Saturday, October 31, 2009

Recipe For Japanese Mayonnaise

Barium studies Clifford Carnicom

The work of disinformation, people envious, inept, useless, ignorant, continues unabated, but they have not heard that it is counterproductive to their ignoble cause: in fact, the more he groped in the rush, citing pseudo-scientific arguments and petitions of principle to deny the reality chemtrails, the more people multiply that open their eyes, especially unexpected dall'accanimento of those who say that chemtrails are an urban legend.

If they had a bit of salt, the uninformed tacerebbero to avoid raising all this fuss about the issue. Blockheads! They did not understand that they can not even try to bury the truth, because what fools never recognize. Meanwhile, as was mentioned, among others, noticed the creator of the blog Calaminta , including the relevance of the question, translated and produced two texts in which are some alarming conclusions of the engineer U.S. Clifford Carnicom, the barium content in chemtrails.


According to studies conducted by the U.S. scientist Clifford E. Carnicom the presence of barium the Earth's atmosphere more than 8 times the safety threshold set by the EPA, the U.S. government agency environment.

The toxicity of Barium is comparable to that of arsenic. According to the EPA, is not healthy for humans to breathe air containing more than 5 parts per million of Barium (the same as the limit for arsenic). The latest research shows that we are were exposed to atmospheric levels of Barium much higher (about 8 times) to the limit of safety.

'E' have performed a preliminary analytical estimate of the concentration of barium compounds in atmospheric samples tested. This estimate exceeds the limit for human exposure to contaminants released into the air tests on [...]. atmospheric samples continue to confirm the presence of barium compounds. The tests involve a variety of survey methods, including the use of ionizing filters, electrostatic filters, HEPA filters, filters at high temperatures.

The analysis methods include solubility, pH, precipitation, chromatography, electrode, electrolysis, ms and spectrographic comparison tests. The public environmental agencies have been urged to undertake a process of verification of analytical methods to confirm or refute the results that have been established. The soluble forms of barium are highly toxic, with comparable levels of arsenic toxicity. "(Source: )

U.S. legal code
U.S. House of Representatives, Title 50 / Chapter 32, Sec 1520th

Restrictions on the use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents A. Prohibited activities - The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract) (1) no tests or experiments that include the use of chemical or biological agents on the civilian population, or (2) no test chemical or biological agents on human subjects.

Biological experiments against civilians are prohibited and considered a serious violation of the Geneva Convention (Convention IV, Article 147).

Barium, Chemtrails and immunosuppression U.S.: ANALYSIS CONFIRMATION BARIUM

(Bob Lee, the source )

Growing evidence suggests that the phenomenon of "chemtrails" is much more serious than a simple "air releases water vapor in the sky." The research work Clifford Carnicom supports the possibility of increasing the barium precipitate in rainwater harvesting in areas where it has recently occurred in the spray chemtrails.

What are the effects of barium, a heavy metal, in humans? Peçanha and Dos Reis (1989) reported in an article entitled "Functional heterogeneity in the process of T cell activation; barium blocks several modes of activation of T cells, but spare a single function of T cells undergo activation PHA. Published in May 1989 in "Clinical Immunology experimental": "All modes of T cell activation, except the PHA-induced mitogenesis, are blocked by Ba2 + (barium) in maniera reversibile e relativa alla dose".

In altre parole, il bario rende inattive le cellule T del corpo. Le cellule T sono una fondamentale componente del sistema immunitario. Insieme ai linfociti OKT4+ inducono le cellule T ad indirizzare l'attacco delle cellule OKT8 verso gli antigeni estranei (batteri invasivi o virus).

In estrema sintesi, il bario può disattivare il sistema immunitario.


E' stato svolto uno studio per esaminare il ruolo delle operazioni di aerosol in relazione al riscaldamento globale.

Da molto tempo è stato proposto che tali operazioni have the effect of aggravating the state of global warming, and they show no prospect of cooling the earth as many have claimed. This is in direct contradiction to many of the popular notions that commonly circulate about them and that is that these operations are somehow designed for our own good but it is better that their real nature remains secret and hidden from the public domain. [...] Read

here the following article published in April 2007.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Seven Seas Cod Liver Oil New Zealand

"Memphis Belle Bomber WWII Contrails" of "": a story of disinformation

The workhorse of the army of disinformation in the wake of Paul Attivissimo and managed by CICAP and intelligence, is often represented by this piece of footage. This is the documentary entitled: " The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress . The movie was in 1944. At the fifteenth minute that those are shown, a careful eye, they seem to really be condensation trails (contrails ) and in fact in the film are defined as such. Not surprisingly, the "historical record" shows a certain epoxynous , editor of the Web site of disinformation "", already known to have forged several jobs, including two texts dedicated to the phenomena elements.

We do not know if the documentary in question is handling well done, but if it is accepted that this is not a forgery, it becomes apparent an important detail: the "contrails" grow immediately next the engine exhaust. Also it seems that some trails are produced by waste combustion engines of the flying fortresses, but by other adjacent equipment (nozzles?).

Let's see what John writes Comoretto, the notorious Holocaust denier and member of the chemtrail CICAP (they were deliberately left grammatical errors):

[...] " In the case of normal contrails, that discharges steam that condenses into ice needles, the trail is always formed behind the engine, at a distance which is typically a few tens of meters (if it is very cold can be 5-10 meters). If it is something sprayed from a plane will depart from different points, (sic) and will immediately begin . "These allegations can not be questioned, since it comes from an illustrious exponent of CICAP to Bacchus!

addition needs to be highlighted, once again, that the bombers of the Second World War, when fully loaded to accomplish their mission, were not able to operate at high altitudes and often do not exceed operational flight than 6,000 meters above sea level. We know now that contrails can not possibly occur at altitudes lower than 8,000 meters. So what we show questo video? Una delle prime operazioni di aerosol della storia? Forse, a meno che non siamo di fronte ad un ennesimo documento spurio ben congegnato.

Nel filmato qui sotto, estratto sempre da "The Memphis Belle: a story of a flying fortress", possiamo osservare numerosi bombardieri che non rilasciano alcuna scia di condensa.

