Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Squirt A Woman

Your efforts are my

My Lord, I have so much in spite rendere pubblica questa lettera che già, nel momento stesso in cui Vi perviene, sono fuggita via dove il boschetto si fa più ombroso, e dove il mughetto s’appresta a fiorire, a spandere il suo profumo tra rovi ancora anneriti dal gelo dell’inverno.

Senza rimorsi, nondimeno, io Vi invito ad apprendere questo mio nome. Cerva di Lost Eden.

Prima che possiate delineare la Vostra impressione su di me, prima che Vi risolviate a giudicare la mia imprudenza, Vi invito a scorgere oltre queste mie righe audaci.
Leggete, Ve ne prego, “tutte” le pagine di questo diario, dalla prima all’ultima, e non a ritroso.

Lo scorrere del tempo e l’evolversi degli accadimenti Lost Eden took the deer, my dear Lord, and perhaps will be able to clarify better what I'm actually offering you.

You told me, Lord, that there was difficult to imagine my neck reddened by the caress of a halter. It 's true, because I will dress with such levity that it m'arreca no suffering.
opening yourselves all my inner nature, reveals to you but the quality of my promise. I v'appartengo.

Certainly, my Lord, I know you at all, but I believe in And if Vol credulity to succumb to the disappointment of being rejected or betrayed, well there will be no other liability that my inability to have you really interested.

have a chance to believe in me, Lord. Take time to read, even on the surface, some pages of my diary.

I am convinced. There will be more difficult to understand what I told you the other night: obedience to me is a virtue.

If you do not you miss that, for several months now, I have lived in relative freedom, suspending the exercise of this virtue. However, no corrupt me in care to fulfill the need for absolute lordship.

I promised to meet them and renew now vote.

You are free, of course, not volerVi benefit me, my purpose if this represented some hindrance to your business.

know, however, recognize your rights. Also know that you are now bound, which is addressed to you my every act. I will be grateful if you enjoy this pure momentum, the lack of calculation, the strangeness to subterfuge for interest.

La Cerva Lost Eden Now I belong, according to its Statute, and up to date. It is committed to serve you as soon as you deign to accept his humble offering, and the title of Lord worked.


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