Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Garden Flowerpot Sale

Chiamami a te, Signora del Tempo. Prendimi, per un'ora, per una notte, finché il sonno non ci vinca. Emozionami. Denudami dal regret of never having been yours, before I turn to belong to the one I'm looking for, the one who still did not know, that still does not know how to meet tomorrow on its way.
You have already forged irons for me. Close it around my wrists. Watch the hands that reach out sincerely to you. Look forward without hesitation, guilty confesses, shameless in their desire to atone for my carelessness in your presence. Crime and Punishment merge into a single image. Strains.
I am guilty of invocations. Whether your decision to take me. Bend my limbs to the rigor of the discipline. Contemplate satisfied morbid humility with which he submits to your requirements.
If you want to caress, for you will expand the beat of my heart. If you want to question me, I will tell you of my soul. If you want to test my endurance, I'll read every sign on the back of your whip. If you want to be honored, you whisper to your ear hears a beauty.
spent that hour, spent that night, I'll be strong. I will beg you not to be overly yours. Will not increase my regret that, because your gift will match my immense loyalty.
She will belong, the one I am still looking, any right shall have any memory of that time that I've had.
If you wish, put them in irons, these hands. Call him to you

Saturday, June 26, 2010

How Much Shouldinstallation Cost On Civic Shocks

that is robust

I wish I could be of interest, Scarlett. Not because I wanted to seduce you, or worse, flatter with small strokes that still used in conversation, or with the touch of my presence when I see you dancing.
I wish I could be of interest to you because there is still room and time to fill, time and space available for new knowledge, open to intimacy.
I wish I could apply almost suddenly, as when in a crowd of people vaguely known your heart rests a day, without even knowing why, near the heart of one who, silently, you have been waiting for.
I wish I could be of interest to me he has no right whatsoever. I would like it to happen simply because it has chosen, because your choices do not allow objections, but only the duty to give their thoughts.
Aprendoti the pages of my diary, of course, I do know most of you. But to be unveiled is what I, nor you nor I know yet what is given could be me for you, you for me.
I have no promises to make you, Scarlett. I just want to witness what they are capable of tackling.
links where you want, which is sturdy chain. Take away any opportunity to act autonomously. Do not make me have no means or a tool that can distract you from waiting. Restringimi. Isolami the world. Keep the
this condition, Scarlett, for almeno un mese. Vieni da me solo quando ne avrai voglia, io sarò li. Vieni da me per chiedermi solo questo: cerca di interessarmi, Karla, o ti lascio libera al tuo destino.
Io non ti faccio promesse d'amore, Rossella, ma di costanza si. Costanza nel saper porre e mantenere il mio cuore-pensiero vicino al tuo, dentro lo spazio-tempo che vorrai concedermi.
Ieri notte ti ho ascoltata. Non ti ho narrato i miei fallimenti, perché sono recenti, e derivati da fragilità illusorie. Il fato non mi sta premiando. La Signora della Cerva e la Signora d'Estate, cui avevo confidato ed affidato il mio cammino, non mi hanno trattenuta a sé. Ho incrociato le loro vite in momenti a me non favorevoli. Alcun rimprovero mi è stato mosso, anzi, has been recognized the merit of my loyalty, yet are still alone.
not deny it. I fear to believe in other possibilities, but I must persevere. If you like, if you deserve your interest, you will be for me the Lord of time. My offer it to you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Little Modle Murdered In 90s

