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Orwellian rewriting of history

Sono moltissimi i filmati e le foto ufficiali di aerei della seconda guerra mondiale ritratti, mentre non rilasciano alcuna scia di condensa. Questo punto è cruciale, laddove in alcuni ambienti si vuole instillare la convinzione che gli aerei del secondo World War issue usually contrails. There is, in fact, any printed encyclopedia or text paper of a certain thickness (for non-experts - see the study Applemann of 1953), published in 1990 until the end of last century's mention of the wakes condensation. They are a phenomenon so rare and insignificant that it is not even been considered subject to be treated in popular texts at various levels. We now know, however, that since 1995 (starting year of intensive spraying chemical and biological), NASA, USAF, meteorologists aligned, and even our governments, followed by a crowd of lackeys who sold the smear WEB false and organizing conferences, insist on the question of the contrails, even persistent, inventing from scratch parameters to support a false science, useful to hide the REAL phenomenon of chemtrails. The

CICAP and disinformation on the net assets (which are managed by a single long arm), throwing a couple of pictures (which we, frankly, seem really malfatti drawings), with Air War World of contrails in the sky "condensation." Strange, as the Flying Fortress, solely based on strategic, technical and tactical did not fly more than 7,000 meters .

remember, for clarity, that the formation of contrails is linked to very specific (and which must be concurrent) physical parameters. These are: the altitude (8,000 meters higher than the ), relative humidity (not less than 72% ), temperature (below 42 degrees celsius ), atmospheric pressure. It 'good to clear that, with increasing altitude, the humidity decreases considerably and for this reason that the formation of contrails is an extremely rare phenomenon. In fact, even if it were to encounter temperatures below -42 ° Celsius, it would not fit the parameters of relative humidity. Merely as an example, in many cases, shares are close to 10,000 meters, si raggiungono sovente temperature prossime ai -50° Celsius, ma, per contro, si hanno valori di umidità relativa molto di rado superiori al 15%. I disinformatori, scaltramente, non accennano mai (in realtà se ne guardano bene) a questi parametri e addirittura si riferiscono genericamente a temperature appena sotto lo zero termico, adatte, secondo loro, alla formazione delle scie di condensa.

Simone Angioni (Coordinatore C.I.C.A.P. Lombardia), intervistato da Liliana Boranga , di Radio Base , afferma:

" Uno dei primo problemi con cui si sono cominciati a scontrare i militari che iniziavano a volare with these aircraft to acts of war, what was, was to escape the flak, but to escape the flak to get up to altitude, so you can avoid, no? had seen. The problem is that most of these share rose more appeared behind them a trail, is also highly visible from miles away, above ground. It warned that the enemy planes were coming, were attacking, and then you could prepare in advance. So the study of these white trails is a substantial part in the twenties, no? the twenties and you know that the planes of any kind is, including the first piston fighter of World War II, this produced white wake. This trail is composed primarily of white water, in essence, that is the waste product of burning fossil fuels


That's because some are, some do not?

Simone Angioni :

So, this is the keynote address, what happens to water when it comes out of a motor? When the water comes out of a motor and is very hot and is located in a very cold, it cools very quickly, if the temperature is below zero (AWW), as well as frozen condensed water in small needles ice, these needles are suspended in the atmosphere and depending on conditions may be persistent or not persistent contrails are not the only ones that do not last long, persistence is not a sign of the genuineness or otherwise of the contrail, the contrail can last as long it can last just a second conditions that are in proportion, if there is a strong wind may take very specific forms, in fact you can see the contrails of the rings (AWW).

U n modern turbofan issues gas at temperatures above 750 degrees centigrade. The piston engines could not make contrails that rarely can be observed today, given the lower altitude to 8,000 meters (a B-17 carico di bombe non poteva superare i 7.000 metri ed inoltre un bombardamento di precisione era impossibile da quote elevate), le latitudini in cui operavano i velivoli e, soprattutto, le temperature nettamente più basse all'uscita degli scarichi. Oltre tutto, gli aerei di quel tempo non erano pressurizzati, per cui non potevano volare per lunghi, interminabili minuti ad alte quote. Le temperature in cabina arrivavano, infatti, a -30 gradi, per cui tutto ghiacciava, anche la saliva nelle maschere d'ossigeno ed i meccanismi delle mitragliatrici.

Per questo motivo sono davvero sospette le poche foto, molto simili ad oleografiche illustrazioni di enciclopedie per adolescenti mostranti B-17 in formation at high altitude in a sky of "contrails". This is undoubtedly false that immortalize air photography of the '40s with the contrails, but not only! It is said that the problem actually comes from the contrails of aircraft of the 20s!

someone gets duped again, wash your brain, but, nowadays, the statistical training of the contrails generated by turbofan engines, it is worth pointing out, is equal to 2.8% at our latitude. Therefore, during the Second World War, the possibility that contrails were formed at 6000 meters was zero and where these aircraft passed at higher altitudes, as testimonies, photos and videos we found, do not emit any contrail. It therefore seems impossible that there are snapshots of B-17 operating units suitable for the formation of contrails but ephemeral. Even more improbable then four photos appear grainy and blurred depicting flying fortezzze immersed in a sea of \u200b\u200bpersistent contrails. They are the only iconographic evidence, mind you, and show us the CICAP acolytes, compared to an infinite number of movies and photos with planes that do not form any kind of contrail.

We are therefore faced with a dangerous sham. We are witnessing a boorish rewriting of history Air Force, in true Orwellian style, in order to adapt to the needs of poisoners with the laws of physics and, with impunity, be changed at will by unscrupulous people.

