Monday, March 14, 2011

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Sad similarities

that despite the cultural distance, a colonel and a knight can, in fact, be similar.
and frightening "close" .. Alessandro Robecchi on the manifest.

The poster, thanks to a daring intelligence operation, is able to reveal the details of the last hours of Muammar Gaddafi.

Friday, 14 hours - Meeting in the barracks in Tripoli. Present the lawyer El-Ghedin e il ministro della giustizia Al-Fanh, si studiano soluzioni all’emergenza per salvare il Colonnello. Il ciambellano Gian-Al-Lettah serve il thé e consiglia moderazione.

Venerdì, ore 16.30 – Videomessaggio del Colonnello ai promotori della Jamahiriya, un duro attacco ai giudici di Bengasi e la promessa di cambiare la Costituzione. Il principale telegiornale libico, diretto da El-Minzolinh, manda il messaggio in edizione inegrale.

Venerdì, ore 20 – Nomina del consigliere di corte Julian-El-Ferrar a commentatore unico in un programma dopo il telegiornale di El-Minzolinh. Dovrà sostenere le ragioni dell’aviazione Libyan tribes against the Puritans and discredit the courts of Benghazi.

Friday, 22 hours - Evening informal and belly dancing with Nicol-Minh-Etti. Ceremony of the envelopes, the grandson of Bokassa receives two oil fields, the other only six camels.

Saturday, 11 am - New meeting with Al-and El-Fanh Gedina. You try the way of short limitation to the airport. The chamberlain Gian-Al-Lettah cleans the floor and advised moderation.

Saturday, 13 hours - Meeting with the mercenaries hired by the resistance. Scilla-present Ipot AST El-Guzzanti. The comedian talks about his Bar-Baresch theatrical experience and his success as an intellectual. The Colonel is very fun and throwing chicken bones.

Saturday, 19.30 - Al-El-Colonel Sallust leads to old pictures of thirty years ago in which the insurgents in Benghazi kissing her boyfriend. Al-Brachinh shows a rebel with the blue socks. Chamberlain Gian-Al-Lettah drying clothes and recommends moderation.

Saturday, 23 hours - The Colonel brings the children and congratulated for the excellent financial results achieved by its companies.

(Source: The poster - The last hours of Saddam - Alessandro Robecchi - February 27, 2011 )

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Japan, nuclear nightmare and endless victims

The aftershocks are continuing, the reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power plant are getting closer to collapse. Despite all the rescue continues, but the budget becomes black by the hour.

Report of the first explosion and growing alarm:

Fukushima, one of the safest plants in the world:

The Japanese Fukushima-1 nuclear power station, which at this time the world is holding its breath following the disastrous earthquake of 11 March, is one of the 25 more nuclear plants the way, designed by General Electric, and is (or was) considered one of the structures of its kind among the safest in existence. It 's a term now in its operational life, being now in operation for forty years: built in the late sixties, went into operation in 1971, and was to be decommissioned this year. Power stations of this kind, particularly those built in Giappone, territorio com'è noto fra quelli a maggiore rischio sismico, sono progettati per resistere a tutta una serie di catastrofi naturali o originate dall'uomo: dai terremoti alle bombe atomiche. Di fatto, nella centrale di Fukushima, la protezione principale dell'impianto, ovvero la grande gabbia di cemento armato che circonda il nucleo attivo, dove avviene la reazione nucleare che genera calore grazie alla radioattività delle barre di uranio, sembra abbia resistito. Ciò che è venuto meno sono le strutture accessorie, in particolare i circuiti di raffreddamento, formati da tubi in cui vengono fatte circolare sostanze (come il sodio) che assorbono il calore in eccesso. Questi impianti sono azionati da complessi sistemi di pompaggio that ensure the circulation and cooling fluid temperature controller. The earthquake, apparently blew the electrical power of the pumps, and coolant started to heat up over the allowed limit.
This type of incident widely expected, and there are safety procedures to prevent damage to the cooling system. In the case of Fukushima, apparently, the damage was so serious as to put out the systems of support. The Japanese authorities have made to flow on-site generators and batteries to ensure the autonomous power of the pumps, but this was not enough and it is determined an explosion in the cooling circuits, presumably caused by high pressure in the pipes caused by excess heat.
Nipponese authorities have also taken the measure, certainly extreme, to dispel the atmosphere of the superheated steam to cause a decrease in pressure. The condition has caused an increase in radioactivity in the environment within a radius of several kilometers around the reactor. The population was evicted from an area of \u200b\u200btwenty miles and instructions were issued to prevent damage from contamination (close to home, turn off air conditioners, breathe through a mask, etc.).. This, waiting for the winds dispersed the radioactive gas. The figures for alla contaminazione ambientale sono contraddittorie, e le autorità hanno invitato alla calma ma, comunque sia, si tratta di una situazione non certo tranquillizzante.
I timori principali sono quelli legati alla cosiddetta "fusione del nocciolo". Il nucleo di un reattore nucleare è costituito da un contenitore all'interno del quale vengono calate da impianti automatici delle barre di uranio che, grazie alla radioattività, generano calore utilizzato per azionare le turbine dell'impianto di generazione elettrica. Nel nocciolo la reazione è "controllata" perché le sbarre possono essere estratte se necessario, e fra di loro possono essere inseriti schermi di sostanze che bloccano la diffusione radioattiva. Tuttavia, if the temperature rises too high, the heart eventually merge into a single block of metal with highly radioactive, the point of being inaccessible and not negotiable. The only measure, then, is to bury the entire property under a "sarcophagus" of concrete and close access to the area around it. This, while those due to natural radiation are exhausted: this may take a period of time (depending on the used nuclear fuel) ranges from decades to centuries to millennia.

(Source: Virgilio news - # # Japan / Fukushima was one of the central "safest" to Board - March 14, 2011 )

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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freedom and freedom of choice

Open Letter to Mr. Silvio Riva in Varese News.
The difference between freedom and freedom of choice itself, two factors that the propaganda of Premier Berlusconi aims to unite, turning in their favor.

