Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nike Snowboarding Bandana

Contrails: a rare phenomenon (article Klingor)

Clicca per aprire il filmato Dopo circa due anni di battaglie nell'affrontare il problema "scie chimiche" dal lato di chi "deve" (non per obbligo, ma per sfida personale) dimostrare che le chemtrails esistono, abbiamo voluto ribaltare la questione e si è quindi cercato di concentrare il nostro lavoro sul vero nodo dell'intricata vicenda: le contrails , ovvero le scie di condensazione. Perché mai? Semplice. I collaborazionisti di bassa lega con i quali ci tocca confrontarci, rappresentati da "meteorologi", pseudo scienziati, esponenti della N.A.S.A stessa, forumisti ecc., si oppongono a quella che essi definiscono "la teoria delle scie chimiche" (magari lo fosse), adducendo la solita solfa: "Si tratta di semplici scie di condensazione (contrails)".

Addirittura il sito ha messo insieme un'accozzaglia di spiegazioni che di scientifico hanno ben poco. Poiché, però, le loro osservazioni vengono presentate al pubblico in modo apparentemente plausibile, la maggior the readers to bite, concluding that chemtrails do not exist and that everyone in the world are observing only harmless water vapor and clouds composed of ice crystals. Nothing could be further from the truth and depistante, because we could see (and here I will show) that the formation of contrails is a phenomenon so rare that stride strongly with the frequency and massive spread of chemtrails in the skies of the world. Reading the following study (which promises more surprises) and watched the movie made in recent days, you will have the distinct feeling of having been duped for years: the history of the contrails is a vulgar screen behind which lurks a savage operation aerosol biochemical .

himself more Guido Guidi, interviewed during the broadcast RAI Geo & Geo, is as awkward champion of the theory of contrails and climbs on the mirrors, just to justify what he knows there is absolutely, especially in terms liars that the system we want to inculcate all costs. The formation of contrails is an uncommon phenomenon and can not continue to be a cover for the chemtrails! People of citizens cheated, harassed and poisoned ... WAKE UP!

For the most inattentive and to make clear to read the next lines, you remember the conditions necessary for the formation of condensation trails (contrails).

" According to FAA definition, a Contrail is formed above the 8000 meters, at temperatures below -40 ° C and a relative humidity greater than or equal to 70% .

The following in-depth study was carried out by the user KLINGOR (we thank).

In Italy there are 7 measuring stations located at:

Trapani, Brindisi, Cagliari, Pratica di Mare (Rome), S. Capofiume Pietro (BO), Milan and Udine. The surveys are conducted two times a day: at 00:00 and 12:00. I analyzed the data for the months of September, October and November (a very good hard work!) And these are the conclusions:

conditions favorable for the formation of "contrails" occur most frequently at midnight than at noon. Moreover, it appears (the care must be exercised given the paucity of data examined sin'ora) at noon that it is extremely rare that it can form a contrail. In fact, in the month di Settembre solo la stazione di Milano ha rilevato tali condizioni e precisamente il giorno 11. Stessa cosa ad ottobre: Milano, il giorno 25. Per quanto riguarda Novembre ci sono stati cinque (5) casi, quattro (4) a Cagliari (5-7-11-16) ed uno sempre a Milano (5). Per la stazione di Pratica di Mare mi sono spinto fino allo scorso Gennaio 2006 e questi sono gli esiti: gennaio = 30; febbraio, marzo, aprile e maggio = nessuno; giugno = 4-10-23; luglio, agosto, settembre, ottobre e novembre = nessuno.

La conclusione sembra essere che a mezzogiorno non dovrebbe essere visibile in cielo, se non molto raramente, alcuna "contrail". Diventa quindi molto importante datare le foto con l'orario in cui sono state scattate. Naturalmente... di particolare interesse sono quelle riprese intorno a mezzogiorno, diciamo tra le 11:00 e le 13:00. Logicamente ancora più "rilevanti" sono quelle scattate a quell'ora e nei dintorni delle stazioni di rilevamento.

Un consiglio... sarebbe il caso che un bel numero di persone facesse un back-up dei radiosondaggi prima che qualcuno li "aggiusti", diciamo cosi. L'indirizzo ve lo ricordo è:

Qui per visionare la tabella riassuntiva delle rilevazioni.

A fianco della tabella principale ne ho inserita un'altra indicating which days the surveys were not performed and we can make an observation: on 15, 16, 17 and 18 September no probe has been sent by any of the stations. Other times (2 / 9, 11/10, 13/11 and 2) many stations have stopped simultaneously. It will not happen by chance something special in those days? Bah who knows maybe just routine ...

order to avoid any dispute about the numbers, I kept relatively large in the sense that I have taken as reference values \u200b\u200bfor temperature -40 (inclusive) and not -41 and 70% humidity (also included) and not 72%.

