P con le scie chimiche, però, consultando questo sito , trovo il disegno qui sotto riportato, eseguito da Filterman, che vale più di tante parole!

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

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Letter to Mercalli, Onorato and Delitala

publish the letter which the meteorologist Dr. Domenico Azzopardi (1 M.llo Domenico Azzopardi - Expert Weather Air Force) has sent a Dear Luca Mercalli, Luca and Alessandro Onorato Delitala the Italian Meteorological Society, about the difference between contrails and chemtrails. The author of this detailed letter, with rare skill, lingers on many aspects of the topic, with particular reference to the morphology of the "chemtrails" and demonstrated with an analysis close and compelling, that contrails from military aircraft are not issued due to condensation.

In writing, which constitutes a short but persuasive Treaty (very pregnant, among other things, the parties devoted to nefologia), have refuted all the pseudo-arguments with which the eminent editors have believed Nimbus to settle the question of "chemtrails": indeed beg the question, generalizations, unfounded assertions and surface, one by one, gutted. Are thus laid bare, with pitiless lucidity, the errors and horrors of a "science" profoundly ideological and calibrated. We fear that the distinguished meteorologists, which is facing this writing, no reply since there could only repeat their hysterical screams of denial, their barking dog in a trap.

The text, in PDF format can be read at this address.

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Range finder: come si sono svolti i fatti

Friday, November 13, 2009

Kittens For Sale Sydney

fires, night flights and geo-engineering: poisoners unleash hell on earth

L'Italia brucia, ma non è l'unico stato ove si sono sviluppati terrificanti fire. Even in France (including Corsica), Spain, Turkey, Greece and Portugal have suffered devastating fires and difficult to extinguish.

media regime, as always, do not reveal the real causes of the fires, so incredibly synchronized, erupted again this year in various parts of Europe. As always, takes upon himself the responsibility to the usual phantom arsonists. Almost makes you smile the statement that was found intact a box of matches, which would have to fuse, in an area where everything is visible ash and devastation. Meanwhile in France some soldiers were seen setting fire some flares . L'identità dei responsabili è a tutt'oggi ignota. Anche in Italia, nel 2007, furono avvistati elicotteri lanciare razzi sui terreni sottostanti .

L'agronoma californiana Rosalind Peterson notava che gli incendi di questi ultimi anni sono impossibili da spegnere, poiché le piante sono cosparse di biossido di zolfo che viene diffuso con gli aerei. Sì, quelle scie in cielo non sono condensa, ma una mistura micidiale di elementi chimici e metalli come il trimetilalluminio, il bario, il biossido di zolfo, il titanio e, casualmente, sono elementi e composti dannatamente infiammabili. Che cosa avviene allora se le temperature aumentano sensibilmente (Thanks to electromagnetic radiation) and if, perhaps, someone with methods of command, sets fire to undergrowth and woods? It is worth mentioning previous episodes.

On that occasion, strangely, the satellite images were no longer available in the days following the publication of our article devoted to the question. This year managers " MODIS Rapid Response System " (high-resolution satellite maps provided by two satellites operated by NASA) have seen fit not to take the risks of 2007, so they made the server inaccessible for several hours , right time required to remove and replace the satellite uncomfortable.

The causes of these fires lies in two main factors:

a) aerial spraying (low and high altitude) of flammable
b) emissions of microwave

Once you have created the right conditions, involved teams trained to unleash hell.

Meanwhile the legitimacy of the spraying program continues, thanks to the providential boost provided by the media puppet, President of the United States, Barak Obama: he has recently stated that the geo-engineering is the only way to fight (sic) the "global warming ". On the web, on television, sulle riviste e sui quotidiani troviamo quindi articoli come questo .

Pumping sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere to block the sun, brightening clouds with reflective sea salt, or fertilizing the oceans with iron are just some of the way-out schemes some scientists have proposed to fight global warming if all else fails.