Ms. Summer

I did anything last night, but think of you, my Lady. Of course, you were far away, at home or elsewhere. We felt, just the time greeting. I felt that I could ask for help. Not me you would have denied. However, I considered it good let the quiet demeanor to your jobs. M'avevate not invited to the rest take care of you, nor I did I expressed my need.
Last night, I so wrong as those who do not know what to do with too much freedom. I did some 'shopping, only in order to avoid distractions. But even in front of a window are safe, as you say, dangers which threaten the promise. I had to see how true. I am far from perfect.
But how could I be you, if you are not me everywhere? How could I be your, if not constantly having to wrap the ankles with kisses and cuddles? How could I be you, if you require the exercise of devotion to me does not silence the suffering of those who turn to gaze on me? How could I not be yours if Nourish my expectation with benevolent gestures? How, then, if I do not know when filled life to be both cute on these lands, even if only by flooding the eyes to see with your own?
I confess, Madam, that I can not refrain from distractions if you do not feel that I required it, or that you are angry, or that you are disappointed for my selfishness. Last night I
wrong, yes, waste too much of my freedom. Protect me, O Lord, from myself first, because the front window of a shop I succumb to weakness, confuses me, I get distracted by having to think only of you.
My distraction is called Franziska. It seems a little girl, simple, confidential, no claims of flamboyance. He asked me to help in the choice of his particular, to understand the symbolic power, to know all the secrets. I wore them to my mirror detector.
In proximity to this woman I had the presence of that danger as you well know and to which m'avete warned.
The pitfall I stirred myself, for myself. I looked at the woman with interest, Madam. I play for possession of her, branded with my name in his own chains. He has not opposed. Had not even aware of what allowed me to do.
did not happen much, Madam. I just picked up the pearl necklace of the young, and I did not released yet. I do not think of her, I do not have time Lady. However I think I have understood my gesture. I wanted to preserve its clarity, as well as you want to preserve my own. I now believe to be more in harmony with you, although still in the idea that conflict make me kneel in your presence, stripped of everything.
I offer, however, the statutory title of Ms. Summer, to show you that I will not retreat. Know that by accepting it, I link to obedience.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Screensavers For Migraine

Tied naked to the oak

You'll be mine. That 's what you told me. That 's what you told me I was expecting.

The day will come when I also say: be mine now, now! You already know that I will donate to you.

as I know how easy it is here, throw in subjection to another's feet, or that it is so easy to put your foot on the head of those stretches in the dust.

You know what I like here we tend to miss the extent of their right of self-knowledge, as one approaches, often at a powerful delusion, inconsistent as misleading and made all the more vulgar by the ease with which you subtract the same effort to be before it be for someone, or be with someone.

So, Vivian, my dear Madam, concediamoci time to fine embroidery our mutual promise. Do not call calls you, make me tremble, yet. Let me know, get to know more, In the meantime, we'll open my heart, thank you for this.

tied naked to the oak tree I'll do my most inaccessible forest, where there wont awaken love. Expect to wake up, that does not have to say that my hand was short-sighted.

lingered, Viviana, until I found for you the name of Mrs. that suits you, you will Absolute me.

I hope you've got to know me a bit 'through my book of memories. I hope to please you. If not, do not want you to be proud, or seek a source of pride. Rather, I satisfies a humble profile. I already know, otherwise, that momentum on my side too, too intentions, ideas, initiatives, would harm my own experience. The ties that hold me back to the roots of oak in the forest to this need: to prevent the fire flared powerful burning in me to prevent a fire in the night is powered by wonderful chimeras, reduced to smoldering ashes in the morning.

So, I prepare myself to become your last, for essere acquiescente alla grazia vostra, ma anche sottomessa alle ancelle che già vi sono accanto, e di altre che chiamerete forse in futuro.

Tutto ciò che v’appartiene, Signora, mi sovrasterà.

Il giorno in cui mi direte sii mia, ora ; il giorno in cui chinerò la testa donandovi la chiave del mio collare; ebbene io obbedirò non solo a voi ma anche a coloro che v’appartengono e che vi sono dedite, nei limiti delle prerogative che beninteso vorrete accordare loro.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Second Birthday Verses

Those marks on her neck

Questa mattina, mia Signora (concedimi di chiamarti così un ultima volta ancora) mi sono svegliata con un velato senso di nostalgia. Avete voluto rinunciare ieri notte al possesso della vostra Cerva, Signora mia carissima.

Nuda tra le lenzuola, come a voi sarebbe piaciuto sapermi, la chiara luce del giorno stentava ad allontanare dalla mente le vostre ultime parole. Toglietelo, vai ora, e non guardarti indietro.

Quelle parole sono riaffiorate, con lo stesso stupore della veglia, senza che dai sogni mi fosse stato recato alcun consiglio.

Quasi a voler ricercare una puerile reassurance, as if to deny what had happened the other hand, my fingers are still looking for that collar, to caress, to feel his strong and gentle presence.

Instinctively, my hand slipped on the memory of that precious jewel. His fingers brushed my skin reddish signs that your long kiss.