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Range finder: come si sono svolti i fatti

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Castle Pa Driver's License When Open

Orwellian rewriting of history

Sono moltissimi i filmati e le foto ufficiali di aerei della seconda guerra mondiale ritratti, mentre non rilasciano alcuna scia di condensa. Questo punto è cruciale, laddove in alcuni ambienti si vuole instillare la convinzione che gli aerei del secondo World War issue usually contrails. There is, in fact, any printed encyclopedia or text paper of a certain thickness (for non-experts - see the study Applemann of 1953), published in 1990 until the end of last century's mention of the wakes condensation. They are a phenomenon so rare and insignificant that it is not even been considered subject to be treated in popular texts at various levels. We now know, however, that since 1995 (starting year of intensive spraying chemical and biological), NASA, USAF, meteorologists aligned, and even our governments, followed by a crowd of lackeys who sold the smear WEB false and organizing conferences, insist on the question of the contrails, even persistent, inventing from scratch parameters to support a false science, useful to hide the REAL phenomenon of chemtrails. The

CICAP and disinformation on the net assets (which are managed by a single long arm), throwing a couple of pictures (which we, frankly, seem really malfatti drawings), with Air War World of contrails in the sky "condensation." Strange, as the Flying Fortress, solely based on strategic, technical and tactical did not fly more than 7,000 meters .

remember, for clarity, that the formation of contrails is linked to very specific (and which must be concurrent) physical parameters. These are: the altitude (8,000 meters higher than the ), relative humidity (not less than 72% ), temperature (below 42 degrees celsius ), atmospheric pressure. It 'good to clear that, with increasing altitude, the humidity decreases considerably and for this reason that the formation of contrails is an extremely rare phenomenon. In fact, even if it were to encounter temperatures below -42 ° Celsius, it would not fit the parameters of relative humidity. Merely as an example, in many cases, shares are close to 10,000 meters, si raggiungono sovente temperature prossime ai -50° Celsius, ma, per contro, si hanno valori di umidità relativa molto di rado superiori al 15%. I disinformatori, scaltramente, non accennano mai (in realtà se ne guardano bene) a questi parametri e addirittura si riferiscono genericamente a temperature appena sotto lo zero termico, adatte, secondo loro, alla formazione delle scie di condensa.

Simone Angioni (Coordinatore C.I.C.A.P. Lombardia), intervistato da Liliana Boranga , di Radio Base , afferma:

" Uno dei primo problemi con cui si sono cominciati a scontrare i militari che iniziavano a volare with these aircraft to acts of war, what was, was to escape the flak, but to escape the flak to get up to altitude, so you can avoid, no? had seen. The problem is that most of these share rose more appeared behind them a trail, is also highly visible from miles away, above ground. It warned that the enemy planes were coming, were attacking, and then you could prepare in advance. So the study of these white trails is a substantial part in the twenties, no? the twenties and you know that the planes of any kind is, including the first piston fighter of World War II, this produced white wake. This trail is composed primarily of white water, in essence, that is the waste product of burning fossil fuels


That's because some are, some do not?

Simone Angioni :

So, this is the keynote address, what happens to water when it comes out of a motor? When the water comes out of a motor and is very hot and is located in a very cold, it cools very quickly, if the temperature is below zero (AWW), as well as frozen condensed water in small needles ice, these needles are suspended in the atmosphere and depending on conditions may be persistent or not persistent contrails are not the only ones that do not last long, persistence is not a sign of the genuineness or otherwise of the contrail, the contrail can last as long it can last just a second conditions that are in proportion, if there is a strong wind may take very specific forms, in fact you can see the contrails of the rings (AWW).

U n modern turbofan issues gas at temperatures above 750 degrees centigrade. The piston engines could not make contrails that rarely can be observed today, given the lower altitude to 8,000 meters (a B-17 carico di bombe non poteva superare i 7.000 metri ed inoltre un bombardamento di precisione era impossibile da quote elevate), le latitudini in cui operavano i velivoli e, soprattutto, le temperature nettamente più basse all'uscita degli scarichi. Oltre tutto, gli aerei di quel tempo non erano pressurizzati, per cui non potevano volare per lunghi, interminabili minuti ad alte quote. Le temperature in cabina arrivavano, infatti, a -30 gradi, per cui tutto ghiacciava, anche la saliva nelle maschere d'ossigeno ed i meccanismi delle mitragliatrici.

Per questo motivo sono davvero sospette le poche foto, molto simili ad oleografiche illustrazioni di enciclopedie per adolescenti mostranti B-17 in formation at high altitude in a sky of "contrails". This is undoubtedly false that immortalize air photography of the '40s with the contrails, but not only! It is said that the problem actually comes from the contrails of aircraft of the 20s!

someone gets duped again, wash your brain, but, nowadays, the statistical training of the contrails generated by turbofan engines, it is worth pointing out, is equal to 2.8% at our latitude. Therefore, during the Second World War, the possibility that contrails were formed at 6000 meters was zero and where these aircraft passed at higher altitudes, as testimonies, photos and videos we found, do not emit any contrail. It therefore seems impossible that there are snapshots of B-17 operating units suitable for the formation of contrails but ephemeral. Even more improbable then four photos appear grainy and blurred depicting flying fortezzze immersed in a sea of \u200b\u200bpersistent contrails. They are the only iconographic evidence, mind you, and show us the CICAP acolytes, compared to an infinite number of movies and photos with planes that do not form any kind of contrail.

We are therefore faced with a dangerous sham. We are witnessing a boorish rewriting of history Air Force, in true Orwellian style, in order to adapt to the needs of poisoners with the laws of physics and, with impunity, be changed at will by unscrupulous people.

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

The B-17 is the result of a specific request of 8 August 1935 by the American Army Air Corps for a bomber capable of reaching 400 km / h, with a range of 3200 km and an operational altitude of 3000 meters .