This week, the American Meteorological Society issued a final version of its policy statement on geoengineering Earth’s climate system. The organization warns against the potential risks but also endorses research into the feasibility of such efforts, along with their ethical, social and political implications.

“Geoengineering will not substitute for either aggressive mitigation or proactive adaptation, but it could contribute to a comprehensive risk management strategy to slow climate change and alleviate some of its negative impacts,” the statement says.

President Barack Obama’s science advisor, physicist John Holdren, has previously said, “ We have to keep geoengineering on the table...because we might get desperate enough to use it

Sì, avete letto bene. Si ammette tranquillamente che è necessario diffondere, con gli aerei, " sulfur dioxide ", ovvero biossido di zolfo . Stupisce il fatto che si voglia ignorare l'elevato potere da "effetto atmosfera" del biossido di zolfo, decine di volte superiore al CO2. In pratica si disperdono (sì, "si disperdono" già da anni e non "si vorrebbero disperdere") biossido di zolfo [1] ed esafluoruro di zolfo [2] con la motivazione ufficiale di limitare l' effetto atmosfera , quando tale composto sortisce l'effetto contrario.

Osservate il cielo: è di un azzurro pallido, molto vicino al bianco? La luce è accecante? Il sole appare circondato da un alone opaco? Non c'è una sola nuvola? Dove sono i cumuli? The heat is unbearable and the air is unbearable? In the evening you have sometimes felt the unmistakable smell of the head of a match? E 'sulfur and mind you that this is widespread in the atmosphere for years! The reason? Provide credibility and strength to the theory of the greenhouse effect than CO2, so as to promote the introduction of new imposts about who "pollute", producing CO2 and induce recalcitrant politicians and scientists (few, actually) to take geoengineering techniques to counteract the effects induced by its geo-engineering. It 's crazy? No. Behind this screen runs a river of money and hides a multitude of interests, both military and civilians. In this way, you can while legitimizing the spray and you can dispose of virtually everything in the atmosphere, without giving any explanation.

Yes, because people begin to see and ask for explanations, and this is a stumbling block in plans, therefore, in countries where there more information on chemtrails , poisoners are forced to conceal, and this will affect the full efficiency the project. On France, Italy, Greece, Spain, in fact, are focusing operations at night. The satellite shows thick mist made up of particles autolevitanti, [3] created ad hoc with the non-persistent chemical trails (contrails not visible da satellite), nebbie che si diradano durante la giornata, per poi caricarsi elettricamente con i raggi solari. Da qui la quasi totale assenza di voli diurni, non necessari con l'alta pressione, anche se questa "evoluzione" nelle tecniche di avvelenamento della biosfera risulta sempre un compromesso che ridimensiona il conseguimento di alcuni obiettivi.

Sulla Francia del Nord Ovest, la mattina del 26 luglio, la situazione appare differente, a causa di una perturbazione atlantica in arrivo durante la notte. Ecco quindi che sono state, di prima mattina, stese scie chimiche di tipo persistente a mo' di barriera per bloccare il fronte nuvoloso. Pare che ci siano riusciti.

Il nostro problema, ora, consiste nel fatto che qualcuno vuole un pretesto per attuare indisturbati ed alla luce del sole progetti di bioingegneria e bio-nanotecnologia, sulle nuove armi (al plasma e non solo), sulla disgregazione e ricomposizione molecolare (vedi bang sonici), sulle comunicazioni militari basate sulla luce laser etc.

Le operazioni di aerosol nel mondo sono rimaste sino ad ora un segreto proprio perché a condividerne interessi e scopi sono in molti. Sul carro dei militari sono salite le aziende O.G.M., le aziende farmaceutiche, i centri universitari, i governi etc. Gli interessi e gli scopi raggiungibili sono dunque innnumerevoli. Escludiamo categoricamente l'opzione "per il vostro bene" e prediligiamo l'opzione "sfoltimento della popolazione ed indebolimento psicofisico the remainder. "The steep rise in diseases linked to heavy metals (Alzheimer's, ALS, Parkinson's disease, lymphoma) is the desired effect and in this way you get two results:

a) increase in sales to pharmaceutical companies
b ) thinning of the population, the slow but inexorable.

