Sunday, February 13, 2011

Want To Start Line Of Bathing Suits

If not now, when?

Italy is mobilized, the pink to the streets " I am a grandmother and sono qui, oggi, perchè mia nipote di 9 anni conosce la parola escort".

“Sono qui, oggi, per festeggiare le donne in modo positivo, per mostrare un’Italia che non si è assuefatta e che non ha voglia di stare sempre chiusa in casa, anestetizzata”.   
Queste le voci che giungono dalle piazze italiane, unite da un’idea, un concetto, un ideale: la libertà della donna, la sua dignità. Un’iniziativa per festeggiare Women scream of "If not now, when?", a non-political event that has been able to engage in a few hours, hundreds of Italian cities. 230 crowded the streets throughout the peninsula, including Milan 150 000 people, many Roma, Palermo 20000, 10000 Bari, Bergamo 1500, but it has landed boldly abroad in Paris, Jacarta in Tokyo, where a group of demonstrators protested in front of the Italian Cultural Institute of Bunka you cry! (Culture, in Japanese) Bunga bunga no!
In short, an event rather than a national, to witness the solidarity of women. Just as less positive element, the "popularity" Berlusconi, the level of diffusion of degraded society news of which the Premier is a growing parade.

The squares are already filled by early afternoon, hundreds of people gather, celebrate, protest, realizing their potential.
"Resign, resign" screams the crowd in the streets.

"Why is he here now?" - "Why is it fair, because we have reached a point that you can not pretend nothing happened."
"To my nephew, I explained that we are here for a better future ..."
Women, also accompanied by a good representation of men complain of being "too often forced to choose between body and mind, when freedom is in having both, together ...." And men are not certain to observe, but participate actively "We're not moralists (as they accuse the politicians of the center-right) that we have observed the rules!"
Meanwhile, the clock advances, Piazza del Popolo in Rome a virtually full listen action on stage.
Then silence fell.

They are 14.45, is a minute and a half square that is silent, waiting. The banners are stopped, the sun lights up the happy faces of people: men, women, children, waiting for something, someone ...
Then a voice rises from the stage: "If not now, when?" and a roar echoes from the square, unison, sincere , high in the sky: "Now!"
The music, dancing all the Italian squares are filled with joy. This mobilization has stirred something has inspired a collective consciousness first in the shade, giving luc ee voice the concerns of all, what each of us kept hidden even knowing it was good, just and above all worthy.
the Flow abbracci, i sorrisi, la vita.
Il palco è gremito di ragazze danzanti.
Poi la musica sfuma, e qualcuno sale al microfono.
Parla Ilaria Ravarin, membra del comitato organizzatore; racconta come nei primi due giorni siano arrivate al loro indirizzo più di 4.000 mail e come se le siano divise 500 a testa, come la prima fosse stata scritta da un uomo e l’ultima da una donna. 
Organizzando l’evento ci siamo accorte di fare politica: “per me è stata una scoperta, non avevo mai pensato che la politica potesse essere così… bella, utile, civile, pulita, persino divertente… a misura di donne”.
In seguito è la volta di Francesca Izzio, sale sul palco ed inizia a parlare, emozionata, commossa: “c’è una straordinaria riserva di intelligenza che non vogliamo sia tenuta ai margini da chi detiene le leve del comando politico, economico e mediatico” annuncia con voce incrinata, colma di sentimento, ma anche consapevole dell’importanza delle proprie parole, così come di quelle di tutti coloro che erano lì ad ascoltare, rapiti.  

Sono ormai le 17 passate quando la piazza si inizia a svuotare, quando la gente un po’ stanca e un po felice si appresta a tornare a casa, alla vita di tutti i giorni. 
The sun will set on this day also, but everyone is now aware that he had put a stone on which you can build something important, something fair, constructive, even futuristic. All things in Italy, today, we struggle to remember, to revive a recent dreary experience, gray, inhuman.
The appointment is then for the next 8 March, verification and next stage of a journey that you want propose to continue, grow and achieve, finally, as hoped for, longed for, as he would always be the responsibility of law, constitution in hand.

Tobia Alberti


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