The Boeing Model 299 then suggested that he found himself competing with the Martin B-12 and the Douglas DB1. On 30 October 1935, during a flight evaluation, the model 299 crashed, causing the death of the crew and the American Army Air Corps had to suspend him, declaring the victory of the Douglas DB1. However, some 299 model, however, was ordered "for future evaluations. Cause of the accident was the fact that, before takeoff, were not removed all the blocks and control surfaces.

At the outbreak of World War II, the Douglas DB1 proved just too powerful, while the 299 model was further developed and renamed YB17 much more powerful and could fly at a much larger share, but the American Army Air Corps possessed only 30 . In 1941, 20 B-17 were shipped to Britain, but did not show great qualities: the first flight in the UK fell: during the first mission, it freezes machine guns and bombs were dropped off target.

To overcome these problems, the British increased the armor and weapons, reducing the operative height .

Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the production of armaments in the United States grew out of all proportion and, at the end of production in 1945, the B-17 products were 12,726.

The B-17 was used in all theaters of operations of the Second World War. The first transaction was in August 1942. It was later used primarily for precision daylight bombing [a share close to 4000 meters - ed] up factories and refineries by the USAF, the RAF and took care of those clubs.

The B-17 flew normally around 300 kmh laden with tangency of 6000-8000 meters, more often around 7200-7800 m. Once downloaded, the B-17 may rise above 10,000 feet or speed up to about 500 kmh, but given the absence of pressurization, such elevations could not be maintained for a long time. In fact, in addition to machine guns, even saliva in the oxygen mask freezes due to low temperatures.

The B-17F could respond to attacks from behind with a total of 7 large-caliber machine guns, used between 2 and 4, where not even 6 weapons simultaneously. This explained well why the attacks were particularly noticeable, if unleashed by the anterior area, plus a rate of 'closing' of nearly 1000 km (300 bomber, the fighter 500-600). The attacks on the sides or even from areas' most fronts' were also useful, especially because you could avoid having to cross the bomber and maneuver to avoid the last second, but they were also quite scattered as hits and scored in less-lethal ' together. The B-17 could react with a maximum of 5 mtg 12.7 mm. But the frontal attack launched by a fighter jet flying at an altitude of 7000 meters , with the controls less responsive to the rarefied atmosphere, superpower with the engine to ensure high speed and handling problems with and stability data from fire and maneuver at altitudes and speeds so high, it was not easy. The prewar

B17 (versions A, B, C) were slight flying machines that carried a maximum of 2,000 kg of bombs. Starting from version D, the B17 had been completely redesigned and was now capable of carrying 4,500 kg of bombs with a crew of 13 men armed with turrets and a forest of .50, which, with their ammunition and the necessary armor, had required a complete redesign of the fuselage.

The weight had increased dramatically and now the "Fortress" in flight acted as a cruiser, heavy, slow and superdifeso. At 6,000 meters we still came (engines were upgraded from the original 1000 to 1400 hp), but the speed was dramatically decreased to 370 km / h.

Moreover, bombing from 6,000 feet, it was discovered that it was hard to hit the urban area of \u200b\u200ba city, much less a specific building. All the missions had to be rescheduled. The Fortresses which flew in formations only "closed" (and therefore the speed was reduced again) was increased armament on board (and the weight increased again) and had to descend to 4,000 meters with a minimum of precision bombing .

The Inside hidden between the lines of misinformation by the
"The true history of aviation"

Pilots U.S. no longer felt safe at 6,000 meters [false assertion: the fee mentioned is not suitable for formation of condensation] and began to hate the "contrails (condensation trails] and at that altitude and let the fortresses that the" Krauts "used as" target "for their" optics "of shooting the Zeiss (who knows system focus "broken crescent" knows how easy it is to "collimate" a straight object such as a trail "printed" in the blue sky). The Fortresses returned to flying at 4,000 meters and the 190 had bread for his teeth.

Boeing B-29 Superfortress

The Boeing B-29 Superfortress (Boeing Model 341/345) was a four-engine heavy bomber propeller, famous for taking part in the bombing campaign on Japan by the USAF during World War II, and for having inaugurated the nuclear age. He was also among the biggest and heaviest aircraft to have served in operational conflict.

Born as a day bomber at high altitude (tangent of operation: 6000-9000), was, however, often used for incendiary bombing night in low and medium altitudes on Japan and for the release of the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two units that operated the atomic bombing was called Enola Gay and BOCKSCAR.

On 21 September 1942 the first prototype took off successfully, but crashed next February 18 in another test, instantly killing the entire crew and several members of staff on the ground. The issues that were presented in the first phase of development were examined and corrected with difficulty, with a job that allowed nearly 600 engineers to phase out about 10,000 defects, but even so was not possible to make the models fully operational until January 1945, although the bombing campaign begun in June 1944 .

In 1943, Grumman F6F Hellcat, the appearance of the Chance Vought F4U Corsair and had forced the U.S. dominance in the skies. The following year, the Boeing B-29 Superfortress bombers began to attack targets in Japan. When precision bombing from high altitude did not give the desired results, the B-29 missions were sent to night at lower altitude to make incendiary raids similar to those experienced by the RAF in Germany .

An eloquent photo album

Sources: Wikipedia


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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Where To Buy Laptop Bags In Montreal

The turbofan engine and the possible aerosol devices

Quando si discute di scie chimiche e di appositi irroratori adatti allo scopo di disperdere gli elementi chimici richiesti dal " progetto copertura ", la risposta dei negazionisti è sempre stata: "IMPOSSIBILE! Gli elementi miscelati al carburante rovinerebbero i delicati meccanismi dei turbofan ed inoltre verrebbero alterati durante il processo di combustione". In parte questa obiezione è fondata e, in effetti, è più semplice dotare i velivoli (così come avviene) di alcuni ugelli di dispersione sui profili alari. In molti filmati e fotografie ciò risulta evidente. E', però, vero che, in molti casi, especially for some years now, more and more frequent overflights of devices that release dense chemtrails at low altitudes, but which only seem to come from the engines.

We have seen that the fuel for military aircraft both for civilian aircraft, take special additives, prepared ad hoc according to particular specifications (see the StadiS 450), but for any other elements to spread , the poisoning of the planet need of technical aerosols, on the one hand, degrade the items missing and the other did not reveal abnormalities in the viewer and / or photograph the aircraft used for clandestine operations of aerosols.