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

The B-17 is the result of a specific request of 8 August 1935 by the American Army Air Corps for a bomber capable of reaching 400 km / h, with a range of 3200 km and an operational altitude of 3000 meters .

The Boeing Model 299 then suggested that he found himself competing with the Martin B-12 and the Douglas DB1. On 30 October 1935, during a flight evaluation, the model 299 crashed, causing the death of the crew and the American Army Air Corps had to suspend him, declaring the victory of the Douglas DB1. However, some 299 model, however, was ordered "for future evaluations. Cause of the accident was the fact that, before takeoff, were not removed all the blocks and control surfaces.

At the outbreak of World War II, the Douglas DB1 proved just too powerful, while the 299 model was further developed and renamed YB17 much more powerful and could fly at a much larger share, but the American Army Air Corps possessed only 30 . In 1941, 20 B-17 were shipped to Britain, but did not show great qualities: the first flight in the UK fell: during the first mission, it freezes machine guns and bombs were dropped off target.

To overcome these problems, the British increased the armor and weapons, reducing the operative height .

Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the production of armaments in the United States grew out of all proportion and, at the end of production in 1945, the B-17 products were 12,726.

The B-17 was used in all theaters of operations of the Second World War. The first transaction was in August 1942. It was later used primarily for precision daylight bombing [a share close to 4000 meters - ed] up factories and refineries by the USAF, the RAF and took care of those clubs.

The B-17 flew normally around 300 kmh laden with tangency of 6000-8000 meters, more often around 7200-7800 m. Once downloaded, the B-17 may rise above 10,000 feet or speed up to about 500 kmh, but given the absence of pressurization, such elevations could not be maintained for a long time. In fact, in addition to machine guns, even saliva in the oxygen mask freezes due to low temperatures.

The B-17F could respond to attacks from behind with a total of 7 large-caliber machine guns, used between 2 and 4, where not even 6 weapons simultaneously. This explained well why the attacks were particularly noticeable, if unleashed by the anterior area, plus a rate of 'closing' of nearly 1000 km (300 bomber, the fighter 500-600). The attacks on the sides or even from areas' most fronts' were also useful, especially because you could avoid having to cross the bomber and maneuver to avoid the last second, but they were also quite scattered as hits and scored in less-lethal ' together. The B-17 could react with a maximum of 5 mtg 12.7 mm. But the frontal attack launched by a fighter jet flying at an altitude of 7000 meters , with the controls less responsive to the rarefied atmosphere, superpower with the engine to ensure high speed and handling problems with and stability data from fire and maneuver at altitudes and speeds so high, it was not easy. The prewar

B17 (versions A, B, C) were slight flying machines that carried a maximum of 2,000 kg of bombs. Starting from version D, the B17 had been completely redesigned and was now capable of carrying 4,500 kg of bombs with a crew of 13 men armed with turrets and a forest of .50, which, with their ammunition and the necessary armor, had required a complete redesign of the fuselage.

The weight had increased dramatically and now the "Fortress" in flight acted as a cruiser, heavy, slow and superdifeso. At 6,000 meters we still came (engines were upgraded from the original 1000 to 1400 hp), but the speed was dramatically decreased to 370 km / h.

Moreover, bombing from 6,000 feet, it was discovered that it was hard to hit the urban area of \u200b\u200ba city, much less a specific building. All the missions had to be rescheduled. The Fortresses which flew in formations only "closed" (and therefore the speed was reduced again) was increased armament on board (and the weight increased again) and had to descend to 4,000 meters with a minimum of precision bombing .

The Inside hidden between the lines of misinformation by the
"The true history of aviation"

Pilots U.S. no longer felt safe at 6,000 meters [false assertion: the fee mentioned is not suitable for formation of condensation] and began to hate the "contrails (condensation trails] and at that altitude and let the fortresses that the" Krauts "used as" target "for their" optics "of shooting the Zeiss (who knows system focus "broken crescent" knows how easy it is to "collimate" a straight object such as a trail "printed" in the blue sky). The Fortresses returned to flying at 4,000 meters and the 190 had bread for his teeth.

Boeing B-29 Superfortress

The Boeing B-29 Superfortress (Boeing Model 341/345) was a four-engine heavy bomber propeller, famous for taking part in the bombing campaign on Japan by the USAF during World War II, and for having inaugurated the nuclear age. He was also among the biggest and heaviest aircraft to have served in operational conflict.

Born as a day bomber at high altitude (tangent of operation: 6000-9000), was, however, often used for incendiary bombing night in low and medium altitudes on Japan and for the release of the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two units that operated the atomic bombing was called Enola Gay and BOCKSCAR.

On 21 September 1942 the first prototype took off successfully, but crashed next February 18 in another test, instantly killing the entire crew and several members of staff on the ground. The issues that were presented in the first phase of development were examined and corrected with difficulty, with a job that allowed nearly 600 engineers to phase out about 10,000 defects, but even so was not possible to make the models fully operational until January 1945, although the bombing campaign begun in June 1944 .

In 1943, Grumman F6F Hellcat, the appearance of the Chance Vought F4U Corsair and had forced the U.S. dominance in the skies. The following year, the Boeing B-29 Superfortress bombers began to attack targets in Japan. When precision bombing from high altitude did not give the desired results, the B-29 missions were sent to night at lower altitude to make incendiary raids similar to those experienced by the RAF in Germany .

An eloquent photo album

Sources: Wikipedia


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