Geoengineering will become the perfect Trojan horse, not far from the day will be imposed where a new high taxes to finance these same operations, for now, remain illegal and that defined in the world "chemtrails." Ultimately we will pay to be poisoned and one day, perhaps, we envy those who did not survive.

"There will un giorno in cui l'uomo bianco non avrà altro cibo che le sue banconote ".

Capo tribù HOPI

[1] Biossido di zolfo (SO2)

Il biossido di zolfo, o anidride solforosa (SO2), è un gas dall’odore pungente, la cui presenza in atmosfera deriva dalla combustione di prodotti organici di origine fossile contenenti zolfo, quali carbone, petrolio e derivati.
In natura l’anidride solforosa viene immessa in atmosfera al seguito delle eruzioni vulcaniche, mentre le principali sorgenti antropiche sono costituite dagli impianti per il riscaldamento e la produzione di energia alimentati a gasolio, carbone e oli combustibili. Il traffico contribuisce alle emissioni total sulfur dioxide only slightly.
Exposure to SO2 - a pollutant that is also characterized by a very low perception threshold - causes irritation and injury to the human upper respiratory tract and increases susceptibility to acute and chronic episodes of infection (tracheitis, bronchitis, etc...) The damage to vegetation (leaf mottle and stunting) and materials (corrosion) are primarily due to the participation of this pollutant in the formation of so-called "acid rain".

[2] sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)

Sulphur hexafluoride is a gas that has dielectric properties significant, so it is widely used in military radar systems (eg AWACS) as medium for the propagation of waves.

military standards currently use pure sulfur hexafluoride, and no alternative is proposed. Sulphur hexafluoride effectively captures the infrared radiation, and to its relative chemical inertness, is not removed quickly by the atmosphere. These properties make it a powerful greenhouse gas.

Several experiments make extensive use of SF6 as a tracer gas to study the chemical and physical characteristics of clouds. One of these is "Study of tracer in the vertical exchange of cumulonimbus clouds."

[3] From a documento del C.F.R. :

"So far, launching reflective materials into the upper stratosphere seems to be the easiest and most cost-effective option. This could be accomplished by using high-flying AIRCRAFT , naval guns, or giant balloons. The appropriate materials could include SULFATE AEROSOLS (which would be created by releasing sulfur dioxide gas), ALUMINUM OXIDE DUST , or even SELF-LEVITATING and SELF-ORIENTING designer particles engineered to migrate to the Polar Regions and remain in place for LONG PERIODS ".

Un particolare ringraziamento va al nostro amico Arturo, per la ricerca bibliografica.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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chemtrails and vaccines: Is there a link?

We wonder if there is a correlation between chemtrails and vaccines to immunize the population officially produced by influenza A H1N1, the virus which has been created laboratories in the U.S. military. Now, one might think that the vaccine, which contains many poisons , one of its ingredients also a genetic marker, a sequence of DNA used for comparative analysis in studies of population genetics.

Genetic markers consist of a sequence STS (Sequence tagged site ), a short series nucleotide distributed in the genome. The knowledge of their sequence can exploit them for diagnostic purposes and research, but also allows to prepare specific probes. The probes are fragments of nucleic acids made visible thanks to a radioactive labeling, fluorescent or enzymatic. The fragment is used in the techniques of molecular hybridization, ie the formation of a molecule of nucleic acid double-stranded molecules from two complementary single-stranded DNA or RNA, by means of hydrogen bonds between nucleotide pairs.

In simpler words, the genetic markers used to identify specific groups within the human population. No doubt the mass vaccination is a device invented by the secret government world wiped out entire generations, whose immune system was already weakened by decades of chemtrails, power industry, nuclear radiation, drugs, fluoride in toothpaste etc.