Dear Sir,

freedom and freedom of choice are two different things. Berlusconi Instead, merges and identifies: "Freedom is not being forced to send i figli in una scuola di Stato”.

Trascegliere tra decine di scuole; dividere i bambini fin da piccoli in base all’ideologia dei genitori; far alzare presto i figli alla mattina e portarli in macchina anche per decine di chilometri alla scuola prescelta; pretendere per i propri rampolli una scuola super: questa è la libertà di scelta.
Avere a disposizione vicino a casa una delle vecchie scuole statali, di un livello normale, non necessariamente super, e mandarvi i propri figli assieme a quelli dei vicini: questa è la libertà.
Da scolaro e da studente io sono stato molto libero. Da insegnante ho cercato di fare del mio meglio per rendere liberi i miei allievi.

Trascegliere Dozens of mineral water in plastic bottles, transported on trucks to tens of kilometers; load in the car and take them home, to tickle the taste buds the way you want: this is freedom of choice.
be able to turn on the tap and drink water good: this is freedom.
(Varese We Bevera let's keep the dear, if we want to be free!)

Place "freely" within its territory; choose to turn the last fields and woods in building area, Including cement, tarpaulins, ensure that each municipality "freedom" "enhancing" their land (those are free to Portofino Portofino loot, those of Varese Varese are free to plunder, etc..): this is freedom of choice.
repress our greed and retain the remaining greenery in a way which could also enjoy our children this is freedom.
(Varese We Bevera let's keep the dear, if we want to be free!)

Who can find other examples?
I've heard a better definition of freedom: freedom is the faculty that has to be to adapt its internal law. Will not therefore, but rather adaptation to deepest self, without external constraints (made by force or by propaganda) or internal (our whims).

La libertà di scelta è un falso valore? Libertà e libertà di scelta sono compatibili? I liberali, liberisti, libertari e libertini sono liberi?
Se non torniamo a idee e stili di vita più sobri, togliere di mezzo questo Berlusconi non serve a niente: ne inventeremo subito un altro.

Distinti saluti.

Silvio Riva - Cantello

(Fonte: Varese News - Libertà di scelta e libertà, punto - 27 feb 2011 )

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Japan sinks

Una reazione a catena terremoto-tsunami mette in ginocchio il Giappone. Le onde distruggono tutto quello che trovano, portando in giro case, automobili, fabbriche, sommergendo persone. Si contano 1800 morti e decine di migliaia di dispersi: è la più grande catastrofe nella storia del Giappone. Intanto le scosse continuano.. Guarda il Video

Sono le 14.46 ora locale, le 6.46 ora italiana.
Il Giappone trema, 400 secondi di terrore, 9 gradi sulla scala Richter.
E' tragedia: gli abitanti scappano, gridano, vengono inghiottiti dalla terra; le fabbriche si incendiano, un clima irreale, da fine del mondo.
I terremoti, dopo una prima scossa, si ripetono: e allora anche il mare si rivolta.
Uno tsunami con onde di 10 m di altezza e un fronte di parecchie centinaia di chilometri travolge la regione del Sendai, nel nord del Paese.
Le case, strappate dalle fondamenta, vengono trascinate per centinaia di metri, fiumi di fango travolgono auto, uomini, coltivazioni..
"Quelle onde che arrivano da lontano e ti lasciano solo il tempo di trattenere il fiato e vedere l'inverosimile" scrive Antonella su .
"La terra fa a pezzi temples and towers, the fires burn things and looks. "
A stain slow, dark, expands and overwhelms everything, campaigns, neighborhood ..
Ships fleet as crazy stir against each other, people crying, some relief is in motion.
It is now evening, only the fire light up the sky, the beaches are full of algae, waste and dead bodies, hundreds of corpses.
Until now, the estimates are tens of thousands even higher numbers of casualties and missing, the numbers are bound to rise.
Alarm rebounds for the Pacific, arriving to the shores of Hawaii and California, the Earth's axis is moved 10 cm.
E ' the largest natural disaster in the history of Japan, everything is paralyzed, the airport in Tokyo is submerged, the survivors waving the waving from their huts to be seen, to get help.
A ship with 100 passengers was swallowed, have lost track of four trains, vanished, devoured by a force which is impossible to oppose, a disaster that goes beyond any rational conception of an emergency. The
Fukushima Nuclear Power Station is on alert. After an explosion that caused injuries to some employees feared for the integrity of the nucleus: there is a risk that should be cast.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan is è espresso affermando che è un "disastro nazionale senza precedenti."
Così le catastrofi naturali, nonostante le tecnologie per prevenirle e combatterle continuino ad evolvere ci rendono ancora impotenti.
L'uomo anni ed anni dopo altre devastanti catastrofi ha lo stesso timore, la stessa misera impotenza.
Oggi appena accade le immagini fanno il giro del mondo, per il resto è esattamente come una volta, bisogna ammetterlo.

Tobia Alberti

Video of a disaster:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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A Magic Flute "by" Peter Brook

A unique, characterized by a simplicity and comprehensiveness that leave amazed and pleasantly surprised. An opera review the key play by Peter Brook, which exalts man as the man who is reduced to the essential character of a scene, but full of poetry and communication.

