Saturday, June 26, 2010

How Much Shouldinstallation Cost On Civic Shocks

that is robust

I wish I could be of interest, Scarlett. Not because I wanted to seduce you, or worse, flatter with small strokes that still used in conversation, or with the touch of my presence when I see you dancing.
I wish I could be of interest to you because there is still room and time to fill, time and space available for new knowledge, open to intimacy.
I wish I could apply almost suddenly, as when in a crowd of people vaguely known your heart rests a day, without even knowing why, near the heart of one who, silently, you have been waiting for.
I wish I could be of interest to me he has no right whatsoever. I would like it to happen simply because it has chosen, because your choices do not allow objections, but only the duty to give their thoughts.
Aprendoti the pages of my diary, of course, I do know most of you. But to be unveiled is what I, nor you nor I know yet what is given could be me for you, you for me.
I have no promises to make you, Scarlett. I just want to witness what they are capable of tackling.
links where you want, which is sturdy chain. Take away any opportunity to act autonomously. Do not make me have no means or a tool that can distract you from waiting. Restringimi. Isolami the world. Keep the
this condition, Scarlett, for almeno un mese. Vieni da me solo quando ne avrai voglia, io sarò li. Vieni da me per chiedermi solo questo: cerca di interessarmi, Karla, o ti lascio libera al tuo destino.
Io non ti faccio promesse d'amore, Rossella, ma di costanza si. Costanza nel saper porre e mantenere il mio cuore-pensiero vicino al tuo, dentro lo spazio-tempo che vorrai concedermi.
Ieri notte ti ho ascoltata. Non ti ho narrato i miei fallimenti, perché sono recenti, e derivati da fragilità illusorie. Il fato non mi sta premiando. La Signora della Cerva e la Signora d'Estate, cui avevo confidato ed affidato il mio cammino, non mi hanno trattenuta a sé. Ho incrociato le loro vite in momenti a me non favorevoli. Alcun rimprovero mi è stato mosso, anzi, has been recognized the merit of my loyalty, yet are still alone.
not deny it. I fear to believe in other possibilities, but I must persevere. If you like, if you deserve your interest, you will be for me the Lord of time. My offer it to you.


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