Saturday, February 5, 2011

How Much Do I Get For Milk Cartons

Napolitano, no to federalism!

The full text of the letter through which the President has rejected the decree on municipal federalism, which was approved on February 3 by the Council of Ministers extraordinary evening, convened after the stop in the order received in the Bicameral Committee.

"I was foretold sending, for the purposes of adoption under Article 87 of the Constitution, the text of the Decree on municipal fiscal federalism, finally adopted by the Council of Ministers at its meeting last night, as is evident from the statement.
outset that I have not met the conditions required to proceed with the adoption, by failing to clearly improved the process for which the delegation provided for in Article 2., Sections 3 and 4 of Law No. 42 of 2009: they are therefore forced to stop receiving the decree approved by the Government to guarantee the legitimacy a measure of great importance.
In fact I understand that the text is different from that originally approved by the Government and submitted to the Joint Conference Rooms and under and for the purposes of the provisions mentioned and is identical to the proposed favorable conditions formulated by the President of the Bicameral Commission: proposal was refused by the Commission under the rules established by the parliamentary rules on when a proposal is a tie and records of the same Article. 7, paragraph 1, of the Commission's Rules of bicameral. Neither that ruling obviously can be assimilated to a lack of opinion. On that the text of the House Budget Committee ha successivamente deliberato all'unanimità di non esprimersi proprio perché lo ha considerato "superato" per gli stessi motivi. Infine il Governo deve ottemperare all'obbligo previsto dall'ultimo periodo del comma 4 dell'art. 2 della legge delega di esporre sia alle Camere sia alla Conferenza unificata le ragioni per le quali ha ritenuto di procedere in difformità dai suindicati orientamenti parlamentari e senza aver conseguito l'intesa nella stessa Conferenza, come risulta dal verbale in data 28 ottobre 2010.
Tanto premesso sul piano strettamente procedimentale, sento il dovere di richiamare l'attenzione del Governo sulla necessità di un pieno coinvolgimento del Parlamento, delle Regioni e degli Enti locali nel complesso procedimento di attuazione fiscal federalism. The importance and delicacy of the consequences that will result from the use of public resources and in particular on the final status of autonomy system set by the new Title V ° of the Constitution in fact suggests a climate of widely shared, as has occurred in the rest On approval of Law 42 of 2009 and the adoption of the three previous decrees. And what I was able to act in public several times, considering the most appropriate and useful for the implementation of such a major constitutional reform. If in this case there was substantial share on the floor, more than is necessary to avoid a break even on the procedural, for violation of specific provisions of the law.
Nor can I fail to mention that is not conducive to a good functioning of institutional relations to convene a special cabinet meeting without setting the agenda and without having first informed the President of the Republic, let alone to proceed with the request for consultation sull'intendimento ' Final approval of the decree.
I am sure she will understand the spirit of my observations and these considerations "

(Taken from: The Daily Week )


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