However it is possible that vaccination is intended purposes due to genetic . Poisoners may wish to identify specific groups, and then induce or catalyze unfavorable genetic mutations, as is known, are due to physical or chemical agents. One could also hypothesize a link between that 15 per cent of humanity that would not, according to some researchers, easily manipulated, and subjects with RH negative, which is just a percentage of 15 percent. They are the target of markers? [1]

E 'also conjecture that an ad hoc frequency electromagnetic is able to trigger the mutation or some similar phenomenon, as demonstrated by the former French military Marc Filterman, in his book, Les armes de l'ombre . Filterman notes: "Let us imagine that a geneticist discovers a marker that turns into a toxin, as soon as it is exposed to a particular electromagnetic emission. The country is the source of this invention decides to integrate in gran segreto questo marcatore all'interno di alcune materie prime, come la farina ed il latte. Poi queste materie vengono esportate all'estero. Il paese esportatore dovrà solo in seguito attivare il marcatore per trasformare il cibo in veleno. Occorre quindi esporlo ad un campo elettromagnetico. Ciò non è difficile, se i chimici sono riusciti a realizzare un marcatore idoneo. I modi di attivazione per trasformarlo in tossina sono molteplici. Si possono usare antenne radio della potenza di un megawatt che possono, al momento necessario, emettere una modulazione specifica di bassa frequenza innescante il processo di trasformazione del marcatore. Si può impiegare un aereo radar o un A.W.A.C.S. in grado di generare un'onda di attivazione in un'area dal raggio 200 to 500 km. In this way you can only contaminate the area overflown.

They do not therefore "only" thin out the world's population through the vaccine, but also to isolate certain areas to transform the components in "individuals that are genetically modified," weak and prone to the will of the powerful.

course assumptions are supported only by some small and fragmentary evidence. There are only trials and future events will confirm or refute these hypotheses. Of course, biological and genetic aspects of the question " chemtrails" do not seem to be less important than chemical factors and electromagnetic fields.

[1] Journalist Amy Worthington recalls that contrails include biological components: some studies show that biomarkers are widespread.


Encyclopedia of Sciences, Milan, 2005, sv marker probe, STS
M. Filterman, Les armes de l'ombre, 2006

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

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Barium studies Clifford Carnicom

The work of disinformation, people envious, inept, useless, ignorant, continues unabated, but they have not heard that it is counterproductive to their ignoble cause: in fact, the more he groped in the rush, citing pseudo-scientific arguments and petitions of principle to deny the reality chemtrails, the more people multiply that open their eyes, especially unexpected dall'accanimento of those who say that chemtrails are an urban legend.

If they had a bit of salt, the uninformed tacerebbero to avoid raising all this fuss about the issue. Blockheads! They did not understand that they can not even try to bury the truth, because what fools never recognize. Meanwhile, as was mentioned, among others, noticed the creator of the blog Calaminta , including the relevance of the question, translated and produced two texts in which are some alarming conclusions of the engineer U.S. Clifford Carnicom, the barium content in chemtrails.


According to studies conducted by the U.S. scientist Clifford E. Carnicom the presence of barium the Earth's atmosphere more than 8 times the safety threshold set by the EPA, the U.S. government agency environment.

The toxicity of Barium is comparable to that of arsenic. According to the EPA, is not healthy for humans to breathe air containing more than 5 parts per million of Barium (the same as the limit for arsenic). The latest research shows that we are were exposed to atmospheric levels of Barium much higher (about 8 times) to the limit of safety.

'E' have performed a preliminary analytical estimate of the concentration of barium compounds in atmospheric samples tested. This estimate exceeds the limit for human exposure to contaminants released into the air tests on [...]. atmospheric samples continue to confirm the presence of barium compounds. The tests involve a variety of survey methods, including the use of ionizing filters, electrostatic filters, HEPA filters, filters at high temperatures.