Simple, linear. A plot thin, but otherwise, to hold a work reduced to a minimum but still full of ideas, situations, full of emotions, feelings and communication with the public.
"What is this Magic Flute?" Asks Sergio Escobar, director of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano.
"Opera? Certainly not. Musical theater? Maybe. Theater? Certainly. "
simply intended as a" force of light to get straight to the heart of emotions to restore meaning to the words and notes. "A" see the world through the eyes of a child and the responsibilities of an adult. "
" How much work in removing " continua Sergio Escobar, “per raggiungere quell’essenzialità che coincide con la bellezza assoluta. Quanto è necessario restituire “senso” al teatro, un senso che si traduca nella capacità di restituire la centralità dell’uomo, di riscattarlo dalla solitudine cui lo condanna una rappresentazione morta, gelida di uno schermo che duplica, nasconde la realtà, sottraendole la vita.”
Anche la scenografia rispecchia questi concetti: il palco vuoto è unicamente arricchito dagli attori e da una serie di canne di bambù, installate su piedistalli in ferro.
Queste aste venivano “modellate”, direttamente in scena, dagli attori a seconda delle situazioni that were created.
The light is also reduced to a minimum, in tones that reflect the feelings much of the work, what the characters felt at that moment.
many magazines and cut from the original, this Magic Flute "by" Peter Brook, still retains a lyrical part, the foundation of the original, reducing it to piano and voice and projecting it longer in the key stage, with a setting that leaves completely the epic feature of classical works.
The colorful and warm French language, mother tongue of the company, then creates a kind of dissonance with the trills in German.
After an initial introduction and key to the plot of the story, is introduced gradually and in a masterly way, a certain irony, especially in bloom Papageno, which lifts the light "lethargy" of the earlier scenes.
From here on is a kind of escalation of wealth, a spectacle that takes more lives, is complicated, is more serious but at the same time, more light and pleasant, with bits of comedy and ironic humor.
The setting, the dialogues and the ease with which the whole performance was carried out, certainly makes it easier for the viewer an understanding of the whole, a vision and sliding smoothly slowing down in the final. The falling of the bamboo poles: it is the pinnacle.
Moments of stillness, as if to fix the image in your mind and then rolling back the label of the show from the beginning.
actors loose, with coordinated movements, constant, almost meandering pop up auctions, arranging them in rows side.
Close the fifth, darkness falls.
few seconds and turn on the lights in the room, it's still clear the memory of the scene, color, warmth and simplicity by which marriage can lead to a smile, a beautiful conclusion to a play.

"There is only one significant difference between cinema and theater, "says Peter Brook in his book," The cinema shows screen images of the past. Because this is what makes our mind with itself throughout the course of life, the cinema seems intimately true. [...]
Theatre for its part, is emerging in the present. This is what can make it more real than the normal Stream of consciousness. [...] The theater is the arena in which a comparison may be made alive. "
" What is going to work adjusting the Schikaneder libretto and music? "David Sanson asked in an interview before the onset representation.
“Liberamente!” rispondeva sicuro Peter Brook. “[…] l’immagine che ci viene dal passato e l’aspettativa che pesa sull’opera (lirica tradizionale) condizionano fortemente il tutto. L’idea di questo Flauto è far si che gli attori procedano in modo naturale, vivo e sentito, senza l’imposizione di proiezioni. […] Cominciamo a lavorare senza alcun elemento scenico, partendo dalla musica e domandandoci come riuscire a trasmetterla senza subire il peso, il risvolto solenne di una grande opera, […] con questa grande intuizione,ossia che nella musica di Mozart non si tratta di nascondere o di attualizzare, ma di far apparire…”
These are the reflections of the great director, who then continued in an interview by Art, at the debut of a magic flute, in November 2010: "Today we try to explain everything, to clarify everything, and yet the strength of what we call poetry, the energy of what we call music, is that they go beyond that limit, because they start at that moment beyond which rational explanation can not proceed. "
" What is culture, what is the theater? "says Sergio Escobar. "The theater does not" need "is civilization, is shared humanity.
The theater of Peter Brook this. "

Tobia Alberti

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Mother of pearl and light fire

until yesterday I indulged in feel free, all natural and, ultimately, its a beast . Every time I walked into one of the rooms of his home, holding him very clear, waiting for his words: naked before me, now - uncertain if the tone of his eighth there was gracefully or intransigence.

With reverence then dropped the garments of the maid of honor. I was then ready. Squinting his eyes feel better investigated. Say the rhythm of my breath, so that by the graces of the body effluisse the full gift of myself, suspended, attracted, malleable and excited, both by his caresses from her lashes.

And as I stripped my clothes so his order, to revere him and wish him farewell in a peaceful and good night. In fact, I never shared his bed, his sleeping and never rested the edge of his dream. Flower back to my fence and there, I went to bed on the bare earth, gathering as a sunflower in the starlight.

The nakedness of a woman next to a man (rich) clothing is a fresco painting from yesterday that gives color to his new home.

not force him to call me more, more discreet and yet still, however, resented having to make mention of what is expected of me. From now on only dress and decorum of my figure will the reflection of red, orange, yellow or white, that of fire and light on my skin.

no more veils, barefoot, covered only my jewels, scented with naked youth, my Lord, I will cheer with this unique adornment.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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return to nuclear power? No to the spot!

Advertising on nuclear is "pretending" to neutral has been banned from TV because it "can lead to mislead consumers by omission, ambiguity and exaggerations."
No One small step towards the return of power?

The spot falsely neutral nuclear Chicco Testa is misleading and therefore can not go on the air. The Institute dell'Autodisciplina ad said that the advertising of Nuclear Forum Italian is not complying with Articles 2 and 46 of the Code of Conduct communication and, therefore, ordered the termination, because it is false advertising. The Jury has therefore ordered a halt to the spot And you're for or against nuclear power or you do not have a position? " as "not consistent with Article 2. of the Code of Communication Commercial ". Which reads: "Commercial communications must avoid any statement or representation which is likely to mislead consumers, even by omission, ambiguity or exaggeration not obviously hyperbole, especially with regard to the characteristics and effects of the product, money, gratuity, the conditions of sale, distribution, the identity of the persons represented, prizes or awards.

(Source: The Blog Yerli - A small victory, good news - February 23, 2011 )

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Libya: Gaddafi

view from Libya them (Africa and the Maghreb )

The wind of revolt will continue to blow on Libya. The protests, which had gained momentum Monday, were severely repressed by the regime, which has resorted to the use of helicopters and combat aircraft.
At least 63 people have died in clashes with security forces in Tripoli.
In protest against violence carried out against the protesters, the ministers of justice and security have resigned. Despite

la violenta repressione, i manifestanti non si arrendono. Lunedì hanno nuovamente invaso le strade per protestare contro il regime del colonnello Muammar Gheddafi, al potere da 42 anni.
Per porre fine alla rivolta, secondo la televisione Al-Jazeera, le autorità libiche avrebbero anche fatto uso dell'aviazione per sparare sulla folla.
"Quello a cui stiamo assistendo oggi è inimmaginabile. Aerei ed elicotteri dell'aeronautica bombardano ciecamente un quartiere dopo l'altro. Ci sono molti morti ", ha detto ad Al-Jazeera un abitante di Tripoli. Alla domanda se i bombardamenti stavano continuando, ha risposto: "Continuano, continuano. Prendono di mira qualsiasi cosa si muova."

