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Chemtrails: a diagram of Appleman and the militarization of meteorology

Pubblichiamo un testo scritto dall’amico Corrado Penna, tratto dal documento " Meteorologi e ministri: le contraddizioni insanabili " . La prima parte verte sulle mistificazioni dei negazionisti che, per tentare di confutare le evidenze sulle chemtrails, si richiamano spesso agli studi di Appleman sulle scie di condensazione. Sono studi ormai obsoleti e reductive who do not take account of progress in aviation. The second part concerns the web of conspiracies, censorship, misinformation which meteorologists, as the colonel Constant De Simone and Guido Guidi more, are the undisputed protagonists.

What about this morbid affection for the Appleman chart in 1953? Based on this empirical plot made more than 60 years, after surveys relating to aircraft engines that used very different from modern ones, you want to interpret what is happening today, trying to demonstrate the possibility that the contrails are formed even under conditions of low relative humidity.

yet it is well known (as is also explained in the document denial of Mr. Randi analyzed in the second part of the article) that the formation of contrails depends greatly on the engine, the temperature at which it operates and the type of impurity ( agents as condensation nuclei) are released together with the products of combustion, which means that 60 years of progress and innovation in the field of engineering for aircraft are not a minor detail.

How is it then you rely on that diagram (in which sometimes there could be contrails with low relative humidity) and there is no reference, however, in more recent studies (and certainly more reliable) in which insists that the contrail is formed only when it comes to moisture saturation? In this respect, we can not cite a source suspected U.S. air force or a document of 1975 ( Aviation weather ) in which is stated verbatim in
page 144 as follows:

"The exhaust contrail is formed by the Additions to the atmosphere of Sufficient water vapor from aircraft exhaust gases to cause saturation or super-saturation of the air. Since heat is also added to the atmosphere in the wake on an aircraft, the addition of water vapor must be of such magnitude that it saturates or supersaturates the atmosphere in spite of the added heat”.


“La scia di condensa del vapore fuoriuscito dal motore si forma a causa dell'immissione nell'atmosfera di vapore acqueo aggiunto dai motori dell'aereo in quantità sufficiente da causare la saturazione o sovrassaturazione dell'aria. Dal momento che l'atmosfera è anche surriscaldata dal motore dell'aereo, il vapore aggiunto deve essere di tale entità da saturare o sovrassaturare l'atmosfera, nonostante tale calore aggiuntivo”.

Come si potrebbe arrivare the saturation vapor oversaturation starting from very low relative humidity?

Moreover a recent text of Meteorology describes the phenomenon in the same terms, without invoking all'obsoleto diagram Appleman:

"The release of exhaust gases in the atmosphere of air, full of steam and condensation nuclei water, determines the oversaturation of water vapor and the formation of contrails. Contrails are formed at heights where the air temperature is very low (below -40 ° C), with relative humidity of 60%. The trails may or may not last over time, depending on the stability of the air and the amount of vapor. "[Jerome Sansosti & Alfio Giuffrida - Manual of Meteorology, A guide to understanding the weather and climate in conjunction with the UAI (Union Astrofili Italian) - Publisher Gremese - 2006 - pag. 86]

Also interesting is the question (cited in Aviation Weather ) heat-engine aircraft heat the air, helping to inhibit the formation of contrails. As you can see by reading this document on the history of flight , in the late 40's retire the old internal combustion engines and began the era of turbo-jets, which is referred to as jet aircraft (or, with English terminology, jets), and, gradually progressing technology of metal alloys, we will release more and more refractory materials that allow heat to build more powerful engines: engines are developing more energy and more heat. The above-named

diagram Appleman is precisely in 1953 and, after 20 years of progress and changes in the motor, the U.S. aviation industry relies on many other tools to assess the formation of contrails, because the engines increasingly more and more powerful heat is heat added more acts to inhibit the phenomenon of the contrails (Not for nothing are formed when the outside temperature is much lower than zero degrees Celsius).

Interesting is also what is stated on the condensation nuclei released with the exhaust of the aircraft: as a rule the nuclei of aggregation are quite large:

" Recent experiments However, Have Revealed That May Be visible exhaust contrails prevented by adding very minute nuclei material (dust for example) to the exhaust. Condensation and sublimation On These smaller nuclei result in contrail particle too small to be visible .


" Recent experiments, however, revealed that the visible contrails can be avoided , adding tiny nuclei (dust for example) to what is emitted from the engine. The condensation and sublimation of these smaller nuclei produce condensation particles too small because the trail is visible .

This, in addition to confirming the importance of the engine type on the formation of contrails is reminiscent of the fact that the Air Force's interest to prevent the formation of contrails, because even with a plane concealing anti-radar systems would be visible in the eyes of an enemy, if you leave dietro una visibile scia di condensa. Mi chiedo allora: possibile che, a 30 anni di distanza dagli studi menzionati in un documento del 1975, l'aviazione militare non abbia già dotato i suoi apparecchi di tale tecnologia?