Also in December the conditions for the formation of contrails and 12:00 can be counted on the fingers of one hand. In fact only four (4): two (2) in Brindisi, in the days 7 and 21 , a (1) to Cagliari, 17 and a (1) in Trapani 20. With such data is absolutely inapplicable to the famous (and smoky ...) "Theory of contrails ", so dear to our feathered friends disinformation.

There are three (3) cases in the month of October, six (6) in November, and even twelve (12) in December. In January, only two cases in one week. Even more interesting is to note the sequence of consecutive days:

1) November 30, 1 and 2 December (3)
2) 12 and December 13 (2)
3) 27, 28, 29 and December 30 (4)
four (4) months you have not seen NEVER verified that a single station in favor of the condition was detected contrails for two consecutive days and we're talking about seven stations. Even observed three consecutive sequences of which even four days.

Now lets have some fun doing some little sum ...

Le stazioni sono sette (7). I mesi considerati sono quattro (4), per un totale di 122 giorni. 122 giorni moltiplicato 7 stazioni dà 854 rilevazioni. A queste bisogna sottrarre i 31 giorni di Dicembre ancora mancanti di S. Pietro Capodifiume e arriviamo a 823.

Poi bisogna sottrarre le mancate rilevazioni che sono 114. Arriviamo quindi a 709 rilevazioni.

I giorni in cui sono state registrate condizioni favorevoli per le contrails sono una (1) a Settembre, una (1) ad Ottobre, sei (6) a Novembre e quattro (4) a Dicembre, totale: 12. Ora... 12 diviso 709 dà 0,0169, che in percentuale è pari all'1,69%, ovvero rappresenta la probabilità che si verifichino conditions for the formation of contrails on any day around noon. This means that in 122 days considered, would have to be contrails in only two (2) days. Instead it has been documented twenty-two (22). And finally ... a small gem. If the probability of contrails in a day in case 1, 69% what is the probability of having two days in a row? The answer is

0.03% (0.0169 x0, 0169), namely one in 3333.

And what is at this point, the probability of having even four (4) consecutive days?

Incredibile ma vero...

La risposta è 0,000008% ovverosia una su 12.258.947 .

Per la lettura dei radiosondaggi:

Riassumendo ...

Le probabilità che si verifichino gli eventi descritti e documentati nelle righe precedenti sono le seguenti:

Posto che...

1. le scie di condensa si formano quando la temperatura è inferiore ai -40° e l'umidità relativa more than 70%
2. the frequency with which these conditions were observed by radiosonde was during the period under consideration, of ' 1.69%, ie a on about 59, and that this figure is taken as indicative of the likelihood of the phenomenon.

Then we have that ...

For sequences: ___________________________________________

We had three sequences of consecutive days where the trails have appeared: a sequence of two days, a 3 and a 4. The probability that such an event occurring is given by the following general formula:

sequence n times in days k = pn * (1-p) * kn (k-n +1)

(p raised to the n) * [(1-p) to high (kn)] * (k-n +1)

Chance of a sequence of 2 in 122 days = S2
Chance of a sequence of 3 in 122 days = S3
Chance of a sequence of 4 in 122 days = S4

S2 = (0.0169) 2 * (0.9831) 120 * 121 = .0045 = 1 / 222 = 0.44%

S3 = (0.0169) 3 * (0.9831) 119 * 120 = 0.0007 = 1/1.429 = 0.007%

S4 = (0.0169) 4 * (0.9831) * 119 = 118 = 0.000001 1/100.000 = 0.0001%

The overall probability that all three of the events in the period in question is this:

Total Chance = S2 * S3 * S4 = = 0.0000000000315 1/31.746.031.746

worry you got it, the probability is about .... Trentunomiliardisettecentoquarantaseimilionitrentunomilasettecentoquarantasei !!!!!

contrails have been documented for 22 days on 122 around noon and the probability of formation of these 22 "contrails noon" is given by the following general formula:

combinations of n times in days k = pn * (1 -p) kn * Ck, n

(p raised to the n) * [(1-p) to high (kn)] * 122 combinations of elements in groups of 22

(0.0169) 22 * \u200b\u200b( 0.9831) 100 * C122, 0.000000000000000667 = 22 = =

... one in a million and a half billion .

And under this avalanche of numbers is finally buried the buffalo to the effect that what we see are merely contrails.

Someone probably will try to challenge the core of all this reasoning and that the value of the probability of the formation of contrails, which here was set at 1, 69%. Personally I think it is overstated, but even though it is not, even if continuing with the analysis of soundings turns out that the frequency was searched, say, 3 or 4 or 5%, there would ugualmente a risultati assurdi come quelli presentati qui.
Per avere 22 casi su 122 giorni la probabilità avrebbe dovuto essere attorno al 15-20%, cosa questa lontana anni, anzi millenni-luce dalla realtà.


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