Secondo alcuni testimoni contattati dall'AFP (l'Agenzia di Stampa Francese) a Tripoli, le sedi di una televisione pubblica e di una radio sono stati saccheggiati dai manifestanti. Stazioni di polizia, comitati rivoluzionari locali, la "Sala del Popolo", dove avvengono le riunioni ufficiali, così come l'edificio che ospita il Ministero degli Interni sono stati bruciati. E, secondo i rapporti raccolti dalla Federazione Internazionale dei Diritti dell'Uomo (FIDH), il campo di Bab el-Azizia, che ospita il leader libico, sarebbe stato attaccato nella notte tra domenica e lunedì.

Lunedì anche le comunicazioni telefoniche e l'accesso a Internet erano molto disturbati.

I Ministri Justice, Mustafa Mohamed Aboud Al Djelei, and security have resigned from office, denouncing an "excessive use of violence against demonstrators," the newspaper said Libya Kourin. Many cities, like Benghazi (East), would fall into the hands of the protesters because of defections in the army. According to the FIDH, "some Army troops are mobilizing in support of the revolt against Mu'ammar Gaddafi.

The death toll has risen. According to Al-Jazeera channel, 63 people have died Monday in Tripoli, the Libyan capital, in clashes between demonstrators and police. According to the Defense of Human Rights, Human Rights Watch, the beginning of the mobilization repression avrebbe fatto almeno 233 morti, dei quali 60 solo domenica. La FIDH parla di 300-400 vittime.

Di fronte alla crisi, domenica il regime è uscito per la prima volta dal silenzio, a parlare è Seif Al-Islam, uno dei figli di Mu'ammar Gheddafi.
In un discorso televisivo, ha urlato al complotto straniero contro la Libia, affermando che le valutazioni date dai media stranieri “sono molto esagerate." Secondo lui la popolazione deve scegliere di costruire una "nuova Libia” o immergersi nella "guerra civile".

"Distruggeremo i focolai della rivolta", ha rilanciato, promettendo leggi liberali e una nuova costituzione. L'esercito avrà ora un ruolo essenziale per imporre la sicurezza. Libya is at a crossroads. Or you can reach agreement on new reforms today, or tomorrow, do not cry 84 deaths but thousands, and there will be bloodshed all over Libya. "He said.

Violence condemned by the international community

The international community has not remained impassive in the face of this situation. The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who spoke Monday with the Libyan leader, has called for an end to the violence. The U.S. president, Barack Obama urged the regime of Mu'ammar Gaddafi not to use force against the demonstrations.
France also Monday he called to the 'immediate cessation of violence "in the face of heavy repression of these days, even asking the Libyan authorities to" respect the right to peaceful protest and freedom of expression and communication. "

During a meeting held Monday in Brussels, the European Union condemned "the repression against the protesters," calling on Colonel Gaddafi to respond to the aspirations "legitimate" of his people and to stop the bloody repression of demonstrations square. Similarly, the Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said that "Canada strongly condemns the violent repression in Libya, where power is exercised come forza mortale contro manifestanti innocenti".
Di fronte alla crescente insicurezza, lunedì il Portogallo ha inviato un aereo militare per rimpatriare i propri cittadini.
Senza menzionare ufficialmente l'evacuazione, il Segretario di Stato agli Affari europei, Laurent Wauquiez ha informato che Parigi incoraggerà i 750 francesi residenti in Libia a lasciare il paese. Anche Washington ha esortato il suo personale diplomatico "non essenziale" a rimpatriare.

uarto produttore di petrolio in Africa, con quasi 1,8 milioni di barili al giorno, la Libia conta molte compagnie petrolifere occidentali sul suo territorio.
La compagnia petrolifera britannica BP, che impiega 140 people, was the first to announce the return of his staff, "within a day or two," said a spokesman. Similarly, the Italian ENI, the first oil producing country, has decided to evacuate its staff "not essential" and their families. The group ensures that "at this moment, has not been reported any problem with the operating structures," and that "the production continues normally, without any effect on operations."

(Source: - Libye: La Boucherie - February 21, 2011 )

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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a slaughterhouse: "To the Death"

synthesis and the full video of the speech to Libya.
Mu'ammar Gaddafi lays bare: and it is horrible. Glacial words, concepts gruesome; dovebbero not even be conceived, that no sane mind could be translated into reality.
yet ...

The full speech:

Monday, February 21, 2011

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I did not expect to be called so early in the Throne Room, My Lord. did not think you still have full confidence in me. Thought to sense the reasons, of appearing too attentive to that person forms of self-importance and the choice of his words, when Meat you covet.

Favoritemi the vision of your behind, stripped
. So begins.
know, however, my Lord, that in the very moment when unfastened her skirt and pulled my underwear, already facing a large fire that was lit at the center of the ardor of the hall, just the one who until the day before yesterday was from my wife, I reached with his telepathic thought.

Some links, in fact, did not melt like ribbons in a corset, they know well to choose the right time to stretch your strings, calling to be present when you are not. This disturbance
I've omitted it, but love me for honesty in that moment tell her what I was going to do with you, and you, now that I narrated to her what only task for you.

idleness of my free time, want to dwell on details that the woman preferred not to know.

Giudicaste you that I was not a virgin. I myself do not remember even if I were, I told you, however, did not think of ever having been hitherto known significantly.

After what you made me suffer, however, I still remains, because in your basement practicing sexual harassment.
betrothed obedience, as well as assuming the nature of some of my perverted desires, I approached monster to which I have ordered to go.

E ' him a long foul ivory, obtained from the tusk of a narwhal or unicorn from the forehead of a finely machined, assembled within a framework where, in the apparent absence of pulleys, sprockets, gears or other rockers, but this offense is subject to a deep, brutal and absolute motion.