Esaminando il funzionamento di un moderno Turbofan , possiamo osservare che l'80% dell'aria convogliata nel motore viene da esso bypassata ed espulsa, senza che essa entri in contatto diretto con la camera di combustione. Infatti, al fine di garantire silenziosità ed efficienza, solo il 20% dell'aria che affluisce dalla ventola principale del turbofan entra nella camera di combustione, bruciando con il carburante.

Per comprendere bene quali possono essere i mezzi a disposizione di chiunque voglia modificare un velivolo in modo semplice, economico e senza che tali modifiche suscitino sospetti, bisogna comprendere il principio di funzionamento di un turbofan : the engine's most popular airplane in the world. For this reason we have got a model CMF-56 next-generation, whose scheme is not very different from turbofan other manufacturers.

Let's see how a turbofan engine

For an airplane can move and fly, it is necessary that a pushing force is generated by accelerating the flow 'air between the front and back of the engine. This is achieved through a large ducted fan placed in front of the engine. These

sono i componenti del motore :

la prima ventola (fan) di grande diametro; i compressori a bassa ed alta pressione, con vari stadi che gradualmente aumentano la pressione dell'aria che scorre attraverso gli stadi; la camera di combustione, in cui il carburante del jet è mescolato all'aria combusta; le turbine ad alta e bassa pressione dove l'alta pressione dei gas è ridotta, non appena le turbine dirigono i gas nella ventola.

Dei cinque stadi della turbina, uno sviluppa alta pressione; gli altri quattro bassa pressione.

In conclusione questo è l'intero apparato

Il CMF56 è un "high by-pass ratio engine" ossia un engine high dilution ratio between cold air and hot air.

The first stream passes through the combustion chamber, the second pass only through the fan. About 80 percent of the air accelerated by the fan is directed to by-pass pipe and provides 80 percent of the cold air of the engine. The first flow goes through three sections: through the compressor, the combustion chamber and turbine. Before being expelled, the air passes through these mechanisms assembled. The air is compressed in the compressors of low and high pressure and temperature reaches 450 degrees Celsius.

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The fuel is injected and ejected. The mixture of air and fuel door temperature to 1700 degrees Celsius. Finally, the stored energy is extracted in the five-stage turbine, just out of the combustion chamber.

Ultimately, the outside air is sucked by the fan in the compressor and then forced into the combustion chamber and mixed with fuel creates a mix that switches determines the expansion of hot gases that drive the turbine and generate momentum for the plane.

The remaining air passes out. The

turbofan engine is a dual-flow: the air is compressed, is heated by carburante combusto, dopo che è passata attraverso le turbine che sono composte dai compressori e dalle ventole.

Nel mese di marzo un lettore (P.C.) che ringraziamo, ci segnalò uno strano "tubo" che spuntava nel tunnel di entrata del turbofan di un 737 della RyanAir. Questo "accessorio" risulta essere stato aggiunto, previa modifica del progetto iniziale del velivolo ed è associato ad evidenti rivettature e smerigliature del metallo. Nella "conchiglia" motore non fornita di tale "accessorio", normalmente la superficie appare liscia e scevra da particolari interventi. Esistono esemplari simili ed ufficialmente viene spiegato che si tratta solo di innocui sensori per la rilevazione della temperatura outside, but is at least strange that an air sensor is placed in a very sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe engine, instead, if anything, to a point immediately next door, but, perhaps, outside the nacelle. Moreover, their appearance is not very close to the real thermal sensors that, moreover, should be flush with the inner surface of the shell engine sensors not being submerged in liquid.

aviation experts with whom we have consulted in recent weeks have confirmed that, indeed, this type of change is unusual and has no reasonable justifications. In addition, although many schemes examined turbofan engines of the type , we found, in nessun caso, la presenza di sensori in tale porzione del motore, a livello di progetto.

Sensori di temperatura Se, invece, si volesse immaginare un dispositivo per irrorare veleni nella biosfera, quella sarebbe la posizione ideale, poiché la depressione creata dal fan principale porterebbe il prodotto da disperdere direttamente nel condotto ove viene by-passato l'80 per cento dell'aria che affluisce al turbofan . Ciò implicherebbe due "vantaggi":

a) Gli elementi da disperdere in atmosfera non entrerebbero nella camera di combustione. Ciò confuterebbe l'obiezione dei disinformatori, secondo i quali non si possono addizionare composti chimici in un motore, as they burn the fuel.

b) The cone output would be close to the exhaust gas and this would make it difficult, for a careful eye, the emergence of spraying. We observe, however, that in many movies and photos, exit cones produced by the wakes are often three, compared with two engines, or five, or six compared with four engines. In this regard it is useful to view this movie.

Considering that 20% of the hot air coming from the combustion chamber, leaving the turbofan, but only partially mixes with 80% of cold air by-passed by the engine, it can be assumed that the elements released from the special nozzle, placed before the main fan, are not substantially altered in their chemical composition.

A military technician in charge of maintenance and overhaul of engine components for civil and military aircraft told us about the abnormal and premature wear of the first large-diameter fan that just happens to be the only rotary in direct contact with any abrasive or corrosive chemicals.

Encyclopedia of Sciences, Milan, 2005, sv turbofan

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Chemtrails DATE

Range finder: how the facts are

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Non Renewing Sample Letter

active environmental disturbance space close to the ground

Pubblichiamo un documento ufficiale , tratto dal “ Center for Space Science and Engineering Research ”, da cui si evince che, quanto abbiamo ipotizzato negli anni scorsi sulle funzioni di H.A.A.R.P. . corrisponde al vero. Ci siamo avvalsi di numerosi studi e dei dati raccolti specialmente dal Professor Alessio Di Benedetto in modo da delineare un quadro consequenziale.

