Friday, February 11, 2011

Hide Certain Wall Post From A Friend

Next train: nothing

First Edition - book of reflections on Italy today
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There is something greater than the idea of \u200b\u200bcountry right in the mind of every one of us is the hope that it will actually be realized.

For a medium-interested foreign observer might be difficult to explain what Italy is producing as a political organization, judicial, what our country is proposing as values \u200b\u200band concept of development in general.
But many Italians are struggling to follow the line of government and the national political organization.
Data is increasingly alarming, the rumors become more concrete and are transformed, by the hour, in certainties. Certainties that were already horrified at the level of gossip, one can imagine when supported by substantial evidence.
You can no longer speak of consistency, of promises kept or not, equal rights, justice, but one big magnet around which everything revolves. Around which no one can help but be attracted and manipulated.
The signs were already there in previous years, as a dark power being perfezionamernto, a force that was gradually expanding.
First behind the scenes, then more and more into the open this "emerging disaster" has begun to understand, to let it leak out to his ability, his supremacy.
Berlusconi has grown, has strengthened, and every chasm that puts himself in front strengthens, making out a winner.
After so many scandals dealt with "quiet indifference" it seems that the President has not at all planning to give up his seat, and it is increasingly clear that its power, its strength in shaping everything in his favor.
The consensus, they say, have not fallen by much, it seems that this side of Berlusconi (assuming they have a better one) piaccia, faccia tendenza.
Ma poi credo debba venire una fase riflessiva: che tipo di persona può essere contenta di avere come rappresentante, come guida, una persona priva di valori e interesse per il prossimo come il nostro Premier?
Chi può essere così ottuso da non arrendersi nemmeno al cospetto della realtà, del nero su bianco?
Non basta parlare di altro o attaccare qualcuno per coprire la verità, i fatti.
Questo è quello che dovrebbe essere.
Forse, però, gli italiani preferiscono essere nutriti di degradate cronache mondane, piuttosto che di un pò di sana democrazia.

Tobia Alberti


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