The analysis methods include solubility, pH, precipitation, chromatography, electrode, electrolysis, ms and spectrographic comparison tests. The public environmental agencies have been urged to undertake a process of verification of analytical methods to confirm or refute the results that have been established. The soluble forms of barium are highly toxic, with comparable levels of arsenic toxicity. "(Source: )

U.S. legal code
U.S. House of Representatives, Title 50 / Chapter 32, Sec 1520th

Restrictions on the use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents A. Prohibited activities - The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract) (1) no tests or experiments that include the use of chemical or biological agents on the civilian population, or (2) no test chemical or biological agents on human subjects.

Biological experiments against civilians are prohibited and considered a serious violation of the Geneva Convention (Convention IV, Article 147).

Barium, Chemtrails and immunosuppression U.S.: ANALYSIS CONFIRMATION BARIUM

(Bob Lee, the source )

Growing evidence suggests that the phenomenon of "chemtrails" is much more serious than a simple "air releases water vapor in the sky." The research work Clifford Carnicom supports the possibility of increasing the barium precipitate in rainwater harvesting in areas where it has recently occurred in the spray chemtrails.

What are the effects of barium, a heavy metal, in humans? Peçanha and Dos Reis (1989) reported in an article entitled "Functional heterogeneity in the process of T cell activation; barium blocks several modes of activation of T cells, but spare a single function of T cells undergo activation PHA. Published in May 1989 in "Clinical Immunology experimental": "All modes of T cell activation, except the PHA-induced mitogenesis, are blocked by Ba2 + (barium) in maniera reversibile e relativa alla dose".

In altre parole, il bario rende inattive le cellule T del corpo. Le cellule T sono una fondamentale componente del sistema immunitario. Insieme ai linfociti OKT4+ inducono le cellule T ad indirizzare l'attacco delle cellule OKT8 verso gli antigeni estranei (batteri invasivi o virus).

In estrema sintesi, il bario può disattivare il sistema immunitario.


E' stato svolto uno studio per esaminare il ruolo delle operazioni di aerosol in relazione al riscaldamento globale.

Da molto tempo è stato proposto che tali operazioni have the effect of aggravating the state of global warming, and they show no prospect of cooling the earth as many have claimed. This is in direct contradiction to many of the popular notions that commonly circulate about them and that is that these operations are somehow designed for our own good but it is better that their real nature remains secret and hidden from the public domain. [...] Read

here the following article published in April 2007.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

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"Memphis Belle Bomber WWII Contrails" of "": a story of disinformation

The workhorse of the army of disinformation in the wake of Paul Attivissimo and managed by CICAP and intelligence, is often represented by this piece of footage. This is the documentary entitled: " The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress . The movie was in 1944. At the fifteenth minute that those are shown, a careful eye, they seem to really be condensation trails (contrails ) and in fact in the film are defined as such. Not surprisingly, the "historical record" shows a certain epoxynous , editor of the Web site of disinformation "", already known to have forged several jobs, including two texts dedicated to the phenomena elements.

We do not know if the documentary in question is handling well done, but if it is accepted that this is not a forgery, it becomes apparent an important detail: the "contrails" grow immediately next the engine exhaust. Also it seems that some trails are produced by waste combustion engines of the flying fortresses, but by other adjacent equipment (nozzles?).

Let's see what John writes Comoretto, the notorious Holocaust denier and member of the chemtrail CICAP (they were deliberately left grammatical errors):

[...] " In the case of normal contrails, that discharges steam that condenses into ice needles, the trail is always formed behind the engine, at a distance which is typically a few tens of meters (if it is very cold can be 5-10 meters). If it is something sprayed from a plane will depart from different points, (sic) and will immediately begin . "These allegations can not be questioned, since it comes from an illustrious exponent of CICAP to Bacchus!

addition needs to be highlighted, once again, that the bombers of the Second World War, when fully loaded to accomplish their mission, were not able to operate at high altitudes and often do not exceed operational flight than 6,000 meters above sea level. We know now that contrails can not possibly occur at altitudes lower than 8,000 meters. So what we show questo video? Una delle prime operazioni di aerosol della storia? Forse, a meno che non siamo di fronte ad un ennesimo documento spurio ben congegnato.