Se così fosse la probabilità che un velivolo militare generi una scie di condensa visibile sarebbe prossima allo zero, con buona pace di chi afferma che le scie rilasciate da formazioni di velivoli sono un fenomeno normale da attribuire ad aerei militari.

Ma torniamo alle cose dimostrabili con prove concrete, come alcuni video che qui di seguito riporto e che servono a rinforzare quanto già dimostrato nelle parti precedenti dell'articolo.

Questo è the video made (recently) an activist against the chemtrails in Florence, a town of the state of Oregon. The trajectories of these aircraft that seem to enjoy doing drawings of every shape in the sky, with plenty of trails that are close in on themselves, bring to mind the aforementioned claim of Colonel De Simone which I have already discussed at length in the first part:

"There are also points of reference on the ground over which the airways were also changes in direction at right angles. To an observer below the wakes appear to bend sharply. "

Explain, Mr. De Simone, how many flight paths pass over the city of Florence that form throughout the series Close up of right angles (!) so that they appear to an observer below (sic) so bent up to close on themselves? We are serious please: we know that the truth is otherwise, that they are chemtrails, or a deliberate plan of spraying chemical and biological agents and that she was involved (perhaps reluctantly, or so I hope) in this campaign of Holocaust denial propaganda.

One thing then we ask you, sir: this is the way that is authentic to the oath that he said many years ago, to defend their homeland? The country that has sworn to defend us, sir, and we do not feel protected by nothing to the hundreds of planes flying over our skies, releasing toxic compounds. Do you think it can really obey that oath at the same time and the orders it receives from the structure of which was found to be a part?

We can also imagine what arguments have convinced him to collaborate on this project many people who now seek to deny the evidence shown in this and other videos . Maybe they said that the Earth is very warming to the greenhouse effect of CO2 and that the only way to put a stop to this situation is that of geo-engineering, or reflective of the dispersion of particulate tutto intorno al pianeta, ma se si informa bene leggendo
questi articoli e guardando questo documentario si rende conto che si tratta di una patetica scusa: se c'è un "effetto serra", esso è artificialmente creato proprio dalla diffusione delle scie chimiche.

O forse le hanno detto che la dispersione del particolato metallico è indispensabile per mantenere una supremazia militare basata sull'impiego di sistemi di rilevazione radar tridimensionali ed armi al plasma ; una supremazia militare nei confronti di un ipotetico nemico che, però, adopera le stesse
scie chemical and the same technology on its territory, as it is easy to verify.

Or maybe they told her that biological agents are dispersed into the vaccines used to fight the spread of any pandemic, but if you read this well informed article on the pandemic and that the vaccines can also understand how these false arguments. The reality unfortunately is that the military system is a system of death, which
wars have been fought to kill millions of people and make huge profits in a few sharks.

Scie circolari fotografate in Francia ... corridoi aerei con 4 angoli retti? Irrorazione di composti chimici semmai!

In ogni caso, l'operazione scie chimiche è un'operazione segreta che si cerca di tenere nascosta alla popolazione. Di recente le irrorazioni
vengono intensificate nelle ore notturne oppure quando è disponibile una copertura nuvolosa dietro la quale gli aerei avvelenatori si nascondono alla vista (ma non certo all'udito). Davvero pensate che state collaborando ad un progetto segreto per il nostro bene che non ci può essere rivelato? Per favore, pensateci bene. Pensate davvero che si tratti di un progetto indispensabile per il bene comune, ma che occorra keep it secret to avoid being locked hysteria of the population or environmental organizations? Certainly environmental organizations, while being informed about chemtrails (of course we've thought for some time) have decided not to deal with, because their leaders have all been co-opted.

Maybe someone is persuaded that the transaction is essential to safeguard our health, maybe someone has been persuaded that it is an imperative to maintain a (poisonous) military superiority, pathetic excuses that do not bear comparison with reality, because, in addition to aerosol barium and aluminum, are of missing nanosensors whose distribution on civilian populations in times of peace can not be justified with any of the pathetic excuses that those responsible for the operation chemtrails may have provided to their subordinates.

But surely what is happening in our skies is highly immoral, because nobody can afford to decide on our behalf on matters relating to our health. Even if I believe in the bogeyman the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide , claim the same right to choose to suffer the heat, rather than being poisoned
metal come l'alluminio ed il bario che causano malattie neurodegenerative.

La prego, signor colonnello, non si renda complice di questo moderno genocidio: siamo noi la patria che deve difendere e non quei poteri occulti che la spingono a rilasciare certe ridicole affermazioni.

Se ancora le mancano le prove su quelli che sono realmente gli effetti dell'operazione scie chimiche, si guardi
questo video realizzato negli U.S.A., dove l'irrorazione chimico-biologica è iniziata verso il 1990. Apra gli occhi, signor colonnello, perché in questo mondo crudele chi inganna spesso è stato ingannato a sua volta. Apra il suo cuore, signor colonnello, si metta una mano on consciousness and be faithful to his country:

his country are we, 56 million Italian citizens!

Thanks friend Pirate Pantani to report the words "FAA - Aviation Weather 1975" .

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