Anche corretta era la correlazione che abbiamo instaurato tra irradiazione di campi elettromagnetici, di differente frequenza e lunghezza, and dispersion of particulate matter ( chemtrails ) in different layers of the atmosphere. The metal particulate, which is electrically conductive, is well suited to enhance the radiation of electromagnetic waves and to promote chemical reactions. The importance of the text that we propose is not just a confirmation of various scenarios, but especially in connection with the dreaded blackout communications and electrical and electronic systems for NASA and other official agencies attribute, so instrumental to abnormal solar activity, whose peak is expected in 2012. It seems that the collapse of telecommunications is a draft prepared by the military to create chaos useful to the institution of the New World Order.

Another aspect worth noting: the ionosphere that reflects radio signals to earth, now deteriorated from military experiments, could do more as needed, as explained by Angelo Ciccarelli, the article " Weapon lethal climate ":" Craig Rodger, Department of Physics, University of Otago, New Zealand, gives us information about it. As China develops, in the event of war, to detonate nuclear bombs in orbit in order to disturb spy satellites for communication and positioning system (GPS) which, among other things, remote-controlled missiles and the bombs "fake" U.S. intelligence, the U.S. had set up the counter: that is precisely HAARP ' high-altitude nuclear explosion' says Rodger, ' generate charged particles remain trapped in the atmosphere for long. This highly ionized environment so blind spy satellites and launchers are orbiting at low altitude '. To counter this threat the U.S., with HAARP, have started a program called Radiation Belt Remediation , that is, more or less, Repair of radiation belt . According to the New Zealand physicist, the repair would be to shoot in order to radio a bassissima frequenza, che avrebbero il potere di soffiar via le particelle radioattive provocate dall'esplosione nucleare. Ma questo soffio di onde avrebbe anche un altro effetto: quello di trasformare la ionosfera, da specchio che riflette le normali onde dei programmi radiofonici e di telecomunicazione rendendone possibile l'ascolto in tutto il pianeta, in una spugna che assorbe le onde radio. Niente più comunicazioni: aerei e navi resterebbero senza guida da terra, i G.P.S. non funzionerebbero più e così via. La trasformazione della ionosfera avrebbe anche effetti possibili sul clima. I fisici di Otago li stanno studiando insieme all'Istituto meteorologico finlandese e all'Osservatorio Antartico britannico: hanno promesso una prossima pubblicazione sulla rivista scientifica Annales Geophysicae ".

Perturbazione attiva dell’ambiente spaziale vicino alla terra

Prof. Wayne A. Scales, PhD - Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Perché è un importante campo di ricerca?

- Permette uno studio della fisica di base dell’ambiente vicino alla Terra
- Consente il controllo di alcuni processi fisici nell’ambiente spaziale
- Permette una neutralizzazione delle comunicazioni del nemico e dei sistemi di navigazione militari
- Favorisce delle nuove tecniche di comunicazione militare

Come viene alterato lo spazio?

- Per mezzo dell’emissione di raggi carichi di particelle (ioni pesanti o raggi di elettroni)
- Rilascio di sostanze chimiche in grado di fotoionizzare ( bario )
- Diffusione di sostanze chimiche che sottraggono gli elettroni ( nickel carbonyl , sulfur hexafluride , trifluoromethyl bromide )
- Rilascio di particelle di aerosol (Residui del carburante dello Shuttle)
- Irradiazione di onde radio di alta potenza dallo spazio sulla terra ( H.A.A.R.P. , Arecibo , E.I.S.C.A.T. , Tromso )

Quali tipi di perturbazione vengono products?

density of electrons - the electron temperature
- conductivity of the plasma
- natural ionospheric currents (new communication technologies - See laser ndt)
- plasma waves and turbulence (can damage communications and interfere with radio signals)

Current projects

- Disturbed natural and artificial clouds in the space environment (funded NSF)
- Creating artificial clouds in space (funded dall'NRL)
- Creation of artificial plasma clouds in space remove radioactive particles following a nuclear explosion in upper atmosphere (finanziato dell’O.N.R. e dall’N.R.L.)

Nubi nottilucenti

- Ai confini dell’atmosfera (ottantacinque chilometri!)
- Composte di particolato caricato elettricamente
- Sistema tracciante per interferenze nell’alta atmosfera
- Associato con echi radar inusuali
- Riferito ai cambiamenti climatici globali

Illustrazione sotto: perturbazione di una turbolenza di una nuvola di particolato

La turbolenza è modificata per mezzo di onde radio in grado di generare calore. Ciò fornisce informazioni sulla nuvola di particolato in modo da implementare le misurazioni space.

Note: NSF is the National Science Foundation, NRL and the Naval Research Laboratory, ONR and the Office of Naval Research.

XXX thank the friend to report the document.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

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Chemtrails: a diagram of Appleman and the militarization of meteorology

Pubblichiamo un testo scritto dall’amico Corrado Penna, tratto dal documento " Meteorologi e ministri: le contraddizioni insanabili " . La prima parte verte sulle mistificazioni dei negazionisti che, per tentare di confutare le evidenze sulle chemtrails, si richiamano spesso agli studi di Appleman sulle scie di condensazione. Sono studi ormai obsoleti e reductive who do not take account of progress in aviation. The second part concerns the web of conspiracies, censorship, misinformation which meteorologists, as the colonel Constant De Simone and Guido Guidi more, are the undisputed protagonists.

What about this morbid affection for the Appleman chart in 1953? Based on this empirical plot made more than 60 years, after surveys relating to aircraft engines that used very different from modern ones, you want to interpret what is happening today, trying to demonstrate the possibility that the contrails are formed even under conditions of low relative humidity.

yet it is well known (as is also explained in the document denial of Mr. Randi analyzed in the second part of the article) that the formation of contrails depends greatly on the engine, the temperature at which it operates and the type of impurity ( agents as condensation nuclei) are released together with the products of combustion, which means that 60 years of progress and innovation in the field of engineering for aircraft are not a minor detail.