Nel filmato qui sotto, estratto sempre da "The Memphis Belle: a story of a flying fortress", possiamo osservare numerosi bombardieri che non rilasciano alcuna scia di condensa.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

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Orwellian rewriting of history

Sono moltissimi i filmati e le foto ufficiali di aerei della seconda guerra mondiale ritratti, mentre non rilasciano alcuna scia di condensa. Questo punto è cruciale, laddove in alcuni ambienti si vuole instillare la convinzione che gli aerei del secondo World War issue usually contrails. There is, in fact, any printed encyclopedia or text paper of a certain thickness (for non-experts - see the study Applemann of 1953), published in 1990 until the end of last century's mention of the wakes condensation. They are a phenomenon so rare and insignificant that it is not even been considered subject to be treated in popular texts at various levels. We now know, however, that since 1995 (starting year of intensive spraying chemical and biological), NASA, USAF, meteorologists aligned, and even our governments, followed by a crowd of lackeys who sold the smear WEB false and organizing conferences, insist on the question of the contrails, even persistent, inventing from scratch parameters to support a false science, useful to hide the REAL phenomenon of chemtrails. The

CICAP and disinformation on the net assets (which are managed by a single long arm), throwing a couple of pictures (which we, frankly, seem really malfatti drawings), with Air War World of contrails in the sky "condensation." Strange, as the Flying Fortress, solely based on strategic, technical and tactical did not fly more than 7,000 meters .

remember, for clarity, that the formation of contrails is linked to very specific (and which must be concurrent) physical parameters. These are: the altitude (8,000 meters higher than the ), relative humidity (not less than 72% ), temperature (below 42 degrees celsius ), atmospheric pressure. It 'good to clear that, with increasing altitude, the humidity decreases considerably and for this reason that the formation of contrails is an extremely rare phenomenon. In fact, even if it were to encounter temperatures below -42 ° Celsius, it would not fit the parameters of relative humidity. Merely as an example, in many cases, shares are close to 10,000 meters, si raggiungono sovente temperature prossime ai -50° Celsius, ma, per contro, si hanno valori di umidità relativa molto di rado superiori al 15%. I disinformatori, scaltramente, non accennano mai (in realtà se ne guardano bene) a questi parametri e addirittura si riferiscono genericamente a temperature appena sotto lo zero termico, adatte, secondo loro, alla formazione delle scie di condensa.

Simone Angioni (Coordinatore C.I.C.A.P. Lombardia), intervistato da Liliana Boranga , di Radio Base , afferma:

" Uno dei primo problemi con cui si sono cominciati a scontrare i militari che iniziavano a volare with these aircraft to acts of war, what was, was to escape the flak, but to escape the flak to get up to altitude, so you can avoid, no? had seen. The problem is that most of these share rose more appeared behind them a trail, is also highly visible from miles away, above ground. It warned that the enemy planes were coming, were attacking, and then you could prepare in advance. So the study of these white trails is a substantial part in the twenties, no? the twenties and you know that the planes of any kind is, including the first piston fighter of World War II, this produced white wake. This trail is composed primarily of white water, in essence, that is the waste product of burning fossil fuels


That's because some are, some do not?

Simone Angioni :

So, this is the keynote address, what happens to water when it comes out of a motor? When the water comes out of a motor and is very hot and is located in a very cold, it cools very quickly, if the temperature is below zero (AWW), as well as frozen condensed water in small needles ice, these needles are suspended in the atmosphere and depending on conditions may be persistent or not persistent contrails are not the only ones that do not last long, persistence is not a sign of the genuineness or otherwise of the contrail, the contrail can last as long it can last just a second conditions that are in proportion, if there is a strong wind may take very specific forms, in fact you can see the contrails of the rings (AWW).