This device is much more predictable in its functions, the least expected is the sudden way by which you catch and possess.

all'apotema place of the frame, there was a pearl white, so white and bright that I instinctively reached out to pick it up.

Soon I was seized with a vertigo, a reversal of the limbs, body, everything. I was now chained, filthy, miserable. The foul ivory silenced me wonder struck by the violent, late in his work aroused the impotent conscience of my foolishness.

cried silently, humiliated and bleeding. Others did not know that repeat it, sir , while my wife laughed at me telepathically than late.

was you, Lord, who, however, I could not decipher at the time, in its details.
still I do not know which sia stato il vostro pensiero, quale la vostra eccitazione; non udii parole vostre che mi guidassero verso un nuovo sapere. Aumentarono invece le vostre pretese, questo rammento. Denudatevi, tutta .
Come posso, Signore? - volevo gridarvi.

Avevo le catene ai polsi, ero protesa in avanti, in ginocchio, le spalle dolenti per la trazione, le viscere roventi e l'orifizio reso folle dalla sodomitica vessazione di quel mostro.

L'obbedienza, mio Signore, è tuttavia una virtù, ed io vi ho obbedito. Mi sono denudata.

Ora, ingoiata quella prima madreperla, la Cerva di Lost Eden lo sa. D'ora innanzi altro non wants white pearls. Please, my Lord, will replace all those who are not white.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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humble longing

God, including evil (I told you) the reasons for which I guided them to the lake which, in the exuberant cast of the falls. I was shameless in undress and get into the water bubbling. My cheeks were red like the wreath of poppies at the banks. I kept wearing, lush, complete with black lace underwear.

There was a desire in you I detergessi stains and shadows of memories that still bind me to the past. But did not catch.

Night But I only give advice and when I wake up I fully understood what my modesty was wrong, but I still unworthy of me to be a servant.

The imperfect nakedness with which I believed I could have perhaps purify contaminated benevolence m'avete granted as yet. While you remained polite, indeed, have extended to me words that befit a lady. I do not deserve so much and I bow to you laurel, contrite in narrowness of my whole being.

I have also conducted to see the fruits of your hard work: the time of worship, hospitality, and the choir.
look carefully at the big pictures on the walls of the room, I was clear then, Lord, as I will have to please you. So then you make my Terga the altar for the features you love officiating. I will not oppose your right.

However, when you made me see the house of tolerance, a sense of loyalty to me has pervaded the soul. I fully grasped all the hard work and much money you have spent for comfort that alcove with delicate and enchanting atmosphere, but let me let you observe, you are missing the whole hand and eye of a woman. Do not ignore my observation.

Date comfortable to take on this chore for me to flourish and those rooms the scents that waft around a vision of pink mouth.

Behold, my Lord, let me call craftsmen and artists to ensure, under my direction, to restore the latrine especially plebeian, encrusted with filth, to make a throne of mosaic tissue, through which to get rid of too many human excrement and thoughts.
my Lord, great is your work and effort to take care of everything. Let me in the least responsible for providing nectar to every filth. Ponetemi kneeling to rub Pianca, to lick up mud to make all your glossy surface. The way of purity is not afraid of these humble needs.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Squirt A Woman

Your efforts are my

My Lord, I have so much in spite rendere pubblica questa lettera che già, nel momento stesso in cui Vi perviene, sono fuggita via dove il boschetto si fa più ombroso, e dove il mughetto s’appresta a fiorire, a spandere il suo profumo tra rovi ancora anneriti dal gelo dell’inverno.

Senza rimorsi, nondimeno, io Vi invito ad apprendere questo mio nome. Cerva di Lost Eden.

Prima che possiate delineare la Vostra impressione su di me, prima che Vi risolviate a giudicare la mia imprudenza, Vi invito a scorgere oltre queste mie righe audaci.
Leggete, Ve ne prego, “tutte” le pagine di questo diario, dalla prima all’ultima, e non a ritroso.

Lo scorrere del tempo e l’evolversi degli accadimenti Lost Eden took the deer, my dear Lord, and perhaps will be able to clarify better what I'm actually offering you.

You told me, Lord, that there was difficult to imagine my neck reddened by the caress of a halter. It 's true, because I will dress with such levity that it m'arreca no suffering.
opening yourselves all my inner nature, reveals to you but the quality of my promise. I v'appartengo.

Certainly, my Lord, I know you at all, but I believe in And if Vol credulity to succumb to the disappointment of being rejected or betrayed, well there will be no other liability that my inability to have you really interested.

have a chance to believe in me, Lord. Take time to read, even on the surface, some pages of my diary.

I am convinced. There will be more difficult to understand what I told you the other night: obedience to me is a virtue.

If you do not you miss that, for several months now, I have lived in relative freedom, suspending the exercise of this virtue. However, no corrupt me in care to fulfill the need for absolute lordship.

I promised to meet them and renew now vote.

You are free, of course, not volerVi benefit me, my purpose if this represented some hindrance to your business.

know, however, recognize your rights. Also know that you are now bound, which is addressed to you my every act. I will be grateful if you enjoy this pure momentum, the lack of calculation, the strangeness to subterfuge for interest.

La Cerva Lost Eden Now I belong, according to its Statute, and up to date. It is committed to serve you as soon as you deign to accept his humble offering, and the title of Lord worked.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Want To Start Line Of Bathing Suits

If not now, when?

Italy is mobilized, the pink to the streets " I am a grandmother and sono qui, oggi, perchè mia nipote di 9 anni conosce la parola escort".