How is it then you rely on that diagram (in which sometimes there could be contrails with low relative humidity) and there is no reference, however, in more recent studies (and certainly more reliable) in which insists that the contrail is formed only when it comes to moisture saturation? In this respect, we can not cite a source suspected U.S. air force or a document of 1975 ( Aviation weather ) in which is stated verbatim in
page 144 as follows:

"The exhaust contrail is formed by the Additions to the atmosphere of Sufficient water vapor from aircraft exhaust gases to cause saturation or super-saturation of the air. Since heat is also added to the atmosphere in the wake on an aircraft, the addition of water vapor must be of such magnitude that it saturates or supersaturates the atmosphere in spite of the added heat”.


“La scia di condensa del vapore fuoriuscito dal motore si forma a causa dell'immissione nell'atmosfera di vapore acqueo aggiunto dai motori dell'aereo in quantità sufficiente da causare la saturazione o sovrassaturazione dell'aria. Dal momento che l'atmosfera è anche surriscaldata dal motore dell'aereo, il vapore aggiunto deve essere di tale entità da saturare o sovrassaturare l'atmosfera, nonostante tale calore aggiuntivo”.

Come si potrebbe arrivare the saturation vapor oversaturation starting from very low relative humidity?

Moreover a recent text of Meteorology describes the phenomenon in the same terms, without invoking all'obsoleto diagram Appleman:

"The release of exhaust gases in the atmosphere of air, full of steam and condensation nuclei water, determines the oversaturation of water vapor and the formation of contrails. Contrails are formed at heights where the air temperature is very low (below -40 ° C), with relative humidity of 60%. The trails may or may not last over time, depending on the stability of the air and the amount of vapor. "[Jerome Sansosti & Alfio Giuffrida - Manual of Meteorology, A guide to understanding the weather and climate in conjunction with the UAI (Union Astrofili Italian) - Publisher Gremese - 2006 - pag. 86]

Also interesting is the question (cited in Aviation Weather ) heat-engine aircraft heat the air, helping to inhibit the formation of contrails. As you can see by reading this document on the history of flight , in the late 40's retire the old internal combustion engines and began the era of turbo-jets, which is referred to as jet aircraft (or, with English terminology, jets), and, gradually progressing technology of metal alloys, we will release more and more refractory materials that allow heat to build more powerful engines: engines are developing more energy and more heat. The above-named

diagram Appleman is precisely in 1953 and, after 20 years of progress and changes in the motor, the U.S. aviation industry relies on many other tools to assess the formation of contrails, because the engines increasingly more and more powerful heat is heat added more acts to inhibit the phenomenon of the contrails (Not for nothing are formed when the outside temperature is much lower than zero degrees Celsius).

Interesting is also what is stated on the condensation nuclei released with the exhaust of the aircraft: as a rule the nuclei of aggregation are quite large:

" Recent experiments However, Have Revealed That May Be visible exhaust contrails prevented by adding very minute nuclei material (dust for example) to the exhaust. Condensation and sublimation On These smaller nuclei result in contrail particle too small to be visible .


" Recent experiments, however, revealed that the visible contrails can be avoided , adding tiny nuclei (dust for example) to what is emitted from the engine. The condensation and sublimation of these smaller nuclei produce condensation particles too small because the trail is visible .

This, in addition to confirming the importance of the engine type on the formation of contrails is reminiscent of the fact that the Air Force's interest to prevent the formation of contrails, because even with a plane concealing anti-radar systems would be visible in the eyes of an enemy, if you leave dietro una visibile scia di condensa. Mi chiedo allora: possibile che, a 30 anni di distanza dagli studi menzionati in un documento del 1975, l'aviazione militare non abbia già dotato i suoi apparecchi di tale tecnologia?

Se così fosse la probabilità che un velivolo militare generi una scie di condensa visibile sarebbe prossima allo zero, con buona pace di chi afferma che le scie rilasciate da formazioni di velivoli sono un fenomeno normale da attribuire ad aerei militari.

Ma torniamo alle cose dimostrabili con prove concrete, come alcuni video che qui di seguito riporto e che servono a rinforzare quanto già dimostrato nelle parti precedenti dell'articolo.

Questo è the video made (recently) an activist against the chemtrails in Florence, a town of the state of Oregon. The trajectories of these aircraft that seem to enjoy doing drawings of every shape in the sky, with plenty of trails that are close in on themselves, bring to mind the aforementioned claim of Colonel De Simone which I have already discussed at length in the first part:

"There are also points of reference on the ground over which the airways were also changes in direction at right angles. To an observer below the wakes appear to bend sharply. "

Explain, Mr. De Simone, how many flight paths pass over the city of Florence that form throughout the series Close up of right angles (!) so that they appear to an observer below (sic) so bent up to close on themselves? We are serious please: we know that the truth is otherwise, that they are chemtrails, or a deliberate plan of spraying chemical and biological agents and that she was involved (perhaps reluctantly, or so I hope) in this campaign of Holocaust denial propaganda.

One thing then we ask you, sir: this is the way that is authentic to the oath that he said many years ago, to defend their homeland? The country that has sworn to defend us, sir, and we do not feel protected by nothing to the hundreds of planes flying over our skies, releasing toxic compounds. Do you think it can really obey that oath at the same time and the orders it receives from the structure of which was found to be a part?

We can also imagine what arguments have convinced him to collaborate on this project many people who now seek to deny the evidence shown in this and other videos . Maybe they said that the Earth is very warming to the greenhouse effect of CO2 and that the only way to put a stop to this situation is that of geo-engineering, or reflective of the dispersion of particulate tutto intorno al pianeta, ma se si informa bene leggendo
questi articoli e guardando questo documentario si rende conto che si tratta di una patetica scusa: se c'è un "effetto serra", esso è artificialmente creato proprio dalla diffusione delle scie chimiche.

O forse le hanno detto che la dispersione del particolato metallico è indispensabile per mantenere una supremazia militare basata sull'impiego di sistemi di rilevazione radar tridimensionali ed armi al plasma ; una supremazia militare nei confronti di un ipotetico nemico che, però, adopera le stesse
scie chemical and the same technology on its territory, as it is easy to verify.