U n modern turbofan issues gas at temperatures above 750 degrees centigrade. The piston engines could not make contrails that rarely can be observed today, given the lower altitude to 8,000 meters (a B-17 carico di bombe non poteva superare i 7.000 metri ed inoltre un bombardamento di precisione era impossibile da quote elevate), le latitudini in cui operavano i velivoli e, soprattutto, le temperature nettamente più basse all'uscita degli scarichi. Oltre tutto, gli aerei di quel tempo non erano pressurizzati, per cui non potevano volare per lunghi, interminabili minuti ad alte quote. Le temperature in cabina arrivavano, infatti, a -30 gradi, per cui tutto ghiacciava, anche la saliva nelle maschere d'ossigeno ed i meccanismi delle mitragliatrici.

Per questo motivo sono davvero sospette le poche foto, molto simili ad oleografiche illustrazioni di enciclopedie per adolescenti mostranti B-17 in formation at high altitude in a sky of "contrails". This is undoubtedly false that immortalize air photography of the '40s with the contrails, but not only! It is said that the problem actually comes from the contrails of aircraft of the 20s!

someone gets duped again, wash your brain, but, nowadays, the statistical training of the contrails generated by turbofan engines, it is worth pointing out, is equal to 2.8% at our latitude. Therefore, during the Second World War, the possibility that contrails were formed at 6000 meters was zero and where these aircraft passed at higher altitudes, as testimonies, photos and videos we found, do not emit any contrail. It therefore seems impossible that there are snapshots of B-17 operating units suitable for the formation of contrails but ephemeral. Even more improbable then four photos appear grainy and blurred depicting flying fortezzze immersed in a sea of \u200b\u200bpersistent contrails. They are the only iconographic evidence, mind you, and show us the CICAP acolytes, compared to an infinite number of movies and photos with planes that do not form any kind of contrail.

We are therefore faced with a dangerous sham. We are witnessing a boorish rewriting of history Air Force, in true Orwellian style, in order to adapt to the needs of poisoners with the laws of physics and, with impunity, be changed at will by unscrupulous people.

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

The B-17 is the result of a specific request of 8 August 1935 by the American Army Air Corps for a bomber capable of reaching 400 km / h, with a range of 3200 km and an operational altitude of 3000 meters .

The Boeing Model 299 then suggested that he found himself competing with the Martin B-12 and the Douglas DB1. On 30 October 1935, during a flight evaluation, the model 299 crashed, causing the death of the crew and the American Army Air Corps had to suspend him, declaring the victory of the Douglas DB1. However, some 299 model, however, was ordered "for future evaluations. Cause of the accident was the fact that, before takeoff, were not removed all the blocks and control surfaces.

At the outbreak of World War II, the Douglas DB1 proved just too powerful, while the 299 model was further developed and renamed YB17 much more powerful and could fly at a much larger share, but the American Army Air Corps possessed only 30 . In 1941, 20 B-17 were shipped to Britain, but did not show great qualities: the first flight in the UK fell: during the first mission, it freezes machine guns and bombs were dropped off target.

To overcome these problems, the British increased the armor and weapons, reducing the operative height .

Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the production of armaments in the United States grew out of all proportion and, at the end of production in 1945, the B-17 products were 12,726.

The B-17 was used in all theaters of operations of the Second World War. The first transaction was in August 1942. It was later used primarily for precision daylight bombing [a share close to 4000 meters - ed] up factories and refineries by the USAF, the RAF and took care of those clubs.

