Saturday, October 10, 2009

كرتون Dora,bos

The not so secret ingredient: 450 StadiS

The not-so-secret ingredient: 450 StadiS (dinonylnaphthalene sulfonic acid, barium salt)
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The most common fuel used for commercial aircraft today are known as Jet-A , Jet-A1 and Jet-B . All of these are kerosene-based fuels, except Jet-B, which is a mixture of kerosene and fuel oil for colder climates. Jet-A is used all over the world, while Jet-A1 is only available in the United States. The U.S. military uses a particular fuel-based kerosene, the JP-8 which is similar to Jet-A1 .

Some chemical additives are used in these fuels, including corrosion inhibitors, stabilizers, temperature, moisture and heat sinks of static electricity. The heat sinks are of particular importance because of their metal content and are used in civil aviation and military . Octel Starreon StadiS is a sink that contains dinonylnapthalene sulfonic acid (The dinonylnaphthalene barium sulfonate is a compound rust. Resists abrasion and is stable under humid conditions, ndt) and other organic solvents, according to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet ) it contains two secret ingredients. StadiS 450 is the only fuel additive used in Air Force. The Dupont, the original producer, claims to have moved its production in September 1994 to Octel Starreon LLC, now a subsidiary of Innospec Fuel Specialties. L ' Innospec Fuel Specialties also produces a more static dissipator called statsafe . However, according to Exxon, the StadiS 450 continues to be the most widely used static sink from civil aviation and military.

Although the secret ingredients are very well protected by the manufacturer, a recent EPA study shows that these chemicals are the salts barium and / or calcium . The EPA classifies dinonylnaphthalene sulfonic acid, barium salt HPV as a chemical, that is imported or produced in the United States in quantities of one million pounds per year. The same study reports that, according to the results on the toxicity and dinonylnaphthalene sulfonic acid, barium salt in a particular, appears to be the most biologically active category.

E 'has been suggested that the aerosol jet is related to' seeding clouds, rainbows to the artificial, the dichromatic observed in so-called "persistent contrails". Although the "skeptics" denying the existence of "persistent contrails", the phenomenon is widespread throughout the world and commonly accepted among scientists of the atmosphere. The exact purpose of the aerosol è oggetto di un dibattito infinito, ma è stato dimostrato che l’albedo della terra è aumentato a causa della scie.

Durante i tre giorni dopo l’attacco dell’11 settembre del 2001, quando gli aerei rimasero a terra, negli Stati Uniti, David J. Travis ebbe un’opportunità unica di studiare gli effetti dell’aerosol atmosferico. Egli trovò significativi cambiamenti nella temperatura della superficie terrestre e presentò i suoi risultati alla società meteorologica statunitense.

Numerosi sono i sottoprodotti della combustione del kerosene e degli additivi, tra cui l’acqua, il biossido di carbonio, la fuliggine, l’acido solforico, l’ossido di sulfur, metal ions, although this list is not exhaustive. Carbon monoxide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are the result of incomplete combustion.

UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme ), not surprisingly, he mentions only in passing the metal particulate and provides no information on its role in the formation of aerosols.

If there is a phenomenon that indicates the presence of metals in the aerosol, this is the large number of rainbows produced by the wakes . Virtually unknown before 1990, these brilliant rainbows, sometimes called arcs circumorizzontali o, più comunemente, archi chimici, possono essere osservati regolarmente in concomitanza con le scie.

Secondo un brevetto appartenente alla Hughes Aircraft Company, volto alla dispersione di particolato metallico nella stratosfera , questo particolato può rimanere in sospensione per più di un anno. La Hughes aircraft , uno dei maggiori clienti della “Difesa statunitense”, ha stipulato contratti con la Boeing e la Raytheon , negli anni passati.

Estratto dal brevetto 5003186 degli Stati Uniti :

Il particolato può essere disperso da appositi aircraft; exemplary technique may be to scatter through the fuel . After the microscopic particles was released into the atmosphere, it can remain in suspension for more than a year .

To avoid value judgments, I do not affaticherò to point out that the horizon is now perpetually gray, especially around airports, at least since 1990, but it is clear that aerosols are dispersed metal and remain in suspension. While the regime media usually argue that it is unnecessary to establish the causes of climate change, hundreds of renowned scientists deny that warming is due to carbon dioxide. At least four of them testified that their belief in the U.S. Senate.

People with a critical mind should wonder whether with such flimsy evidence, the climate control is the real reason behind the loss of metal aerosols. A thick blanket of ten miles of metal aerosol can have, however, other uses of the military, particularly in the field of surveillance, driving distance of missiles and drones in the transmission of radar signals and radio frequency weapons systems.

We thank Mr. X for the valuable signaling.

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3. GRID-Arendal in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
9. AEF Fuels Management Pocket Guide [pdf]. U.S. Air Force
10. High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program Test Plan and Data Review, Dinonylnaphthalene Category [pdf]
13. PermitApplicationReports200808-Marathon_Stadis_450.pdf
14. Hughes Aircraft Company
16. Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007
17. Exxon Mobil World Jet Fuel Specifications with Avgas Supplement
18. Octel 450 Starreon StadiS MSDS

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