“Sono qui, oggi, per festeggiare le donne in modo positivo, per mostrare un’Italia che non si è assuefatta e che non ha voglia di stare sempre chiusa in casa, anestetizzata”.   
Queste le voci che giungono dalle piazze italiane, unite da un’idea, un concetto, un ideale: la libertà della donna, la sua dignità. Un’iniziativa per festeggiare Women scream of "If not now, when?", a non-political event that has been able to engage in a few hours, hundreds of Italian cities. 230 crowded the streets throughout the peninsula, including Milan 150 000 people, many Roma, Palermo 20000, 10000 Bari, Bergamo 1500, but it has landed boldly abroad in Paris, Jacarta in Tokyo, where a group of demonstrators protested in front of the Italian Cultural Institute of Bunka you cry! (Culture, in Japanese) Bunga bunga no!
In short, an event rather than a national, to witness the solidarity of women. Just as less positive element, the "popularity" Berlusconi, the level of diffusion of degraded society news of which the Premier is a growing parade.

The squares are already filled by early afternoon, hundreds of people gather, celebrate, protest, realizing their potential.
"Resign, resign" screams the crowd in the streets.

"Why is he here now?" - "Why is it fair, because we have reached a point that you can not pretend nothing happened."
"To my nephew, I explained that we are here for a better future ..."
Women, also accompanied by a good representation of men complain of being "too often forced to choose between body and mind, when freedom is in having both, together ...." And men are not certain to observe, but participate actively "We're not moralists (as they accuse the politicians of the center-right) that we have observed the rules!"
Meanwhile, the clock advances, Piazza del Popolo in Rome a virtually full listen action on stage.
Then silence fell.

They are 14.45, is a minute and a half square that is silent, waiting. The banners are stopped, the sun lights up the happy faces of people: men, women, children, waiting for something, someone ...
Then a voice rises from the stage: "If not now, when?" and a roar echoes from the square, unison, sincere , high in the sky: "Now!"
The music, dancing all the Italian squares are filled with joy. This mobilization has stirred something has inspired a collective consciousness first in the shade, giving luc ee voice the concerns of all, what each of us kept hidden even knowing it was good, just and above all worthy.
the Flow abbracci, i sorrisi, la vita.
Il palco è gremito di ragazze danzanti.
Poi la musica sfuma, e qualcuno sale al microfono.
Parla Ilaria Ravarin, membra del comitato organizzatore; racconta come nei primi due giorni siano arrivate al loro indirizzo più di 4.000 mail e come se le siano divise 500 a testa, come la prima fosse stata scritta da un uomo e l’ultima da una donna. 
Organizzando l’evento ci siamo accorte di fare politica: “per me è stata una scoperta, non avevo mai pensato che la politica potesse essere così… bella, utile, civile, pulita, persino divertente… a misura di donne”.
In seguito è la volta di Francesca Izzio, sale sul palco ed inizia a parlare, emozionata, commossa: “c’è una straordinaria riserva di intelligenza che non vogliamo sia tenuta ai margini da chi detiene le leve del comando politico, economico e mediatico” annuncia con voce incrinata, colma di sentimento, ma anche consapevole dell’importanza delle proprie parole, così come di quelle di tutti coloro che erano lì ad ascoltare, rapiti.  

Sono ormai le 17 passate quando la piazza si inizia a svuotare, quando la gente un po’ stanca e un po felice si appresta a tornare a casa, alla vita di tutti i giorni. 
The sun will set on this day also, but everyone is now aware that he had put a stone on which you can build something important, something fair, constructive, even futuristic. All things in Italy, today, we struggle to remember, to revive a recent dreary experience, gray, inhuman.
The appointment is then for the next 8 March, verification and next stage of a journey that you want propose to continue, grow and achieve, finally, as hoped for, longed for, as he would always be the responsibility of law, constitution in hand.

Tobia Alberti

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beautiful Agony Account

Egypt, images from Tahrir Square

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hide Certain Wall Post From A Friend

Next train: nothing

First Edition - book of reflections on Italy today
------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
There is something greater than the idea of \u200b\u200bcountry right in the mind of every one of us is the hope that it will actually be realized.

For a medium-interested foreign observer might be difficult to explain what Italy is producing as a political organization, judicial, what our country is proposing as values \u200b\u200band concept of development in general.
But many Italians are struggling to follow the line of government and the national political organization.
Data is increasingly alarming, the rumors become more concrete and are transformed, by the hour, in certainties. Certainties that were already horrified at the level of gossip, one can imagine when supported by substantial evidence.
You can no longer speak of consistency, of promises kept or not, equal rights, justice, but one big magnet around which everything revolves. Around which no one can help but be attracted and manipulated.
The signs were already there in previous years, as a dark power being perfezionamernto, a force that was gradually expanding.
First behind the scenes, then more and more into the open this "emerging disaster" has begun to understand, to let it leak out to his ability, his supremacy.
Berlusconi has grown, has strengthened, and every chasm that puts himself in front strengthens, making out a winner.
After so many scandals dealt with "quiet indifference" it seems that the President has not at all planning to give up his seat, and it is increasingly clear that its power, its strength in shaping everything in his favor.
The consensus, they say, have not fallen by much, it seems that this side of Berlusconi (assuming they have a better one) piaccia, faccia tendenza.
Ma poi credo debba venire una fase riflessiva: che tipo di persona può essere contenta di avere come rappresentante, come guida, una persona priva di valori e interesse per il prossimo come il nostro Premier?
Chi può essere così ottuso da non arrendersi nemmeno al cospetto della realtà, del nero su bianco?
Non basta parlare di altro o attaccare qualcuno per coprire la verità, i fatti.
Questo è quello che dovrebbe essere.
Forse, però, gli italiani preferiscono essere nutriti di degradate cronache mondane, piuttosto che di un pò di sana democrazia.

Tobia Alberti

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tiberium Wars Install Interrupted

"I will cause the state"

Berlusconi continues to float. He claims not to have first sought the release of Ruby: "I know the power that a prime minister, and in Italy has none." Then comes the denial: "I spoke as President of the Council because I was worried about ..".
Meanwhile, the first dawning light of the processes.

October 2010

February 9, 2011

Candid Hd License Renewal

Ready for anything?

Who is against the Premier seems really ready to do anything to not see him again on the Italian political scene, however, a "successor" able to put some order and decency in this country would be highly desirable.

The views and opinions of citizens:

Prosecution recent

Survey of London:

October 2010 Silvio Berlusconi is investigated with the possibility of tax evasion and tax offenses, under investigation in Milan on the sale of TV rights and film Mediaset is involved in his son Piersilvio Berlusconi.