Or maybe they told her that biological agents are dispersed into the vaccines used to fight the spread of any pandemic, but if you read this well informed article on the pandemic and that the vaccines can also understand how these false arguments. The reality unfortunately is that the military system is a system of death, which
wars have been fought to kill millions of people and make huge profits in a few sharks.

Scie circolari fotografate in Francia ... corridoi aerei con 4 angoli retti? Irrorazione di composti chimici semmai!

In ogni caso, l'operazione scie chimiche è un'operazione segreta che si cerca di tenere nascosta alla popolazione. Di recente le irrorazioni
vengono intensificate nelle ore notturne oppure quando è disponibile una copertura nuvolosa dietro la quale gli aerei avvelenatori si nascondono alla vista (ma non certo all'udito). Davvero pensate che state collaborando ad un progetto segreto per il nostro bene che non ci può essere rivelato? Per favore, pensateci bene. Pensate davvero che si tratti di un progetto indispensabile per il bene comune, ma che occorra keep it secret to avoid being locked hysteria of the population or environmental organizations? Certainly environmental organizations, while being informed about chemtrails (of course we've thought for some time) have decided not to deal with, because their leaders have all been co-opted.

Maybe someone is persuaded that the transaction is essential to safeguard our health, maybe someone has been persuaded that it is an imperative to maintain a (poisonous) military superiority, pathetic excuses that do not bear comparison with reality, because, in addition to aerosol barium and aluminum, are of missing nanosensors whose distribution on civilian populations in times of peace can not be justified with any of the pathetic excuses that those responsible for the operation chemtrails may have provided to their subordinates.

But surely what is happening in our skies is highly immoral, because nobody can afford to decide on our behalf on matters relating to our health. Even if I believe in the bogeyman the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide , claim the same right to choose to suffer the heat, rather than being poisoned
metal come l'alluminio ed il bario che causano malattie neurodegenerative.

La prego, signor colonnello, non si renda complice di questo moderno genocidio: siamo noi la patria che deve difendere e non quei poteri occulti che la spingono a rilasciare certe ridicole affermazioni.

Se ancora le mancano le prove su quelli che sono realmente gli effetti dell'operazione scie chimiche, si guardi
questo video realizzato negli U.S.A., dove l'irrorazione chimico-biologica è iniziata verso il 1990. Apra gli occhi, signor colonnello, perché in questo mondo crudele chi inganna spesso è stato ingannato a sua volta. Apra il suo cuore, signor colonnello, si metta una mano on consciousness and be faithful to his country:

his country are we, 56 million Italian citizens!

Thanks friend Pirate Pantani to report the words "FAA - Aviation Weather 1975" .

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Range finder: come si sono svolti i fatti

Saturday, October 10, 2009

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Contrails: a rare phenomenon (article Klingor)

Clicca per aprire il filmato Dopo circa due anni di battaglie nell'affrontare il problema "scie chimiche" dal lato di chi "deve" (non per obbligo, ma per sfida personale) dimostrare che le chemtrails esistono, abbiamo voluto ribaltare la questione e si è quindi cercato di concentrare il nostro lavoro sul vero nodo dell'intricata vicenda: le contrails , ovvero le scie di condensazione. Perché mai? Semplice. I collaborazionisti di bassa lega con i quali ci tocca confrontarci, rappresentati da "meteorologi", pseudo scienziati, esponenti della N.A.S.A stessa, forumisti ecc., si oppongono a quella che essi definiscono "la teoria delle scie chimiche" (magari lo fosse), adducendo la solita solfa: "Si tratta di semplici scie di condensazione (contrails)".

Addirittura il sito ha messo insieme un'accozzaglia di spiegazioni che di scientifico hanno ben poco. Poiché, però, le loro osservazioni vengono presentate al pubblico in modo apparentemente plausibile, la maggior the readers to bite, concluding that chemtrails do not exist and that everyone in the world are observing only harmless water vapor and clouds composed of ice crystals. Nothing could be further from the truth and depistante, because we could see (and here I will show) that the formation of contrails is a phenomenon so rare that stride strongly with the frequency and massive spread of chemtrails in the skies of the world. Reading the following study (which promises more surprises) and watched the movie made in recent days, you will have the distinct feeling of having been duped for years: the history of the contrails is a vulgar screen behind which lurks a savage operation aerosol biochemical .

himself more Guido Guidi, interviewed during the broadcast RAI Geo & Geo, is as awkward champion of the theory of contrails and climbs on the mirrors, just to justify what he knows there is absolutely, especially in terms liars that the system we want to inculcate all costs. The formation of contrails is an uncommon phenomenon and can not continue to be a cover for the chemtrails! People of citizens cheated, harassed and poisoned ... WAKE UP!

For the most inattentive and to make clear to read the next lines, you remember the conditions necessary for the formation of condensation trails (contrails).

" According to FAA definition, a Contrail is formed above the 8000 meters, at temperatures below -40 ° C and a relative humidity greater than or equal to 70% .

The following in-depth study was carried out by the user KLINGOR (we thank).

In Italy there are 7 measuring stations located at:

Trapani, Brindisi, Cagliari, Pratica di Mare (Rome), S. Capofiume Pietro (BO), Milan and Udine. The surveys are conducted two times a day: at 00:00 and 12:00. I analyzed the data for the months of September, October and November (a very good hard work!) And these are the conclusions:

conditions favorable for the formation of "contrails" occur most frequently at midnight than at noon. Moreover, it appears (the care must be exercised given the paucity of data examined sin'ora) at noon that it is extremely rare that it can form a contrail. In fact, in the month di Settembre solo la stazione di Milano ha rilevato tali condizioni e precisamente il giorno 11. Stessa cosa ad ottobre: Milano, il giorno 25. Per quanto riguarda Novembre ci sono stati cinque (5) casi, quattro (4) a Cagliari (5-7-11-16) ed uno sempre a Milano (5). Per la stazione di Pratica di Mare mi sono spinto fino allo scorso Gennaio 2006 e questi sono gli esiti: gennaio = 30; febbraio, marzo, aprile e maggio = nessuno; giugno = 4-10-23; luglio, agosto, settembre, ottobre e novembre = nessuno.