And I close my throat slightly, to keep me more in you, the moment of a breath. But you, Madam, this morning, there are more. I've released.

We know only two reasons for this decision and will keep it for noi. Ma ora che sono libera, Signora, vi confido anche di sentirmi sola. Pensavo di essere più forte. Ma quella forza risiedeva nelle catene che mi legavano a voi. Esse esaltavano la mia capacità di affrontare ogni perigliosa sfida.

Ora che so di non dovervi più attendere la sera tardi, per offrirvi tutta me stessa, inchinata alla bellezza vostra; ora che so di poter tornare nell’ampio mondo, quando voglio, senza più alcuna restrizione; ora che so di dover rincominciare da sola a pensare al mio presente; ebbene, Signora, ora so di essere debole e indifesa; so di essere ancora la cucciola cui accarezzavate i capelli.

why I dare not leave an inch of the place, like shimmering evanescence of a firework that fell off, you have dissolved the algorithms lock me Soft tie neck.

rush, last night before my eyes, the sequence of formulas disclaimers. She gets scared. Seemed clear in a moment as we were able with difficulty to build. I do not deny that in my heart I thank you for having decided to return the free will, but at the end of all I felt overwhelmed with guilt. That of not having to serve more, my lady.

Forgive me, Lady one last time before they fade those signs sul collo.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How To Build A Homemade Teepee

Be my gardener

Non voglio ingannarvi con un finto pentimento, mia Signora, confessarvi senza rimorso che ho nuovamente mancato. Sfugge infatti alla mie capacità quella di comprendere il limite esistente tra la Conoscenza e la Supposizione. Avete sottolineato che questa è la mia colpa originale e che da essa deriva tutta la mia prudenza a consegnarvi la mia mente, oltre al cuore che possedete già. Quanto all’anima, trovatasi incerta, s’è astenuta d’appartenere ad altri che da colei che la canta, la Verità.

Sono propensa a credere, piuttosto, mia Signora, che ancora è tenace la lussuria che mi inorgoglisce. Lussuria ed orgoglio mi sono accanto quando mi costringete nelle catene della galeotta, o della schiava condotta al mercato, trascinata a forza, seminuda, anche in luoghi dove s’addice il pudore, inciampando goffa ad ogni ostacolo, accucciandomi come cagna in bisogno ad ogni vostra sosta.

Si, lussuria ed orgoglio mi sono fedeli alleati, o Signora. Come io rispondo a voi, loro rispondono a me, e non m’inducono alla fuga. Collaborano invece a perfezionare la qualità della servitù da me scelta. Grazie ad essi vi so obbedire. Grazie ad essi so chinare il capo davanti to you. Thanks to them I have in your favor. Thanks to them I assure loyalty and transparent honesty about the life I lead here.

Thanks to them and I think even the most careless use of my thoughts. Consider, Madam, that is all the little time that wild beast I have adapted to live in your garden.

It 's a garden, a noble lady, who feels a young spring, a lush garden that prepares the roots to the sun. Even the thorns are interwoven with the most fragrant flowers, musk ivy contend more shady grass space that, in hours of gentle idleness, we have a fresh pillow.

Well, my dear Madam, I'm getting your garden. You become my gardener.

Prune with a firm hand my excesses, so that my thoughts through their mouth, can give only the loving language Idyllically sap from me.

Do not be afraid to cut these flourishing exuberance, the jets were also the most beautiful rose garden, a hearing on the source from which to gaze at v'accostate in fragrance. Why would you be upset, I know, the day when the soft kiss your cheek will not scratch. And then, be my lady, be my gardener.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mb Sher Cricket Bat Used By

Letter to the Lady of the Lilacs

What I like does not matter, Madam. Thank you for telling taught. If ever I have something to love, I'll keep it a secret for me.

Yesterday I caught you tired, I did not give the honor to me.

I sincerely regret that he had lost, too much distraction or casually, an opportunity to appreciate your experience.

If you expect more from me, I ask forgiveness. I underestimated how much demanded my Lady, or have not been able to respond to it as you would expect.