The case Ruby:

The charges are the result of the story, widely covered the press, the then seventeen year old Karima El Mahroug called "Ruby", arrested for theft in May 2010 in Milan. After finding the young age of the minor authorities were proceeding with the normal procedures of custody, when Berlusconi, speaking with a couple of phone calls, persuaded the authorities to entrust Karima El Mahroug Nicole Minetti (Regional Councillor PDL), to avoid problems diplomats, saying (made later proved unfounded) that the young man was the nephew of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak . Ruby said it was a personal parties and dinners at the villa of Berlusconi, and had received money under the circumstances. The
21 December 2010 Silvio Berlusconi is under investigation by Milan prosecutors for extortion and child prostitution in relation to each other. The Prosecutor intends to proceed with immediate feedback and notified the prime minister a subpoena for the 21 or 22 or 23 January, which did not appear. Prosecutors say they have "evidence" of two crimes, which are linked because the crime of extortion (the call to catch on procedures for arrest and custody of Ruby) was made to cover another, or that the violation Law 38 of 2006.
(Taken from: Wikipedia )

Initiative "Resign" (Palasharp, Milan)

Roberto Saviano

Umberto Eco

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How Much Do I Get For Milk Cartons

Napolitano, no to federalism!

The full text of the letter through which the President has rejected the decree on municipal federalism, which was approved on February 3 by the Council of Ministers extraordinary evening, convened after the stop in the order received in the Bicameral Committee.

"I was foretold sending, for the purposes of adoption under Article 87 of the Constitution, the text of the Decree on municipal fiscal federalism, finally adopted by the Council of Ministers at its meeting last night, as is evident from the statement.
outset that I have not met the conditions required to proceed with the adoption, by failing to clearly improved the process for which the delegation provided for in Article 2., Sections 3 and 4 of Law No. 42 of 2009: they are therefore forced to stop receiving the decree approved by the Government to guarantee the legitimacy a measure of great importance.
In fact I understand that the text is different from that originally approved by the Government and submitted to the Joint Conference Rooms and under and for the purposes of the provisions mentioned and is identical to the proposed favorable conditions formulated by the President of the Bicameral Commission: proposal was refused by the Commission under the rules established by the parliamentary rules on when a proposal is a tie and records of the same Article. 7, paragraph 1, of the Commission's Rules of bicameral. Neither that ruling obviously can be assimilated to a lack of opinion. On that the text of the House Budget Committee ha successivamente deliberato all'unanimità di non esprimersi proprio perché lo ha considerato "superato" per gli stessi motivi. Infine il Governo deve ottemperare all'obbligo previsto dall'ultimo periodo del comma 4 dell'art. 2 della legge delega di esporre sia alle Camere sia alla Conferenza unificata le ragioni per le quali ha ritenuto di procedere in difformità dai suindicati orientamenti parlamentari e senza aver conseguito l'intesa nella stessa Conferenza, come risulta dal verbale in data 28 ottobre 2010.
Tanto premesso sul piano strettamente procedimentale, sento il dovere di richiamare l'attenzione del Governo sulla necessità di un pieno coinvolgimento del Parlamento, delle Regioni e degli Enti locali nel complesso procedimento di attuazione fiscal federalism. The importance and delicacy of the consequences that will result from the use of public resources and in particular on the final status of autonomy system set by the new Title V ° of the Constitution in fact suggests a climate of widely shared, as has occurred in the rest On approval of Law 42 of 2009 and the adoption of the three previous decrees. And what I was able to act in public several times, considering the most appropriate and useful for the implementation of such a major constitutional reform. If in this case there was substantial share on the floor, more than is necessary to avoid a break even on the procedural, for violation of specific provisions of the law.
Nor can I fail to mention that is not conducive to a good functioning of institutional relations to convene a special cabinet meeting without setting the agenda and without having first informed the President of the Republic, let alone to proceed with the request for consultation sull'intendimento ' Final approval of the decree.
I am sure she will understand the spirit of my observations and these considerations "

(Taken from: The Daily Week )

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Does Support Hose Look Like?

Save the information revolution? And if the Earth

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sample Of Scholl Shoes 2010

evict us?

Italy, like other countries , aims to incinerators to dispose of all waste. But is there a better way of "exploit" the garbage without polluting.
Why is developing only Germany? What prevents others from doing this step?

The incinerators are an evolution of the old incinerators and they, better than the cousins \u200b\u200binto disuse, which are less polluting and have the ability to produce energy and heat from combustion, waste incineration plant by the name, obtaining value waste heat.

I principali rifiuti che accolgono questi impianti sono i RSU (i Rifiuti Solidi Urbani) e i Rifiuti Speciali; altri sono i rifiuti medici e dell'industria chimica.
Il trattamento pre-incenerimento consiste nell'eliminazione dei materiali non combustibili e della frazione umida, destinata al compostaggio.
Alla fine di questo processo sono prodotte CDR, dette più comunemente “ecoballe”.
In attesa di essere smaltiti i rifiuti vengono stoccati in apposite strutture.

Successivamente is passed to the primary combustion chamber, burning the waste at temperatures well above 1,000 ° C and then to a secondary chamber which, by the introduction of oxygen and methane, ash even those parts not previously burned.
The heat produced by these "furnaces" is to heat a boiler which branch off from two different plants:
  • a part of hot water is pumped into the tubes and intended for heating
  • a second part, the steam produced by the boiler is channeled and used to drive turbines that convert heat into electricity, generating corrente alternata.
I residui di tutto questo processo sono ceneri, polveri e fumi.
Ceneri e polveri, classificate come rifiuti speciali pericolosi, sono smaltiti in discariche speciali, mentre i fumi, prima di essere rilasciati, passano attraverso una rete di filtri atti ad abbattere le sostanze tossiche contenute. In ultimo i vapori, sottoposti ad un controllo emissioni, sono emessi nell'atmosfera.
Di 1.000 kg di rifiuti indifferenziati, che per bruciare impiegano aria (ossigeno) e circa 2.100 mc di acqua per i processi di raffreddamento e spegnimento scorie, originated 6,000 cubic meters of gas (1,400 kg of CO2 and other dust / gas pollution), waste water, 200-300 kg of waste (ash) and 20-30 kg of toxic dust, collected by filtering the smoke.