La conclusione sembra essere che a mezzogiorno non dovrebbe essere visibile in cielo, se non molto raramente, alcuna "contrail". Diventa quindi molto importante datare le foto con l'orario in cui sono state scattate. Naturalmente... di particolare interesse sono quelle riprese intorno a mezzogiorno, diciamo tra le 11:00 e le 13:00. Logicamente ancora più "rilevanti" sono quelle scattate a quell'ora e nei dintorni delle stazioni di rilevamento.

Un consiglio... sarebbe il caso che un bel numero di persone facesse un back-up dei radiosondaggi prima che qualcuno li "aggiusti", diciamo cosi. L'indirizzo ve lo ricordo è:

Qui per visionare la tabella riassuntiva delle rilevazioni.

A fianco della tabella principale ne ho inserita un'altra indicating which days the surveys were not performed and we can make an observation: on 15, 16, 17 and 18 September no probe has been sent by any of the stations. Other times (2 / 9, 11/10, 13/11 and 2) many stations have stopped simultaneously. It will not happen by chance something special in those days? Bah who knows maybe just routine ...

order to avoid any dispute about the numbers, I kept relatively large in the sense that I have taken as reference values \u200b\u200bfor temperature -40 (inclusive) and not -41 and 70% humidity (also included) and not 72%.

Also in December the conditions for the formation of contrails and 12:00 can be counted on the fingers of one hand. In fact only four (4): two (2) in Brindisi, in the days 7 and 21 , a (1) to Cagliari, 17 and a (1) in Trapani 20. With such data is absolutely inapplicable to the famous (and smoky ...) "Theory of contrails ", so dear to our feathered friends disinformation.

There are three (3) cases in the month of October, six (6) in November, and even twelve (12) in December. In January, only two cases in one week. Even more interesting is to note the sequence of consecutive days:

1) November 30, 1 and 2 December (3)
2) 12 and December 13 (2)
3) 27, 28, 29 and December 30 (4)
four (4) months you have not seen NEVER verified that a single station in favor of the condition was detected contrails for two consecutive days and we're talking about seven stations. Even observed three consecutive sequences of which even four days.

Now lets have some fun doing some little sum ...

Le stazioni sono sette (7). I mesi considerati sono quattro (4), per un totale di 122 giorni. 122 giorni moltiplicato 7 stazioni dà 854 rilevazioni. A queste bisogna sottrarre i 31 giorni di Dicembre ancora mancanti di S. Pietro Capodifiume e arriviamo a 823.

Poi bisogna sottrarre le mancate rilevazioni che sono 114. Arriviamo quindi a 709 rilevazioni.

I giorni in cui sono state registrate condizioni favorevoli per le contrails sono una (1) a Settembre, una (1) ad Ottobre, sei (6) a Novembre e quattro (4) a Dicembre, totale: 12. Ora... 12 diviso 709 dà 0,0169, che in percentuale è pari all'1,69%, ovvero rappresenta la probabilità che si verifichino conditions for the formation of contrails on any day around noon. This means that in 122 days considered, would have to be contrails in only two (2) days. Instead it has been documented twenty-two (22). And finally ... a small gem. If the probability of contrails in a day in case 1, 69% what is the probability of having two days in a row? The answer is

0.03% (0.0169 x0, 0169), namely one in 3333.

And what is at this point, the probability of having even four (4) consecutive days?

Incredibile ma vero...

La risposta è 0,000008% ovverosia una su 12.258.947 .

Per la lettura dei radiosondaggi:

Riassumendo ...

Le probabilità che si verifichino gli eventi descritti e documentati nelle righe precedenti sono le seguenti:

Posto che...

1. le scie di condensa si formano quando la temperatura è inferiore ai -40° e l'umidità relativa more than 70%
2. the frequency with which these conditions were observed by radiosonde was during the period under consideration, of ' 1.69%, ie a on about 59, and that this figure is taken as indicative of the likelihood of the phenomenon.

Then we have that ...

For sequences: ___________________________________________

We had three sequences of consecutive days where the trails have appeared: a sequence of two days, a 3 and a 4. The probability that such an event occurring is given by the following general formula:

sequence n times in days k = pn * (1-p) * kn (k-n +1)

(p raised to the n) * [(1-p) to high (kn)] * (k-n +1)

Chance of a sequence of 2 in 122 days = S2
Chance of a sequence of 3 in 122 days = S3
Chance of a sequence of 4 in 122 days = S4

S2 = (0.0169) 2 * (0.9831) 120 * 121 = .0045 = 1 / 222 = 0.44%

S3 = (0.0169) 3 * (0.9831) 119 * 120 = 0.0007 = 1/1.429 = 0.007%

S4 = (0.0169) 4 * (0.9831) * 119 = 118 = 0.000001 1/100.000 = 0.0001%

The overall probability that all three of the events in the period in question is this:

Total Chance = S2 * S3 * S4 = = 0.0000000000315 1/31.746.031.746

worry you got it, the probability is about .... Trentunomiliardisettecentoquarantaseimilionitrentunomilasettecentoquarantasei !!!!!

contrails have been documented for 22 days on 122 around noon and the probability of formation of these 22 "contrails noon" is given by the following general formula:

combinations of n times in days k = pn * (1 -p) kn * Ck, n

(p raised to the n) * [(1-p) to high (kn)] * 122 combinations of elements in groups of 22

(0.0169) 22 * \u200b\u200b( 0.9831) 100 * C122, 0.000000000000000667 = 22 = =

... one in a million and a half billion .

And under this avalanche of numbers is finally buried the buffalo to the effect that what we see are merely contrails.

Someone probably will try to challenge the core of all this reasoning and that the value of the probability of the formation of contrails, which here was set at 1, 69%. Personally I think it is overstated, but even though it is not, even if continuing with the analysis of soundings turns out that the frequency was searched, say, 3 or 4 or 5%, there would ugualmente a risultati assurdi come quelli presentati qui.
Per avere 22 casi su 122 giorni la probabilità avrebbe dovuto essere attorno al 15-20%, cosa questa lontana anni, anzi millenni-luce dalla realtà.


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