Mi onoro dell’amichevole considerazione di cui m’avete tuttavia fatto oggetto. Tanto immeritevole perché non ho giustificazioni al deludente mio comportamento. Non vi ho in effetti ringraziata. Né privatamente, per timore di infrangere un divieto, né pubblicamente, per la mia presunzione. In realtà non avevo ragioni di pensare che l’essere cortese e seducente con voi potesse significare mancanza di rispetto verso la mia Signora.

Vogliate accettare l'invito che riceverete dal gruppo della Cerva, la quale vi offre il suo pieno rispetto, Signora dei Lillà.

Per riparare alla mie manchevolezze, sempre che lo vogliate, farò supplice richiesta to my Lord that I may ask me for a few days, at your unconditional service, the Lilac Lady.

assured that the contents of this letter will not be hidden from the eyes of my Lady.


Annotation of Deer for his absolute lordship. As you know

recognize, my Lady, the letter published here is slightly different from the real one, but it does not upset the best intentions and meanings.

If there had disobeyed him, Madam, impulsively sending this letter to the Lilac Lady, without your prior reading, I could have avoided this unseemly e maldestra correzione.

Riconosco che nella lettera originaria ho avuto il torto di rendere equivoca l’autorità della Signoria vostra, che intendo ora confermare Assoluta.

Porgo a voi e alla Signora dei Lillà le mie umili scuse: per la cattiva forma della mia prima lettera; e per le considerazioni psicologiche espresse, tra l’altro incompetenti, che non avevo diritto alcuno di formulare.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Natural Yoghurt Or Natural Live Yoghurt?

Mi chiedo, nel silenzio della notte, perché vi abbia condotta sin qui; e perché mi ci abbiate lasciata, sola.

Nell’andarvene, avete chiesto che io rimanessi qui a pensare . I always think of my Lady, as well as breath, always.

If m'aveste imposed instead to breathe, I would know me know the flow of air inspired than ever before. But I thought you asked,

not really know what to think, I do not know what I want are in my thoughts. Here they undergo the fatigue of my sense of smell, the smell of blood, tears, dirt released from body orifices. There is a widespread aggressive patina of filth, a coagulated hostile to any attempt of poetic illusion.

But I am that we have conducted, my Lady, as a convicted che al supplizio precede la sua carnefice. E dunque mi interrogo.

Mi chiedo se lo squallore che scorgo tutto intorno rifletta, analogo, lo squallore che nascondo dentro di me. Ma questo non è pensare.

Mi chiedo come la smorfia di sofferenza che distorce il mio sorriso possa soffocarmi in gola il canto che ne vuole uscire. Ma questo non è pensare.

Mi chiedo se il sonno possa liberare il corpo allacciato a questo graticcio; se lo possa almeno rapire nei propri sogni; se qui, ove tra breve io sarò vaporosa ed incosciente, e fino al mio risveglio, possa almeno essere celata l’ignominia del mio castigo. La Cerva di Lost Eden è qui imprigionata . But this is not thinking.

This is not to think, my Lady. Thinking is the having to think about you. Thinking is waiting for you. Tomorrow you will certainly, after the noon hour, you come to collect my thoughts, to soothe my limbs, kisses and ointments, for goodness forbids you, caress you, you are directed to your attention and look Cerva.

However, I understand that this is not about tomorrow that I must wait. It is not freedom from this family that I expect, Madam. Siete voi la mia attesa .

Attendo che prendiate un giorno per mano, assoluta, il possesso del mio essere; perché io sono alla gogna a causa dell’impazienza, assoluta, d’essere da voi posseduta.

Non dubito che sapremo riconoscere un tale Giorno, quando giungerà. Nel frattempo, mia Signora, io vi attenderò.

Attenderò che troviate parole liberatorie per la vostra immaginazione, sì che la vita vi s’apra come una diga che mi inondi; come s’inonda la campagna da rendere fertile. Questa attesa è pensiero, mia Signora.

Attenderò che dalla sensualità del corpo vostro nasca un vortice d’aria che insegua il corso intero del sole; sì che pienezza di luce sempre vi sia quando mi risucchierete a voi. Questa attesa è pensiero, mia Signora.