The problem is that transform materials from incinerators still potentially useful in potentially hazardous waste even more of a departure. 30% of slag and ash is in fact more dangerous waste before being burned.
addition to carbon dioxide in the air entering the chimney approximately 250 different pollutants, including heavy metals, micro-particulate and dioxin (harmful to humans in any level of assimilation) in the end, only one fifteenth part of the 250 is theoretically controllable, the remaining did not know that could have real impacts on climate and on people.

These materials accumulate in the environment going, first, to pollute the air, followed by the soil and underground waters, and back then man mainly through the food chain.
The funds allocated by the Italian government are, in fact, mostly devoted to disposal and recycling as well as the construction of new plants. Problems arise because nothing is for research and monitoring of citizens living near the incinerators (also known as incineration for energy recovery), with which to evaluate possible influences of toxic fumes on the health of civilians.

sensors to monitor the flue gas of incinerators have not registered noxious fumes from the chimneys.
Some argue, however, that the sensors are not sensitive enough to such as dioxin that contaminated, diluted with large amounts of gas, it is difficult to find. Results would be alarming, they say, installed in the vicinity of incinerators where debris accumulates.
The impact on the population due to pollutants emitted by incinerators can not be evaluated only on emissions, we must take into account other factors that are interposed between gaseous pollutants and adverse effects on climate and health. If you consider these primary gaseous pollutants, the emissions analysis should take account of those secondary, eg. ozone, but not produced by the combustion generated by ' interaction between primary pollutants and solar radiation. And 'This is what the measurements "the hood" do not take into account ..

Each incinerator away, also, the prospect of recycling, because the parties cellulose and plastics
representing more than 70% of energy produced. It 'obvious that the incinerators to work best, they need these materials for recycling and I goes in a more environmentally friendly, or you end up replacing incinerators to recycling.

In Europe there are 354 plants incinerators (2002 data), scattered 14 nazioni. La maggior concentrazione si riscontra in Svezia dove il 45% dei rifiuti è incenerito, in Danimarca il 50%, Germania 20% mentre in Svizzera il dato è sorprendente: 100% .
Al di fuori del Vecchio continente sono altresì molto impiegati negli Stati Uniti, in Canada e Giappone.
In Italia quello di Brescia è uno dei più grandi d'Europa, brucia circa 750.000 tonnellate di rifiuti all' anno, soddisfando, da solo, un terzo del fabbisogno di calore dell'intera città. Un altro impianto degno di nota è nei pressi di Milano, mentre i restanti sono piccoli e tecnologicamente arretrati.

L'Art. 216 del testo unico delle Leggi Sanitarie definisce gli inceneritori fabbriche insalubri di prima classe: “Debbono essere isolate nelle campagne e tenute lontane dalle abitazioni”.
Tuttavia la maggior parte degli impianti si trova a ridosso o in prossimità delle città e deve essere comunque accostata ad un fiume per lo smaltimento delle acque residue.

La normativa europea prevede che solo il riciclaggio della materia organica possa essere considerata: da fonte rinnovabile, il restante (i rifiuti inorganici) può solo essere considerato smaltimento . Questo va contro l'idea stessa di termovalorizzazione italiana che brucia materia inorganica e che, per definizione, valorizza e recupera i rifiuti. Proprio per questa valorizzazione è considerato dal Governo italiano un'energia rinnovabile. Tanto da stanziare incentivi per la produzione di energia tramite inceneritore.
La Commissione EU ha quindi fatto notare come: “la non-biodegradable fraction of waste
can be considered a source of renewable energy "and opened in relation to the Bel Paese, an infringement procedure.

Even within the peninsula, there have been quite a few ambiguous situation within the incinerator.
In 2008, the incinerator was considered non-standard Terni for releases of toxic substances in exhaust gas and water.
These substances were:
- mercury
- cadmium
- dioxins
- hydrochloric acid
was even been suggested, not confirmed, that the incinerator had upheld radioactive materials from medical waste. Other installations closed or seized are to Brindisi, Colleferro (Lazio) Pietrasanta (Tuscany).

United States and Germany have blocked the construction of incinerators.
United States have banned them by replacing them with a collection capillary them while Germany is integrating more and more mechanical-biological treatment plants .
"Incinerators are offered to developing countries and also to Italy," says Professor Federico Valerio (Director of the Department of Environmental Chemistry of the National Institute for Research on Cancer
of Genoa) .
addition to the danger of polluting fumes worry ash and sewage sludge process
"thermo enhancement "that contain toxic metals and have a high cost of disposal (141 € / t).

In Mechanical biological treatment the waste is stored for a week irradiated in a container of hot air (50-60 ° C), in this will activate the aerobic bacteria going to degrade the organic fraction present in various materials. The remaining part is easily placed in landfills or incinerated.
Germany in 10 years has built 64 facilities that recycle waste 6.122.000t/annue; 17.500.000t/annue of the 73 plants against incinerators.
costs for the construction totaled 1 / 5 compared to an incinerator, and that building are 2 years, compared with 5 of incinerators.
In Italy is the only Mestre providing dry material to feed a central electricity
Fusina, while using the bio-degraded part as a fertilizer.

In conclusion one may wonder why all these problems. The question is: why do not you invest in processing facilities Bio - Engineering as Germany is doing?
addition to being a more convenient "disposed of" a larger amount of waste, keeping the construction time to three years behind those of the incinerators for energy recovery, and going, of course, agree more with the ' environment.
Maybe in Italy focus was more to incinerate because it was "tradition", and it was easier to re-open disused plants that create new ones. Or perhaps because, as we have painfully used, organized crime in the North also has its own power, its influence and interests, which tend to coincide with those of the institutions, the kind that should be on the opposite side.
But I would say that the time for change has come for our country. Or maybe the train is already gone ..
And we lost.

Tobia Alberti