The B-17 flew normally around 300 kmh laden with tangency of 6000-8000 meters, more often around 7200-7800 m. Once downloaded, the B-17 may rise above 10,000 feet or speed up to about 500 kmh, but given the absence of pressurization, such elevations could not be maintained for a long time. In fact, in addition to machine guns, even saliva in the oxygen mask freezes due to low temperatures.

The B-17F could respond to attacks from behind with a total of 7 large-caliber machine guns, used between 2 and 4, where not even 6 weapons simultaneously. This explained well why the attacks were particularly noticeable, if unleashed by the anterior area, plus a rate of 'closing' of nearly 1000 km (300 bomber, the fighter 500-600). The attacks on the sides or even from areas' most fronts' were also useful, especially because you could avoid having to cross the bomber and maneuver to avoid the last second, but they were also quite scattered as hits and scored in less-lethal ' together. The B-17 could react with a maximum of 5 mtg 12.7 mm. But the frontal attack launched by a fighter jet flying at an altitude of 7000 meters , with the controls less responsive to the rarefied atmosphere, superpower with the engine to ensure high speed and handling problems with and stability data from fire and maneuver at altitudes and speeds so high, it was not easy. The prewar

B17 (versions A, B, C) were slight flying machines that carried a maximum of 2,000 kg of bombs. Starting from version D, the B17 had been completely redesigned and was now capable of carrying 4,500 kg of bombs with a crew of 13 men armed with turrets and a forest of .50, which, with their ammunition and the necessary armor, had required a complete redesign of the fuselage.

The weight had increased dramatically and now the "Fortress" in flight acted as a cruiser, heavy, slow and superdifeso. At 6,000 meters we still came (engines were upgraded from the original 1000 to 1400 hp), but the speed was dramatically decreased to 370 km / h.

Moreover, bombing from 6,000 feet, it was discovered that it was hard to hit the urban area of \u200b\u200ba city, much less a specific building. All the missions had to be rescheduled. The Fortresses which flew in formations only "closed" (and therefore the speed was reduced again) was increased armament on board (and the weight increased again) and had to descend to 4,000 meters with a minimum of precision bombing .

The Inside hidden between the lines of misinformation by the
"The true history of aviation"

Pilots U.S. no longer felt safe at 6,000 meters [false assertion: the fee mentioned is not suitable for formation of condensation] and began to hate the "contrails (condensation trails] and at that altitude and let the fortresses that the" Krauts "used as" target "for their" optics "of shooting the Zeiss (who knows system focus "broken crescent" knows how easy it is to "collimate" a straight object such as a trail "printed" in the blue sky). The Fortresses returned to flying at 4,000 meters and the 190 had bread for his teeth.

Boeing B-29 Superfortress

The Boeing B-29 Superfortress (Boeing Model 341/345) was a four-engine heavy bomber propeller, famous for taking part in the bombing campaign on Japan by the USAF during World War II, and for having inaugurated the nuclear age. He was also among the biggest and heaviest aircraft to have served in operational conflict.

Born as a day bomber at high altitude (tangent of operation: 6000-9000), was, however, often used for incendiary bombing night in low and medium altitudes on Japan and for the release of the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two units that operated the atomic bombing was called Enola Gay and BOCKSCAR.

On 21 September 1942 the first prototype took off successfully, but crashed next February 18 in another test, instantly killing the entire crew and several members of staff on the ground. The issues that were presented in the first phase of development were examined and corrected with difficulty, with a job that allowed nearly 600 engineers to phase out about 10,000 defects, but even so was not possible to make the models fully operational until January 1945, although the bombing campaign begun in June 1944 .

In 1943, Grumman F6F Hellcat, the appearance of the Chance Vought F4U Corsair and had forced the U.S. dominance in the skies. The following year, the Boeing B-29 Superfortress bombers began to attack targets in Japan. When precision bombing from high altitude did not give the desired results, the B-29 missions were sent to night at lower altitude to make incendiary raids similar to those experienced by the RAF in Germany .

An eloquent photo album

Sources: Wikipedia


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