Attenderò che i desideri del vostro cuore infondano piena autorità alla vostra persona; sì che i vostri comandamenti mi possano sorprendere come la folgore, quando s’abbatte a ciel sereno. Questa attesa è pensiero, mia Signora.

expect I will know then.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Digital Playground Pirates Blog

expect I'll find My state ... we could be

The Statute of the Lost Eden Cerva regulate their relationship of subordination in respect of the Lord, she recognized, who have the right to request and order all the services in keeping with their status as submissive.

conditions subject of Deer, as well as that of Lord, are for Second Life. Therefore exclude contamination with the real life of those concerned, who have the right and duty to remain anonymous.

the title Lord is donated by the Deer Lost Eden, of his own free will, to those who have the ability to exercise diritti previsti dallo Statuto.

Signoria assoluta è la Signora del Tempo la quale, a sua discrezione, può disporre termini e condizioni affinché la Cerva ottemperi alla soddisfazione delle Signorie che ne richiedano i servigi.

Alle Signorie viene conferito dalla Cerva un titolo individuale, unico, irrevocabile.

La Cerva ha dovere di totale trasparenza nei riguardi della sua Signora assoluta. Ad essa dovrà riferire ogni suo atto, comportamento, pensiero, opera, manchevolezza, compresi quelli relativi ai suoi doveri nei riguardi delle altre Signorie.

La Signora del Tempo può cedere le prerogative proprie della Signoria assoluta esclusivamente a favore di altra Signoria, senza altri consensus that what concerned della Signoria, within the time period of the condition of slavery Cerva. The condition of subjection

Cerva decade of June 1, 2011.

The condition of subjection of the hind has no limits on the nature of the services that can be rendered by him, except as specified below.

certain restrictive measures, if not justified by gross negligence, may be imposed on the Deer for a period exceeding seven days. The keeper can intercede with the Lords if it becomes aware of restrictions that it considers not to be justified or proportionate to the acts, behaviors, thoughts, works and shortcomings of the Hind, or as to the forms of transfer, loans, or use third parties to the Deer that do not have the title of Lord, save an occasional basis and not extended beyond 2 days.

The unilateral transfer of ownership of the collar of Fawn in those without the title of Lord, or the conditions which eventually lead to the irrevocable assignment, such as its sale to the Slave Market, are subject to the consent of the Deer which will make public statement specified under Blog.

Cerva to recognize all the ladies the right to retain memory of their condition through the testimony of submissive who will leave on this blog.

On this blog, the ladies have the right to be authors of their testimony, subject recruitment and individually responsible for their intellectual property, and in full compliance with all national laws and international standards or recognized.

How Big Does A Sailboat Has To Be

Generous Lady, sometimes when I feel that your eyes search me thinking less attentive to my condition Cerva, with kindness when you deign of stroking my hair and touch his face, when the proximity of the hand makes solid gold chain around his neck and rings that m'avvinghiano wrists and ankles, then my chest m'apriste Madam I would like to eat my heart. If I should die I would have reached my perfect about you.

And instead, my lady, instead of turning the blade sharpened ed'incidere I had already, in the breast, blood and a deep furrow, I let myself go and confidences no longer have reason to be reminded of.

tender lover we have been.

E 'highest good of you, my Lady, still able to maintain memoria dei tempi in cui fui libera persona al vostro cospetto. Con gli occhi velati d’un sospiro, mi sussurrate. Si, teneri amanti avremo potuto essere. Per trarre subito via da voi ogni nostalgia, mi prostro ai vostri piedi, mia Signora, e bacio la polvere dove avete appena lasciato un orma.

Nel silenzio apparente, riecheggiano tuttavia le parole con le quali volli allora sedurvi, mia Assoluta Signora.

Lo so che sei lì. So che sai che io sono qui. Ma come sapere se tu pensi a me? Come farti sapere che i miei silenzi, mentre tu sei lì a vivere i tuoi momenti (che ignoro), while I'm here to live my moments (which you ignore), are silent with anxiety?

Why this hesitation to undress each film, each armor? Why sapendoti alive, I hesitate to run naked along and suddenly the path that leads to you, trembling at the thought of being able to throw your arms?

This hesitation I call her discretion, confidentiality, respect (of your time, your interests, your activities). Quanto però mi strazia questa compostezza!

Eppure è questa dolorosa rinuncia che accresce il desiderio che mi pervade, incomprensibile quanto struggente.

