Thursday, February 24, 2011

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return to nuclear power? No to the spot!

Advertising on nuclear is "pretending" to neutral has been banned from TV because it "can lead to mislead consumers by omission, ambiguity and exaggerations."
No One small step towards the return of power?

The spot falsely neutral nuclear Chicco Testa is misleading and therefore can not go on the air. The Institute dell'Autodisciplina ad said that the advertising of Nuclear Forum Italian is not complying with Articles 2 and 46 of the Code of Conduct communication and, therefore, ordered the termination, because it is false advertising. The Jury has therefore ordered a halt to the spot And you're for or against nuclear power or you do not have a position? " as "not consistent with Article 2. of the Code of Communication Commercial ". Which reads: "Commercial communications must avoid any statement or representation which is likely to mislead consumers, even by omission, ambiguity or exaggeration not obviously hyperbole, especially with regard to the characteristics and effects of the product, money, gratuity, the conditions of sale, distribution, the identity of the persons represented, prizes or awards.

(Source: The Blog Yerli - A small victory, good news - February 23, 2011 )


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