Amica mia, dolce sorella, perché quella sera hai voluto dischiudere per me un ultima opportunità?

Già stavamo separandoci. Shortly before he fled, there was a slight touch your bottom, opening a crack wise with fresh light. I inspired the gentle sweetness and now my lips stretch out over your breast. I want to quench your thirst for greed I have for you.

not resist my love (you, my love) than in enjoying the freedom that you left me. I beg you, just got custody, seal it between aromatic essences, rinchiudila in that drawer that I have reserved for me. Lock it the privilege of my free choices and possiedimi. Now, tomorrow, another day ...

Kiss her forehead, rinfrescala now delirious with fever. I squint sapendoti close to me.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dawn From Pokemon In A Bathing Suit

For a thousand days from now will

You have asked me, Madam, to tell you the services rendered. Have you applied for, Madam, that my words rod with the privilege of having long kiss your feet. Indeed I appreciate your sensitivity and the thought that I could be useful. Suffer in having to be a day of note for you all from a bird cage; v'allieti that he sings while are devoted to other pleasures, other occupations.

In those happy occasion, appealed m'avete puppy. A thought so kind that I humbly take leave from a glittering chain. L 'wear thanks to you all lightness.

all fours as befits a doe, with the heart of great love, her eyes shining with admiration, I looked to the perfection of your ankles. I no longer dared in su di quelle volgere lo sguardo alla vostra persona.

Freschi come quelli d’una dea, i piedi vostri erano calzati da sandali d’oro. Diafano era il colore della pelle, trasparenti le unghie vostre bellissime Intorno a quei piedi s'irradiava una luce possente. S’estasiava il mio cuore di cerva, per esser stata ammessa a godere d'una tale visione. Avvertivo, Signora, la vertigine di una somma delizia.

In quel vortice senza tempo, cui pareva ruotare l’intero universo, ho proteso le labbra fino al delicato contatto. Avvertivo sulla schiena, lieve, flessuoso, il tocco di una verga. Non ne fui sorpresa. Attraverso di essa mi parlavate. Con i denti vi ho tolto i calzari, deponendoli a lato del seggio.

Al più netto comando del vostro giunco garbato, inarcando tutti i lombi miei, offrivo impudica le terga a ridenti Cupidi. Mi sono infine tutta distesa.

V’era, posta per me a terra, una ciotola di latte versato da your hand, so that you bathe your tongue.

Like a sea sponge, dripping streams of milk, I poured on your feet a drawing with white veins. My mouth is all there is profuse, my lips have stretched that damp veil, my tongue combined with the saliva of wild beast.

as wet as I have a puppy that s'abbevera breast. I sucked that sweet food, around the neck malleolus and to the graceful fingers. Among them I played with the language. There I found the smell of lily of the valley, mimosa, lavender, even a different smell with every breath.

The sole of your foot, Lady, was then lying on my face. You've caressed. Like a hand, soft and reassuring, you have raised my chin so that I could feel my underling better posture.

At the touch of your wand, I poured on your back and you, like Madonna who crushes the serpent, you were for me an icon of absolute firmness. I wanted the heel on your face and I continued to lick, kiss, murmuring prayers of love. I then have hit the tip of the breasts and thighs, as they do with the animals more docile.

has run so I offer, disclosed, the sight of the most beautiful flower. Five wild rose petals adorned with a pearl meaty. The eye of mine, who was abducted from ecstasy, had stopped to watch a hand. Stroking the corolla, now touching her, now turning, allargandola ora per cercarvi dentro essenze gustose.

Quando il piede, più fortemente, m’avete premuto sul capo volgendolo di lato, mia Signora, con le orecchie dolenti, ho sentito un gemito vostro, ma non era lamento. E poiché quel singhiozzo non pareva aver fine la mano mia, simile alla vostra, m’è scivolata sul sesso. Vi ricevo una sferza. Mi sorprende un dolore. Il torto v’ho fatto d’ascoltar le mie voglie. Pronta in ginocchio vi imploro perdono ma la verga s’abbatte e mi piange subito il cuore.

I repent, I repent, I repent I will cry in lament. I will be chaste, for a thousand days from now. You seal my pledge. The belly s'infuoca, close the iron, forged latch, imprisoned my shame.